by marcus ➕follow (7) 💰tip ignore
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The moment was captured by C-Span cameras as Trump was speaking over the phone with astronauts Christina Koch and Jessica Meir during their "All Woman Spacewalk." Trump referred to the occasion as "the first time for a woman outside the Space Station," but Meir subtly corrected him by saying that there have been other women to spacewalk, but this is the first time that more than one woman has done a spacewalk on a ship at the same time. Trump then used his middle finger to scratch his head, and the action is being perceived as a rude gesture toward Meir.
Liberals officially offended when someone scratches head.
Liberals officially offended
Although I did have the thought that this might be almost at a level where some of the Trump fan boys would finally get a clue as to the temperament of this guy.
If he wanted to flip them off, wouldn’t he just do it?
What we care about is policy, economy, and the future of America!
And for fuck sake, why do Liberals think anyone gives a shit or willing to have their political standing influenced by “temperament.”
Here's footage of Trump scratching/wiping sweat on his head that kinda sorta looks like he might be flipping the bird.
Have we started a new, FUCKING war, killing millions yet? Well, we had by this time into both the Bush and Obama administrations
richwicks saysHave we started a new, FUCKING war, killing millions yet? Well, we had by this time into both the Bush and Obama administrations
Factcheck: neither one killed anywhere near a million, let alone "millions".
Carry on.
richwicks saysHave we started a new, FUCKING war, killing millions yet? Well, we had by this time into both the Bush and Obama administrations
Factcheck: neither one killed anywhere near a million, let alone "millions".
Carry on.
I'm not surprised, that you guys would deny it.
Not even a little. The thing is, I also know you are about as honest with yourself and others as your messiah, so you probably actually know what he did, and think it's funny.
Damn Tenpounder, I think you just shut Marco up.
Yeah, that photoshop is a powerful tool alright.
Even if it's real, as some response to a political attack, I wouldn't argue that it's not tacky, but I would argue that it's quite a bit different than doing it becasue a Nasa astronaut corrected you on a trivial misstatement.
marcus says
Even if it's real, as some response to a political attack, I wouldn't argue that it's not tacky, but I would argue that it's quite a bit different than doing it becasue a Nasa astronaut corrected you on a trivial misstatement.
By the way, my implying it might be photoshop (it's not - see how easy that is !), it isn't half as bad as TPB suggesting a swastika at a Trump rally, caught by local news journalists, is a Soros plant.
I personally don't think he was doing what you're saying.
Who knows, perhaps Trump was actually looking around to flip off the staff person that wrote his incorrect statement about the first women to do spacewalks. Still a douchebag move.
We know for a fact that HRC and Soros open society clowns sent agitators to Trump rallies, some of which were dressed as bernie supporters and they were discussing other "props". Dressing like bernie supporters is the only one I remember for sure feom the wikileaks though, and they followed through w it causing enormous chaos. Do you deny this?
Makes sense they'd send swastika carrying clowns too.
I did also say this.
I think he's a clown, with no self control whatsoever.
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