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106168   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 25, 1:41pm  

WaltertheoFlanders says
What offence did Joe and Hunter commit?
For Hunter its: Failure to register as a foreign lobbyist, money laundering, and tax evasion; just like Paul Manafort. For Quid Pro Joe: the nickname speaks for itself.
106169   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 25, 1:44pm  

Onvacation says
What offence did Trump commit? I can't think of anything that rises to high crime or misdemeanor.

He committed the crime of becoming president and putting US citizens first. I wish the inquisition impeachment squad would just be honest about that.
106170   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 25, 1:51pm  

Chiromancer says
richwicks says
Trump hasn't murdered anybody in cold blood, when Obama did.

And you know this how? The drone attacks have continued under Trump. Granted he is probably too stupid and inept to realize those deaths are his responsibility as a supposed commander and chief. But who knows maybe the special ed daily briefing in comic book format has penetrated, so to speak.

Obama gave an executive order to kill, without trial or any other due process, a specifically-named individual who was known at the time to be a US citizen. I think it was a good idea, but there you have it. Remember, Obama himself said his time in office was scandal free.!
106171   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 25, 1:55pm  

California should put a 50% state income tax on any the portion of each state pension exceeding $50k/year.
106172   richwicks   2019 Oct 25, 1:57pm  

Onvacation says
What offence did Joe and Hunter commit? I can't think of anything. Now the way tRump held up aid for his political gain that's way more impeachable than anything Clinton did.

They OVERTHREW Ukraine. There was no revolution in Ukraine, it was a US led coup.

What happened is that Ukraine was broke and needed money. Yanukovych appealed to the IMF for help, Russia made a better offer and Yanukovych took the Russian offer and as a result, Ukraine wasn't going to join the treacherous EU that has just destroyed Greece and Italy. This couldn't be allowed so the US overthrew the government.

Victoria Nuland, a Neocon whore, even bragged it only cost 5 billion dollars to do, remember "fuck the EU" comment of hers?

In any case, the Obozo administration then inserted themselves into the process to profit, Biden was part of it. They are just mafia sluts. A cokehead asshole that just got dishonorably discharged from the Navy because of his drug addiction had no business being on Burisma's board of directors even for $1 a month, it was a bribe for favorable consideration through the Obozo administration.

Talk to a Ukranian for fuck's sake.

Stop defending criminals. The US is corrupt, and you shouldn't tolerate corruption. What the Biden's did is no better than what Dickhead Cheney did with Halliburton. Stop putting up with criminals in your government, assholes.

These are people suffering under you criminal government. You suffer too, I do as well. Will you assholes please get a sense of right and wrong, and stop thinking of left and right?
106173   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Oct 25, 2:00pm  

WaltertheoFlanders says
Quigley says
Absent a crime that necessitates his impeachment

Unfortunately your view of "A crime that necessitates his impeachment" and the view of the duly elected house Democrats are probably different and since the duly elected house Democrats are the ones deciding then your opinion on this means jack shit to them.

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Its literally as clear as day.

And you idiots wonder why there might be a civil war if President Trump is impeached.

Stop lying. Back In Your DNC Box.
106174   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 25, 2:07pm  

I don't quite see what magic power TSLA stock has from an investment standpoint. Useful patents? Manufacturing know-how? Their genius manufacturing-in-a-tent technology will soon be cloned by their "partners" in China anyway.

The company's finances strike me as being highly leveraged and so any hiccup will cause an implosion. Remember Excite@Home company ... sailing along beautifully until oops! A cascade of financial problems resulting in instant bankruptcy.

Having products that people love doesn't guarantee business success. For the record: I plunked down nearly a model-3's amount of money for some PUTs @300 with year-out expiration.
106175   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 25, 2:13pm  

OccasionalCortex says
Proposition to do just what you propose
It'll be like Prop 187 ... passed with overwhelming support and then shot down by the corrupt California courts.
106176   richwicks   2019 Oct 25, 2:25pm  

CovfefeButDeadly says
WaltertheoFlanders says
Quigley says
Absent a crime that necessitates his impeachment

Unfortunately your view of "A crime that necessitates his impeachment" and the view of the duly elected house Democrats are probably different and since the duly elected house Democrats are the ones deciding then your opinion on this means jack shit to them.

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Its literally as clear as day.

And you idiots wonder why there might be a civil war if President Trump is impeached.

Stop lying. Back In Your DNC Box.

We literally have people in the executive office directly profiting off from war and coups - from the Bush administration right into the the Obama administration, and our so-called "news" media won't say a word about it. This isn't the country I grew up in. I'm always amazed, and disgusted, at what US citizens put up with. If your government has no principles, no honor, neither do you. Why do people allow this?

Fuck, at this point, I wouldn't even bat an eye to see a military coup. Our entire federal government is run by outright, obvious criminals.
106177   richwicks   2019 Oct 25, 2:34pm  

OccasionalCortex says

I am starting to think that Shrillary is behind all this. Otherwise, the media would be protecting Hunter & Daddy.

Good, it would be funny to see Clinton who was doing pay for play, accepting bribes, through her so-called "charity", run again. She's George W. Bush with in a skirt with his dick stuffed between his legs. Just another Neocon dirtbag.

Biden is corrupt, as corrupt as Dick Cheney or Michael Chertoff - I wouldn't mind a bit seeing these criminals get dragged into this maylee. When a population accepts the corruption of their government, the population is tainted as well, and they don't even benefit from the corruption.
106178   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 25, 2:40pm  

Perhaps Pelosi can anger enough citizens that she'll flip the House back Republican majority. With Boehner and McCain out of the way in the Senate, the legislative branch might actually get something done. Hey! We can always hope!
106179   richwicks   2019 Oct 25, 2:43pm  

OccasionalCortex says
Yeah and Tulips once sold @ today's equiv of $17k per bulb, too.

Keep in mind, that was the cost of a house at one time. We are in a lot of bubbles.
106180   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 25, 2:43pm  

(2) Budget

I don't think Trump cares much about the deficit. Last time he did a shutdown it was because he was trying to get funding for the wall, not because he wanted a slimed-down budget.

He'll just prod the Federal Reserve to push interest rates negative and then all of a sudden the national debt will become a source of national income. (Yeah, I know it won't work like that, but the point is that the borrowing is pretty cheap for now.)

I'm guessing he feels that the budget isn't his fault. It's up to congress.
106181   RWSGFY   2019 Oct 25, 2:47pm  

SunnyvaleCA says
I don't quite see what magic power TSLA stock has from an investment standpoint.

At my cost base it lags Dow. :(
106182   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 25, 2:49pm  

richwicks says
Talk to a Ukranian for fuck's sake.

Yup, the irony isn't lost on the Ukrainians. Quid Pro Joe was the point man on cleaning up corruption in Ukraine, so the Ukrainians pay a generous bribe to the Biden clan. You can't make this stuff up!
106183   Shaman   2019 Oct 25, 2:58pm  

richwicks says
Space is a complete waste of money - it's interesting, the Hubble was mind blowing, but there's absolutely no reason to send people into space today - the ISS hasn't produced a single piece of research that is useful and if you doubt this, name the research. SpaceX is another scam.

I could not disagree more strongly.
Space is The future.
106184   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 25, 2:59pm  

With anti-Trump leaks come from those hearing every day, I wouldn't exactly call it "closed door."

And another thing to consider... if the testimony were mostly bad for Trump (not just the select leaks), don't you think the House would be holding hearings out in the open? Yeah, it's "secret" so only the out-of-context and bad parts can be selectively leaked.
106185   Rin   2019 Oct 25, 3:04pm  

Tech workers, unlike the AMA (Doctor's guild), are free market losers.

In other words, they're worker bees who don't comprehend that they don't own the capital and thus, aren't a part of the free market which is about capital and not the work one does. And thus, they're dumber than the secretary who knows her place in the organization.

There was a saying ,,, "I can just hire a PhD", by a company CEO.
106186   Shaman   2019 Oct 25, 3:04pm  

You might not like “traditional” unions, but they do offer significant job security against pernicious management, insourcing, being fired for expressing an opinion (James Damore anyone?), or otherwise being hosed by your employer.
In the example blackface posted, just the fact that the employees WANTED a Union was enough to activate labor laws on the books which protected them from company retribution to a certain degree, including backpay.
106187   kt1652   2019 Oct 25, 3:19pm  

You tesla shorts are toast. 2020 will be huge for tsla. Shanghai Gf3 will be producing model 3 at less than half of cost today sowing into biggest EV Market in the world.
Model y the long-awaited SUV will be kicking ass in the USA. The cost efficiency from model 3 learning will will hit you bears so hard you wouldn't even see stars. We're talkin about automation, eliminating wiring to a fraction of existing manual assembled copper wires.
The pickup truck is going to kick ass.
1 million mile battery will roll into production, the Maxwell Acquisitions going to reduce costs and extend range and weight at the same time.
Tesla is so far ahead it is almost a joke.
Look at the Porsche Taycan it can't even beat a seven year old model S.
106188   HeadSet   2019 Oct 25, 3:22pm  

With Boehner and McCain out of the way in the Senate

Plus those 40 odd RINOs gone who chose not to run in 2016.
106189   RWSGFY   2019 Oct 25, 3:35pm  

Porsche has flopped spectacularly, true.
106190   RWSGFY   2019 Oct 25, 3:43pm  

OccasionalCortex says
And $775k for FIFTEEN people is a dirt cheap settlement for Lanetix at that!

"Could be zero"

PS. Their whole financing is less than $10M. I'd say 7% of everything is not trivial.
106191   kt1652   2019 Oct 25, 3:44pm  

Less range, slower, at 2x the $. What's not to like about a Taycan Turbo? Someone please tell Porsches EVs don't have turbos.
Oh by the way where is the supercharger Network for your $200,000 slow EV?
106192   clambo   2019 Oct 25, 3:49pm  

The guys who bought TSLA at $383/share all have their fingers crossed.

The possibility of ever receiving a dividend from TSLA is zero.

If Tesla weren't run by an egomaniac conman liar I would give them a chance of being worth something.

Even so, with an awesome CEO the assumption that everyone else is going to sit still and not make battery cars is a fantasy.

I see Chevy Bolts all over the place; the 3 owners whom I asked all said "I love this car!"

Maybe everyone who owns an electric car loves it. That doesn't mean you should expect that company to take over car production worldwide.
106193   clambo   2019 Oct 25, 3:52pm  

First they brought in farmworkers who were illegals. Those had children who are academic underachievers.

Then they brought in foreigners legally to replace American workers in tech and other occupations (e.g. medicine)

The underachievers will cause the global tech companies to complain more "there are no qualified workers! we need to import them!"

The situation sucks, it's a shame companies feel zero remorse throwing Americans out of work to be replaced by scabs from India.
106194   kt1652   2019 Oct 25, 3:54pm  

Clambo his mouth and removed all doubt, he knows nothing about EV
106195   EBGuy   2019 Oct 25, 3:57pm  

Where's muh rebate next year?
106196   kt1652   2019 Oct 25, 3:59pm  

Who gives a s*** about rebate it's already cheaper total cost of ownership how many freaking oil changes and transmission rebuilt and gas go into a five bucks a gallon is it going to take?
Oh I know the answer why don't we invade Iran and get the oil
106197   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 25, 4:14pm  

OccasionalCortex says
Already well underway. Stay tuned for the coming indictments.

Thanks Rod and Jeff. Mueller and his henchman Weismann pulled the same questionable, exculpatory evidence concealing shit they did in their previous cases at Enron, Merill-Lynch, and the Bulgers. Problem is, Barr, Horowitz, etc. know how and when they accessed that information as well as the phone calls and texts.

Brady violations are no joke. Judges really, really don't like Brady violations.

Lisa Page lied to both McCabe as well as the Trump Admin, she's looking at the Martha Stewart charge several times. Will be worse because she's a LEO employee. Unless, she sings like a canary. All of these jokers forgot exactly who has all the comms ever made, inc. within LEO circles.

It's going to be timed precisely for early next year, preferably after Golden Mumu launches her campaign.
106198   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 25, 4:25pm  

When US IT guys had the muscle in the 80s and most of the 90s, little global competition, and a bidding war for their salary, they should have formed an AMA/Bar type association.

Now the march back will be difficult, but necessary.

It was bad for freedom and national security: A pro assoc. established by libertarians might have contained "Won't regulate user free speech on any task we are involved in" and limited members to US Citizens. Paki and Chinese nationals employed by Big Tech are making bank selling National and esp. Corporate Secrets abroad.
106199   EBGuy   2019 Oct 25, 4:27pm  

"Smell that? You smell that? Short squeeze, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of a short squeeze in the morning. You know, one time we had short interest that was 23% of the float. When it was all over, I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' short. The smell, you know that ozone smell, the whole hill. Smelled like… "
Tesla’s stock rally is costing short sellers $1.4 billion
106200   EBGuy   2019 Oct 25, 4:27pm  

"Smell that? You smell that? Short squeeze, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of a short squeeze in the morning. You know, one time we had short interest that was 23% of the float. When it was all over, I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' short. The smell, you know that ozone smell, the whole hill. Smelled like… "
Tesla’s stock rally is costing short sellers $1.4 billion
106201   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Oct 25, 5:31pm  

SunnyvaleCA says
With anti-Trump leaks come from those hearing every day, I wouldn't exactly call it "closed door."

And another thing to consider... if the testimony were mostly bad for Trump (not just the select leaks), don't you think the House would be holding hearings out in the open? Yeah, it's "secret" so only the out-of-context and bad parts can be selectively leaked.

This and only this. I can’t believe how easily people swallow the msm propaganda. What is this, hysteria no. 50?
106202   richwicks   2019 Oct 25, 5:39pm  

jazz_music says
If your government has no principles, no honor, neither do you. Why do people allow this?
Same reason as there are mass shootings.

That's your government doing that. Ever fire a gun? Fire 700 rounds from the weapon of your choice, not a handgun, in 15 minutes.

That's what supposedly happened at the Mandalay Bay done by this guy:

Remember that? Remember Jesus Campos - the security guard? Where is he now?

They think you're stupid, but I know you're not stupid at all - you're just gullible.

Your government murdered a ton of people on October 1, 2017 for two reasons - 1) to try to start violence they could associate with Trump 2) to damage the 2nd amendment. Your government did that. I know you don't believe it - but go to a range and fire off 700 bullets. Anybody that has actually gone to a range knows the story is bullshit. We all know.

Go to a range get all the weapons of your choice, and just fire off 700 bullets, in 15 minutes. See if you can do it and when you're exhausted after 100, maybe 200 rounds, you'll realize who the enemy is. It's not me, they are in DC.

We constantly try to educate you and you propagandized zombies just can't be reached. I'm absolutely serious - go to a gun range. 15 minutes 700 rounds. I know you don't want to see the real world, but I want you to see it. Easy test, costs you a bit of money, but when you're done, you'll be certain.
106203   marcus   2019 Oct 25, 5:46pm  

106204   richwicks   2019 Oct 25, 5:54pm  

rdm says
Trump is no moron but he cultivates that perception intentionally

That sir, is ridiculous. The old 17 dimensional chess argument done one better.

Oh for fuck's sake - Trump is NOT playing 17 dimensional chess, or even 4 dimensional chess, or even chess.

He's playing checkers - the problem is that the MORONS on the other side are playing tic-tac-toe.

Stop thinking the fuckers that have been running the nation for the last 16 years are smart - they're not smart. I'm smarter than they are, you are too. All they are, is ruthless, criminal, and sociopathic. All it takes to defeat the fuckers is not to be an idiot, and to ignore their kindergarten tactics, and of course - to stay alive.

"He's a Russian agent". Really? That's how goddamn stupid they think I am. You're not this stupid, you just have grossly misplaced trust. 2 1/2 years of "Russian collusion", you'd think when Mueller, the fucker that helped lie this nation into the Iraq War, showed up and testified like a befuddled, stupid, crazy old man it would be over, but nope, people are EXTREMELY gullible.

You are NOT stupid, you're just gullible.
106205   Shaman   2019 Oct 25, 5:59pm  

Fuck, I have a semi-automatic shotgun and after 100 shells at clays I am done.
106206   richwicks   2019 Oct 25, 6:08pm  

Quigley says
Fuck, I have a semi-automatic shotgun and after 100 shells at clays I am done.

I swear to god they make up these ridiculous stories to drive sane people insane and they keep upping the ante and doubling down, over and over and over again.

Think about law enforcement, either they don't know the story, or they literally can't put 2 and 2 together. They are on range all the time, how could they NOT know? What about anybody that's been in the military??? Shit, if I was a MARINE, I might be able to fire off 700 rounds in 15 minutes, maybe.
106207   Onvacation   2019 Oct 25, 6:30pm  

jazz_music says
crimes. --I forgot what they are exactly.

Yeah we know.


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