Kennedy Assassination...Zero Motive Supplied

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2013 Nov 20, 10:33am   2,738 views  26 comments

by John Bailo   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

The basic problem I have with Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories is not the evidence (which always seems to disprove them and favor the Lone Gunman as the culprit) but the lack of motive.

This stems from a complete lack of historical knowledge about where Kennedy stood and how he got elected and who his cohorts were. Those accused of masterminding the assassination are the people who benefited from having him in office!

Here are the list of possible conspirators:

Mob: Not likely. Kennedy invaded Cuba so the mob could get its casinos back. Sam Giancana helped Kennedy get votes. Frank Sinatra was a pal of his. And yeah, Bobby prosecuted some Mafia guys, but I bet those were the enemies of Kennedy's friends.

USSR: Kennedy more than anyone pushed the Soviets from the liberalizing polices of Khrushchev, to the hardline military policies that followed. He was their dream come true!

CIA: Why? Kennedy gave them everything they wanted and more -- like the Bay of Pigs!

Racists: Kennedy held back civil rights. He couldn't afford to alienate the Solid South which was still Democrat.

Castro: Kennedy turned him from a punk to worldwide superstar. If anything Castro would want a second (failed) invasion to boost his supreme power and ability to command resources from Mother Russia.

The Rich: Kennedy cut income taxes from 90% to 50% for the top guys. Would they want to get rid of him? I think not!

Did I leave anyone out? JFK was in bed with most of his purported assassins. He delivered...for the top dogs!


Comments 1 - 26 of 26        Search these comments

1   HydroCabron   2013 Nov 20, 11:54am  

Wait: there are conspiracy theories about the Kennedy assassination?

2   curious2   2013 Nov 20, 12:57pm  

John Bailo says


In 1963, FBI wiretaps recorded Carlos Marcello talking repeatedly about wanting to find someone to kill JFK. Sam Giancana had supported JFK but felt betrayed by RFK's efforts to prosecute organized crime. Oswald had his own motives: he wanted to be something bigger than he was, and his marriage and life were falling apart anyway. The House Committee in the 1970s, and mob boss Joe Bonanno in his memoirs, thought someone in the mob persuaded Oswald to do it and may have paid him.

3   Rin   2013 Nov 20, 1:06pm  

curious2 says

Oswald to do it and may have paid him

Which also implies that if there were two shooters, based upon the
Zapruder film, then Oswald was the failed wannabe from the book depository while the others, behind the Grassy Knoll, were the ones who'd provided the kill shot.

4   curious2   2013 Nov 20, 1:15pm  

Rin says

if there were....

Oswald had been a Marine, where his initial rifle training qualified him for Sharpshooter; he chose radar instead, but even when he left his aim was Marksman level (second highest, below only Sharpshooter). He could easily have made all three shots in eight seconds from his vantage point in the School Book Depository, with no need for help from the grassy knoll.

Oliver Stone did a sad disservice to history with a terrible movie called JFK that fooled too many people about the events and people it depicted.

5   Y   2013 Nov 20, 1:16pm  

As an aside, what knoll is grassy in November??

Rin says

curious2 says

Oswald to do it and may have paid him

Which also implies that if there were two shooters, based upon the

Zapruder film, then Oswald was the failed wannabe from the book depository while the others, behind the Grassy Knoll, were the ones who'd provided the kill shot.

6   Rin   2013 Nov 20, 1:28pm  

SoftShell says

As an aside, what knoll is grassy in November??

We're talking about Dallas, not Boston. It doesn't get very cold down there.

7   Rin   2013 Nov 20, 1:33pm  

curious2 says

Oswald had been a Marine, where his initial rifle training qualified him for Sharpshooter

Aside from Mr Stone, we also have a former Navy Seals, Gov Ventura, on this topic ...


8   curious2   2013 Nov 20, 1:43pm  

OMG - the guy in the wheelchair "shleepsh with a gun under his pillow." I hope he doesn't take Ambien.

9   Y   2013 Nov 20, 1:44pm  

So Bill Newman was full of shit after all....

Rin says

SoftShell says

As an aside, what knoll is grassy in November??

We're talking about Dallas, not Boston. It doesn't get very cold down there.

11   thomaswong.1986   2013 Nov 20, 5:24pm  

Rin says

Aside from Mr Stone, we also have a former Navy Seals, Gov Ventura, on this topic ...

Stone clearly got it wrong.. it was the fashion industry...


12   Rin   2013 Nov 20, 9:49pm  

Everyone's watching the wrong movie, it's not the Oliver Stone crowd of the early 90s, it's Hollywood legend, Burt Lancaster & crew, from '73.

Here's "Executive Action", the most controversial film about the subject and only on the 10th anniversary of the shooting.



Given the movie's prompt removal from the theaters and the fact that it wasn't available for TV, for another ten years, almost hints at the notion that this *work of fiction* came way too close for comfort. Back in the 70s, gritty realistic (and/or even erotic) works of fiction weren't automatically removed, including "Last Tango in Paris", which was quite over the top.

Shortly after "Executive Action", Burt Lancaster's career went nowhere. Possibly one of the greatest leading men in Hollywood with many decades of great movies, Lancaster started doing lesser roles after this movie.

In other words, the most memorable individual actor, eclipsing all the wannabes of today, faded away.

13   Tenpoundbass   2013 Nov 20, 11:02pm  

The Liberal media has lost Obama he is a lost cause. They have ran out of unjustified accolades to bestow on him to bolster his popularity. So now they have resorted to digging up Kennedy and blaming the GOP for killing him.

Even dead JFK is 10X's more relevant than Obama, and a more effective leader as well.

14   Rin   2013 Nov 20, 11:56pm  

CaptainShuddup says

So now they have resorted to digging up Kennedy and blaming the GOP for killing him.

Hold on, wasn't LBJ a Democrat?

And wasn't he the most prominent person, who had a presidency to gain, if Jack were to go?

15   MisdemeanorRebel   2013 Nov 21, 1:23am  

Army and FBI professional snipers could not duplicate Oswald's shots, after fixing the faulty, non-zero'd Italian Rifle AND even while shooting at stationary targets, during the Warren Commission investigation.

As for "Sharpshooter" this is actually the middling grade which the Marines of the 1950s expected most Marines to achieve at the end of Basic. "Marksman" barely qualifies you to pass out of Basic Training. Oswald scored just two points into Sharpshooter during Basic, and a few years after Basic, in 1959, he only barely qualified as "Marksman", the lowest passing level.

(Links are to testimony in the Warren Commission)

Oswald allegedly pulled off what multiple snipers with decades of full-time professional experience could not with a "Cheap Rifle", according to an FBI Firearms Expert named Frazier. He had a hard time setting up the rifle to fire, because everytime he adjusted the crosshair to the left or right, it moved the elevation up or down because of the poor build.

16   MisdemeanorRebel   2013 Nov 21, 1:40am  

As for Motive, JFK was PISSED at the CIA after the Bay of Pigs.

He was promised that the CIA exile army would not need US support, that upon landing they would receive enthusiastic support form the populace Instead, the exile army bogged down, and then the CIA demanded Kennedy give them USAF support.

JFK and RK knew they had been deliberately set up by the CIA, who wanted to get them in a position where the invasion would fail without direct US Military assistance. He vowed to smash it "Into a Thousand Pieces", and withheld air support from the Pay of Bigs.

JFK was also pissed about Diem being killed in a CIA-backed Coup - that wasn't part of the deal.

As a result, Dulles was basically fired. Dulles had many friends, and had been in intelligence a long, long time...

JFK than began to mull the presence of US Advisors in Vietnam, and began making moves to start de-emphasizing the role of the US in South Vietnam.

Are Intelligence Agents Vindictive? If the CIA is anything like the MI5, yes.

As for LBJ, the agreement at the time was that social programs were necessary - both to reduce the appeal of Communism, and to insure enough consumption to prevent a second Depression. Most Republicans were on board with it.

Why LBJ was appealing is that unlike JFK, he was uninterested in negotiating with the Russians; he was a Liberal, but an ultra-hawkish liberal. Also, LBJ hated the Kennedys.

So in LBJ they got the war in Vietnam they desperately wanted.

This also explains why RK was killed - RK was a real vindictive prick and a great operator with charisma. Had he been elected, a lot of people would have gotten the axe.

17   New Renter   2013 Nov 21, 2:35am  

egads101 says

Obviously, the JFK killing was done by the same people who did 911. They did, it, to put conspiracy theories out there, as a false flag against conspirators, so that people would be less likely to look closely when they struck again.

Dude, you know too much!

18   Ceffer   2013 Nov 21, 2:44am  

The clinchers for me that Kennedy's assassination was an American putsch:

numerous medical witnesses openly stating that the back of his head was blown out, the cerebellum was exposed. You can find these multiple testimonies on you tube, with all of the witnesses showing a hand or fist sized defect at the back of the skull. These numerous doctors hold their hands or fists at the back of the skull behind the ear. The much touted autopsy picture of an apparently intact back of head with an "entry" wound was observed by some later queried witnesses to be an empty scalp flap pulled up by hand with no skull beneath it, and none of the queried witnesses remembered seeing the "entry" hole.

As shown in the Zapruder film, Kennedy was shot from the front with an exploding round that blew the back and side of his head off. A rear entry shot would have blown the front of his head off. There was much gaslighting to explain how a rear entry wound could make it "appear" as if the shot had come from the front. I say BS, you can see what the shot does.

Also, the throat shot and the holes in Kennedy's shirt and coat show a round that entered from the throat and travelled down from front to rear. He was tightly bound in a corset, and would have to have been bent over for such a shot to enter from behind, or the gunman would have to have been in the trunk of the limousine. This shot was a completely "clean" shot through and through, as opposed to the exploding shot to the head.

As far as Oswald's marksmanship, he would have needed an extra ordinary amount of luck and skill to have landed his shots as stated, even if three rounds shot were theoretically possible with his mail order rifle.

The Warren Commission did not allow medical evidence, i.e. photos, x rays etc., just "select" testimony from a few witnesses, with many witnesses at the scene of the shooting excluded or not heard from. The exclusion of medical evidence was stated at "sensitivity" to the Kennedy family, which is total BS, an objective inquiry would have gone where it needed to go.

Also, LBJ was a known thug and corrupt politician who often stated that the end justified the means. His own lawyer and mistress implicated him in the assassination. He hated the Kennedys and J Edger Hoover, but gave Hoover his lifetime appointment when he assumed the Presidency, in exchange for what? His cooperation in the cover up, one would presume.

Kennedy was killed from within the government, and the "lone gunman" canard was foisted for the usual blank permission that it was in the interests of the country and national security. There are numerous pictures of Earl Warren from this period, and he invariably appears to be haunted and nearly broken, because he was press ganged into overseeing the cover up.

It was common for politicians and senators to have a mistress or two under controlled conditions, but Kennedy was a sex addict with sociopathic derelictions, supported by fairly rampant drug use. It was joked that he and Elvis had a lot in common, because they were always had an attendant with a valise full of drugs. in close attendance.

His sickly appearance turned into a much healthier presentation because his Addison's disease came under novel treatment with harvested adrenocortical steroids, and improved his health and appearance enormously. His perpetually tanned appearance wasn't health, but at least partially a side effect of Addison's disease, which imbues an dusky appearance to the skin. Meticulous grooming and dress gave him the appearance of a much more robust and healthy person than he was during his presidency.

He just plucked whatever women he could grab from where ever he was. All of these women would have had boyfriends/husbands etc. and these boyfriends would have become instant, powerful and committed enemies to Kennedy when he screwed their women with abandon and just tossed them off.

19   HEY YOU   2013 Nov 21, 3:06am  

Oswald & the Grassy Knoll shooter(s) were just invoking "Stand Your Ground". I'm not sure about Ruby.

20   GordonScott   2019 Oct 31, 12:22pm  

Hi John Bailo,

You ask a good question in what each suspect group/individual would benefit from the assassination. Here are several:

1) To satisfy Allen Dulles and his cohorts at the CIA. Revenge for the firing and preventing a lower level of world influence.
21   GordonScott   2019 Oct 31, 12:26pm  

To John Bailo,

You ask a good question, here is a quick list on who benefits from an assassination.

1) Allen Dulles and the CIA. Revenge for the firing and preventing a lower budget and worldwide influence.
2) Defense Contractors hoping for a long drawn out Vietnam war to make buckets of money over 15 years.
3) Lyndon Johnson. A psychopath who hated the Kennedy's more than you or I can imagine.
4) And most importantly, International Bankers who promote and feed off private central banking.

There are probably more who benefit but the above list is enough to kill anybody.
22   RWSGFY   2019 Oct 31, 4:27pm  

Russians. This is the only good explanation as to why the whole thing was made into such a fucking mystery by US Govt. For obvious fucking reasons.
23   Rin   2019 Oct 31, 4:32pm  

Ceffer says
He just plucked whatever women he could grab from where ever he was. All of these women would have had boyfriends/husbands etc. and these boyfriends would have become instant, powerful and committed enemies to Kennedy when he screwed their women with abandon and just tossed them off.

This is why I only fuck hoes up in Montreal.
24   Tenpoundbass   2019 Oct 31, 5:09pm  

Speaking of Kennedy, there was a reason, Loathsome American hating Commies and Liberals worldwide was butt hurt when Trump didn't take the Macron ride to the War Cemetery. And an even bigger reason Trump does his domestic campaigning runabouts in his private modes of transportation, with his own detail.
25   GordonScott   2019 Nov 1, 12:16pm  

Again to John Bailo, a 5th group that dramatically benefits from the JFK assassination are the Texas oil barons who knew that Johnson supported the oil depletion tax and the only impediment to having this rescinded was the living presence of JFK.

Here is a controversial statement, Kennedy's philandering was a given and natural given his good looks, wealth, and ultimate position of power. All of the boyfriends and husbands who may have been upset did nothing to cause the assassination unless their names were Allen Dulles, John Foster Dulles, or Lyndon Johnson. The only men on Earth who could get revenge for Kennedy's screwing around must have the last name of Rothschild.

I admire JFK for standing up to powerful greedy and power hungry groups. It would have been easy for him to just go with the flow of elitism for eight years.

26   Onvacation   2019 Nov 1, 6:22pm  

Whatever happened to @John Bailo?

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