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106266   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2019 Oct 30, 12:26pm  

Russian Astros collusion!!!! Where is CNN?!!
106268   zzyzzx   2019 Oct 30, 1:20pm  

Rats ate some plastic in my car's engine bay:
106269   Bd6r   2019 Oct 30, 1:36pm  

zzyzzx says
Rats ate some plastic in my car's engine bay:

Have you tried poisoning them?

I have some field rats in my yard - they do not bother me, but sometimes they get into house attic. I have an open tray with rat poison in attic, so they are quickly eradicated.
106270   Bd6r   2019 Oct 30, 1:45pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says


On the Internet!?

I can't believe either!!!
106271   zzyzzx   2019 Oct 30, 1:59pm  

In case it's not obvious as to where the holes are:

106272   zzyzzx   2019 Oct 30, 2:47pm  

6rdB says
Have you tried poisoning them?

For one thing, my cars are old, like at least 20 years old and aren't made of soy products, and both leak stuff. Even my good car leaks oil. My beater leaks almost everything. As in, my cars are less tasty then almost all of the other cars in the neighborhood. That and a crary cat lady lives 2 doors down, and her yard cats used to do a good job killing the rats, but they have gotten older, spoiled, and lazy lately. That and the black people a few doors down don't maintain their place and that's where the rats live. Can I poison rats without potentially poising anything else?
106273   Bd6r   2019 Oct 30, 2:55pm  

zzyzzx says
Can I poison rats without potentially poising anything else?

I use this, and it appears to work well:
I don't think cats will eat this. It will poison mice tho.

Another, even less humane poisoning possibility would be Paris plaster or cement mixed with flour, works on mice and rats:

This recipe uses plaster of Paris, a white powder made from gypsum cement. It dries hard and is often used for molds and casts. When you mix it with something that’s enticing to the mice, they’ll ingest it, and when the plaster mixes with water in the mouse’s stomach, it will harden in their digestive tract and kill them. Common ingredients you can mix with plaster of Paris are peanut butter, sugar, or cornmeal (I would not use sugar or peanut butter as other animals might eat it then). Mix into a dough and roll into balls, then leave in areas you think mice might be.


I don't think cats will eat this - may be need to avoid places where birds can get to it.
106274   NDrLoR   2019 Oct 30, 3:11pm  

zzyzzx says
where the holes are
Back in the early 80's I backed my mother's little used '79 LTD out of her garage and noticed anti-freeze leaking. Opened the hood and a rat had built a nest on top of the engine and had gnawed anything that carried water--the overflow bottle, windshield washer reservoir and lines for windshield washer fluid and some wiring around the carb. She often didn't drive her car for days, so it had time to do its work. The dealership cleaned it out and repaired the leak, two weeks later it had built another nest but hadn't done anymore damage. Got poison from the city because they said they only had the strong stuff, made a line around the garage. A week later found the thing croaked in front part of garage. This was early 80's, so those poisons are probably not as effective as then.
106275   WookieMan   2019 Oct 30, 7:18pm  

I thank Duckworth for her service. Besides death, she got a bad tour of duty over there and lost a limb. That said, she a fucking retard. Probably one of the most unintelligent Senators in US history.

That's the beauty of IL. We have a 1/4 of the people CA does and you get chances to meet these people in person. She has no business representing a used car dealership....
106277   socal2   2019 Oct 31, 12:51pm  

WaltertheoFlanders says
Pay attention.

Elections have consequences.

They do indeed.

Remember that when Barr and Durham start handing down criminal indictments on the Obama and Hillary bureaucracy who tried to overturn the 2016 election.
106278   HeadSet   2019 Oct 31, 1:18pm  

Not one item in that list was true. Why not include mass murder and homosexual rape as well?
106279   HeadSet   2019 Oct 31, 1:46pm  

Guess what - Humans are going to go extinct, either by the line hitting an evolutionary dead end, or by evolving into something new. Unlike other species, we may even engineer our successor though genetic manipulation or bio-cyber creations. Remember, only 10,000 years ago North America was populated by several species of mammoths, mastodons, rhinos, saber tooth cats, giant sloths and others. All gone now.
106280   Shaman   2019 Oct 31, 2:03pm  

What Trump did with his phone call to the Ukrainian President wasn’t impeachable, and a good third of the country doesn’t even consider it inappropriate. That’s hardly the confirmation you need to remove a sitting President.

This is going to finish the Democrats for a generation.

And it will be richly deserved.
106281   Rin   2019 Oct 31, 2:05pm  

Zzzzz ...

Zzzzz ...

Sorry, I was just sleeping. I didn't realize that there was news blasting on the President.
106282   Tenpoundbass   2019 Oct 31, 5:04pm  

My Democrat coworker is serious as a heart attack, about not voting for the Democrats next election.
I told him, there aren't any Democrats, just Liberal Commies. He totally agreed. He's now asking me to go back and retell him everything he thought he already knew from CNN and MSNBC, when he used, their talking points to talk over and past me, without hearing one damn thing I was telling him. Going all the way back to the next day Donald Trump came down the escalators. That's how long this guy has been carrying Democrat water against Trump. Now he wasn't me to recap him. I was blown away.
106283   Ceffer   2019 Oct 31, 6:20pm  

The Probe! They want to get Trump into a closed room without witnesses or representatives and let IHLlary have her way with him with her collection of barbed wire knobby strap ons.
106284   WookieMan   2019 Nov 1, 9:03am  

Tim and Walter

Why do you think the president should be impeached? Give us an honest response. Not feelings, actual facts.
106285   WookieMan   2019 Nov 1, 11:16am  

WaltertheoFlanders says
Do you really think anyone at this site has actual facts. There will be a public hearing, at that point we can discuss your question. Tell me why we should not have an impeachment inquiry?

Exactly, what facts? Everyone is pushing for an impeachment with NO facts. Our government is there to serve us. If there are facts with Trump that should be disclosed, well fucking disclose them already. No one is going to or should be behind an impeachment without some evidence of wrong doing made public. You know there are no legitimate facts and so does the Democratic party. They have nothing, so they aren't saying anything. It's frankly embarrassing. Come out and say Trump did X, Y and Z. There's none of that going on.

I'll be the first one to say Trump should go IF they find a fucking thing. To date they haven't. There's no evidence of anything. Nothing. And you answered the question exactly as I predicted. Fine, don't like Trump. You can't just impeach someone because you lost or your feelings are hurt by his rhetoric.
106286   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Nov 1, 11:21am  

Left does not control their racist minorities well, they constantly parade them screaming "fuck white people" on CNN and other media outlets. They constantly promote them.

Yes there is danger to letting fringe leftists come to power, and I sure as hell don't want to be under their contorl where they will take from me to give to illegals, minorities, and anyone who they feel on the left needs to be given from my pocket.
106287   WookieMan   2019 Nov 1, 11:27am  

Tim Aurora says
Found this on the internet

I'd suggest stop finding things on the internet. What criminal act has Trump committed as POTUS?

I'm an independent and everything the left throws at the right is pure hyperbole with no backing data. I'm sure you'll call him a Russian spy/troll, but NoCoup comes with links and information. The left here just "says" Trump did something illegal. That doesn't make it true because you type or say it. And if you found that paragraph/statement on the internet, why not link it? I think because deep down you know it's bull shit and you just don't like Trump. Am I right?
106288   WookieMan   2019 Nov 1, 11:41am  

Tim Aurora says
There is enough evidence that Trump pressured a dependent foreign Govt for his own political gain.

What political gain? Seriously? Biden is/was a former government official. It's completely legal to investigate him. It's also completely legal to withhold tax payer money from a foreign government if you want them to do something. Biden isn't running for POTUS yet, so Trump has interfered in nothing to date. Is Biden above the law because he is trying to be some party's nominee? There's a distinction there that the left/dems continually just skim over. Words matter.

Not one person here wanting impeachment has answered the question truthfully. What information is Trump being impeached on? You don't know and the Democrats don't either. Stop with this Biden thing. It's a non-issue and is not valid grounds for impeachment. So what is it? I think it's hurt feelings. And if they vote for impeachment and send it to the senate, I fear our country is fucked. Stupidity has no bounds I guess.
106289   HeadSet   2019 Nov 1, 12:13pm  

Again, time and again, Trump has called foreign governments to investigate and hurt his political opponents

Name them please. This sounds like a pushed false narrative.

And, because he didn't do anything wrong, is not an acceptable answer because this IS the process to find out if he did anything wrong.

That is what is know as a "fishing expedition."
106290   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Nov 1, 12:41pm  

At least the Dems were shamed into having a vote. Next, shamed into putting it in the judiciary committee and giving subpoena power to the minority.

Just like nadler insisted Clinton got. And received without much Ado
106291   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Nov 1, 12:41pm  

At least the Dems were shamed into having a vote. Next, shamed into putting it in the judiciary committee and giving subpoena power to the minority. Oh, and Presidents counsel present.

Just like nadler insisted Clinton got. And received without much Ado. Nixon also
106292   Onvacation   2019 Nov 1, 12:44pm  

Tim Aurora says
The anger they hold is deep and growing worse every day.

Yeah, TDS will do that to you.
106293   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Nov 1, 12:46pm  

WookieMan says
I'm sure you'll call him a Russian spy/troll, but NoCoup comes with links and

Ukrainian troll.

Russian bot/troll is so 2018
106294   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Nov 1, 12:52pm  

Tim Aurora says
live surrounded by members of the Trump/GOP Cult, including members of my own family.

They also don't accept my higher learning and intellectual achievements with my PhD in film studies, which I completed with my thesis on Gender Play in 1970s Alpha France
titles, concentrating in problematic gender roles in Rx for Sex. With LaHayes character in particular.

My dad and brother act as if their 35 years of pipefitting and bachelor's in engineering is superior to my job as freelance writer on huffpo and my part time contract job teaching Cinema 101 and Humperdinck Community College, even though I have a terminal degree.
106295   Onvacation   2019 Nov 1, 2:01pm  

WaltertheoFlanders says
There will be a public hearing, at that point we can discuss your question. Tell me why we should not have an impeachment inquiry? And, because he didn't do anything wrong, is not an acceptable answer because this IS the process to find out if he did anything wrong.

Guilty until proven innocent!

What do you THINK he did wrong? What high crime or misdemeanor do you THINK he is not innocent of?
106296   Onvacation   2019 Nov 1, 2:04pm  

Tim Aurora says
There is enough evidence that Trump pressured a dependent foreign Govt for his own political gain.

There is solid video evidence that Biden pressured a dependent foreign Govt for his own financial gain. Which is worse?
106297   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Nov 1, 2:10pm  

Now you know why Democrats will lose 2020. Stupid is what stupid does.
106298   WookieMan   2019 Nov 1, 2:11pm  

Tim Aurora says
then it should become a precedent and norm and tomorrow Democrats should be allowed to do that.

You're joking, right? They did do that. Hillary and company in 2016. Everyone does it. It's a problem now for some reason? Impeachable?

People need to open their eyes. Trump is flawed in many ways, but he's opening the curtain behind the bureaucracy and political bull shit that's gone on far too long. He knows the game. He played it via donations and greasing the wheels of politics to get his real estate deals done in the past. The average American doesn't understand this at all and has a completely uneducated opinion about how the system works. If you haven't done work in high level government either on the public side or private, you'll never understand. It's just Trump is bad.

I don't like Trump, but I bet in 6-8 years you'll be singing his praises or will have vanished from this site.
106299   WookieMan   2019 Nov 1, 2:26pm  

Tim Aurora says
WookieMan says
They did do that. Hillary and company in 2016

Which government did Hillary ask to probe Trump. ( understand the word Govt not individuals)

OUR OWN GOVERNMENT FOR CHRIST SAKE!!!!! This has to be sarcasm.
106300   WookieMan   2019 Nov 1, 2:28pm  

There's a reason I avoided political threads here for so long. Blind loyalty. Our populous has been so dumbed down it's scary. Enjoy the impeachment. Not one person here advocating for it understands a god damn thing about it.
106301   WookieMan   2019 Nov 1, 2:33pm  

5 time draft dodging

What boomer didn't try this? Generation of cowards. Sorry.
multiple adulterer,sexual pervert.

You've just described 50% of the human race. lol.
Hope their daughters' & granddaughters' little pussies get grabbed.

They probably will and they'll probably like it or want it. Again, human nature.
Just received my property tax bill increased by you God Damn Republicans.

Highly unlikely. Republicans are dishonest, but at the local level they generally stick to low taxes. If you're talking about SALT deductions, that's on your state as a whole and likely not Republicans.
106302   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Nov 1, 4:54pm  

I don’t want Americans replaced by foreigners. 100% against outsourcing, no matter excuse.

Tim Aurora says
Fortwaynemobile says
Replacing Americans with illegals and H1Bs for profit is the biggest game.

It is up to Americans to decide if they want highly skilled here or the highly skilled Jobs to to other countries. I have no preference either way. Canada and Australia are going to benefit from that.
106303   Onvacation   2019 Nov 1, 5:18pm  

jazz_music says

You're still here. That is a good sign. The cognitive dissonance between real facts and what you hear on wherever you get your "facts" from will hopefully drive you to question why Trump has unhinged you and made you so angry. I really do think you have some good ideas and I have liked it when you say sensible things.

I just don't understand why people suffer from TDS. Ten years ago Trump was a popular icon among people of all races, colors, and creeds. I thought he was a reality show clown. Again, I did not vote for him, I voted against Hillary. If the democrats come up with a good candidate that has the interest of AMERICA and its core values of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness I will vote for they. If they keep offering candidates full of hate and socialism, they'll lose.
106304   RWSGFY   2019 Nov 1, 5:20pm  

106305   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Nov 1, 5:40pm  

jazz_music says
This TDS comment ads no value and betrays a narcissistic tactic of abuse as if the commentor has authority to diagnose when you don’t.

What does Trumptard mean?

What has been happening, really since the 60s, is that the Left takes the alleged "moral highground" under the guise of Tolerance, and either scolds or shreiks until it gets what it wants.
Each time, they only want "Don't ask, don't tell" or a "Meritocracy jump started by limited affirmative action hiring and recruiting".
As soon as they get that, it's on to "Civil Partnership and neutrality on gays in the military? NOT ENOUGH BIGOT, FULL MARRIAGE EQUITY NOW! And Wax muh Balls, Cis Scum! And you can't exempt your kids from the Drag Queen Gender Bender part of the K-12 Curriculum!" or "End Toxic Masculinity and Whiteness"

The normal thing was for some bowtied mild mannered conservative to say "Tsk, tsk, let us go slow." in the face of "STOP OPPRESSION NOW, YOU BIGOT!"

What is happening is that people woke up and realized not only is normal behavior frowned upon and the wisdom of millenia actively opposed by powerful institutions, but the Left wants everybody grinding flour by hand mill and sweltering when the solar panels can't keep the AC on.

And they're pissed, and they're slapping back, for the time time. They've realized that putting up process obstacles on everything from Abortion to Zoophilia doesn't work.
They've realized the goal of the alleged oppressed isn't Tolerance, but Marcusian Fake Tolerance, aka Censorship, aka the "Oppressed" becoming the "Oppressor"
The "Oppressed" oppose all that is good an successful, from Monogamous Two-Parent Families to the Literal Concept of Time and Punctuality as "Oppressive Whiteness"
We've got to turn the car around instead of trying to keep the foot on the ever more worn out brake pedals.

Patton noted that nobody won a war by defending; Conservatives cannot slow down the crazy train, they have to flip the switch so the Train goes back to Happy Town.

The darkest secret in US Life is that the #1 Cause of abused children, underperformance in school and life, laziness, etc. are Single Mother households. Many are starting to become aware, despite the desperation of left-dominated sociology to underplay that and instead emphasize racial or class disparity.

The George Will / Compassionate Conservative era is over. The era of Trumpian Slap Back has begun.

Question Libtard Authority. It starts by making sure every Leftist is confronted with Baltimore and Chicago and NOLA as the cesspits they are BECAUSE of Leftist Policy.

And the Left can't stand being on the defensive.

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