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106307   Onvacation   2019 Nov 1, 8:39pm  

Tim Aurora says
I hope to be right on Trump.

Which Dem Candidate would you support for prez?
106308   Onvacation   2019 Nov 1, 9:01pm  

Tim Aurora says
Trump was always a bullshitters.


I especially like that time he took out vince mcmahon.


I'm still not certain it's not all theatre. I just didn't want to go through the Hillary horror show.
106309   WookieMan   2019 Nov 2, 4:48am  

WaltertheoFlanders says
Which is ok, the problem is when one asks a foreign government. Is the United States a foreign government? Did you not understand the difference?

It's exponentially more dangerous to us for our OWN government's intelligence assets to be used against someone ACTUALLY running for POTUS. Do you not understand the difference?

WTF? Twighlight zone... Like the fucking Ukraine or Russia have a fraction of a percentage of intelligence that the US does. And it was weaponized and used against a person running for POTUS. This is 100% undeniable. The actions of Hillary and her cohorts making up complete bull shit to abuse the FISA courts is 100% the worsts threat that has occurred in recent history in the US.

You don't have to like Trump. I'm personally not that fond of him, but so far not one of his policies have hurt me too much. I'm one of the weird one's that didn't actually get a tax cut, while most did (SALT cap). But feelings shouldn't dictate that maybe 1/3 of the country has a 3 year temper tantrum and continually makes up completely bogus and bull shit stuff to try and out a sitting President. I'm waiting for the next charge that he jaywalked..... ahhhhhhhhh impeach.... Jesus
106310   Booger   2019 Nov 2, 5:53am  

106311   CBOEtrader   2019 Nov 2, 6:08am  

Tim Aurora says
Found this on the internet

I live surrounded by members of the Trump/GOP Cult, including members of my own family.
And what I Understand is that Nothing, No Facts, No Irrefutable Truths, no acts of Undeniable Criminality or Ethical Failings shall deter them from their worship of the Organized Crime Boss living in the White House.
It's not about Trump the Man to them, it's much bigger. They have with the Trump Era an opportunity to express their resentment to Change and Modernization and to reject our growing Multi Cultural society where women are equals and white "privilege" is no longer automatic.
And all attempts to reign in Trumps criminal impulses is a direct threat to their sense of self and place in society.
The anger they hold is deep and growing worse every day. And it's that unbridled anger that Frightens GOP Lawmakers that are not "true believers".
Only the People can change this. The last best chance to save our Democracy will be next November. If Tr...

We can all find stupid on the internet. Why post something this delusional here?
106312   Shaman   2019 Nov 2, 6:57am  

WaltertheoFlanders says
Nancy P is doing a great job. What exactly are you trying to say that she isn't doing right

Well the budgets she’s delivered for signing sure are heavy on the deficit! Or were you planning to blame all that on Trump?
106313   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Nov 2, 8:05am  

You are willing to pay for a more sturdy wall?

I thought you Democrat’s cried crocodile tears over this fence.
106314   WookieMan   2019 Nov 2, 8:16am  

WaltertheoFlanders says
What a fucking waste. This illustrates why I don't believe our realtor in Chief.

So the wall is worse than our previous protection then? Interesting... I appreciate you being honest about open borders at least.

Illegal immigration is not a victimless crime. I suppose we should legalize rape next... Sure it's a leap, but not wanting to stop what is probably our largest security threat and threat to citizen's well being (jobs and physical well being) is pretty important in my book. But hey, we put something in place to slow 'em down and that's a bad thing all a sudden? Something Democrats are all a sudden flipping opinions on. Jesus....
106315   Onvacation   2019 Nov 2, 8:19am  

WaltertheoFlanders says
we should come up with a more 21 century way to protect the border

Great idea! We can add sensors and cameras to the wall and then dispatch reaper drones.
106316   Onvacation   2019 Nov 2, 8:24am  

Booger says

Nice summary.
106317   WookieMan   2019 Nov 2, 8:24am  

WaltertheoFlanders says
It's funny you tried to make an account acting like you aren't a tRump supporter but you have been taken by all their conspiracy theories.

Lol. Yup, made my account in 2012 (after 4 years of lurking) because I'm a Trump supporter. I've been waiting years for this to happen and now it's my time to shine!!!!

I'm glad you're okay with our own government investigating a presidential candidate. The fact that doesn't scare you is alarming. A slimy career politician made an attempt to knock someone out of a race by using our own government against Trump. This whole Ukraine thing (Trump or Biden) is a fucking joke and has zero bearing on the future of our country. Until Trump goes after the Democrat that is ACTUALLY running for President, this all is a pity party from losers.

Sorry Hillary got her nuts kicked in by a real estate developer. You're not going to win them all. It's okay to stop the temper tantrum at some point though. The adults are getting sick of it.
106318   RC2006   2019 Nov 2, 8:24am  

Onvacation says
WaltertheoFlanders says
we should come up with a more 21 century way to protect the border

Add sensors and cameras.

Zero tolerance, come illegally and never have the possibility to be a US citizen.

106319   Bd6r   2019 Nov 2, 8:26am  

E-Verify is an answer. Sadly, it was not introduced when Trump had majorities both in House and Senate, showing that perhaps he is just as full of hot air as all other politicians WRT to illegal immigration.
106320   WookieMan   2019 Nov 2, 8:29am  

6rdB says
E-Verify is an answer. Sadly, it was not introduced when Trump had majorities both in House and Senate, showing that perhaps he is just as full of hot air as all other politicians WRT to illegal immigration.

This is true. Unfortunately, just like the Mexicans with saws are cutting through the fence, business will find loopholes with E-Verify to go through if forcefully enacted. It has to be multi faceted with E-Verify and tons of other stuff. For some here to pretend like a wall does nothing is hysterical though. Didn't know so many Americans either lost their common sense or never had it in the first place.
106321   WookieMan   2019 Nov 2, 8:48am  

WaltertheoFlanders says
tRump has had 3 years to gather evidence and yet the only thing I hear is how some dossier is the only thing that got Hillary a FISA warrent.

Evidence of what? I never claimed what Hillary did was illegal. She hired someone to make up bull shit claims to get a warrant. Some secret court (to most of the American public) made a decision to allow intelligence agencies to look into things. A shit decision was made by that court to allow it. While the way it was done was highly unethical, no where am I stating it was illegal and "lock her up." I'm not the guy you think I am with regards to Trump.

WaltertheoFlanders says
Tell me, what is tRump doing to get rid of the Patriot act and the FISA court. Jack shit, that's what he's doing.

You know the fucking reason. Not sure if you're being obtuse on purpose or sarcastic or what. Trump is going to use the FISA court now knowing it's legal. Hillary and Obama started a dangerous precedent. Although I'm not certain Trump will need to use the FISA court as this whole impeachment stuff is better than a SNL episode when it was actually good.
106322   Tenpoundbass   2019 Nov 2, 9:09am  

6rdB says
E-Verify is an answer. Sadly, it was not introduced when Trump had majorities both in House and Senate

Saying the Republicans had control of the Senate and the House, with assholes like Paul Ryan and Chuck Grassley, is a joke.
The Establishment had control of the Senate and the House, just like it does right now. If the GOP allows Lindsey Graham to serve out until after the 2020 elections.
Then every GOP Cock Sucker in Washington needs to be voted out, that is not a Member of the Freedom Caucus. and has over 2 hours of Youtube footage actually Questioning these traitorous fools in Nadler's Kangaroo Courts. Remember that's limited to 5 minutes of questioning at a time!

The Republican party the shitbirds keep squawking about, is a dead political party with no power or place in the NWO obstruction Trump has brought about. They have been relegated to all sitting on one side of the boat, to try to flip the boat over and derail Trump. Even if means, giving the country up to Muslims and Commies. The party been commandeered by the Patriots. The people interested in saving this country from a Communist and depraved immoral fate. There's about 70 million of us, so there's THAT!
106323   Shaman   2019 Nov 2, 9:16am  

It’s always easier to destroy than to create.

That’s why we should never try to create anything!


Or am I sounding like a Democrat?
106324   Tenpoundbass   2019 Nov 2, 9:18am  

OH!! And Trump supporters will be able to articulate why they're Revolting.

Your CNN feelz will be no match for their well reasoned kick in the teeth.
106325   Shaman   2019 Nov 2, 9:19am  

Just have drones equipped with .223 NATO round automatic guns perched on the wall every half a mile or so. If a breach is attempted and detected, launch the nearest drone and perforate the offender.
If the Mexican government complains, tell them to stay on their side of the wall!
106326   mell   2019 Nov 2, 9:25am  

TDS. Nothing drones equipped with gatling m134s and landmines can't fix.
106327   clambo   2019 Nov 2, 9:35am  

The impeachment hoax is a continuation of the Russia Hoax and it's just because the panic of the lame Democrats is so severe they've lost complete control of their own emotions.

Among the liberal lefties I know, they generally have a problem of control of their emotions; an exception was my father who was very cool and calm but said he had "socialist tendencies." I think he had them for the same reason Roosevelt had them; a mild sense of superiority.

Either way, the Democrats are now also scared about Obama's lackeys at the FBI and CIA etc. being prosecuted for illegally spying on Trump before and after he was elected president. I say "illegally spying" because they lied to get FISA approval for spying on him.

The Deep State twerps thought that Obama, Hillary and their ilk would protect them; ooops. That didn't work for the guys who did bad things for Hitler either; "I was following orders!"

Wow things will be fun in 2020; the gloves will be fully off and a lot of guys we saw badmouthing Trump on CNN will be lawyering up and spending vast fortunes to keep themselves out of the joint.
106328   Bd6r   2019 Nov 2, 9:53am  

Tenpoundbass says
Saying the Republicans had control of the Senate and the House, with assholes like Paul Ryan and Chuck Grassley, is a joke.

It Trump would have forced a vote on this, then RINOS would be out of their jobs in next election. He did not force a vote.
106329   WookieMan   2019 Nov 2, 9:54am  

clambo says
I say "illegally spying" because they lied to get FISA approval for spying on him.

It was a lie for sure. But I don't think it was technically illegal. Not sure it works the same as standard courts where you're under oath. I think the deciding Judge(s) believed it and that wasn't a breach of protocol. I think it was a flawed system and slimy cunt Clinton knew it.

But hey, Trump says mean things. Let's ignore what Hillary did whether legal or not. She tried to usurp the democratic process of how we elect POTUS. She was that insecure of her own popularity to reach this point. I don't understand why the left cannot see Trump as a victory for Democracy. You don't have to like him, but the alternative was frightening given the lengths she went through to try and win against a fucking NYC real estate developer. She's a piece of shit and everyone still having their temper tantrums is only looking dumber by the day.
106330   theoakman   2019 Nov 2, 10:05am  

Ok but a saw isn't going to get a caravan off thousands of people through.
106331   Onvacation   2019 Nov 2, 10:24am  

clambo says

Wow things will be fun in 2020; the gloves will be fully off and a lot of guys we saw badmouthing Trump on CNN will be lawyering up and spending vast fortunes to keep themselves out of the joint

No. Just like 2008's criminal bankers, no one will be prosecuted. Political theater, the show goes on.
106332   WookieMan   2019 Nov 2, 11:02am  

WaltertheoFlanders says
What other evidence got the visa warrent?

Exactly!!! The FISA courts issued a warrant. What evidence did they have to do so? You're catching on. We know a warrant was issued on complete shit allegations, through a flimsy back door court. And you seemingly are okay with this because you don't like Trump? I'd be pissed if this happened to Hillary. She, with the help of Obama used government mechanisms to try and take down a political opponent that was actually on the ballot for President. It's unprecedented whether legal or not.

WaltertheoFlanders says
Are you saying that isn't important information to know before one passes judgment?

WTF are you talking about? The court did exactly that. They passed judgement on information that they didn't know if it was true or not. In a vast majority of other warrants produced by that court they would never have accepted something as flimsy as what Hillary and company provided.

You're getting caught up in evidence and legality of it. It was most likely legal. They knew how to game the system to try and get dirt on Trump and anyone involved with him. It's legal in some countries to fuck 15 year old girls, that doesn't make it right. Trump has no intention of closing the loophole now that Obama and Hillary opened it up for all to see. I'm sure Congress could do it at some point too, but hey, Trump is a dictator and IS the legislative branch now too.

You're missing the entire point of what a lot of Trump supports see (I'm not one). They gamed a back room warrant system, during an election for the highest office in the land. The hilarious part is.... THEY. GOT. NOTHING! They had free reign to do what they wanted and NOTHING from an NYC real estate developer. I'll keep saying that too as I know it hurts the soft feelings of those on the far left. At least two house members didn't go full retard like the rest. You've got right house members that fucking hate Trump and not one of them flipped. Eye opening.

Remember. Most these guys and gals are attorneys. This is purely partisan. You don't defend something you think you'll lose. You'll get your ass handed to you later by everyone. Plenty of Republicans could have flipped because they knew what the vote was going to be. Not one single fucking one of them did.
106333   WookieMan   2019 Nov 2, 11:08am  

WaltertheoFlanders says
Lol, and slimy cunt tRump doesn't? Where are the calls to end the FISA court? It's crazy how gullible some Americans are.

Lol, words matter. Never said Trump wasn't slimy. I specifically said he'd keep the FISA court. If what Hillary & Obama did was legal, he's just going to do the same. You're neglecting to call out the people that used this court to fuck with our election process. It seems people are just upset they got caught, didn't win and now Trump is president.
106334   WookieMan   2019 Nov 2, 11:22am  

WaltertheoFlanders says
So why if Hillary did something illegal, is tRump not doing anything about it?

He's clearly not and it pisses off his base. I said it earlier, you're mistaking me for someone I am not. He's gaming the system to his advantage now and the left has none other than Hillary and Obama to blame. The left created this monster and are by default the cause of their own unhappiness with Trump. They've literally decided it was best to shoot their foot with a nuke instead of a 9mm.

The media and even our own government have had ample opportunity to investigate and do whatever they wanted basically. NOTHING. I'm not a supporter, just looking at the reality of the landscape in front of me and not being naive. I'd have been totally willing to vote for a Democrat in 2020 if they provided even ONE decent candidate. And that's saying something running against Trump. The '16 loss compounded with having absolute shit running in 2020 has almost sealed the deal for Trump 13 months ahead of the election and they fucking know it. AHHHHHHH Impeachment.
106335   Shaman   2019 Nov 2, 11:31am  

WaltertheoFlanders says
Did he sign it?

This is about your
Claim that Pelosi is doing so

If Trump didn’t sign it, you’d scream bloody
106336   Shaman   2019 Nov 2, 11:35am  

WookieMan says
The '16 loss compounded with having absolute shit running in 2020 has almost sealed the deal for Trump 13 months ahead of the election and they fucking know it.

As I’ve previously noted, they actually have a decent candidate running. But they’re so stupid and out of touch and woke and greedy and war mongering that they’ve been doing everything they can to sabotage Gabbard’s campaign. She’s the one candidate who could absolutely beat Trump and she’s been slotted for JV behind dinosaurs like Biden and Sanders and corrupt GloboHomo candidates like Harris and Buttcrack.
106337   clambo   2019 Nov 2, 12:15pm  

Trump won the election for his position on foreign illegal workers and criminals flooding the USA; the wall is symbolic and will start showing the USA is serious about this issue.

I have lived and worked in Mexico, I'm bilingual and have many friends there; they are now afraid of ICE because a lot of them who have tourist visas travel up to Texas to find work for a while.

E-Verify was the answer and the entrenched scumbags like Paul Ryan didn't support it unfortunately.

The Wall St. Journal and the NYTimes are foreign partially owned or fully owned; they are anti-Trump of course.

Since I have many Mexican friends, have been back for visits for decades, and live in California you guys should know; they don't like us, they want our money and benefits and they don't give a fuck about anything else.

After living in a third world country for a while I learned that the "honorable poor" is a media myth; they're desperate and want what you and I have. They believe we caused their poverty after decades of PRI propaganda fed them by politicians.

Another thing I learned is that we are not able to save the world from poverty by importing its poor; they simply make more poor like Doritos.
I was astounded to see hungry families with 9 children; at what point did the parents decide that 4 hungry children wasn't enough suffering? "Fuck it, let's make more, GOD will sort it all out!" I have actually heard this shit.

Keep them the fuck out of here.
106338   theoakman   2019 Nov 2, 12:22pm  

WaltertheoFlanders says
theoakman says
Ok but a saw isn't going to get a caravan off thousands of people through.

You are right. They would probably use more than 1

if you think it has zero effectiveness, you are being dishonest.
106339   RWSGFY   2019 Nov 2, 1:22pm  

I can go through your house door with a battery-powered saw. It doesn't stop you from insisting on having a lockable door on your house though.
106340   Shaman   2019 Nov 2, 2:37pm  

Liberal_in_blackface says
I can go through your house door with a battery-powered saw. It doesn't stop you from insisting on having a lockable door on your house though.

And I can probably do it with one kick.
Or a ten dollar pry bar.
Bet you still lock your doors tho
106341   GNL   2019 Nov 2, 2:47pm  

clambo says
Trump won the election for his position on foreign illegal workers and criminals flooding the USA; the wall is symbolic and will start showing the USA is serious about this issue.

I have lived and worked in Mexico, I'm bilingual and have many friends there; they are now afraid of ICE because a lot of them who have tourist visas travel up to Texas to find work for a while.

E-Verify was the answer and the entrenched scumbags like Paul Ryan didn't support it unfortunately.

The Wall St. Journal and the NYTimes are foreign partially owned or fully owned; they are anti-Trump of course.

Since I have many Mexican friends, have been back for visits for decades, and live in California you guys should know; they don't like us, they want our money and benefits and they don't give a fuck about anything else.

After living in a third world country for a while I learned that the "honorable poor" is a media myth; they're desperate and want what you and I have. They...

106342   Patrick   2019 Nov 2, 2:53pm  

Tim Aurora says
Meanwhile if someone can tell me any crime committed by Joe Biden

He used his position as VP of the US to pressure a foreign government into firing a prosecutor who was looking into the company employing his son, who was making bank doing nothing.

And he openly bragged about it.
106343   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Nov 2, 2:59pm  

WookieMan says
Exactly!!! The FISA courts issued a warrant. What evidence did they have to do so? You're catching on. We know a warrant was issued on complete shit allegations, through a flimsy back door court. And you seemingly are okay with this because you don't like Trump? I'd be pissed if this happened to Hillary. She, with the help of Obama used government mechanisms to try and take down a political opponent that was actually on the ballot for President. It's unprecedented whether legal or not.

Hillary (NOT Jeb, though that would make no difference) paid an ex-foreign spy to create the salacious Steele Dossier, paying Russian ex-intel.

The Dossier was deliberately leaked to Issikof to publish as a Yahoo! Article, giving the Strzok element an excuse to file a FISA warrant based on the Steele Dossier allegations "revealed" in the article.

Strzok went to a friendly judge, Conteras, that he was on a first name basis with, and using Issikof's article as "Alternative Construction", got the FISA warrant to spy on Page and Papadap.

Meanwhile, Brennan and Downer colluded to "Push-pull" Papadapolous. He would be pushed by Mifsud bringing in "Putin's niece" to talk about Hillary's Email Hack then Downer would "Pull" the Hacked Email idea out of Papadopolous, thus "Proving" Trump, via Papadopolous, colluded with Russia

All the time Strzok was able to listen on Trump Campaign emails and phone calls, though THEY FOUND NOTHING ACTIONABLE.

The shocking thing is how clean a NYC Developer is, and all the resources of Dem Oppo Research with millions, the Media with their resources, and even the weaponized FBI and CIA couldn't find dirt on him. Not so much as some unfilled form for some building permit or some such,.
106344   RWSGFY   2019 Nov 2, 7:28pm  

The "do nothing, submit and surrender" crowd is out in force tonight.
106345   Tenpoundbass   2019 Nov 2, 7:41pm  

No pictures of said vandalism anywhere on the internet, Fake News.
106346   Shaman   2019 Nov 2, 7:48pm  

Unmanned walls are not a huge impediment. You have to man them somehow. I suggest drones, backed up by CBP officers. Arm the drones with napalm sprayers and really ruin the cartel’s week!

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