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106564   Patrick   2019 Nov 9, 1:13pm  


Mainstream media outlets have largely ignored the Project Veritas bombshell that ABC News killed a story that would have exposed the now-deceased sex offender Jeffrey Epstein three years ago, with some having themselves been recently embarrassed by Project Veritas, and others still smarting from their own alleged #MeToo coverups.

Fox News found no coverage on CNN, MSNBC, CBS News, or NBC News from noon through midnight ET on Tuesday while the story was lighting up social media. During that same time frame, Fox News covered the scandal on five different programs, including its entire primetime lineup.

“That there has been so little coverage about ABC avoiding the Epstein story demonstrates again that mainstream media too often make news judgment based on sociocultural or political implications rather than journalistic values,” DePauw University professor and media critic Jeffrey McCall told Fox News.
106565   Patrick   2019 Nov 9, 1:26pm  


But that outrage was tempered by self-interest. Lucrative arms deals were at stake. So too were strategic alliances and power plays in the volatile Middle East.

Trump was caught on the hop, condemning the killing one minute while trying to steer culpability away from the Crown Prince the next, despite the insistence of his own investigators at the CIA that MBS was in it up to his neck.

Added to that was (and is) the complication of son-in-law Kushner being a close friend of the Crown Prince and with his own agenda to pursue.

Could be true that Jared approved at least the arrest of Khashoggi. But we should not assume it until there is some real evidence, given the comical levels of invented slander directed at Trump by Democrats with no evidence every single day.

He (the father of Hatice) was right to be suspicious. It later turned out that — unknown to everyone else — a month after he met Hatice, he had secretly married an Egyptian air stewardess in an Islamic wedding ceremony near his Washington home. He was still in touch with her by telephone shortly before his death.

The only way Khashoggi could get the papers he needed to satisfy his prospective father-in-law was to go to the Saudi consulate.

Khashoggi was no saint either. But that doesn't justify cutting him into little pieces.
106567   oldereb   2019 Nov 9, 5:20pm  

Have you ever wondered why the U.S. seems to be in endless wars and military actions which change the governments of foreign nations into dictators? Have you noticed an acceleration in a pattern that seems to disturb the tranquility of political activity throughout the world? Have John Perkins, William Blum, David Talbot, Stephen Kinzer, Douglas Valentine and others sufficiently illuminated Wall Street as the initiators of such oppressive actions which are now being brought home to the U.S. ?
The pasted writing details the precise method Wall Street utilizes the Federal Reserve to embezzle money from the US government. The FRBNY maintains exclusive control over the disbursement and handling of funds from the auction accounts of Treasury securities. The accounts currently handle >$10T annually and have never been audited. They are client accounts; not operational accounts. Ref. 31 CFR 375.3.

It is a tribute to my professor who taught a graduate course of Money and Banking.  His inspiration has resulted in a mathematical conclusion from TreasuryDirect documentation, GAO reports, inherent economic parameters, and other sources.

The “ultimate goal” for Wall Street --- to collect on the [fraudulent] $21 trillion U.S. national debt in the manner of Greece --- is identified by others in footnotes 20 and 21.

Perhaps the research may be of interest.


“What difference does an increase in the National Debt make? We owe it to ourselves.” virtually every congress-critter has declared. Such a paraphrased statement, reflecting on the exoskeleton structure of the Federal Reserve, ignores the inner historic mechanisms of Rothschild banking, the intense subterfuge and arm-twisting of the Fed’s creation, and the proven destructive forces inherent but hidden therein. 1

The medieval Rothschild Banks established a line of credit for the King provided the King issued a written promise to pay gold, with interest, to the bank at a time in the future. The book-entry Rothschild credit was used to pay for obligations incurred by the king. The credit continued to be circulated in the kingdom between merchants. The bankers sold the king’s interest bearing promise of gold to investors. The promise was renewed by the king on its maturing date and became perpetually rolled-over. 2

VOILA !!! The king made the suppliers of services happy with Rothschild credit; the bankers had the gold from investors; the investors had a promise the king would eventually pay them in gold—which would never happen. 3 Everything went smoothly as long as the bankers could sell the promise and the investors did not demand the gold. 4 As Benjamin Ginsburg has lamented in FATAL EMBRACE; (bankers) AND THE STATE 5, eventually the schemes, which stole the wealth from the people with book-entry fiat money, would come to a catastrophic climax. 6

The Federal Reserve system, claimed to be “staffed and run by Council on Foreign Relations members” 7 does the same thing for the U.S. government’s deficit spending. Their wizard is hiding behind Frank Baum’s curtain as obscurant to any public inquiry.8

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York will grant credit (not “create money”) in an account of the US government with an amount that the government will pledge. 9 The government will expend the book-entry-credit account (deficit spending) to pay for goods and services consumed by the government. The suppliers are content. Evidence that the supplier has received a credit voucher is obvious. [It is touted to the public as a loan.10] The heading of the currency given to the supplier by a local commercial bank is Federal Reserve Note; i.e., a debt obligation of the Federal Reserve also identified as a “tender” (substitute) required by law to be accepted for an imprinted number of dollars. 11

To sell the pledge from the government (the Treasury security) at the highest price, the Federal Reserve will hold an auction but will camouflage it as an auction by the government.12 Acceptance of bids, determining the interest rate, and the amount of deficit spending permitted is controlled by the BOG.13 Government regulations clearly establish the funds from the auctions are controlled exclusively by the FRBNY (as a fiscal agent of the government); i.e., a franchisee of the BOG. 14

In addition to the approximate $1 trillion annually auctioned for deficit spending (new cash), the roll-over of approximately $10 trillion debt from prior years (publicly held maturing) is annually auctioned and disbursed by the FRBNY. 15

The difference in handling of the two accounts is the supreme camouflage. Funds for roll-over securities are credited by the FRBNY to a government account. The FRBNY then pays the Primary Dealers (from the government account) for their task in collecting the maturing securities from the public. There is no increase in the National Debt nor is there any inflationary resultant from these transactions.

If the funds from deficit spending securities were to be used in redeeming Treasury securities in the market (i.e., paid by the FRBNY to the government), it would eliminate any increase in the National Debt. It would also eliminate any increase in money in circulation (inflation). That clearly does not occur.


The only viable dispersal of funds identifiable to this writer is the funds are commingled with funds to select Primary Dealers. If the Primary Dealers include shareholders of a privately held incorporated Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, they would not have to reveal corporate records.16 The profit could be completely hidden from view. 17 The deficit spending amount 18 would be clear profit for the owners of the BOG.

The statutory charter of the Federal Reserve stipulates profit of the operation belongs to the government. Concealment of funds that belong to the government appear to be embezzlement, among other crimes. 19

Various theories abound on how the purloined funds have been utilized to the detriment of society. 20

If the scheme is not exposed, Wall Street internal memos identify collection of the $20 trillion debt is the “ultimate goal” and would reduce the United States to the status of Greece. 21 The financiers’ objective in Greece 22 is not to exploit, but is to destroy the nation. 23 Indeed, national sovereignty has been acquiesced by Greece to the Troika (financiers) as the terminal end of Goldman Sach’s “shitty” three billion Euro debt. 24

The proposed Goldman Sachs government budget (whoops, Trump’s budget) includes huge deficit spending increases (increased military spending with cuts in social programs) with unrealistic increases in national productive/tax base.25 This is the same scheme Wall Street and the CIA have used to bankrupt other nations for four decades. 26 The psychopathic Wall Street warmongers demand a humongous deficit busting military expenditure, but this statement may reverse cause and effect. 27 The people will submit to anything if they are induced to fear a foreign threat.

Get ready to kiss your 401(k), your government benefits, your pension, and your bank accounts goodbye, with strikes prohibited, health care costs escalated, perpetual war, mass layoffs (including government personnel), and economic chaos---among other dire occurrences. 28 This is the utopian government controlled by bankers that David Rockefeller 29 so proudly promised for the world in his autobiography MEMOIRS and Carroll Quigley touted in TRAGEDY AND HOPE.

We can rest assured the same scheme is used by the ECB with the Euro.

The U.S. has two options:
The entire situation can be ignored with the public meekly submitting to Wall Street’s collection of the fraudulent $21 trillion National Debt and accept the fate of Greece [Greece has surrendered national sovereignty control to Goldman Sachs/Troika. Approval by Troika is required for all government actions.
They can assert public pressure on congress-critters to audit relevant accounts and indict Wall Street. The GAO has authority to review the handling of government funds by any entity. It has made at least two reviews of the FRBNY’s handling of funds [but not audits] from auctions of Treasury securities. The FRBNY has exclusive handing of such funds.... Ref. 31 CFR 375.3.... All that is required for the GAO to review the handling of government funds is a request by a Congressional committee chair.

PS: How can banks with (deficit spending) liquidity that borrowers will not accept for loans laundry the money? Well, they can buy stocks (and watch the price go up and say the corporations are buying their own stock) or they can buy bonds (and watch the yield go down as demand increases). Have you seen any evidence of this happening ?

Footnotes not supported by your software.

12….. http://www.gao.gov/assets/80/75792.pdf: “... To sell marketable public debt, the Treasury, through the 12 Federal Reserve district banks and their branches, acting as fiscal agents for the Treasury, sells securities to the public through a competitive auction process.” page 22 of 161.
106568   Tenpoundbass   2019 Nov 9, 7:35pm  

Gee! With all this Ice melting, you would think the worst of the sea level rise would be right now. How come's there ain't any?
Seeings how it's melting so much and all due to Climate Derange. It would seem NYC would be flooded like that Discovery Fearumentary used to show.
Remember by 2020 NYC was going to be flooded out? They had that 3D animation showing all of the streets in Manhattan getting swamped with rising water.

But Nah! Nothing, not an inch, Hollywood surf looks just like it did in 1985 when I first came to Broward.
106569   Y   2019 Nov 9, 8:34pm  

Retrofit some of those water scooping planes that put out fires, so they can scoop up some space in the ionosphere.
Dump it back on the poles to cool things off.
Space is cold!
106570   Onvacation   2019 Nov 9, 8:37pm  

Here comes some Siberian chilling for the east coast. It is caused by the north pole melting.

And Trump's Russian collusion.
106571   HeadSet   2019 Nov 9, 8:39pm  

BlueSardine says
Retrofit some of those water scooping planes that put out fires, so they can scoop up some space in the ionosphere.
Dump it back on the poles to cool things off.
Space is cold!

That would work. Except everybody keeps saying we are "running out of space."
106572   Ceffer   2019 Nov 9, 10:27pm  

TrumpingTits says
So why did the Obama's just buy a $15 million house on the beach? Were they ignoring 'science' of do they really know it is all bullshit too?

They told him that all he needed to do is call IHLlary if he needed somebody to put a finger in the dike.
106573   SoTex   2019 Nov 9, 11:05pm  

We have to start eating the babies!
106574   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Nov 10, 11:55am  

Tenpoundbass says
Gee! With all this Ice melting, you would think the worst of the sea level rise would be right now. How come's there ain't any?
Seeings how it's melting so much and all due to Climate Derange. It would seem NYC would be flooded like that Discovery Fearumentary used to show.
Remember by 2020 NYC was going to be flooded out? They had that 3D animation showing all of the streets in Manhattan getting swamped with rising water.

But Nah! Nothing, not an inch, Hollywood surf looks just like it did in 1985 when I first came to Broward.

Well according to the opinion piece Tim linked, sea level did rise!

All two one hundreds of an inch!!!! Run to the hills!!!

106575   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Nov 10, 11:55am  

just_dregalicious says
We have to start eating the babies!

So much delicious!!! Nom nom nom!!!
106576   mell   2019 Nov 10, 12:46pm  

ForcedTQ says
You really want to fight “climate change?” Stop buying shit from and supporting the economies of China, India, and Korea. Then conquer both China and India and reduce their population density to what the average is in USA.

100% agreed
106577   ForcedTQ   2019 Nov 10, 3:22pm  

"To plan for future conflicts, the Pentagon says climate change must be considered as a factor. Anything less is irresponsible."

This is Rep/Cons military & Commander in Chief that allow such lies.


No, they continue to perpetuate the lies because it affords them more control over the populace.
106578   mell   2019 Nov 10, 10:25pm  

Nootropics have been around for a while. Piracetam is the most widely used. It actually does help the brain but with everything you should only use it in moderation. It's not really dangerous though, probably a bit stronger than standard supplements. I don't think there are that many workoholics in SV or on the west coast in general. New York you see people around the clock, most of SV is sleepy compared to the pace of NYC.
106579   Rin   2019 Nov 10, 10:30pm  

The drug today is Modafinal, originally slated for chronic narcolepsy but used by executives and others who want to stay up late w/o the central nervous system stimulant.

Adderal is another type of Speed (or Dexedrine) but for today's generation than our parent's. Remember that expression as a kid ... Speed kills.
106580   Ceffer   2019 Nov 10, 10:40pm  

The only safe drug is death, itself.

Article could have been cloned from more or less identical articles over 20 years ago during the late 90's tech boom.
106581   BayArea   2019 Nov 11, 5:06am  

Fake news...
106582   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Nov 11, 8:25am  

I've worked 80+ hours a week and never even considered drugs. But I had a good upbringing, parents and grandparents stressed daily how drugs are bad. I'm glad they did, because a lot of temptations came, and I easily rejected them all.

If you have kids, teach them this shit early, so they don't get fucked by drug salesmen and become victims.
106583   HeadSet   2019 Nov 11, 10:50am  

I have no idea

Classic denial. You know as well as anyone whose policies encouraged having fatherless kids.
106584   Ceffer   2019 Nov 11, 11:06am  

Can't a guy die having fun with a tatted hooker any more without being labelled?
106585   komputodo   2019 Nov 11, 12:37pm  

Onvacation says
NoCoupForYou says
So are we all gonna die from the Wet Bulb in 5 years or 10 years, yet again?

3 years.

WE need iwog to save us.
106586   Ceffer   2019 Nov 11, 12:43pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
I get so high on life I scare myself!

I love the smell of brass jackets and gunpowder in the morning!
106587   Ceffer   2019 Nov 11, 12:46pm  

Just because it's impossible doesn't mean you can't beat down and murder the populace into submission until they STFU and comply with the party line.
106588   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Nov 11, 1:48pm  

Yeah, I've long favored a thorough trial in the Senate. Maybe we can hear from some witnesses such as: Comey, Clapper, Brennen, Biden, Susan Rice (of "unmasking" fame), the tag team of Bruce and Nellie Ohr, and the tag team of Strzok and Page. Of course Adam Schiff would be called, as he was a direct witness to the current dog-and-pony show.

I've been betting Trump won't be impeached in the House simply because the Senate trial would be such a disaster for the Democrats. I mean, who gives the opposing party the chance to bat last when an election is just around the corner?
106589   socal2   2019 Nov 11, 1:54pm  

SunnyvaleCA says
Yeah, I've long favored a thorough trial in the Senate. Maybe we can hear from some witnesses such as: Comey, Clapper, Brennen, Biden, Susan Rice (of "unmasking" fame), the tag team of Bruce and Nellie Ohr, and the tag team of Strzok and Page. Of course Adam Schiff would be called, as he was a direct witness to the current dog-and-pony show.

No need to rush that aspect.

They are all facing criminal indictments from the Durham investigation.
106590   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Nov 11, 2:06pm  

komputodo says
Onvacation says
NoCoupForYou says
So are we all gonna die from the Wet Bulb in 5 years or 10 years, yet again?

3 years.

WE need iwog to save us.

True, he was the Oprah of wet bulbs

Wet bulbs for everyone!
106591   WookieMan   2019 Nov 11, 2:22pm  

SunnyvaleCA says
I've been betting Trump won't be impeached in the House simply because the Senate trial would be such a disaster for the Democrats. I mean, who gives the opposing party the chance to bat last when an election is just around the corner?

Not only that, it ties up any Democratic Party Senator that is running for the nomination (Warren and Biden for sure) for what will likely be months. I've heard they can be asked to be there 6 days a week going through this whole process. Good luck campaigning.... I think this is the main reason the house won't actually impeach. It would handicap and destroy the whole nomination process (not that is wasn't an abortion already).
106592   Shaman   2019 Nov 11, 2:39pm  

At the end of that article there was a suggestion that the Democrats might vote instead to censure Trump. This would be a weak sauce sort of move, basically admitting that they couldn’t find an impeachment-worthy crime, but still wanted to slap the POTUS’s hand and tell him he’s a naughty boy.
I bet Nancy wants this very badly.
106593   B.A.C.A.H.   2019 Nov 11, 2:47pm  

In the 1980's I had a roommate whose job was to specify and recommend capital equipment for factories.

I never saw him eat food.

All of his nourishment at the house was from marijuana and cocaine. Never saw him drink anything that didn't include caffeine or alcohol (or both).

He told me that he would mostly depend on the vendors for free lunches and dinners, and occasionally get food at the cafeteria or fast food places.
106594   rocketjoe79   2019 Nov 11, 5:17pm  

So why would people carrying guns (or the threat thereof) drive down crime?

Because when SECONDS matter, help is only MINUTES away.

Do the math.
106595   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Nov 11, 5:23pm  

OccasionalCortex says
Censuring would be unconstitutional.
Censure only applies to members of the group doing the censuring. So the House can not censure anyone else but a member of the House.

Ah. I suppose that's solid logic. So instead, the House could "vote to condemn Trump's actions" and let the Fake News™ spin it as censure or whatever "scary words" they can label it.
106596   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Nov 11, 5:26pm  

WookieMan says
ties up any Democratic Party Senator that is running for the nomination (Warren and Biden for sure) for what will likely be months

Biden is no longer a senator, but Warren would be tied up. Sparticus would be tied up too, but he's pretty much already out of the race.

Would these senators either have to show up or resign from the senate?
106597   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Nov 11, 5:30pm  

Tim Aurora says
What, no comments on something positive we have achieved over the years

"NON-Fatal Violent Victimization"

Here's Fatal

WOW! Blacks are only 12-13% of the population, Whites outnumber blacks 5-6x over.

The number of Blacks killed INCLUDES attacks by Hispanics on Blacks as "White"!

106598   BayArea   2019 Nov 11, 5:53pm  

Liberal misrepresentation of crime facts
106599   steverbeaver   2019 Nov 11, 7:18pm  

I don't think the Democrats are smart enough to figure out that I am really afraid of this impeachment going to the Senate. I sure hope it stays that way.
106600   Ceffer   2019 Nov 11, 7:38pm  

Is this along with the article that proves that all black inmates are innocent?
106601   WookieMan   2019 Nov 11, 7:46pm  

SunnyvaleCA says
Biden is no longer a senator, but Warren would be tied up. Sparticus would be tied up too, but he's pretty much already out of the race.

Would these senators either have to show up or resign from the senate?

Jesus. Slip of the keyboard on my end. Meant Bernie Sanders. Good catch.
106602   clambo   2019 Nov 11, 7:51pm  

The guy made the fatal mistake of imitating the female's behavior or taking direction from the female; never listen to a female before you engage in something new, risky, or potentially fatal.

"Come on honey, try getting high with me; you'll like it!"

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