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106947   Tenpoundbass   2019 Nov 20, 10:20am  

I would love to have that image in a portable format, that I can whip out every time a Liberals asks me, about Trump and his supporters calling the Media "Fake News". Because they think that's fascist and sets a dangerous precedence.

I would like to take out that political cartoon, and tell them.
"If this image confuses you, because it conflicts with the only narrative you have on Ukraine, and you don't get the honest humor in this, then YOU are why it's called Fake News. You have no intellectual integrity, that you honestly believe the ONLY SINGLE news worthy event in the last 3 years, has been the continuation of Resist Trump. You're oblivious to any news stories, whether reported by Breitbart, or Politico and even in some instances The New York Times, but they rarely followed up on it, or passed it along to the wire for wide distribution. As there was no Journalism apparatus that would have picked up the story anyway, but The Gateway Pundit, The Daily Caller, and Breitbart"

Most of the time these gullible stupid sons of bitches ask "WHO?!"

The Gateway Pundit, Your Fake News cabal all colluded to demand they NOT be part of the President Press Pool or be present at White House Briefings. So as a result, Trump just gives Holt, Pollak, and others dierect news, scoops directly from the source. His own lips.


Shaman says
106948   ignoreme   2019 Nov 20, 10:28am  

rdm says

Got it? It's really not that complicated.

Why so argumentative? We basically agree.

Can Trump withhold aid for corruption investigation? Yes. We agree.

Can Trump withhold aid for corruption investigation into a Democrat? Yes. We agree.

Can Trump withhold aid for a corruption investigation if the Democrat may run against him for president? I say yes, you say no.

Please correct anything I have misunderstood about your position then please explain what law makes it illegal to investigate someone just because they are running against you in an election.
106949   HeadSet   2019 Nov 20, 10:37am  

please explain what law makes it illegal to investigate someone just because they are running against you in an election.

A better phrasing may be "please explain what law grants immunity from investigation just because that person is running against you in an election."

Also, if investigating a Presidential candidate is a crime, how can you overlook the frivolous investigations of Trump when he was a candidate?
106950   Shaman   2019 Nov 20, 10:37am  

The Democrat’s case COMPLETELY hinges on the idea that a blow to the Bidens is a “thing of value” to the President. That’s a pretty shaky foundation considering:
1)Biden isn’t the nominee and may never be the nominee.
2)Trump doesn’t need Biden to go to prison to beat him in an election.
106951   HeadSet   2019 Nov 20, 10:38am  

Also, stock market is tumbling today, so it looks like the market fears impeachment. Anyone see this as a buying opportunity?
106952   mell   2019 Nov 20, 10:40am  

HeadSet says
Also, stock market is tumbling today, so it looks like the market fears impeachment. Anyone see this as a buying opportunity?

It's a pullback because a deal with China is likely delayed into the new year. Don't think impeachment is feared, Republicans will never sack the best president in a while with the best economy going on. Not sure about buying opportunity - while the general uptrend is still intact market probably needs a breather for a while. It has been making new highs almost every day for a while now.
106953   ignoreme   2019 Nov 20, 10:43am  

Tim Aurora says
It has to be an approved investigation that is a US policy

WTF is an approved investigation? Genuinely curious. Did you just make that up?
106954   ignoreme   2019 Nov 20, 11:00am  

Shaman says
The Democrat’s case COMPLETELY hinges on the idea that a blow to the Bidens is a “thing of value” to the President.

I don’t see how it can hinge on that even. If that was the crime then it’s just a campaign finance violation. He’d just need to declare it on the proper form. That is if the form even exists. If campaign finance laws makes this illegal because there’s no form, then the law is unconstitutional since the president as commander in chief and head of the department of justice has a duty to investigate crime.

That would be if he actually received anything of value from Ukraine, which he didn’t because no investigation was ever done.

You see, I think the TDS folks on this board are confused because they are watching the house hearing and everything is centered on “was there quid pro quo”. Like they think if they prove quid pro quo that’s a crime. No, first you need to prove quid pro quo, then you need to prove Trump got something of value, then you need to prove Trump had no other reason for doing the investigation then to get the valuable thing.

They can’t prove #1. Trump is too smart and insulated himself via Giuliani.

#2 didn’t happen, no Ukraine investigation occurred.

And #3 clearly isn’t true, Trump was required by the freaking Ukraine aid bill itself to investigate corruption.
106955   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Nov 20, 11:08am  

jazz_music says
The applicable law in this case is Article II of the Constitution: BRIBERY

What bribes did Trump take?
106956   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Nov 20, 11:09am  

ignoreme says
And #3 clearly isn’t true, Trump was required by the freaking Ukraine aid bill itself to investigate corruption.

And by his powers as chief executive and primary law enforcer of the country.

Many TDS sufferers think running for office makes somebody immune from investigation, prosecution, or an ethics violation - even if the activity happened while they were in office before they were a candidate.

They might want to be very careful about taking that angle, given Spygate.
106957   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Nov 20, 11:15am  

Tim Aurora says
He demand an inquiry of his opponent and investigation into 2016 election, both of which were helpful to Trump, in lieu of releasing the money for Ukraine. That is a bribe ( not money but a favor to help him )

Which "Witness" has testified they were directly asked by Trump to do so?

Sondland, Yovanovich, Vindman, etc. all directly answered that they were not told such a thing from the horses mouth.

Hearsay through the grapevine and conjecture as to motives aren't admissible in anything resembling a due process trial.

What Democrats are saying is that the current Sheriff who plans to run for re-election can't investigate wrongdoing by any potential political opponent by asking officials under his control to follow up on leads. That's nonsense.

Also, if we find out State Department and NSC staff were looking for dirt and asking Ukrainian officials for stuff on Trump in 2016, they're going to be tried to, yes?
106958   HeadSet   2019 Nov 20, 11:16am  

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, BRIBERY, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Are you talking about Biden? Sure sounds like it.
106959   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Nov 20, 11:19am  

HeadSet says
Are you talking about Biden? Sure sounds like it.

That's different. Biden protecting himself (something of value) from being harmed by an investigation of the company his son is a board member of (and other Democrats plus Mittens also have Children involved in a company that consults for Burisma) by demanding the prosecutor get Fired is all American goodness.

It's "Dormant", which is a word that has no meaning other than the usual "Old News" deflection propaganda.

The Leakerblower seems to have been involved in meetings about Shonkin.
106960   ignoreme   2019 Nov 20, 11:23am  

jazz_music says
The applicable law in this case is Article II of the Constitution: BRIBERY

There’s so much agreement in this thread I feel warm and fuzzy! You failed to cite any law that makes it inherently illegal for a president to investigate a political opponent, so I assume we agree on this. Yay!

We also agree bribery is illegal!

Please cite the proof for points 1, 2, and 3 that I posted above to show the bribe took place. I’ll even be nice and give you #1 (although even this is iffy). Please tell me the thing of value that Trump received and also explain why Trump had no other valid reason to look into Ukraine corruption other then to help his campaign.
106961   ignoreme   2019 Nov 20, 11:28am  

Also, it’s 100% fact and admitted by the Democrats that the only reason why Ukraine hasn’t done any corruption investigation to date is because they don’t want to endanger their aid. Why is this clear bribe not a bribe?
106962   SoTex   2019 Nov 20, 11:33am  

Guamtardation run amok!
106963   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Nov 20, 11:35am  

It's amazing that even after the secret dress rehearsal in the basement, the kabuki theatre is going so poorly for the Democrats' witnesses.
106964   Shaman   2019 Nov 20, 11:48am  

““I want nothing, I want nothing, I want no quid pro quo. Tell Zelensky to do the right thing,” Trump said, according to Sondland. “Something to that effect.””

Doesn’t seem like the Donkeys star witness is cooperating with The Narrative they are trying to tell.
106965   zzyzzx   2019 Nov 20, 12:13pm  

106966   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Nov 20, 1:02pm  

willywonka says
Newsome agrees to welcome homeless autoworkers.

Homeless wouldn't be so bad, as long as those autoworkers were at least workers.
106967   Bd6r   2019 Nov 20, 1:19pm  

Higher taxes here we come
106968   Tenpoundbass   2019 Nov 20, 1:40pm  

I think the Cat is mocking Broccoli as a non food item.
106969   clambo   2019 Nov 20, 2:27pm  

This is all bullshit.

The USA is giving hundreds of millions of bucks to people we don't even live near.

The president has full discretion over US foreign policy.

He can say whatever he wants since the golden rule says: "He who has the gold can make the rules."
106970   Shaman   2019 Nov 20, 2:48pm  

Tim Aurora says
He still wanted an investigation into Bidens before releasing the money

Even if this is true, and it’s not been proven, it’s neither criminal nor immoral for such rampant corruption at the level of the Vice President to be ignored simply because the man wishes to be President. Americans deserve better than a criminal Obama flunky as their only choice on the Left.
106971   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Nov 20, 3:00pm  

Every day, the same shit.

Schiff asks some bureaucrat if they thought Ukraine aid was being traded for an investigation.
Some bureaucrat said they think so.
Schiff runs out to address the Press.

Press says "BOMBSHELL! Testimony! Orangemanbad going down this time!"

Republicans ask bureaucrat if they received instructions, written or verbal, that there was a quid pro quo
Answer is always NO
Republicans ask bureaucrat if they personally spoke to Trump.
Answer is usually NO.

Next day, repeat.
106974   mell   2019 Nov 20, 3:07pm  

As Denninger noted the real bombshell is the Burisma indictment which ties many of the Dems trying so hard with their TDS to distract to criminal activity. They should be extradited to the Ukraine and stand trial.
106975   Bd6r   2019 Nov 20, 3:15pm  

mell says
As Denninger noted the real bombshell is the Burisma indictment which ties many of the Dems trying so hard with their TDS to distract to criminal activity. They should be extradited to the Ukraine and stand trial.

Clinton grabs ass = does not matter
Clinton sells Uranium to Russians and thereafter gets $MILLION transfer to zir foundation - THIS IS NOT CONNECTED
Trump opens his mouth - IMPEACH! IMPEACH! IMPEACH!
106976   Booger   2019 Nov 20, 3:28pm  

106977   Booger   2019 Nov 20, 3:31pm  

106978   ignoreme   2019 Nov 20, 4:13pm  

jazz_music says
You all regard your current employment and equities as the only relevant consideration, and that decision is irresponsible and supremely arrogant as humanity faces increasing existential threats of nuclear war and accelerated climate disruptions as direct results from Trump decisions.

Bla bla bla. Back up your accusations or stfu. You tds sufferers always fall back to whitey bad, orangemanbad, nukes, climate, whatever.

We’re tired of it, 3 years of constant investigation. Democrats have nothing. It’s clear they are all corrupt. How can you defend this shit.
106979   ignoreme   2019 Nov 20, 5:12pm  

Tim Aurora says
This only happened after he knew he was caught

Caught doing what? Wanting to investigate Biden corruption?
106980   clambo   2019 Nov 20, 5:47pm  

Trump can put any conditions he likes on access to him or even entry into the USA at his discretion.

Joe Biden was corrupt and was enabling his corrupt son Hunter Biden at the time; they were not "political opponents"; they were just private citizens.

I guess Trump had a crystal ball and knew that senile demented toothless pervert Biden was going to run in 2019?

This is all bullshit and of course will accomplish the opposite of its intended effect.
106981   Onvacation   2019 Nov 20, 5:49pm  

clambo says
Trump can put any conditions he likes on access to him or even entry into the USA at his discretion.

He can even rent out the Lincoln bedroom to big campaign donors.
106982   EBGuy   2019 Nov 20, 5:57pm  

Like Scott Adams says, watching two different movies...
Rep Mike Turner: No one else on this planet told you that Donald Trump was tying aid to these investigations, is that correct?
Ambassador Sondland: Yes.
106983   Onvacation   2019 Nov 20, 6:14pm  

Tim Aurora says
Ambassador Gordon Sondland said that President Trump and his personal lawyer, Rudolph W. Giuliani, sought to condition a White House invite for Ukraine's new president to demands that his country publicly launch investigations that could damage Trump's political opponents

How can an investigation damage Trump's "political opponents" if they're not corrupt?
106984   Onvacation   2019 Nov 20, 6:15pm  

What is Trump's crime today?
106985   ignoreme   2019 Nov 20, 8:14pm  

What’s Samsung’s and Kia’s profits last year? They can easily pay if they want to avoid being absorbed into China. I personally don’t give a shit either way.
106986   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Nov 20, 8:37pm  

Tenpoundbass says

They’re both wrong...it’s the Dolly Parton National Monument.

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