by Patrick ➕follow (59) 💰tip ignore
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WookieMan saysNever did I mention video editing.
Yes, you were not specific. If you meant only photo editing software you could have said that. But you didn't. Is premier pro, Avid and final cut X not editing software? You did say any other which does not exclude video editing software. Sorry that I didn't understand that when you say any other editing software you mean any other photo editing software. My Bad
It's only a big deal if it happened. I'm guessing that it didn't happen, at least not in the way you imagine it happened.
That's not what CNN reported
CBOEtrader saysWhat I imagine is irrelevant. The FBI agent is under investigation, or do you disagree w the only available actual facts cause
BobD saysThat's not what CNN reported
At least we know who your master is
I only use CNN as a source because I know how many dislike it here. Didn't I included national review? I did that because they were honest and pointed out how CNN got the scoop first
You didn't, you said any editing software you do realize what any means?
There are many editing softwares, if you meant only photo editing all you had to do was included the word photo but you didn't.
Patrick saysThey cry violence when they are the ones committing violence
Sure. Let's compare the number of domestic deaths that can be tied to Trumpism, to those caused by leftists. Violence is not defined only by when some Antifa idiot shoves someone.
WookieMan saysEither you don't know what a meme is or you're intentionally trolling.... those are the two options.
We are all free to our options.
IF it's not racism why else would you possibly tolerate Trump ?
What we are you speaking for???
socal2 saysBecause we see the clown-show the Donks are running for President and realize they are all totally fucking bonkers.What we are you speaking for???
Trump is so corrupt and so incompetent that everybody who can afford to run thinks they can beat him.
Why is that so hard FOR YOU to see?
Trump is so corrupt and so incompetent that everybody who can afford to run thinks they can beat him.
pathologically constantly dishonest President
I've already done this and turns out he lied.
Ever play Jenga?
Why does the whole damn tower collapse (downward) just because the top 1/4 of the structure falls?
Onvacation says
CovfefeButDeadly saysbest US economy ever
When did everyone become propagandists ?
Based just low unemployment numbers ? The unemployment trend was very much in place before Trump.
People are working, but does that mean they can afford good housing, or college, or health care, or retirement ? Best economy ever ? Really ?
Onvacation saysmarcus saysSee?
That was funny!
So the left can meme after all.
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