Corona virus (more correctly, Wuhan virus)

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2020 Jan 24, 12:33pm   192,763 views  3,372 comments

by Heraclitusstudent   ➕follow (8)   💰tip   ignore  

Anyone wants to risk a bet on the eventual number of sick people? Dead people?

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17   Eman   2020 Jan 24, 4:26pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
Almost 1,000 cases and more than 40 deaths

It was 830 cases yesterday and 25 deaths. It’s going up fast. My Chinese friend said the rich folks knew about this and fled months ago. The people spreading the news got arrested for spreading “fake news.” 😂😂😂
18   RC2006   2020 Jan 24, 4:33pm  

Human race needs a virus that can take out half of population, preferably striking fastest growing populations the hardest.
19   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jan 24, 5:08pm  

It's been around for over a month 1000 cases is nothing.
China will use it to crush the Hong Kong uprising, in the name of public health.
And the rest of the world will use it as a mandate to force Flu shots for the next 6 years.
I'm still waiting for the Sars, HN1, Avian Flu and all of the other hyped up medical cases to actually yield a world wide pandemic.

The Fact is there will never be another Swine Flu epidemic like in the early 1900's ever again. The world for the most part is too developed.
In the early 1900's and earlier, most streets worldwide were not paved, many people didn't even have sewer systems. Many cities were still tossing their piss pot out into the street every morning. People lived in leaky shanty and shacks that leaked like a sieve, the streets were wet, your house was wet. There was no where to get out of the bad weather and take care of yourself. By time you made it to the hospital pneumonia had already taken hold. Millions of people died world wide as a result. By the 1976 epidemic and subsequent outbreaks, cases are measured in the thousands, and deaths are measured by the hundreds.

Unless our infrastructure breaks down and people go back to living like they did before modern times, I don't think influenza will ever be as bad as it was then.
Ebola, Plague, and the types of bugs that give you pox and liquefies your inside, are the ones that scare me.
The WHO couldn't be bothered the last Ebola outbreak. So they have zero credibility with me.
I don't trust a damn thing those lying commie mother fuckers say for one minute.
20   Ceffer   2020 Jan 25, 10:31am  

Tenpoundbass says
China will use it to crush the Hong Kong uprising, in the name of public health.

What are the uses of biologic terrorism? Controlling your own population perhaps? Speculation is that it came from China's own bio weapons labs.

If you think about it, unleashing a severe, but just moderately lethal, pathogen on a rebellious populace, to which authorities already have a vaccine (for selected individuals?), is a great way to impose martial law and terrify people into not congregating. The limited lethality could also be used as a cover for selective assassinations by poison but under color of the epidemic. Plenty of survivors, so just the cost of rule?

Of course, worse things have been done by governments to their own people to hold power. Any other populations that contract it are just collateral damage and weakening them isn't such a bad thing, anyway.
21   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2020 Jan 25, 10:35am  

Shaman says
put a few metal spikes on your front bumper

Never forget the metal spikes! Never ever forget them!
22   clambo   2020 Jan 25, 10:44am  

China reminds me of the Looney Toons Tasmanian Devil episode, Bugs reads what the devil eats and it’s a long list.
23   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jan 25, 10:45am  

Ceffer says
What are the uses of biologic terrorism? Controlling your own population perhaps? Speculation is that it came from China's own bio weapons labs.

Perhaps, but the point is this outbreak is not as cause for the global concern that it is, I hope I'm not wrong.
But on the face of what is actually being reported, this isn't as bad a regular flu season outbreak. 23 deaths is nothing in the scheme of things.
There's a rumor saying it's really bad and the real numbers aren't being reported. Yet we're getting video of people either laying on the ground, or falling face first but breaking their fall with their arms. It's the same 3 or 4 videos being share over and over. If this was a widespread as rumors report, there would be more videos than the same few I've seen for the last two days. Also I saw a fake news site with a picture from some apocalyptic outbreak movie, with thousands of people in body bags. With small print under it, saying Illustrative Portrayal.
26   mell   2020 Jan 25, 5:12pm  

The flu sickens more than 10 million Americans each year and kills between 5000-50000 or more Americans every year and many more worldwide. Just to put this into perspective. Have a Corona without the virus.
27   Heraclitusstudent   2020 Jan 25, 8:03pm  

Around 2000 cases, 56 deaths.
28   Shaman   2020 Jan 25, 8:30pm  

That is WAAAAAY higher mortality rate than the flu or any other virus that isn’t behind the walls of a maximum containment facility. That’s almost 3%.
29   Eman   2020 Jan 25, 10:35pm  

Check out this short video clip explaining the coronavirus. I think this virus is underestimated. The incubation period is 5 days or so. By the time we know about it, it’s days 9-14. I hope our minimal US infected numbers hold, or our government should consider banning all flights from China if it gets worse. I hope I am wrong.

There are some info floating out there in Chinese with the medical staff claiming the actual infected people in China is over 90,000.

30   clambo   2020 Jan 25, 11:08pm  

This is scary.
I’m gonna be a hermit for a while I think, no crowds for me.
31   Eman   2020 Jan 26, 12:15am  

Here’s the article where a nurse treating coronavirus claimed 90,000 people infected.

32   Eman   2020 Jan 26, 12:17am  

From the article:

“The news was announced on Saturday as three doctors in Beijing were reported to have been infected with the coronavirus, according to state media China National Radio. Among the three confirmed cases, which were diagnosed on Tuesday and Saturday, two were back from Wuhan and the third did not go there but was sitting next to one doctor back from Wuhan in a meeting in Beijing.”

Sitting next to someone who is infected got him infected. The infected doctor was likely during the incubation period where he showed no sign of fever or whatsoever.

33   RC2006   2020 Jan 26, 6:43am  

Cases in OC CA.
34   HeadSet   2020 Jan 26, 8:45am  

So, who here is stocking up on N95 masks?
35   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jan 26, 8:51am  

Heraclitusstudent says
Around 2000 cases, 56 deaths.

Am I the only one that sees what a huge nothing burger this virus is. 2000 cases for a bug that spread around China, Asia, Europe and America.
That's nothing, not even microscopic in global scheme of things.
36   RC2006   2020 Jan 26, 8:51am  

HeadSet says
So, who here is stocking up on N95 masks?

Ha was just talking to coworker about putting in an order to Granger, its FOB city around here.
37   RC2006   2020 Jan 26, 8:54am  

Tenpoundbass says
Heraclitusstudent says
Around 2000 cases, 56 deaths.

Am I the only one that sees what a huge nothing burger this virus is. 2000 cases for a bug that spread around China, Asia, Europe and America.
That's nothing, not even microscopic in global scheme of things.

I'd agree if accurate numbers are being given. This thing has two week incubation period that gives it a long time to move around and spread. Going to cull a lot of elderly and people with other conditions if it goes wild.

Edit: Was wrong incubation only 3days
38   mell   2020 Jan 26, 9:10am  

RC2006 says
Tenpoundbass says
Heraclitusstudent says
Around 2000 cases, 56 deaths.

Am I the only one that sees what a huge nothing burger this virus is. 2000 cases for a bug that spread around China, Asia, Europe and America.
That's nothing, not even microscopic in global scheme of things.

I'd agree if accurate numbers are being given. This thing has two week incubation period that gives it a long time to move around and spread. Going to cull a lot of elderly and people with other conditions if it goes wild.

Edit: Was wrong incubation only 3days

The numbers may be underreported in China but not here, and though it seems highly infectious (mouth and potentially eyes) it still is less infectious than Ebola and the flu. So it seems very exaggerated at this point. It may unfortunately get a lot of older and immunocompromised people in China but can't see it making a dent in the Western world - so far all the patients in the Western world are either stable or doing well. Definitely flight restrictions and quarantines are in order though until we know more.
39   mell   2020 Jan 26, 9:12am  

RC2006 says
HeadSet says
So, who here is stocking up on N95 masks?

Ha was just talking to coworker about putting in an order to Granger, its FOB city around here.

Unless you're in a hospital setting or maybe public transit, very close proximity with bad ventilation masks are a waste. Just avoid crowds and wash your hands at all times, esp. before touching your face. Same precautions as for the flu.
40   Heraclitusstudent   2020 Jan 26, 9:16am  

So far the growth is around 60% a day.

Projecting this, it will be a million cases in 2 weeks.

They will ban travels to Asia unless absolutely necessary, ask people to work from home where they can, and maybe close schools.
41   RC2006   2020 Jan 26, 9:18am  

mell says
RC2006 says
HeadSet says
So, who here is stocking up on N95 masks?

Ha was just talking to coworker about putting in an order to Granger, its FOB city around here.

Unless you're in a hospital setting or maybe public transit, very close proximity with bad ventilation masks are a waste. Just avoid crowds and wash your hands at all times, esp. before touching your face. Same precautions as for the flu.

I was just going to wear one to be an asshole, then use it for bathroom demo.
42   mell   2020 Jan 26, 9:21am  

Heraclitusstudent says
So far the growth is around 60% a day.

Projecting this, it will be a million cases in 2 weeks.

They will ban travels to Asia unless absolutely necessary, ask people to work from home where they can, and maybe close schools.

They should. Most business travel to Asia here from the bay area has already been canceled. It's been growing at a faster rate in China of course since it was undiagnosed for a while and due to the proximity of so many people to each other. It won't reach a million cases if the Chinese numbers are anywhere near accurate.
43   mell   2020 Jan 26, 9:27am  

Of course Zh speculates up to "5MM potential carriers" have left the Wuhan region already. Best quote is this though:

"After Friday's selloff, we imagine investors will be paying close attention to news out of Wuhan as it completely overshadows other 'important' domestic news stories, like the Dems impeachment debacle, or the fact that Bernie Sanders is now on track to win Iowa and New Hampshire."

Anybody care for the impeachment trial? No. lol
44   Booger   2020 Jan 26, 9:55am  

China is asshoe!
45   mell   2020 Jan 26, 9:58am  

Booger says
China is asshoe!

best password ever!
47   WookieMan   2020 Jan 26, 12:33pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
So far the growth is around 60% a day.

Projecting this, it will be a million cases in 2 weeks.

They will ban travels to Asia unless absolutely necessary, ask people to work from home where they can, and maybe close schools.

Not saying you're wrong at all, but what are your sources? I don't believe shit that comes out of China. They have the tech and knowledge to track this stuff, but I don't trust that they use it correctly, whether intentionally so or by stupidity of who they put in charge of tracking it. My guess is the numbers are vastly underreported and maybe they're catching up with their bullshit.

I also don't trust medical or mortality statistics for any country. Like you voluntarily admit that people have a higher probability of death by living there versus other places.
48   rigidmember   2020 Jan 26, 12:42pm  

Two sick now in Socal, now just waiting for the first case here in the Bay Area. With the diversity here and world travel the way it is I guarantee there's someone here with the virus.

50   WookieMan   2020 Jan 26, 1:41pm  

Patrick says
May well be spread by eating bats:


This is Trump's fault. With the trade war we weren't selling as much grain to China. So they had to eat bats.....

Just wait, someone is going to come out with this if it is in fact determined it's from bats.

I'm Ace Ventura. I think bats are about the only animal that completely freaks the fuck out of me. I wouldn't even want to be near a dead one. I know I'm going to sound like a crazy mother fucker, but I can hear bats and that's ultimately why I hate them. Spine tingling/nails on chalk board.
51   RWSGFY   2020 Jan 26, 4:49pm  

Fucking Chinese need to leave the fucking wildlife the fuck alone. Stop craving tiger penises, pangolin scales, shark fins, bats, snakes, monkey brains and other disgusting stuff which is neither tasty nor good for you but is popular because of superstitions and/or because it shows that you are wealthy enough to afford to eat this weird shit. Enough of this silliness!
52   komputodo   2020 Jan 26, 9:59pm  

WookieMan says
I'm Ace Ventura. I think bats are about the only animal that completely freaks the fuck out of me.

Me too...Last time I saw one, I killed it with a shovel.
53   Heraclitusstudent   2020 Jan 26, 10:02pm  

80 deaths (40% increase).
World cases count not mentioned. But 5 in the US.
55   RC2006   2020 Jan 27, 11:24am  


They are like insects, if we came across this it would be completely different reaction.
56   Heraclitusstudent   2020 Jan 27, 11:52am  

This virus has a relatively long incubation period during which people are not really sick and don't have fever but can infect others. Given this, how do you track cases that may have spread for some time all over the world, and may be incorrectly labeled as pneumonia of some kind.
If the containment measures are working, we will see a graduation reduction in the reported cases.
If not, we will see new the virus popup in more places and the number of cases jump.

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