I know most Trump Cucks aren't wondering what honesty or integrity look like. But here it is anyway

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2020 Feb 7, 7:44pm   4,199 views  30 comments

by marcus   ➕follow (7)   💰tip   ignore  

Smart man. Chooses not to be with the scumbags who lie to themselves on a minute by minute basis.

Good on you Mitt !


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1   marcus   2020 Feb 7, 7:46pm  

Here comes the dishonest assertions from the lying asshole liars. Yeah, I know, you believe your own bullshit and don't recognize decency and honesty even when it screams in your face.

I'm sure you can not and will not even listen to his reasons. It's like you're a vampire and holy water is being thrown in your face. It would hurt too much.
2   RWSGFY   2020 Feb 7, 7:57pm  

First the donkeys fell in love with "eeevil necon Booooosh". Now they suddenly have a crush on Mitt. Not so long ago he was the outsorcer-in-chief, destroyer of Medicare with binders fulll of women rMoney but now they see his honesty and integrity. Where the fuck have you been in 2012?
3   marcus   2020 Feb 7, 8:06pm  

The fact that I'm happy to see a man in government who knows what it means to swear an oath, doesn't mean that I like everything about the Romney.

Even if this is in largely a pragmatic move based on believing that history will show him to be on the side of truth, I still respect it as acknowledging the truth, something too many are incapable of these days.
5   RC2006   2020 Feb 7, 8:31pm  

Mitt Romney is so full of shit I haven't liked him since I first learned about him when he ran for president.

Funny how it goes the same way every time. Some massive asshole that was enemy of dems turns on Trump then suddenly the are the second coming. If Bush Jr came out against Trump he would suddenly be great and the Iraq war would flip to being just war by dems.
6   RWSGFY   2020 Feb 7, 8:34pm  

RC2006 says
If Bush Jr came out against Trump he would suddenly be great

Already happened.
7   marcus   2020 Feb 7, 8:38pm  

RC2006 says


marcus says
The fact that I'm happy to see a man in government who knows what it means to swear an oath, doesn't mean that I like everything about the Romney

I didn't like ROmney compared to Obama, and it doesn't mean I've done a 180 on him just becasue I like what he did here, or becasue I think it's honest and intelligent.

Part of my reason for liking it is that it takes a republican to explain to a lot of the most mindless assholes in the senate what they just did.

Presumably more republicans will change their tune to believing it was not impeachable, rather than all the tired lies about Trump not doing anything wrong, or their not being a case, when there was evidence and it looked like he did it and therefore evidence was blocked.
8   Misc   2020 Feb 7, 9:52pm  

Ahhh...the Romney paradox.

He sided with the democrats on the charge of Abuse of Authority. Democrats said Trump asked the Ukraine to investigate Biden based on nothing just to purely harm him politically. Romney voted against the Obstruction of Congress charge because there is no such thing (it is fairytale make believe). The democrat senators (every one of them) voted in favor on the charge of Obstruction of Congress.

Now that there is a moment of sobriety, the democrats are confronted with the fact that they investigated, charged and voted to convict Trump on Obstruction of Congress (fairytale make believe) solely to harm him politically. Since the democrats are honest and full of integrity, they logically know that they are guilty of the same charge, Abuse of Authority, they made against Trump, hence they should resign their positions. On the other hand, if they are sniveling politicians, they will say they are acting within their authority. This therefore validates the Republican majority who states that Trump was acting within his authority.
9   Ceffer   2020 Feb 7, 9:56pm  

Another brainwashed minion of the Great Socialist Paradise. Our work here is done.

Needs some touch ups, though. Winds up going 180 degree agitprop spew so often, occasionally winds up 360 degrees by going too fast, looks in the right direction, and freaks out.
10   marcus   2020 Feb 8, 1:49am  

Misc says
charged and voted to convict Trump on Obstruction of Congress (fairytale make believe) solely to harm him politically

solely ?

What does that even mean ?

Of course if the President flagrantly abuses his power in a most egregious way, and is busted for it, it hurts him politically. But that doesn't mean it was the only reason or even the primary reason he was called out on it. He was called out and busted for it becasue he needed to be. Period.
11   komputodo   2020 Feb 8, 6:57am  

marcus says
Smart man. Chooses not to be with the scumbags who lie to themselves on a minute by minute basis.

Good on you Mitt !


Is marcus finally indicating who he wants for president in 2020?
12   HeadSet   2020 Feb 8, 7:03am  

"Honesty" and "Integrity" have nothing to do with this. Your praise of Romney is totally partisan.
13   Bd6r   2020 Feb 8, 7:38am  

marcus says
Even if this is in largely a pragmatic move based on believing that history will show him to be on the side of truth

I think this is plain and simple butthurt from Romney
14   Onvacation   2020 Feb 8, 8:16am  

LOL!. TDS has no bounds.
15   B.A.C.A.H.   2020 Feb 8, 8:33am  

Marcus, living here in a bubble of left coast liberalism, I wanted to see for myself, who the heck are these "deplorables".

So, I went to the trump rally in SJ to see for myself. OMG I was shocked. These "deplorables" reflected the diversity of the region. And based on their passion, I don't think they were lookey-loos like me.

Brought my then 20 yr old college kid along for a civics lesson. You see, in spite of what we read, there's many college students who are too busy studying demanding technical majors and balancing that with work, to be involved in politics.

OMG I got a lump in my throat that night when I saw these "deplorables" of every race and demographic celebrating their man. I told my kid, "Oh my gosh he's going to win". That was in June 2016.

Next day that view was confirmed inside my mind from watching a live telecast on a local channel of Hillary pandering to what should have been the friendliest audience possible for her from the lecturn of a mostly African American church in Oakland. You could see the boredom on the faces of the (mostly middle aged and older women) audience. The muted, polite applause was deafening in its quietness. She was pandering to all the wrong issues for these folks. These folks would welcome Law and Order, and a stop to Gentrification, apparently not on her agenda. And there was no Q and A.

Hipster Left Coast Liberals like us (and Hillary) created the trump phenomenon by ignoring folks in Flyover Country, and dissing them off as Deplorables. Moreover, we have our own "Deplorables" among us whom we ignore or push into Old Beater RVs or tent cities because there's no place for them as we gentrify their communities.
16   Shaman   2020 Feb 8, 8:39am  

B.A.C.A.H. says
Hipster Left Coast Liberals like us (and Hillary) created the trump phenomenon by ignoring folks in Flyover Country, and dissing them off as Deplorables. Moreover, we have our own "Deplorables" among us whom we ignore or push into Old Beater RVs or tent cities because there's no place for them as we gentrify their communities.

Trump and Sanders represent the populist movement. Trump for those who work and hold more conservative views. Sanders for those who hold Leftist views and don’t like to work much, but want lots of free shit to make up for that lack of drive.

That’s why the elitist Democrat establishment can’t stand either camp. And yet, populism is all the rage these days! Good luck keeping it under wraps!

And yes, campaigning on issues that people of all demographics CARE about is a sure way to establish a firm coalition and unshakable fans of your candidacy.
17   B.A.C.A.H.   2020 Feb 8, 9:15am  

Shaman says
campaigning on issues that people of all demographics CARE about is a sure way to establish a firm coalition

Gentrification results in higher property tax assessments, and so more revenue for generous pensions and retirement medical for government employees. Too many democrats don't wanna mess with that third rail of their "coalition", even it if means more people being pushed out into the streets.
18   B.A.C.A.H.   2020 Feb 8, 9:31am  

Shaman says
And yet, populism is all the rage these days! Good luck keeping it under wraps!

Nigel Farage said it best: Populism is popular.
19   B.A.C.A.H.   2020 Feb 8, 9:34am  

Future California Voter at the SJ Trump rally, June 2, 2016.

Because Hipsters cannot afford to (give up lattes and fancy stuff while paying off student loans) to "do the kid thing".

Besides, how would the yoga pants ever fit again?

20   B.A.C.A.H.   2020 Feb 8, 9:39am  

Greg Kihn, the ***ONLY*** "VIP" who was deplorable enough to appear on the stage at the San Jose trump rally.

He opened the event to sing the national anthem.

21   B.A.C.A.H.   2020 Feb 8, 9:46am  

Security line to get into the venue. If you look closely you'll notice the ethnic diversity reflecting that of our community.
22   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Feb 8, 9:50am  

If TDS sufferers had honesty, they'd acknowledge Trump was found not guilty on just about every official charge they've leveled at him.

"Abuse of Power"
"Obstruction of Congress"
Russian Collusion
23   B.A.C.A.H.   2020 Feb 8, 10:02am  


I've been labeled TDS.

But I blame our own Coastal Hipster selves for creating the situation that created that Monster.

Like the Depression Era Berliners partying in the Caberets as they ignored the plight of German deplorables in the provinces.
24   Ceffer   2020 Feb 8, 10:05am  

They did accuse him of 'Being Trump'. That charge stuck.
25   Ceffer   2020 Feb 8, 10:15am  

Romney probably just wants to get his family in on the en masse Dem plea bargains for corrupt practices. Clintons are past masters at getting into power to cover up their crimes in situ. Only a dazed and confused LibbyFuck would remotely characterize this as any form of integrity or honesty.
26   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Feb 8, 10:32am  

B.A.C.A.H. says
Like the Depression Era Berliners partying in the Caberets as they ignored the plight of German deplorables in the provinces.

Interesting perspective, funny you should mention, I came across a piece on that the other day. Definitely a little acknowledged or explored piece of the Hitler Rise puzzle; goes against a lot of dominant paradigms. Interwar Berlin had the biggest and most open "Alternative Lifestyles" culture on the planet.
27   Ceffer   2020 Feb 8, 11:26am  

There is an interesting police procedure drama made in Germany called 'Babylon Berlin'. Germans have that weird combo of extreme rigidity contrasted with drunken, cut loose, depraved hedonism. I think the show is still on Netflix.

It is placed in the era between world wars. That's a murky and poorly understood historical period for me, and it helped to clear things up a bit.
28   RC2006   2020 Feb 8, 11:34am  

Maybe he is going to be dems VP to fake bringing the parties together and taking a few rep voters.
29   marcus   2020 Feb 8, 11:37am  

RC2006 says
Maybe he is going to be dems VP

He should run as an independent, although if the democrat nominee is on the far left, that would clearly benefit Trump. I guess it would probably benefit Trump no matter what.
30   B.A.C.A.H.   2020 Feb 8, 11:48am  

Movie and stage play version of Fosse's Cabaret capture some of that zeitgeist.

Particularly the movie. Early in the narrative, brown shirt "deplorables" are muscled out of the Cabaret by bouncers.

In the middle of the narrative, Hipster residents of Berlin who make a day of slumming it on a roadtrip in what they thought was bucolic countryside are horrified by a some heartfelt nationalism demonstrated by deplorables in a rural beer garden.

The last scene in the movie pans the audience in the Cabaret. By now most of the attendees are in some sort of facist militaristic uniforms.

All this happening while Berliners depicted in the narrative are focused on their Hipster lives, mostly oblivious to the German Economy spiraling down the toilet.

I read thousands of pages of history about that period in Germany, mainly to answer questions I had about how they got out of their Great Inflation, and how the Reich financed the war. Not too many English language books that focus on those topics so I read history books that had a broad brush of the period.

Recently an encyclopedic German book "The Wages of Destruction" was translated to English. It provides the answer to the second question.

The Rise of trump (and Brexit) is similar to the Rise of Hitler. This is not to equate trump to Hitler, but the conditions leading to it are similar.

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