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108840   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Mar 1, 5:00am  

Why would I take the opinion of the Comments Section on some Academic's website who never managed a whore house over the Prime Minister of the multi-million person city state in Question?

True or False: The person running the organization in question for decades has a professional opinion, or a mere personal opinion?
108841   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Mar 1, 5:13am  

Flavius says
There is the possibility of learning something however I will stick with you fired from the hip without considering the counter point

The possibility of the Prime Minister of a Country's opinion about demographics within his own country is his professional, not personal opinion is beyond you, I suppose.
108842   WookieMan   2020 Mar 1, 5:27am  

jazz_music says
WookieMan says
Make it about me. I don't care
How’s your 401k?

For being mid 30's it's doing phenomenal. On pace to retire mid 50's with $16k/mo until I'm 90. Gotta save that cash man. Live frugally. I'm having wet dreams over this market right now. These are events that shave years off of future retirement. I'm as giddy as a kid in a candy store right now.
108843   WookieMan   2020 Mar 1, 5:38am  

Beautiful fiction writing.
108844   Y   2020 Mar 1, 7:23am  

I can vouch for matthew being at costco between 10:15 and 10:45, so this post is bs...

Flavius says
Do not assume that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn ‘A man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.…

Matthew 10:34 & 10:35
108846   CBOEtrader   2020 Mar 1, 8:08am  

jazz_music says
Yet you don’t say a single word to back your opinion.

Post the actual video quote, or ask yourself why you wont.

Your OP is a lie, again.
108847   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Mar 1, 8:44am  

jazz_music says
Fortwaynemobile says
You just described liberals today. Trashy, worthless duck less losers, good future slaves.
This is evil, an opinion that gets death threat.

Death threats are becoming a more common occurrence, you reap what you sow.

That’s the way it is

Threaten me all you want, I am not scared.
108848   Shaman   2020 Mar 1, 9:10am  

“and a man’s foes shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And he that doth not take his cross and follow after me, is not worthy of me. He that findeth his life shall lose it; and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭10:36-39‬ ‭ASV‬‬

In context of the entire chapter, it becomes obvious that Jesus is instructing his disciples in what they will face while spreading the gospel.
He doesn’t promise that it will be happy happy kumbayah, but rather that it will be hard and dangerous and you will make enemies and possibly be killed! In fact, you will likely make enemies of some of your own family by following and proclaiming the Christ.
It’s a super honest warning/instruction unlike any other religious leader would give.
In that, it’s unique and that lends even more credence to its historical and religious significance.
108849   CBOEtrader   2020 Mar 1, 9:22am  

mell says
Seems to be more contagious than flu

Given the poor data and misinformation, it is appropriate to question the generally accepted facts about coronavirus.

Your summary does reflect the facts being reported. Why should we trust the reports?

We know 1 US person has died so far. TPB mentions narrative contradicting facts that I don't have time to corroborate.
108850   RWSGFY   2020 Mar 1, 9:26am  

No worries: the second coming of Communism will save us all.
108851   Ceffer   2020 Mar 1, 9:33am  

I guess these 'new' fungi will be campaigning against Trump. That oughta be good for a walloping grant.
108852   Ceffer   2020 Mar 1, 9:36am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
Coronavirus is a weaponized libby Trumpicidal agent loosed upon AMERICA! to kill Trump voters, therefore our only hope is to shoot anyone who sneeze and sniffles in our vicinity and douse them with gasoline and ignite the body.

108853   Ceffer   2020 Mar 1, 9:45am  

Neil Peart Rush needs to share his mescaline recipe.
108854   clambo   2020 Mar 1, 9:54am  

Anthony Fauci wrote the mortality rate for Corona in China was reported as 2% and 1.4% variously.
He thinks that the case mortality rate was lower, since some people who were infected likely were not counted.
He wrote he thinks the case mortality rate is below 1% for Corona.

He wrote the flu case mortality rate is 0.1%

Last night I saw a new Bloomberg ad which said Trump was inept and incapable of responding to the threat to us by Corona.
It’s despicable behavior from a lying maniac midget, but it’s his money he’s throwing away.
108855   Ceffer   2020 Mar 1, 10:00am  

Somebody suggested a code of ethics for politicians, but they had to cancel it, because if the politicians saw it they would dissolve in flame and ashes like vampires in sunlight.
108856   WookieMan   2020 Mar 1, 10:28am  

clambo says
Last night I saw a new Bloomberg ad.....

Last night? If you consume any media your life is a Bloomberg ad. The guy is crazy as you mention. It's going to be a long time before this fucking shit show convention and we know which loser will be the nominee. I thought this would be fun bad, but this early in the game it's just downright actual bad.
108857   Booger   2020 Mar 1, 10:35am  

CBOEtrader says
We know 1 US person has died so far.

One out of about 330 million and people are panicking???
108858   Ceffer   2020 Mar 1, 10:42am  

Damned Bloomberg! The fucking air-dropped Bloomberg leaflets are carpeting my yard and got soggy. It's the worst thing since neighbor teens toilet papered all the trees in the hood.
108859   WookieMan   2020 Mar 1, 11:13am  

Booger says
CBOEtrader says
We know 1 US person has died so far.

One out of about 330 million and people are panicking???

Yup. Random made up number, but I'm guessing it's somewhat accurate, probably 2,000 people will die today of cancer. I'd bet we don't even hit 2k for 2020 by year end in the US for Corona. I get it is infections/contagious, but I still don't understand why we're all up in arms over something that will likely get a vaccine and be controlled versus a disease that just kills at a much higher rate and we are just okay with it. #CoronaHype
108860   Patrick   2020 Mar 1, 11:17am  

Top 8 Largest Dow Jones Drops in American History.

1) Trump: -1,191 2/27/20
2) Trump: -1,175 2/5/18
3) Trump: -1,032 2/8/18
4) Trump: -1,031 2/24/20
5) Trump: -879 2/25/20
6) Trump: -831 10/10/18
7) Trump: -800 8/14/19
8) Trump: -799 12/4/18

Oh be serious, as if even a beginning investor couldn't tell the difference between points and percents! Any investor that just looks at points will soon be bankrupt due to incompetence.

To describe value by stock market points is like claiming that a 2 dollar gain is better than a 1% gain on $1000 because the digit 2 is greater than the digit 1. That would be idiotic.

Percents are all that matter.

Point fluctuation will always grow larger and larger forever as the stock market grows. Has absolutely nothing to do with actual performance.

Here are the 10 greatest percent fluctuations in stock market history, and not a single one has been under Trump:

Or maybe the corona virus panic made it onto the list. Still not Trump's fault in the least.
108861   Tenpoundbass   2020 Mar 1, 11:21am  

Something not being reported along with the manufactured Corona Virus(common cold)Hype.
Ransomware attacks on businesses is up 2000%, and there's not much of a mention on it. It's so prevalent right now, if any Federal Emergency should be declared it should be that. It hit us, it hit about 6 municipalities in South Florida even hit a Police Department and wiped out their evidence and police reports data.

In our townhall at work, the CEO said that over the last two years, we've had two vendors go out of business because they got hit and so did all of their backups.

I bet John Brennan knows a thing or two about it.
108862   clambo   2020 Mar 1, 11:46am  

Dimwits and the media always incorrectly represent the points an index has changed, not the percentage change.

They’re either stupid or evil trying to mislead investors.

As mentioned above, 1987 was a big drop.

I don’t follow the Dow index, but it’s up 38% since November 2016.
I follow the W5000 index which is up about 33% since November 2016.

Meanwhile, a big sign at my bank shows they have a great rate of 1.3%!
Who the fuck are the media kidding? Nobody with a brain is going to stop stock investing.

The media is talking to the dimwit broke wage slaves who don’t want to save a dime for their future.
They are natural Democrats, expecting daddy government to provide for them.
They want to get a guy like Bernie in there to steal from the savers to pay them.
108863   Karloff   2020 Mar 1, 11:59am  

Rush is one of the greatest bands of all time. I've always liked this tune and its take on the idiocy of the communist ideal of keeping everyone "equal".
108864   Tenpoundbass   2020 Mar 1, 12:17pm  

jazz_music says
You might make a post about that subject

Assets, Economy, deflation it's all connected. Especially when companies start closing shop because every record they ever saved is wiped out and gone.

There's a serious attack on the economy whether the left wants to acknowledge it or not. The more Trump says the economy is strong, the more the Left conspires to put it in the tank. They have been very vocal about it, Bill Maher said last month he would welcome a full economic collapse to get rid of Trump. He was praised for saying it by the MSM.
108865   WookieMan   2020 Mar 1, 1:00pm  

jazz_music says
Why comment with weak and manipulative attack? Why not really read the OP?

I don't believe I've seen one person attack you in this thread? You posted a link to something that others could disagree with potentially. What did you think the outcome would be? Defend your stance instead of whining about it.
108866   Patrick   2020 Mar 1, 1:09pm  

Asset prices have actually not been particularly inflated.

Inflated would mean that the price for a dollar of earnings (the p/e ratio) is higher than normal. But it is not much higher than normal:


108867   Tenpoundbass   2020 Mar 1, 1:11pm  

Well if Trump can, just by happenstance, take the manufacturing power and give it back to the small business entrepreneur. Just as the Global Economy Cabal are plotting and acting to take out the "Great Trump Economy". They can't out do Trump, he will always come up with a way to out maneuver them.
Stocks are way over inflated, Warren Buffet had a good Run but American's putting their financial confidence in the Stock Market is over. It's time for America to return to spreading the wealth among the middle class. Not doing so is deadly dangerous for the long term future and health of our Country.
Political motivated people of every ideology imaginable can use that to exploit and undermine our way of Life. It has to be better than everything else. Or there is no America.

People will want communism when our middle class is absent, and billionaires are created out of the void.
108868   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Mar 1, 2:05pm  

The solution to all of our problems, killing two birds with one stone:

108869   CBOEtrader   2020 Mar 1, 2:09pm  

Ceffer says
Damned Bloomberg! The fucking air-dropped Bloomberg leaflets are carpeting my yard and got soggy. It's the worst thing since neighbor teens toilet papered all the trees in the hood.

Joke or serious?

That's the state of reality today. I cant tell if this a joke or actually happening.

What about the car w the bullhorn on top around dinner time in a middle class neighborhood? Thats about as respectful as airdropped flyers.
108870   mell   2020 Mar 1, 2:23pm  

Booger says
CBOEtrader says
We know 1 US person has died so far.

One out of about 330 million and people are panicking???

Right. Again if you're frail or old you can catch any respiratory illness and end up on the fritz. It's the circle of life which leads to death. Inevitably. Almost distasteful to highlight every person biting the dust, no matter for what reason. Media should focus on reporting actual news again.
108871   rocketjoe79   2020 Mar 1, 2:30pm  

Jesus is the best con game ever invented:

Priest: Listen, Squire, give me everything ya got on earth, until you're dead.
Squire: But that means you'll 'ave everything and I'll 'ave nothing!
Priest: Yes, BUT, you'll have EVERLASTING Life! That's like, forever.
Sqiure: EVERLASTING? And this starts right after I'm Dead?
Priest: Yes, but wait: THERE'S MORE!! In 'eaven, you get your hearts desire just by wishing for it, and nothing bad EVER happens.
Squire: And all I have to do is be your willing slave for life?!? Oh, well, in that case, where do I sign up??
(Priest to Acolyte): (We've landed another idiot! Make sure you get him to sign the contract!)
108872   Tenpoundbass   2020 Mar 1, 2:35pm  

There Liberals go deflecting and projecting everything that Jive Ass Mother Fucker Obama proved himself to be, on to Trump and his supporters.

Pathetic shit right there.

Obama is synonymous with Divide and Conquer and always was since before the Shit Ass got elected.

He's a Creepy Mother Fucker!
108873   mell   2020 Mar 1, 2:37pm  

Look no further than Ibrexafungerp. Ticker is SCYX. Highly effective against CA. Not resistance forming either. No problem once approved.
108874   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Mar 1, 2:48pm  

OK, Doomer.

Food! Rationing! By! 1984!

108875   mell   2020 Mar 1, 2:49pm  

Have you looked at death lately? Seems to be inevitable after life. Maybe we should impeach Trump over it. Clearly his fault.
108876   Shaman   2020 Mar 1, 3:03pm  

mell says
Have you looked at death lately? Seems to be inevitable after life. Maybe we should impeach Trump over it. Clearly his fault.

I hear it has a staggering 100% mortality rate, and worse, everyone in the world is born with the infection!
108877   WookieMan   2020 Mar 1, 3:15pm  

He watched the video and explained his opinion on it.... it wasn't an attack....

jazz_music says
CBOEtrader had no basis to claim "Why are you allowing lies to manipulate you, jazz?" That was all a nonsensical attack for the sake of what, disruption? A video was provided in the OP. CBOEtrader opines that what happened didn't happen, and the quoted text exists to manipulate someone. I'm not kidding. There's no discussion, only battle here.

The whole comment....

CBOEtrader says
Your OP, as per usual is a lie.

Go watch the video and post a clip. Suggesting the prospect of a Bernie POTUS being one of many factors in the market is an absolute empirical fact.

Pretending anyone thinks Bernie is more than an off chance and anyone is "blaming" Sanders is an example of lying w rhetorical implications. Its not true, didn't happen, and it's meant to manipulate.

Why are you allowing lies to manipulate you, jazz?

You've been here long enough. We all know each others style at some point. CBOE is direct and he's just calling you out for an over the top opinion/statement you're making. And then you seem upset by that. That's what I'm getting at. You're going to get conflicting opinions on any forum.

It just seems silly to get so defensive any time someone counters what you post. Not everyone is going to like it. I personally had no problem with your post, just your reaction. Sanders is in fact an influence on the stock market as a potential presidential candidate. He has the potential to destroy an entire political party that he's really never affiliated with. His nomination, even without becoming POTUS, disrupts power structures.

This isn't some small thing. If he were able to implement his policies it would destroy the economy and therefore the stock market. It's not complicated.
108878   Bd6r   2020 Mar 1, 3:53pm  

rocketjoe79 says
Jesus is the best con game ever invented

Exactly, the Church sells product which matures only after you are dead, while collecting $$$ from you in this life.

On a side note, half or may be even more of my ancestors were killed in Northern Crusades because they did not bow to a Middle Eastern fairy tale religion...
108879   Bd6r   2020 Mar 1, 3:56pm  

Patrick says
Asset prices have actually not been particularly inflated.

What about housing - it is asset as well?

And Jazz here seems to be very right - "quantitative easings" and "bank bailouts" tend to favor rich people. The rest can go and die in squalor

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