The media LIES again about Trump. Google really is developing a Wuhan Virus website just like Trump said.

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2020 Mar 15, 3:14pm   3,082 views  77 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


Google is developing a website dedicated to the coronavirus after all.

Following a press conference by President Trump on the COVID-19 outbreak, in which he touted Google's plans to design a site where people could visit to have questions answered and be directed to testing centers, there was some confusion when the media said it was actually a life-sciences sister site, Verily, that was developing it.

However, Saturday night, Google confirmed it was, in fact, creating such a site. In a series of tweets, Google announced it "is partnering with the U.S. government in developing a nationwide website that includes information about COVID-19 symptoms, risk, and testing information."

The mainstream media is SO full of shit.

No one with any dignity or self-respect would work for the NY Times, CNN, NPR, or any of the other lying propaganda outlets. Gross. All they can get these days are blue-haired infertile tatted-up shrews.

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1   marcus   2020 Mar 15, 3:41pm  

No bias there.

Funny I would say the complete opposite. That if someone was going in to journalism, NYT or NPR would be two of the very best possible places for them to end up.

there was some confusion when the media said it was actually a life-sciences sister site, Verily, that was developing it.

What, they made a mistake ? WHAT THE FUCK ? It's not a google affiliate. It's actually google ! OOOOOOHHHH NOOOOOOOOO ! THHHEY WEERRE INTEENNNTIONALLY TRYYYINGG TO MAAAKE TRRUMP LOOOKK BAAD, and now they have to retract.

This is even worse than Obama's tan suit !
2   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Mar 15, 3:42pm  

This is true. It’s why I frequently point out the author of various articles posted here on Pat.net. Maybe social shaming will do something to get these liars and deceivers back to reporting instead of propagandizing.
3   marcus   2020 Mar 15, 3:44pm  

"there was some confusion"

I hope this doesn't effect Mondays stock market open !
4   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Mar 15, 3:44pm  

marcus says
No bias there.

Previously many “reporting” articles from the NYT(ie not editorials) we’re linked here and biased and misleading language was pointed out.

That you chose to stick your head in the sand doesn’t make it untrue.
5   marcus   2020 Mar 15, 3:45pm  

Please explain how an error about it being google rather than a google sister site makes Trump look bad ? The source of the error was probably google. They changed their mind or something. Who could possibly give a fuck ?

You guys are reeaaaaaly stretching.

I wish the worst of Trumps daily lies could be described as "there was some confusion"
6   marcus   2020 Mar 15, 3:48pm  


SO google together with the govt will be sharing info about, among other things, what Alphabet's Verily is doing with CV testing.
7   CBOEtrader   2020 Mar 15, 3:57pm  

marcus says
"there was some confusion"

I hope this doesn't effect Mondays stock market open !

Down 4% already :)

Who knows where its going?
8   marcus   2020 Mar 15, 6:41pm  

Let's not lie about the media lying. They do sometimes, but not with this. Trump has a big mouth and was confused, trying to calm markets. It's obvious he wanted to beat Google to announce things he didn't even completely understand.


Saturday night, Google laid out everything it’s doing in response to the coronavirus outbreak in its own words — after days of confusion over exactly how the search giant is collaborating with the White House in the face of a growing public health crisis.

As Google’s official PR described it in a string of tweets, there are at least three distinct projects at work. First, Alphabet medical subsidiary Verily is building a system for triaging individuals for testing, as reported on Friday. But the project is in the early stages of development, and current plans are limited to a pilot in the Bay Area, far from the national testing system described by Trump.

At the same time, Google now says it is partnering with the government to build “a nationwide website that includes information about COVID-19 symptoms, risk and testing information,” something ever so slightly closer to what Trump described at the press conference, but still not a website that facilitates tests and delivers results. Alongside those two projects, Google is also pushing verified information (usually from the CDC or WHO) through Search, YouTube and its various other web outlets.

As Google framed it, those projects were all President Trump was talking about in his confusing announcement on Friday. “We are fully aligned and continue to work with the US Government to contain the spread of COVID-19, inform citizens, and protect the health of our communities,” the company said.

In a Sunday blog post, Google and Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai wrote that the company was “continuing to help” with COVID-19 response, including “an online tool to increase risk screening and testing for people at high risk of COVID-19.” Pichai wrote that “while Verily is in the early stages of this pilot program, the plan is to expand to other locations over time.”

While the Google efforts are ambitious, they still fall far short of the comprehensive testing system described by President Trump on Friday, much less the 1,700 Google engineers that were supposedly working on that system. And it’s still far from clear what the president was referring to when he described a Google-built website that would “determine whether a test is warranted and to facilitate testing at a nearby convenient location.”

New reporting suggests the idea of such a site was part of a muddled line of communication between White House advisor Jared Kushner and his various contacts in the tech world. The New York Times has reported that Kushner was in close contact with Verily CEO Andy Conrad, who described the triage project to Kushner in advance of the meeting. The idea of 1,700 Google engineers number seems to have come from a volunteer sheet that circulated at a Google all-hands meeting. But while those 1,700 Googlers were volunteering to help, that work would have been in addition to their everyday duties. It’s unclear whether any volunteers actually contributed to the project.

The resulting announcement caught the company entirely off guard. A senior White House official told The Washington Post that much of the confusion was the result of plans being rushed out too early, as the administration rushed to present news that would calm financial markets.

“Neither one of the announcements were ready for prime time,” the official told the Post. “People wanted news to announce.”
9   Patrick   2020 Mar 15, 6:55pm  

marcus says
they made a mistake

Lol, "a" mistake.

As if they even had a semblance of trying to be honest.

They do nothing but diss Trump. Literally nothing else is ever on the front page of the NY Times.

Their credibility is shot.
10   marcus   2020 Mar 15, 7:50pm  

I hope my perception never gets that fucked up.

I'll have to remember not to fall madly in love some leader that more than half the country despises with all their heart and soul. . Seems like a recipe for some fairly serous emotional problems.
11   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Mar 15, 7:52pm  

marcus says
I hope my perception never gets that fucked up.

I'll have to remember not to fall madly in love some leader that more than half the country hates. Seems like a recipe for some fairly serous emotional problems.

Oh the irony!
12   marcus   2020 Mar 15, 7:54pm  

Patrick says
They do nothing but diss Trump

It's almost as if he behaves and says things worthy of disrespect.
13   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Mar 15, 8:03pm  

CNN right now:

Mostly OrangeManBad, JoeMentiaGood.
14   Onvacation   2020 Mar 15, 8:15pm  

marcus says
some leader that more than half the country despises with all their heart and soul.

I suspect the TDS rate is under 40%.
Who would you vote for? The commie or the groper?
15   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Mar 15, 8:15pm  

marcus says
I hope my perception never gets that fucked up.

I'll have to remember not to fall madly in love some leader that more than half the country despises with all their heart and soul. . Seems like a recipe for some fairly serous emotional problems.

No one is in love here. It’s just TDS on the left that is of astronomical proportions. We working people simply live in real world, while tdsers live in imaginary world. Oh and let me remind you of your Obama love story. Media darling could do no wrong.
16   WookieMan   2020 Mar 15, 9:19pm  

CBOEtrader says
marcus says
"there was some confusion"

I hope this doesn't effect Mondays stock market open !

Down 4% already :)

Who knows where its going?

Does it even open? It's going to be a blood bath.

The Europe flight ban wasn't the best idea as someone that's dealing with a family member coming back, maybe on Tuesday. They should have just stayed over there. So now you get the pictures/videos of O'hare completely overrun with incoming travelers that don't want to be stranded in Europe.

IL along with many other states banning eating in the damn restaurant caused another mass gather of people wanting to eat dinner one last time. This is being handled poorly at all levels.

If anyone wanted to be honest, anyone over 55 should stay home. If you are 30+, overweight and a smoker stay home. If you have asthma, stay home. Our solution is to fuck up 100% of people's lives instead of 20-30% roughly. This is being fucked up at every level.
17   marcus   2020 Mar 15, 11:26pm  

WookieMan says
If anyone wanted to be honest, anyone over 55 should stay home. If you are 30+, overweight and a smoker stay home. If you have asthma, stay home. Our solution is to fuck up 100% of people's lives instead of 20-30% roughly. This is being fucked up at every level.

It seems like you don't understand what's going on. But the info is out there if you want to.
18   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Mar 16, 12:26am  

Trump dropped that shit right on them like a boss - Literally.

19   Bd6r   2020 Mar 16, 8:42am  

This media total bias crap makes me somewhat like trump, which 3 yrs ago i thought would be impossible. If lying media owned by our corporate overlords hates trump, then I MUST like him.

NoCoupForYou says
CNN right now:

Mostly OrangeManBad, JoeMentiaGood.
20   marcus   2020 Mar 16, 8:51am  

Shocking. So SHOCKING. Democrats running for President say OrangeManBad. Wtf ?

What is the world coming to ?

"It's the media,...ahhhhh ! I never thought I would say it, but..."
21   socal2   2020 Mar 16, 9:00am  

marcus says
Shocking. So SHOCKING. Democrats running for President say OrangeManBad. Wtf ?

The Media is running for President?

If the Democrats didn't have the Media, Academia and Hollywood in their pocket doing 24/7 propaganda for them, they would never win another election outside the retarded sections of California, New York and Illinois.
22   CBOEtrader   2020 Mar 16, 9:38am  

marcus says

It seems like you don't understand what's going on. But the info is out there if you want to.

I love how you think you are the sole editor of truth.

CNN has TDS'd too many brains
23   WookieMan   2020 Mar 16, 9:42am  

marcus says
It seems like you don't understand what's going on. But the info is out there if you want to.

What in the bloody hell are you talking about?

I know exactly what I'm talking about. We're trashing the economy for people 60 and older. Many of whom don't work anyway. Many of whom are now likely to die from other reasons because of all this bull shit. Quarantine a smaller percentage of the population, the old or those with immune deficiencies, that has minimal effect on the overall population. It's not complicated. It's a fucking virus.... it's going to spread regardless of what we're doing now. Might slow it down, but it's doesn't just go away because we shut down civilization.

Given the response in the quote above my guess is you have respiratory issues, are old or are concerned about family with that stuff. I feel for those people, but my point is we could get through this with 30% of people making sacrifices instead of 100%. In case you haven't read all my comments, I'm pissed about Trump's response to this. Surprised with your response here.
24   WookieMan   2020 Mar 16, 9:52am  

Here's some more....

We know what it's doing and the response is to shut down civilization?
25   Patrick   2020 Mar 16, 9:53am  

socal2 says
The Media is running for President?

Lol, this is so true!

The media is definitely the opposition party, not interested in truth, only in keeping their globalist owners fat and happy.
26   WookieMan   2020 Mar 16, 9:57am  

These are old and fucking unhealthy people. This is indisputable. THEY need to be put on lock down instead of grinding the economy to a halt for something equal and probably less potent than the average flu for 70% of the population.

This seems intentional at this point. It's obvious and known what this is and there are much easier solutions.
27   Patrick   2020 Mar 16, 10:09am  

I agree. The right response from the beginning would have been to quarantine the people likely to die, not everyone.
28   rdm   2020 Mar 16, 10:33am  

WookieMan says
We're trashing the economy for people 60 and older.

On one level this is true. But the problem has been how to keep the oldsters from overwhelming the health system. This puts everyone at risk. The extremely contagious nature of the virus makes it nearly impossible to self "lock down" most old people. They don't live in a vacuum they have contact with younger people. they will still get sick and then what? Let them croak? That seems to be the implication. If so, yeah that probably would be the least economically disruptive policy...if that's what you want for your fathers mothers and grandparents, cool. or is it just for other people's parents and grandparents?
29   clambo   2020 Mar 16, 10:39am  

This is going to be the hurricane Katrina of the Democrats dreams to harass and pester Trump, like they blamed Bush to say he was a racist incompetent.

Bush didn’t build New Orleans below sea level and Trump didn’t tell Chinese to eat pangolins and bats.

Today they are over reacting, it’s older people who will die mostly.
30   mell   2020 Mar 16, 10:42am  

Has anyone heard from @Rin? I'm worried his hoeing might not be going that well right now with all the clamp-downs.
31   WookieMan   2020 Mar 16, 10:51am  

rdm says
They don't live in a vacuum they have contact with younger people

Hello... quarantine...? It makes substantially more sense to aggressively quarantine those that are 60+. Guess what? You don't get to see granny or great granny for 2 months. We all shouldn't RIGHT NOW! But I shouldn't be locked out of a fucking restaurant because I shouldn't go see granny.

That make sense? Over the next 3 years we'll all either get this or get a vaccination for it. This is dangerously overhyped.
32   WookieMan   2020 Mar 16, 10:58am  

Too lazy to grab the link. Just had a notification that airlines are looking for a $50B bailout.

A lot of people are getting conned with the hype of this virus. This is fucking deadly serious economically. This is jump off building type shit. Oh well, my parent that has lived a full life dies at a chance of 3.6%.... People need to grow the fuck up.
33   rdm   2020 Mar 16, 11:02am  

WookieMan says
But I shouldn't be locked out of a fucking restaurant because I shouldn't go see granny.

The horror, the horror.
34   WookieMan   2020 Mar 16, 11:19am  

rdm says
WookieMan says
But I shouldn't be locked out of a fucking restaurant because I shouldn't go see granny.

The horror, the horror.

Glad you find it funny....

Anyone under 50 shouldn't see anyone over 50+ right now. Probably for 2 months regardless of any action taken by governments. So don't. If you're over 50-60, don't leave the fucking house. And if you do, understand that your life is at risk. This statistically is not killing those under 60. Something like 70% of the population is 99.8% safe from this virus. But hey... let's put a bunch of people out of work for 30% of the population and 50% of that subset doesn't even work or contribute much of anything. Brilliant I must say. 👍
35   marcus   2020 Mar 16, 11:26am  

WookieMan says
I know exactly what I'm talking about. We're trashing the economy for people 60 and older.

Jesus, the boomer hate out there is out of hand. Several of us have posted links to good articles and analysis. It's not about what you say at all.

What it's about first and foremost is not overwhelming our healthcare system. Not getting to the point that they have to choose who to let die and totally stress out the system. In a couple months the flu season will have ended freeing up capacity in ICUs and for vetilators etc. Even Trump gets this.

But secondly it's about the fact that this is new and different and we don't really know what the numbers would grow to if we don't try to "flatten the curve" as they say. Do you think 100 million is impossible ? The experts don't think it's impossible. This is different than flu, which people are vaccinated for.

Try to open your mind and at least consider other points of view before going back to the broken record in your mind ( "they're just protecting the old people," "they're just protecting the old people," "they're just protecting the old people," "they're just protecting the old people," "they're just protecting the old people," "they're just protecting the old people," "they're just protecting the old people," )
36   marcus   2020 Mar 16, 11:36am  

WookieMan says
Something like 70% of the population is 99.8% safe from this virus. But hey... let's put a bunch of people out of work for 30% of the population and 50% of that subset doesn't even work or contribute much of anything. Brilliant I must say.

What you seem to miss is that even if people under 50 don't often die they still can catch it and exponentially increase the number infected, increasing the exposure to all the people that are old, or with compromised immune systems or conditions that make them more vulnerable.

(by the way they say it can be horrendous even in your 40s even if it doesn't kill you.

WookieMan says
Anyone under 50 shouldn't see anyone over 50+ right now.

wtf ?
37   WookieMan   2020 Mar 16, 11:48am  

marcus says
What it's about first and foremost is not overwhelming our healthcare system

No shit. Hence why old people shouldn't leave the fucking house and the kids and grand kids shouldn't visit for 2 months. Is this that complicated? Hospitals would do just fine if we did that. This will still spread again next winter. Not sure why people are fooling themselves at this point? Wuhan has been locked down for a while now. Yes, the percentage of new cases is lowering, but it's still transmitting in a complete fucking commie lock down.....

If you don't want CV-19 stay home. It's absolute bullshit though that 70% of the population is being fucked over. I still think some are blind to the economic impacts of this and think we'll just recover and things will go back to normal. In the next 14-21 days major industries will run out of cash along with their employees. This isn't the housing meltdown. Unless there's a moratorium on evictions and foreclosure proceedings, a shit ton of people ain't paying the April, May and probably June rent/mortgage.

I'm not trying to create fear. I'm just being realistic. You don't have to agree, I just think the response given what we know has been awful. If we're trying to save lives, we know the demographic we need to protect. We're not doing that...
38   marcus   2020 Mar 16, 1:32pm  

Most people will be keeping their jobs. Some are working from home and some continue working, at their usual location.. What percentage of people do you think are taken off the payroll of whatever type of work they do ? And if so wouldn't they have unemployment benefits ?

Whatever the percentage is, the govt is talking about some kind of aid for them. If it's a business that takes a hit. The govt can give tax breaks for this and other types of support.
It may be just a couple weeks until we know where we stand. I don't even know anyone with the virus.

WookieMan says

No shit. Hence why old people shouldn't leave the fucking house and the kids and grand kids shouldn't visit for 2 months. Is this that complicated?

It's sometimes hard to know how complicated something is until you see how difficult it is for other people to understand it.
39   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Mar 16, 2:10pm  

How the NYT Blue Check represented what Trump said:

What the President actually said:

And no, she's not in the Opinion section, but the Midwest Correspondent:
40   CBOEtrader   2020 Mar 16, 2:23pm  

rdm says
WookieMan says
We're trashing the economy for people 60 and older.

On one level this is true. But the problem has been how to keep the oldsters from overwhelming the health system. This puts everyone at risk. The extremely contagious nature of the virus makes it nearly impossible to self "lock down" most old people. They don't live in a vacuum they have contact with younger people. they will still get sick and then what? Let them croak? That seems to be the implication. If so, yeah that probably would be the least economically disruptive policy...if that's what you want for your fathers mothers and grandparents, cool. or is it just for other people's parents and grandparents?

This is exactly what I think should happen. Sorry if it hurts your feels.

The world is dangerous. Communicable diseases are a constant threat. As are car wrecks, random acts of violence, and spontaneous combustion.

I don't see how this CV risk is worth $trillions of economic disruption.

Maybe you have enough money to pay for rent, food, and bills without working. Most people dont. (See we can all do the weak AF virtue signaling thing. Fucking eyeroll)

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