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Because Republican are now a party of dumb and dumber
We do not need population growth. In fact, if we want to maintain our 1st World life style, we better keep the population at a level sustainable by renewable resources.
If growing population were the key, places like Nigeria would be zooming to the top.
Expensive Labor + Cheap Rents = Plenty of cash to circulate in the economy, creating even more opportunity.
Please elaborate on how such a place exists.
Seriously please. You might be fixin to teach me something.
And Republicans cut taxes by 20% on companies.
And Republicans cut taxes by 20% on companies.
Well except for the Federal taxes they pay... Federal tax on gas, payroll taxes if still employed, Federal tax on cell phone bill... should I go on?
And Republicans cut taxes by 20% on companies.
NoCoupForYou says
Democrats are now the party of the International Business and Academic Elite.
Anyone who is honest will admit that during the OBama years there were huge increases in southern border security and in deportations of mexicans that committed crimes in the US. Yes there was aslo DACA, and more tolerance for refugees than now.
"But the portrait of a steadily increasing number of deportations rests on statistics that conceal almost as much as they disclose. A closer examination shows that immigrants living illegally in most of the continental U.S. are less likely to be deported today than before Obama came to office, according to immigration data.
Expulsions of people who are settled and working in the United States have fallen steadily since his first year in office, and are down more than 40% since 2009.
On the other side of the ledger, the number of people deported at or near the border has gone up — primarily as a result of changing who gets counted in the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency’s deportation statistics.
The vast majority of those border crossers would not have been treated as formal deportations under most previous administrations. If all removals were tallied, the total sent back to Mexico each year would have been far higher under those previous administrations than it is now.
USA, Australia, Europe 1950-1975. And to a lesser extent, until the late 90s.
So you cannot have both ways.
goofus saysAnd Republicans cut taxes by 20% on companies.
NoCoupForYou says
Democrats are now the party of the International Business and Academic Elite.
Republicans brought corporate taxation to a level consistent with the OECD average. Ours was among the highest in the world, fueling yet more offshoring of US firms.
$6,400 =$6,400. It's not almost $8k if anything it's almost $7k but more exactly $6.4k
I disagree on what you say how does that make me a retard?
An employer pays half and an employee pays the other half out of their earnings
This is very obvious, but you responded as if WookieMan did an overzealous round up of $6.4k to $8k.
FuckTheMainstreamMedia saysWhat you are not correct on is that a guest worker program would have easily solved the matter.
I didn't say that. I'm just speculating on why corporate America tolerates it. It's certainly not becasue of cheap employees. Very small numbers of these people work for corporations, except possibly in the businesses Trump is in. Hotels, Country clubs, etc. This is an example of an area where the media somehow gives Trump a pass. You have to know there are hundreds or maybe thousands of illegals working at Trump properties. I guess at many he could say they are just licensing his name and it isn't his policies. Still, you aren't going to hear him condemning this practice at properties with his name.
How many illegal immigrants are there ? I really don't know. Many are catholic and want to have more than 2 children. Are you really going to claim that this doesn't p...
Very small numbers of these people work for corporations, except possibly in the businesses Trump is in. Hotels, Country clubs, etc. This is an example of an area where the media somehow gives Trump a pass. You have to know there are hundreds or maybe thousands of illegals working at Trump properties
It's important and woefully lacking in our society.
marcus saysTrump would counter that his businesses must remain competitive, so, he must use the same labor practices that his competitors do. The theory is that if all hotels had to employ only US citizens then none would be at a labor disadvantage. Sure, there would be some adjustments in demand for the (now) more expensive hotels but that might shake out as government lowering taxes for everyone because they no longer have to supply as much welfare. Maybe people would learn to prefer the services of less labor-intensive industries and less labor-intensive foods, etc. This could better align supply and demand.Very small numbers of these people work for corporations, except possibly in the businesses Trump is in. Hotels, Country clubs, etc. This is an example of an area where the media somehow gives Trump a pass. You have to know there are hundreds or maybe thousands of illegals working at Trump properties
Do you have any examples of Trump hiring illegal aliens or is that just the TDS talkin'?
What is the point of posting proof if you are going to give tump a pass because he didn't do the actual hiring of the illegal?
he didn't directly hire them so that doesn't count.
Why do you give him a pass for employing illegals?
I'll let you research the stories for yourself. Hey maybe it was fake news.
Wouldn't the best way to stop the hiring of illegals be to hold the owners responsible. In my view it would be much more effective than just holding the hiring managers responsible. Do you agree or disagree.
I think he is a con man like many other realtors.
The $6,400 might not ever be paid back but interest will be paid on it until it is
You should be equally pissed about all the hand outs to corporations. Some of them pay dick in federal income tax.
Fake shill scientists can be spotted a mile away.
If you max out the SALT, aren't you itemizing anyway? And maxing out with SALT alone implies that you paid over $24k in state income tax. Then you have a local income tax as well? I presume you are not a fan of any new local bond issues.
Sweden didn’t crater its economy and is still about done with Covid. Herd immunity in weeks.
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Turns out he has a much more complex, nuanced and balanced view that any right wing Trump Cuck is going to be able to relate to.
But my point, why can't we hear from more intelligent people that actually have the background and skills to look at this in a productive problems solving way.
(instead of the "how can the maga people win with this " perspective so predominant around here)