Corona virus (more correctly, Wuhan virus)

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2020 Jan 24, 12:33pm   198,466 views  3,372 comments

by Heraclitusstudent   ➕follow (8)   💰tip   ignore  

Anyone wants to risk a bet on the eventual number of sick people? Dead people?

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1538   zzyzzx   2020 Apr 23, 6:35am  

De Blasio's COVID-19-Lockdown Snitch-Line Flooded With Penis Pics And Memes


I think he accomplished what he set out to do in life...
Get a flood of penis pics to salivate over and...to feel like a woman for the first time in his life
1539   zzyzzx   2020 Apr 23, 1:34pm  


Coronavirus' toll on Chinese restaurants is devastating

As of April 15, 59% of independent Chinese restaurants across America had completely stopped taking debit and credit card transactions, indicating they have ceased operations, according to Womply, a data subscription service. Womply tracks credit and debit card transactions to provide market insights to 10 million small businesses.
Restaurants across the United States are suffering under the business shutdowns in place because of the pandemic, but Chinese restaurants are by far the worst-hit segment of the industry, Womply reported.

Many Chinese restaurants won't survive the coronavirus pandemic without targeted government intervention, advocates warn.

Prior to the coronavirus outbreak, 270 restaurants operated in New York's Chinatown, according to Wellington Chen, executive director of Manhattan's Chinatown Partnership Local Development Corporation. Only 40 remain open, Chen told CNN Business on Friday.

A large number of Chinese restaurants in San Francisco's Chinatown neighborhood have similarly ceased operations, according to Malcolm Yeung, executive director of the city's Chinatown Community Development Center. Yeung, who also serves as a board member for the local Chinese Chamber of Commerce, said San Francisco's Chinatown usually has about 150 Chinese restaurants in business, but now only 40 remain in operation.

Although Chinese restaurants around the world have become synonymous with takeout and delivery, many traditional Chinese restaurants offer only dine-in service. Yeung and Chen noted many traditional Chinese restaurants in major cities' Chinatown districts shun delivery services such as GrubHub, because those services charge high fees.
"These [Chinese restaurants] were on thin operating margins before," Yeung explained. "Transitioning over to [tech] delivery is going to make that even thinner."
Chen said he hopes Chinese restaurants will receive targeted relief funding and programs from the local, state and federal government. "If we don't get the breaks, we cannot break even," Chen said.

Congress is expected to approve a deal to replenish the federal government's Paycheck Protection Program, which last month quickly depleted its $349 billion economic-rescue fund for small businesses. Some of those funds would be set aside for under-served businesses, including those run by minorities.
A large portion of the nation's Chinese restaurants are independent and lack the capital reserves held by corporate chains, which may be better positioned to weather the financial storm from the coronavirus, said a spokesperson for P.F. Chang, which has more than 200 US restaurants.

The spokesperson said the Asian cuisine chain's takeout and delivery business has "doubled in size" since mid-March.
"The model that every type of restaurant across our country must currently operate under is, fortunately, one that we know well and are exceptionally good at," a P.F. Chang's spokesperson said via email.
1540   WookieMan   2020 Apr 23, 2:15pm  

zzyzzx says
"These [Chinese restaurants] were on thin operating margins before,"

Restaurants are tough businesses. I don't eat Chinese food often, but aren't the ingredients some of the cheapest you can get? Half the food is rice with sauces covering for low grade meat products with fuck loads of sodium. I don't think price wise entrees at another chain are more expensive to purchase, but Chinese food has to be cheap as shit expense wise for the owners. I'd think Chinese restaurants would have some of the highest margins in the biz, but I could be wrong.
1544   NoYes   2020 Apr 23, 6:58pm  

Pronounced 'Woooohan'.......woohoo sounds better. To answer your original question 'Anyone wants to risk a bet on the eventual number of sick people? Dead people? how about including how many people who will wish they were dead after going through all this BS.
1546   zzyzzx   2020 Apr 24, 7:10am  


"They Demand Unemployment" - Biz Owner Shocked At Angry Response When She Tells Staff Their Paychecks Will Resume
1549   Shaman   2020 Apr 24, 11:37am  

jazz_music says
The exponential increase in new cases is seen since mid March, that is about 5 weeks ago.

Yes, we know extremely senior citizens are scared to fucking death by the Wuflu. Can I interest you in a free cruise?
1550   zzyzzx   2020 Apr 24, 12:50pm  


AOC Drops By Unemployment Office To Tell People How Lucky They Are Not To Have Oppressive Jobs
April 22nd, 2020

NEW YORK, NY—In a rare visit to her district, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez dropped by the unemployment office to explain to everyone why losing their jobs was actually a good thing.

Ocasio-Cortez explained how those who had worked for oil companies were involved in an inherently evil industry. Furthermore, she said, by losing their jobs, they were pushing America closer and closer to a socialist utopia where nobody works. Finally, she told them they had thrown off the capitalist shackles of work and income.

"What a great turnout today!" she said cheerily as she turned on her megaphone, though she was shouting into it backward until an aide helped her turn it around. "Work and income are capitalist constructs! You should be thankful! I'm just so excited to see that everyone here, like, is totally ready for a socialist workers' paradise. Like, if nobody works, then the government just has to pay for our stuff, because, like, otherwise, money wouldn't exist."

Nobody seemed to understand her, but she pressed on. "Anyway, just keep fighting the good fight and topple our capitalist overlords!"

"You love to see it!"

She tripped on her shoelaces and fell on the way out, but an aide was ready to free her with a pair of scissors he always keeps handy just for such an occasion.
1554   WookieMan   2020 Apr 25, 7:12am  

Booger says

Density, density, density.... Living on top of each other makes this shit spread. TX has Houston for population comparable to Chicago, but it's not as packed in as the cities in the states listed for Dems. FL has Miami, but I think we're seeing the clear impact of UV rays on a virus lasting on surfaces and in the air there. FL is kind of purple anyway, always a battleground state.

Either way, demographics and density besides the virus itself is what should be the focus and everyone else can open up. Instead people are getting their nuts in a bind over cases to fatality rates with a super small sample size even being tested. But hey, freak out.
1555   Reality   2020 Apr 25, 10:57am  

WookieMan says
Density, density, density.... Living on top of each other makes this shit spread.

Correct. That's why it's criminal for the Democrats to advocate and enforce anti-sprawl laws. Those laws aiming at raising population density murder people every year, during the flu season.
1556   Patrick   2020 Apr 25, 11:18am  

WookieMan says
Density, density, density....

Density explains the greater spread of Wuhan virus in Democrat states, and also explains why dense areas vote Democrat to begin with.

Rural areas at all times and in all countries value self-reliance more than cities do, and necessarily so, since the resources of the cities are far away, by definition.

Cities, on the other hand, value government more than rural areas, since the greater density requires more government to manage: crime, garbage, boundary lines.
1557   mell   2020 Apr 25, 11:50am  

Patrick says
WookieMan says
Density, density, density....

Density explains the greater spread of Wuhan virus in Democrat states, and also explains why dense areas vote Democrat to begin with.

Rural areas at all times and in all countries value self-reliance more than cities do, and necessarily so, since the resources of the cities are far away, by definition.

Cities, on the other hand, value government more than rural areas, since the greater density requires more government to manage: crime, garbage, boundary lines.

Right many rural unincorporated villages and towns don't have garbage service unless you pay for private. People haul it to the nearest dump instead.
1561   WookieMan   2020 Apr 27, 5:28pm  

Booger says

And they'll be fined and arrested for even being outside. If they weren't wearing a mask it's another fine.
1568   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Apr 28, 11:49am  

Leftists scream at the sky...

... and the Blue Angels overhead, saluting the Health Care Workers.

It's is beyond OBSCENE to watch the Blue Angels fly overhead frontline healthcare workers.

How much did that flyover cost?

Could have used that money to get them some MUCH NEEDED PPE INSTEAD. #Priorities

— BrooklynDad_Defiant! (@mmpadellan) April 28, 2020
1569   Misc   2020 Apr 28, 12:19pm  

He was only really concerned about the contrails.
1570   RWSGFY   2020 Apr 28, 1:04pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Could have used that money to get them some MUCH NEEDED PPE INSTEAD

That idiot doesn't understand that it's not about money but rather about manufacturing capacity. Or lack of thereof. Because it was fucking offshored to fucking China.
1571   Patrick   2020 Apr 28, 1:15pm  

1572   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Apr 28, 1:49pm  

I heard it's more of a distribution issue at this point. The full POWER of American Industry converted to make PPEs very quickly - good thing we had some left.

Unfortunately, Just In Time Inventory means no reserves in times of crisis. It's not a policy that promotes resilience.
1573   WookieMan   2020 Apr 28, 2:14pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Leftists scream at the sky...

... and the Blue Angels overhead, saluting the Health Care Workers.

It's is beyond OBSCENE to watch the Blue Angels fly overhead frontline healthcare workers.

How much did that flyover cost?

Could have used that money to get them some MUCH NEEDED PPE INSTEAD. #Priorities— BrooklynDad_Defiant! (@mmpadellan) April 28, 2020

One of the most fun times I've ever had. Rented a pontoon boat in Pensacola Beach, FL. Took the boat east (edit... WTF? West) towards Ft. Pickens. Blue Angles started doing their practice while we were on the water. Next thing you know there's a pod of dolphins swimming with the boat. How much more America does that get... lol.
1574   mell   2020 Apr 28, 2:18pm  

The recovered cases are quickly approaching 20% of total cases. Once that is reached it may take another 2 weeks or so to reach 50% parity. There's no reason not to open up right away.
1575   Onvacation   2020 Apr 28, 2:25pm  

WookieMan says

One of the most fun times I've ever had. Rented a pontoon boat in Pensacola Beach, FL. Took the boat east towards Ft. Pickens. Blue Angles started doing their practice while we were on the water. Next thing you know there's a pod of dolphins swimming with the boat. How much more America does that get... lol.

I take my sailboat out every year for Fleet Week in SF Bay. A couple of years ago we were motoring away from the crowd of boats in the middle of the bay and suddenly the Marine C5 flew 10 feet over the top of my mast. That was a rush!
1576   RWSGFY   2020 Apr 28, 2:31pm  

Onvacation says
WookieMan says

One of the most fun times I've ever had. Rented a pontoon boat in Pensacola Beach, FL. Took the boat east towards Ft. Pickens. Blue Angles started doing their practice while we were on the water. Next thing you know there's a pod of dolphins swimming with the boat. How much more America does that get... lol.

I take my sailboat out every year for Fleet Week in SF Bay. A couple of years ago we were motoring away from the crowd of boats in the middle of the bay and suddenly the Marine C5 flew 10 feet over the top of my mast. That was a rush!

I once was sitting on the beach in Coronado when one of these things took off from the strip at the end of that beach and went right over our heads. Rush is an understatement.

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