Corona virus (more correctly, Wuhan virus)

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2020 Jan 24, 12:33pm   198,450 views  3,372 comments

by Heraclitusstudent   ➕follow (8)   💰tip   ignore  

Anyone wants to risk a bet on the eventual number of sick people? Dead people?

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1603   mell   2020 May 2, 3:32pm  

We have reached 20% of recovered cases (probably many more since reporting is lagging for obvious reasons). Germany now has only 20% active cases. We will get there within 2 weeks. We should open up the whole country asap with a few sensible restrictions in place.
1605   zzyzzx   2020 May 4, 12:12pm  


Drinking Camel Urine for Coronavirus

An “Islamic medicine specialist” and director of a religious-scientific institution in Iran recently called on his countrymen to drink camel urine as the “best cure” for coronavirus and other ailments.
1607   zzyzzx   2020 May 4, 1:40pm  

I made up a new term. “Social Distancing Warriors”.

Social Distancing Warriors are people that hate reopening places up, and have to get on Facebook and shout at people. They only get happy when everything gets locked back down.
1608   zzyzzx   2020 May 4, 1:41pm  

The funny thing about all the "you're killing grandma" bullshit is all the talk leading up to this about "ok boomer" and the generation that can't wait for the old boomers to die off so they can have their way. Now we can't let grandma not wear a mask and "you can't go back to work because you'll kill grandma. Even though I wanted her dead a couple months ago."
1609   zzyzzx   2020 May 4, 1:47pm  


Names of 900 People Who Snitched on Neighbors for Breaking Lockdown Leaked Online
1610   Ceffer   2020 May 4, 2:01pm  

They reported Granny Killers! They deserve a medal! How many grandchildren will not be able to experience the bonding this Thanksgiving of Granny coming at them with clattering dentures and writhing tongue for a huge mouth kiss?
1611   Patrick   2020 May 4, 6:20pm  

zzyzzx says
I made up a new term. “Social Distancing Warriors”.

Social Distancing Warriors are people that hate reopening places up, and have to get on Facebook and shout at people. They only get happy when everything gets locked back down.

@zzyzzx That is an amazingly accurate term!

You can just feel the same smug self-congratulation and flaming hatred for all who disagree. No debate allowed!
1613   RWSGFY   2020 May 6, 12:22pm  

zzyzzx says
I made up a new term. “Social Distancing Warriors”.

Social Distancing Warriors are people that hate reopening places up, and have to get on Facebook and shout at people. They only get happy when everything gets locked back down.

It gets bizzare. Last week on a hiking trail:

-- Yes, what's the problem - we are more than 200 feet from the entrance and the dog is under complete voice control. Exactly like the park rules say it should be.
-- Be a good witness, call the police and stay put until they arrive to take your statement. (rolleyes)
1614   Ceffer   2020 May 6, 12:28pm  

covid_shmovid says
I made up a new term. “Social Distancing Warriors”.

These are the people you hire to clean your house, and then you shoot them.
1615   marcus   2020 May 6, 12:56pm  

Patrick says
@zzyzzx That is an amazingly accurate term!

I'm extremely hopeful about reopening and getting the economy up again.

But at the same time, I'm understanding of concerns about a recurring flare up, especially when reopening states that were still on the increase for number of Covid cases.

If you consider these two extreme groups:

Group A) People seriously questioning the numbers of actual covid deaths, and questioning the degree to which this is not a hoax.

Group B) People that trust the experts and the government about when its safe to open back up fully

WE all have our opinions about which of the 2 groups is more guilty of simply believing what they want to believe, without facts and logic to back up their beliefs.

And this is while I will grant you that it is tricky, since at some level of danger, we would want to be open back up anyway.
1619   krc   2020 May 6, 6:40pm  

marcus says
Patrick says
@zzyzzx That is an amazingly accurate term!

I'm extremely hopeful about reopening and getting the economy up again.

But at the same time, I'm understanding of concerns about a recurring flare up, especially when reopening states that were still on the increase for number of Covid cases.

If you consider these two extreme groups:

Group A) People seriously questioning the numbers of actual covid deaths, and questioning the degree to which this is not a hoax.

Group B) People that trust the experts and the government about when its safe to open back up fully

WE all have our opinions about which of the 2 groups is more guilty of simply believing what they want to believe, without facts and logic to back up their beliefs.

And this is while I will grant you that it is tricky, since at some level of danger, we would want to be open back up anyway.

I think the point is if you are really concerned about Covid-19 then what are you doing out on the trails anyway or in public at all? Why are you not simply staying at home, timing your walks when not as many are around (or not going out at all)? If I was highly at risk, I would not expect everyone to accommodate my needs but would be responsible for my own care. Now if this dog was running into someone's backyard and not following voice control, then being upset makes sense. Some people just want to boss others around - and this pandemic is giving them a good excuse to browbeat others.
1620   mell   2020 May 6, 6:53pm  

krc says
marcus says
Patrick says
@zzyzzx That is an amazingly accurate term!

I'm extremely hopeful about reopening and getting the economy up again.

But at the same time, I'm understanding of concerns about a recurring flare up, especially when reopening states that were still on the increase for number of Covid cases.

If you consider these two extreme groups:

Group A) People seriously questioning the numbers of actual covid deaths, and questioning the degree to which this is not a hoax.

Group B) People that trust the experts and the government about when its safe to open back up fully

WE all have our opinions about which of the 2 groups is more guilty of simply believing what they want to believe, without facts and logic to back up their beliefs.

And this is while I will grant you tha...

It's worse than that. In leftoid land CA you can fuck someone in the ass and deliberately give them Aids and you'll be free from criminal prosecution, probably being hailed as an anti-stigma hero by the nutter left, but if you violate your SIP/imprisonment order and go to the neighboring county for a stroll with your dog to getaway from it all then you're an irresponsible criminal offender subject to citation.

The Left 1969 in Woodstock during the Hong Kong flu killing 100k Americans: "Freedom of speech and group shagging for all! STDs? What STDs!"

The Nutter left 2020: "How dare you speak your offensive opinion using incorrect gender pronouns while going for a dangerous walk outside!"

WTF happened to the leftoids. Clown world.
1622   HeadSet   2020 May 7, 6:45am  

marcus says
Patrick says
@zzyzzx That is an amazingly accurate term!

I'm extremely hopeful about reopening and getting the economy up again.

But at the same time, I'm understanding of concerns about a recurring flare up, especially when reopening states that were still on the increase for number of Covid cases.

If you consider these two extreme groups:

Group A) People seriously questioning the numbers of actual covid deaths, and questioning the degree to which this is not a hoax.

Group B) People that trust the experts and the government about when its safe to open back up fully

WE all have our opinions about which of the 2 groups is more guilty of simply believing what they want to believe, without facts and logic to back up their beliefs.

And this is while I will grant you that it is tricky, since at some level of danger, we would want to be open back up anyway.

Well put, but there is a "Group C" - those who wish to keep the economy closed for political reasons and Covid-19 is just an excuse.
1623   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 May 7, 8:01am  

mell says
It's worse than that. In leftoid land CA you can fuck someone in the ass and deliberately give them Aids and you'll be free from criminal prosecution, probably being hailed as an anti-stigma hero by the nutter left, but if you violate your SIP/imprisonment order and go to the neighboring county for a stroll with your dog to getaway from it all then you're an irresponsible criminal offender subject to citation.

... and the citation for dog walking is probably more money than the knowing spread of HIV to an uninformed, unconsenting individual.
1626   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 May 7, 1:53pm  

Cuomo just admitted that 2/3rd of all NYS Deaths were people who isolated themselves at home.
1629   RAPE   2020 May 7, 5:07pm  

1630   mich   2020 May 7, 7:22pm  

another scary video that will be taken down soon dude wtf.......Molecular Biologist ➜ Dr. Judy Mikovits
1632   marcus   2020 May 7, 9:46pm  

I believe there is some truth in what she suggests, such as big pharma being interested in new patentable drugs over old cheap drugs. But her story is a little far fetched.

Bill Gates and Fauci are out to do comitt mass murder in order to make Billions.

I guess that's why Gates left Microsoft. There was far more money to be made in philanthropy.
1634   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 May 8, 7:16am  

Booger says

I thought they enjoyed watching someone fucking their partner.

I must watch too much porn.
1635   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 May 8, 7:17am  

DrMuscle says
COVID 19 is spread all over the world. It is affecting our body very badly. The persons having there immunity system strong are recovering too. I have taken a look at this blog and its too good. very impressively explained the present situation.

For someone so educated, you post like you’ve got marbles in your mouth, buddy.
1638   Shaman   2020 May 8, 9:10am  


He says there is evidence that this virus was around in December in the USA.
A fair number of us have already had it, and half of those never knew they had it.
1639   zzyzzx   2020 May 8, 10:43am  


San Antonio City Council Passes Resolution Declaring “Chinese Virus” to be “Hate Speech”

Encourages citizens to report people who use terms to the authorities.
1640   RC2006   2020 May 8, 6:08pm  

Just caught this, fucking news people are retards.

1641   Patrick   2020 May 8, 6:11pm  

zzyzzx says

San Antonio City Council Passes Resolution Declaring “Chinese Virus” to be “Hate Speech”

Encourages citizens to report people who use terms to the authorities.

Does the First Amendment still apply, or do we have to pick up guns to get it back?
1642   Shaman   2020 May 8, 6:16pm  

Patrick says
zzyzzx says

San Antonio City Council Passes Resolution Declaring “Chinese Virus” to be “Hate Speech”

Encourages citizens to report people who use terms to the authorities.

Does the First Amendment still apply, or do we have to pick up guns to get it back?

Hate speech is LEGAL speech! Those pack of morons.

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