Reach the mentally enslaved with chalk!

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2020 Jun 13, 1:09pm   17,386 views  159 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

The majority of people never get to hear the ideas and facts which are being ruthlessly suppressed by the globalist/corporate/leftist/Democrat/Chinese MSM. Maybe they have questions, but think that they are alone in questioning The Narrative.

It is our right and our obligation to try to reach those people with alternative points of view. To show them they are not alone, and to get others out of their mental ruts. As in Buddhism, a few well-chosen words at the right time can cause sudden enlightenment.

One thing we all can do: buy a big pail of kid's chalk, the really fat kind, and write the shortest and most effective messages we can on the sidewalk and pavement in the places with the most foot traffic: intersections, pedestrian area, commercial areas.

Unlike leftist riots and looting, it's completely non-violent, and legal too.

What are the shortest and most effective messages which can inspire people to break out of the mental cages imposed by the MSM? We need "Words like arrows" as an old Yiddish saying has it. Light, sharp, fast, piercing.

When you see "BLM" on the pavement, surround it with "Who funds" and "?" to make "Who funds BLM?"

When you see a BLM sign, write "So noble!" in chalk in front of it, to point out that it's totally virtue signalling.

It's also fun to pre-pend with an O, so the message becomes "black olives matter".

BLM hates you
Black Lives Matter Until November
Black crime matters
Blacks suffer most from black crime
Cancel cancel culture
China is asshoe!
China funds BLM violence
E pluribus unum
Epstein didn't kill himself
Freedom to offend
Google is watching you
HCQ saves lives
Ignore professional victims
Jobs Not Mobs
Masks control people, not viruses
People aren't racist, they're just afraid of crime
Protect our history
Quit whining and build something
Resist the intolerant left
Resist the violent left
Rule of law, not mob rule
Stop donating to grievance studies colleges
The rainbow flag promotes sodomy to children
The rainbow flag spreads anal warts and early death
The Red Pill
The soft bigotry of low expectations
There is no them, only us
Who funds BLM?
Your mask is stupid
五毛 50 Cent Party
共匪 communist bandit
白左 baizuo

Maybe we can take back the rainbow flag and make it mean "Diversity of Opinion" instead of "I approve of sodomy!"

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1   Patrick   2020 Jun 13, 1:29pm  

Anyone else have very short pithy slogans we can use to cause enlightenment?

Going to plagiarize them above to give people a good list of ideas for chalking.
2   stfu   2020 Jun 13, 1:31pm  

4   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jun 13, 1:33pm  

Is Islam right about women?

It's okay to be white

Defend the police

Good times make weak men, weak men make bad times
5   Shaman   2020 Jun 13, 4:33pm  

Life isn’t fair!

Quit whining and build something.

Do justly, love mercy, walk humbly.
6   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jun 13, 4:53pm  


What's the difference in Buddha's so called,un-witnessed enlightenment & the voices in my head?

Most of humanity didn't put Buddha on Ignore.
7   PeopleUnited   2020 Jun 13, 5:20pm  

No Peace = no lives matter

No Police = no peace

Know police = know peace

Abortion kills black babies

No piece = no peace. (An armed society is a polite society)

Do you love white people?

Racists only care about skin color

Does your life matter?

Gender is as simple as x and y

Defund communism

Doctors kill more than COVID

Liberty is dangerous, but fear is the real killer

Can I protest in front of your house?

Can we riot in your neighborhood?

Fentanyl is not a recreational drug

Martyrs don’t point guns at pregnant women

Racists hate white people

One race = won peace
8   goofus   2020 Jun 14, 7:35am  


From https://www.ibtimes.com/white-black-crime-vs-black-white-crime-new-statistics-show-more-killings-between-2424598

The second stat, #BlacksKill10xMoreWhitesThanReverse, I needed to do myself with data from the article. Black on white murder, per capita black (500 / 45,000,000) vs white on black per capita white (229 / 200,000,000) = 10x more BonW murders than WonB. Not a much reported crime stat, but important.
9   Misc   2020 Jun 14, 8:51am  

I am certain that the police would be called in to find the perpetrator(s) of this hate speech. Campus police were called in over people putting out flyers that is is ok to be white. There would be no difference in this case either, even in SF. The police have no time for non-violent crime, but hate speech is different.
10   Patrick   2020 Jun 14, 10:20am  

Misc says
I am certain that the police would be called in to find the perpetrator(s) of this hate speech.

It would be an interesting experiment.
11   Misc   2020 Jun 14, 1:16pm  

Patrick says
Misc says
I am certain that the police would be called in to find the perpetrator(s) of this hate speech.

It would be an interesting experiment.

The neighborhood Karens would track down the perpetrator, if the police wouldn't, and try to get media time. At the very least, they would contact the perpetrator's employer to try to have him lose his job. Making public statements of any kind that is against the narrative is how do you say it "Only the left is Violent".

However, people who commit actual crimes such as those rioting and looting do not have people contact their employers.
12   Patrick   2020 Jun 21, 10:13am  

Added "Mohammed owned slaves"
13   Kepi   2020 Jun 21, 1:44pm  

Patrick says
Quit whining and build something

So many good ones in this thread. I just chose one.

Nothing is more satisfying than to quit being a whining pussy ass (if you are one) and create something.

Patrick says
What are the shortest and most effective messages which can inspire people to break out of the mental cages imposed by the MSM? We need "Words like arrows" as an old Yiddish saying has it. Light, sharp, fast, piercing.

Trying to be a little funny here. How about, "The gal who lives here has a NICE butt. We might be back."
14   🎂 FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2020 Jun 21, 2:09pm  

WineHorror1 says
Btw, I assume using chalk on public sidewalks is lawful?

i think it depends on a message. if you spray paint giant "BLACK LIVES MATTER" like fecies across the boulevard... no one complains out of fear of retaliation. If you spray paint "I LOVE AMERICA" you'll probably get hate.

chalk might be ok though, since it's not permanent.
15   Ceffer   2020 Jun 21, 2:20pm  

Send a box to CHAZ/CHOP to outline the dead bodies.
16   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 24, 2:29pm  

Chalk is good, but a dummy guest wi-fi network with SSID carrying the desired message is even better.
18   BayArea   2020 Jun 24, 10:01pm  


Can you help explain this one?

#BLM keeps billionaires safe
19   Patrick   2020 Jun 24, 10:20pm  

When everyone is distracted with all the race bullshit, no one is questioning how the billionaires got their money.
20   WookieMan   2020 Jun 25, 3:41am  

Misc says
The neighborhood Karens would track down the perpetrator, if the police wouldn't, and try to get media time. At the very least, they would contact the perpetrator's employer to try to have him lose his job. Making public statements of any kind that is against the narrative is how do you say it "Only the left is Violent"

This is just it. Your spouse could be canned too now for something you do. I'm in a perfect position to go on blast publicly, but my wife would likely lose business or get canned. I literally have nothing to lose myself besides that. So I don't speak out and try to knock these morons down a peg or 20.

The looters and rioters don't have anything at risk. In most cases if they actually get arrested for it, it's a minor property damage violation and a fine. Employer would never know. So violence is the easy way to get attention, which is why it happens.

It's extreme, but as long as you can handle yourself and are not outnumbered, people need to start getting knocked out with fists. If caught it's also a minor infraction, unless you can throw fists like Tyson and kill people. Be careful if you can do that, lol. I'm just happy I live in a rural area, that has similar racial makeup of the overall nation, and we don't give a shit. So I don't deal with protests, etc. anywhere near me. Good small towns are where it's at.
21   WookieMan   2020 Jun 25, 3:49am  

FuckCCP89 says

I've got to start doing this again. Had a fag neighbor (South Park if you know the episode) revving up his Harley at 6am, every morning. My kids were 2 and 4 at the time. My wife and I didn't need to get up until 7am roughly. I finally chewed the fucking guy out and proceeded to change my guest network to "MotorcycleMicroPenis"

Wife wasn't too happy I did that, but the fuck face caused us problems too long. He stopped doing his revving up and started walking his bike, lol. I hate Harley guys... sorry if any of you are. They're just fucking annoying as hell.

I've done others, but Russian Spy was another I did during the last election. Trying to think of something clever for now. My neighbors are all like minded, so usually it's something funny and not overly political when I do change the guest network name.
22   Shaman   2020 Jun 25, 5:39am  

How about “Kung Flu Fighting”
23   WookieMan   2020 Jun 25, 5:44am  

Shaman says
How about “Kung Flu Fighting”

Good one. Or "Covid-19 Lab"

Lol, I might actually do that one. I don't think I have any Karen's within range and I think most neighbors would laugh if it popped up on available networks.
24   WookieMan   2020 Jun 25, 5:45am  

"Covid-19 Shelter"
25   GreaterNYCDude   2020 Jun 25, 5:49am  

Who owns the media?
Don't be a sheep.
I took the red pill.
Epstien didn't kill himself.
Think for yourself.
26   HeadSet   2020 Jun 25, 10:34am  

I hate Harley guys...

Same here. Dipshits think that swinging their fat leg over a bike with an insufficient muffler transforms them from porcine loser into bad ass. I hate having my eardrums blasted at the beach, parks,or other outdoor venues when these assholes ride by. Golden Wing riders seem to be safe enough without being loud.
27   socal2   2020 Jun 25, 11:11am  

WookieMan says
I hate Harley guys... sorry if any of you are. They're just fucking annoying as hell.

Agreed - I don't mind them if they don't pinch their pipes to make them stupid loud.

I had a guy work for me who had a Harley and he was your typical biker type with handle bar mustache and his bike was stupid loud and would shake the windows of the office when he drove by.

I asked him, "Did you pay extra for those pinched pipes to make unnecessary noise and vibration to tickle your asshole and balls"? "Aren't you worried that all that vibration will shake out your buttplug and get your vagina all wet?"
29   Patrick   2020 Jun 27, 1:07pm  

WookieMan says
usually it's something funny and not overly political when I do change the guest network name.

I agree that funny is best. If you can make them laugh, the battle is half won already.

Black Crimes Matter is a bit dark and not funny, but it's absolutely true. The problem isn't "racism". It's black people robbing, raping, and murdering all other people (and themselves). Doesn't take a whole lot of violent crime before people learn to avoid black neighborhoods.
30   Patrick   2020 Jun 27, 6:52pm  

Added "People aren't racist, they're just afraid of crime"
31   Patrick   2020 Jun 27, 8:33pm  


"Remove all police from black neighborhoods!"

In all sane people, this will immediately trigger the thought: "Wait, they really need more police there, not less..."
32   Patrick   2020 Jun 28, 2:49pm  

OK, one with a bit of humor to it:

Wherever you see "Black lives matter" add underneath: "Until November"
33   PeopleUnited   2020 Jun 28, 4:55pm  

Patrick says

"Remove all police from black neighborhoods!"

In all sane people, this will immediately trigger the thought: "Wait, they really need more police there, not less..."

Police don’t belong in black neighborhoods.

Police should not ever arrest black people.

There should be no black men in jail, ever.

Black gun violence is a lie

Gangs are people too support BLM!

Democrats have controlled Chicago for 84 years, that’s why it is so peaceful and safe!

Democrats say BLM, but Trump gave blacks a job!
34   Patrick   2020 Jun 29, 8:16am  

When you see BLM, surround it with the words "Who funds" and a question mark at the end.

Who funds BLM?
35   RAPE   2020 Jun 29, 9:22am  

36   RC2006   2020 Jun 29, 9:25am  

RAPE says
And a pedo frequent flyer to pedo island.
37   Patrick   2020 Jun 29, 2:09pm  

Added "Moderates, we need you to speak up now!"

Sure, Clinton is all that, but he's not really relevant anymore.
38   Patrick   2020 Jun 30, 8:49pm  

I just had to write out Dsylexics of the world, untie! on a sidewalk today.

I hope it makes someone laugh and lowers a bit of the tension in the air.
39   SoTex   2020 Jul 1, 8:24am  

So I have chalk arriving from Amazon tomorrow. I'm going to paint the side walks around here.
40   RWSGFY   2020 Jul 1, 9:32am  

Patrick says
When you see BLM, surround it with the words "Who funds" and a question mark at the end.

Who funds BLM?

Good one.

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