What's wrong with this guys views ?

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2020 Jun 29, 9:04am   7,265 views  58 comments

by marcus   ➕follow (7)   💰tip   ignore  

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1   RC2006   2020 Jun 29, 9:45am  

He seems to reasonable for you is all that I can see wrong for the -most part-.

Thought his conclusion was was good.
2   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 29, 10:26am  

For starters: the "racial wealth gap" is somehow reduced to "whities have more than blackies". What about "asians have more than whities"? If there is white supremacy and systemic racism, how come whities have less than non-whities? No self-respecting racist system would allow that, would it?
3   marcus   2020 Jun 29, 10:29am  

So you're agreeing with him ? Good.

Although, more likely you only listened to 15 seconds.
4   RC2006   2020 Jun 29, 10:33am  

FuckCCP89 says
For starters: the "racial wealth gap" is somehow reduced to "whities have more than blackies". What about "asians have more than whities"? If there is white supremacy and systemic racism, how come whities have less than non-whities? No self-respecting racist system would allow that, would it?

A lot of the wealth gap is generational, its hard to pass down wealth from single mother homes. Probably why its so High with Asians among other things.
5   RC2006   2020 Jun 29, 10:36am  

marcus says
Although, more likely you only listened to 15 seconds.

And there you go, why post shit if even when someone bothers to watch or read what you post you still have to add that.
6   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jun 29, 10:37am  

marcus says

Although, more likely you only listened to 15 seconds.

It's an hour long. How about a synopsis?
7   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jun 29, 10:41am  

He's black and according to liberal obsession, he's not as superior as white people, as apparent by you own posting seeking approval from us on his intellect. Shame on you.
8   Eric Holder   2020 Jun 29, 10:52am  

NoCoupForYou says
marcus says

Although, more likely you only listened to 15 seconds.

It's an hour long. How about a synopsis?

Yeah, dedicating a whole hour on Monday morning to some video is a fucking luxury if you still have your job.
9   marcus   2020 Jun 29, 10:58am  

RC2006 says
ead what you post you still have to add that.

Becasue I said "what's wrong........."

And he said, "for starters, etc,......"

Which I interpret as either he agrees, or he didn't listen.
10   Eric Holder   2020 Jun 29, 11:01am  

marcus says
RC2006 says
ead what you post you still have to add that.

Becasue I said "what's wrong........."

And he said, "for starters, etc,......"

Which I interpret as either he agrees, or he didn't listen.

Or "listened enough to find one thing". One is enough to answer the question in the subject line. Did you expect an 126-page detailed rebuke to every single point made during an 1-hour video?
11   marcus   2020 Jun 29, 11:01am  

NoCoupForYou says
How about a synopsis?

Young black man, recent Columbia grad (philosophy), writes and speaks on race topics, interested in what's true. Brilliant guy, that I agree with completely, and I think you would too.
12   Onvacation   2020 Jun 29, 11:02am  

marcus says
Becasue I said "what's wrong

13   marcus   2020 Jun 29, 11:02am  

Eric Holder says
Or "listened enought to find one thing"

But that one thing was total agreement with him. But apparently he didn't actually even listen to that one thing.
14   Eric Holder   2020 Jun 29, 11:03am  

marcus says
Eric Holder says
Or "listened enought to find one thing"

But that one thing was total agreement with him.

So the question wasn't answered. Duh.
15   SunnyvaleCA   2020 Jun 29, 2:32pm  

Wealth gap arguments often run the same lines as the gender pay gap. One side argues that the existence of the gap "proves" racism or sexism. The other side agrees there is a gap but that there are many reasons for the gap and only one part of the gap derives from the 'ism.

As Jordan Peterson would note: You need to run a multivariate analysis. Who has run and published a multivariate analysis (and lived to tell the tale)? Hernstein and Murray's huge book had one tiny portion that slightly touched on one other variable that might be part of a multivariate analysis... they didn't survive.
16   marcus   2020 Jun 29, 4:22pm  

@TPB very interesting "observation."

Actually I've been listening to a lot of socially conservative black intellectuals on youtube these past few weeks. Coleman Hughes is by far the youngest one though (24).
17   Shaman   2020 Jun 29, 4:26pm  

marcus says
@TPB very interesting "observation."

I hope you got his meaning. Only a racist would infer that his intellect and the worth of his words would be naturally suspect based on the color of his skin.
18   WookieMan   2020 Jun 29, 5:11pm  

marcus says
Actually I've been listening to a lot of socially conservative black intellectuals on youtube these past few weeks.

Voluntarily or via Youtube algos? Youtube is dangerous if you just let it feed you videos. The manipulation is real for either the left or the right.
19   socal2   2020 Jun 29, 5:29pm  

marcus says
Actually I've been listening to a lot of socially conservative black intellectuals on youtube these past few weeks.

Have you read any of Thomas Sowell's work?
20   AD   2020 Jun 29, 5:33pm  


FuckCCP89 says
For starters: the "racial wealth gap" is somehow reduced to "whities have more than blackies". What about "asians have more than whities"?

The militant Left has a very strict narrative that is anti white, and particularly anti white heterosexual male. They can't deviate from it such as pointing out that Asians represent almost 50% of the workforce in Silicon Valley or that they are the wealthiest ethnic group, even more wealthy than whites.

I think eventually the Left will have no more use for Asians when the demographics work out more in their favor. Then you may hear them address Asians (ie., Chinese, Koreans, etc.) in the same grouping as whites when it comes to socioeconomic privilege.

The Left is patient and just buying time for that to occur.

21   AD   2020 Jun 29, 5:34pm  


marcus says
Young black man, recent Columbia grad (philosophy),

He's just another charismatic young future Obama. So what ? Still has Marxist leanings that are carefully cloaked.

22   CBOEtrader   2020 Jun 29, 5:39pm  

WookieMan says
Youtube is dangerous if you just let it feed you videos. The manipulation is real for either the left or the right.

yeah, i spent 20 minutes one day going to every fox news video and selecting "remove', then tried google searching a way to BLOCK fox news content. No dice. If you watch candace owens, jordan peterson, joe rogan, and tim pool => apparently that puts you on fox news' team, whether you agree or not. it pisses me off
23   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jun 29, 5:53pm  

I've finally got to hear it I was at work earlier.
He said because every white person bought a house in the 40's they were able to pass that wealth down to future generations.
Now Class! Does a home produce wealth? Not that kind of Coin!

Then he goes on to say, that white people are wealthy today because they bought a house in Southern California and was able to flip it.

This guy is as clueless as the Preparations cunt with her essay that he knew the name of and the author. Just a regular Conservative black man my ass.

I had to wait until I was 40 before I ever owned my own home, and my kids were already older than 14. I worked hard and busted my ass, for this fuckwad to dismiss it as, my mom and dad gave it to me, or I flipped a house in the early 2000's.

He's a loser with a good microphone voice. But he's no Thomas Sowell.
24   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jun 29, 7:05pm  

I've got shit expired in my medicine cabinet with the use by date older than him. He thinks he has a grasp on our economic history.
Post war was a boom because of our Savings and Loans institutions, that H.W. Bush destroyed, to usher in the Keynesian casino economics, workers are forced to participate in today.

All savers made out, it didn't matter what color you were. If you were prudent enough to squirrel away 10% of your income from every paycheck. You grew real wealth with in a few years. Even with a shitty minimum wage job. If you were willing to sacrifice. That culture, wouldn't have had cell phones, internet, computers, cable and a million service based reoccurring purchases. They barely drank if at all.
25   ignoreme   2020 Jun 29, 7:06pm  

Tenpoundbass says
I had to wait until I was 40 before I ever owned my own home, and my kids were already older than 14. I worked hard and busted my ass, for this fuckwad to dismiss it as, my mom and dad gave it to me, or I flipped a house in the early 2000's.

Dave Ramsey is my guilty pleasure. He did a big study of millionaires. One of the findings was that most millionaires didn’t inherit their money, like 80%. Most millionaires just invest regularly in their 401k, don’t buy a bunch of crap they can’t afford on credit, and surprise they manage to save enough to retire.


So anybody that says that someone is poor because of their skin color is just ultimately wrong. Anyone can succeed if they choose to.
26   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jun 29, 7:13pm  

A surprisingly large number of millionaires aren't realtors or finance guys, they own car detailing, roofing, etc. businesses.
27   Bd6r   2020 Jun 29, 7:17pm  

I have listened to this guy before, and he seems to be extremely reasonable. Not a SJW, logical arguments, you can agree or disagree but he is intelligent and interesting.

Another video:
28   ignoreme   2020 Jun 29, 7:21pm  

I just listened to the first answer this guy gave about the wealth gap. I agreed with everything he said.

1. Wealth gap isn’t significantly caused by racism
2. Eliminating the wealth gap might not even be desirable
3. If eliminating the wealth gap is your goal, riots are counter productive

He’s basically black trump who talks better.
29   ignoreme   2020 Jun 29, 7:29pm  

Second question about the white fragility book. Agreed 100% with what he said. Haven’t read the book but yes, white people should get to have opinions about race just like everyone else and don’t have to shut up and apologize to black people for having them.
30   ignoreme   2020 Jun 29, 7:30pm  

Just for fun Marcus, what thing does he say that you think Trump would disagree with?
31   Bd6r   2020 Jun 29, 7:35pm  

R's should have this guy run for elected office and then watch how D's destroy themselves.
32   ignoreme   2020 Jun 29, 7:42pm  

Topic 3 asking about another crazy book I’m not going to bother to read (this guy does not have a Netflix subscription I bet)

The counter culture movement has become the mainstream culture but is still pretending to be not in power. This is dangerous since obviously they can exert massive power to silence voices they disagree with while still pretending to be fighting the power.

I believe Trump calls this fake news.
33   ignoreme   2020 Jun 29, 8:05pm  

Topic 4, what do you think about UCLA professor who was suspended for not delaying final exam for students who were grieving George Floyd.

So I think why this guy doesn’t immediately turn liberals off is he’s smart enough not to answer a gotcha question. Obviously the answer to this is that UCLA is run by morons.

Instead he just points out that while people might be legitimately grieving Floyd, they are mainly doing it because they have been manipulated by the media into thinking black people are being hunted by cops. Instead he points out cops are just killing everyone regardless of race and the media only chooses to only cover blacks being killed.

Trump calls this “all lives matter“.

I still mainly agree with him but I think a point we would disagree on is that police brutality is a significant problem in the US. I agree that cops sometimes do fucked up shit and I’ve seen the videos and they are terrible.

But even if you stopped all police killings of unarmed people you’d only save 1k people a year. There’s probably way easier ways to save the lives of 1k people a year then figuring out how to stop all unarmed police killings. Especially when most police killings can be stopped by

1. Not breaking the law
2. Not resisting arrest

I mean Cuomo gassed 6k old people in a month by sticking Covid patients in nursing homes and he might be president one day.
34   Patrick   2020 Jun 29, 8:05pm  

NoCoupForYou says
marcus says

Although, more likely you only listened to 15 seconds.

It's an hour long. How about a synopsis?

Can you get us a transcript @marcus ?

Sometimes YouTube auto-transcribes whole videos.

I'd like to hear it, but don't have enough time. Reading is way faster, and quotable.
35   CBOEtrader   2020 Jun 29, 8:14pm  

He's a very logical person. I dont see how @marcus isnt disagreeing w coleman hughes. He seemed pretty spot on about everything, yet @marcus disagrees w me on everything...or so i have been led to believe. Did marcus redpill himself?
36   CBOEtrader   2020 Jun 29, 8:14pm  

He's a very logical person. I dont see how @marcus isnt disagreeing w coleman hughes. He seemed pretty spot on about everything, yet @marcus disagrees w me on everything...or so i have been led to believe. Did marcus redpill himself?
37   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jun 29, 8:23pm  

I sense Obama tutoring, mentoring and product.

The way he modulates and the SJW bullshit questions he'f fielding. He's answering them on an Obama philosophical waning back and forth. Trying to sound logical, only to swing back and inject more Fuck Whitey bullshit. He's propaganda trying to sell it. I bet this guy knows the name of that Fat bitch that goes around to universities to give Why White people suck lectures. Only some like him would.
38   ignoreme   2020 Jun 29, 8:24pm  

Topic 5: Isn’t the perception the media is giving us that black people are being hunted a “Nobel lie” that will speed up police reforms and this justified?

Answer: no because inherently in America where you have more guns then people cops are just going to kill you sometimes if they think you are reaching for a gun. Sometimes that person will be black. If the perception is that black people are being hunted then every time a black person is killed you’ll have riots. Riots are bad.

Agree pretty much, although he asserts there are some police reforms you could do to reduce deaths but then doesn’t specify. I’m not sure how much you could do at this point that would have a significant impact .

I believe Trump also realizing that riots are bad for the African American community tried to discourage them with the phrase “when the looting starts the shooting starts “
39   CBOEtrader   2020 Jun 29, 8:25pm  

"OTOH black lives matter was started because of a white on black homicide...Black lives matter is very much concerned about homicide too, only when its a black person killed by a white person...it is valid to come back and say, why are you not coming back and talking about the elephant in the room. homicide is the #1 cause of death for black men in 20's and early 30's. People dont want to talk about it because its embarrasing. There is shame about acknowledging that America has a violent crime rate many times its european peers almost entirely because of the black crime rate."

I'm confused what point marcus is trying to make w this video. this dude is spot on.
40   EBGuy   2020 Jun 29, 8:31pm  

Never trust a trombone player.

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