I found the perfect symbol of resistance to violent leftism

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2020 Jul 1, 12:20pm   3,406 views  62 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

We had it all along.

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7   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jul 1, 1:29pm  

If Americans did not embrace flag rituals early on, once they did, they embraced the practice enthusiastically. There seemed to be plenty of reason. With the invasion of the "hordes" of immigrants from Europe, hordes with strange names and exotic accents, it was believed that flag rituals were needed to ensure the newcomers' loyalty. Fear, then, was behind the movement to adopt flag rituals, but nobody ever remembers that. Today it is the descendants of those "hordes" of immigrants who often seem the most offended by violators of the rituals.

As they should. They took the piss, didn't get thousands in food stamps, housing, affirmative action, and other special treatment, and entered the Middle Class as Typically Great Americans.

A great example for those who are coming today. Funny though, without that social pressure, I sure see a lot of Mexican Flags.
8   Eric Holder   2020 Jul 1, 1:42pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Today it is the descendants of those "hordes" of immigrants who often seem the most offended by violators of the rituals.

Rituals good.

The Constitution and Equal Application of Justice under the Rule of Law for everyone regardless of socioeconomic status, race, gender etc. - maybe not so much

Especially in California. They went so far as putting the repeal of "Equal Application of Justice under the Rule of Law for everyone regardless of socioeconomic status, race, gender etc" on the ballot.
9   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jul 1, 1:51pm  

Great, DILLIGAF. You'll be demanding Columbus Ohio restore this statue - it's only ritual and symbolism, right?


"Chess is Racist. Astronomy must be decolonized. Math is sexist"


Hey, that's another great Chalk Slogan @Patrick.
10   Booger   2020 Jul 1, 2:11pm  

Patrick says
How could the media possibly spin it?

They will call it racist.
12   SoTex   2020 Jul 1, 7:18pm  

Do you know what DILLIGAF is short for ?

I don't know Logan. Why don't you tell us?
13   SoTex   2020 Jul 1, 7:31pm  

ad hominens? Hell, I'd deserve some free direct attacks. Not that I don't like Logan or anything. But still, show me the money beotch! (if I'm right)

I am though.


In the double entendre sense of the word.
14   SoTex   2020 Jul 1, 8:01pm  

jazz_music says
Why can’t you make an actual argument? Are you just plain wrong? And won’t admit it?

Wrong about what? You brought up ad hom not me.
15   SoTex   2020 Jul 1, 8:05pm  

jazz_music says
How many ad hominems are you awarded if you guess the identity?


Then go in peace with the Lord!
16   SoTex   2020 Jul 1, 8:18pm  

I heart the American flag!

Better now?

I'm still waiting for Logan's description of DILLIDO or whatever.
17   Patrick   2020 Jul 1, 8:34pm  

"Do I look like I give a fuck"
18   SoTex   2020 Jul 1, 8:34pm  


And this is what it means:
Do I look like I give a fuck, Dilligaf
Am i being direct enough? Dilligaf
Its just another way of saying I couldnt give a fuckin' rats arse mate, and do I look like I give a fuck? Dilligaf
Do I look like I give a fuck, dilligaf


Not very musically inclined.

Edit: Perhaps I'm biased toward Aussie singers. I dunno. First one I've heard.
20   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jul 1, 9:08pm  

Patrick says
"Do I look like I give a fuck"

Honestly, yes, given his relatively lengthy posts on a wide range of subjects.
21   richwicks   2020 Jul 1, 9:11pm  

jazz_music says
Patrick says
Added that one, thanks.
Has anyone said anything leftist except that Trump is a poor choice?

... because that would be an example of mainstream political opinion.

As opposed to the woman

1) Who convinced Obama to blow up Libya and left it in civil war with operating slavery markets
2) Who voted for the war over weapons of mass destruction that didn't exist
3) Who wanted to setup a no fly zone in Syria even though she was warned this could lead to war with Russia
4) Who created a fake dossier that had the corporate press lying about Russian Collusion for 3 years
5) Who apparently was running a fake charity and was taking bribes through it

What's the worst thing Trump has done?

Not started a new war? Tried to shutdown the Syrian war and is largely successful at it? What is literally the worst thing Trump has done?
22   komputodo   2020 Jul 1, 9:29pm  

richwicks says
What is literally the worst thing Trump has done?

I think he grabbed a pussy once. I personally don't think that is bad though.
23   Karloff   2020 Jul 1, 10:02pm  

just_dregalicious says
Do you know what DILLIGAF is short for ?

I don't know Logan. Why don't you tell us?

DILLIGAF = Do I Look Like I Give A Fuck
24   Onvacation   2020 Jul 1, 10:16pm  

Do you know what DILLIGAF is short for

Does it look like anyone gives a fuck?
25   richwicks   2020 Jul 1, 10:24pm  

jazz_music says
richwicks says
As opposed to the woman
Conspiracies. What about changing the subject over and over to protect your fearless bunker bitch leader?


What is literally the worst thing that Trump has done?

Clinton voted for the authorization to Use Force in Iraq. She was, without doubt, the driving force in attacking Libya - she spoke of the "need to stop the humanitarian crisis of Qaddafi" repeatedly. The result of bombing Libya was to leave it in civil war, and they literally have slavery again.

That was the alternative.

I hear you whine and moan and complain about Trump - tell me what is so horrible about him, when a filthy warmongering Neocon scumbag was the alternative.

jazz_music says
richwicks says
What is literally the worst thing Trump has done?
It’s hard to say which is worst, because Trump has brought the human race closer to extinction in at least two other ways besides the tens of thousands of virus deaths that are his fault alone.

How so? By trying to normalize relations with Russia?

For 3 years, 3 fucking years, the "left" was claiming that Trump was a puppet of Putin. THEY are trying to restart the Cold War. That makes the Democratic party, AWFUL. Bad enough to select a Neocon to run for president in 2016, but it's infinitely worse to try to restart the Cold War.

jazz_music says
But you already know that and refuse face it because you want the DJIA to go higher, and you hate lots of people too.


Are you serious?
26   Onvacation   2020 Jul 1, 10:37pm  

Patrick says
I found the perfect symbol of resistance to violent leftism

Lets see

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"


"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." In his view, capitalistic owners would no longer siphon off all the profits. Instead, the proceeds would go to the workers. This means that people would work at what they loved and did well. They would happily contribute these skills for the good of all. The economy would prosper because they would work harder than in capitalism.

"To each according to his need" meant the community would take care of those who couldn't work. It would distribute goods and services to everyone as they required them. Those who were able to work would be motivated by enlightened self-interest.

I'll take the one with individual freedom over "community" rule.
27   richwicks   2020 Jul 1, 11:14pm  

jazz_music says

richwicks says

jazz_music says

But you already know that and refuse face it because you want the DJIA to go higher, and you hate lots of people too.


Are you serious?
Sure, you want to get rich by gambling instead of saving right?

So, you simply troll people, for a position you don't actually have, and you get enjoyment out of that?

You know what a terrible person Clinton is, and nearly every day, you berate people who voted against the mass murderer. That's all you do. That's all you do on this board. You argue, without any conviction, that people should have voted for another Neocon.

How shallow is your life? How empty can your life be?

jazz_music says
Look who Trump is closest to, the likes of Hannity, Limbaugh, Bannon, and all the rest ministers of propaganda.

There's no point in refuting a statement, you know to be false.

You really are depressing. I couldn't imagine being like you. You just ask questions, you have no interest in to waste people's time, and you consider this entertaining. That's fucking sad. No wonder so many people just ignore you.
28   richwicks   2020 Jul 2, 12:13am  

jazz_music says
richwicks says
How shallow is your life? How empty can your life be?
No, let’s talk about you and your devotion to this cult of the worst criminal ever.

List my reasons for preferring Trump over Clinton. I have repeatedly explained why Trump at worst, could be no worse than Clinton. Show me you understand my reasons for preferring Trump over her, by listing the reasons I've repeatedly given to you.

Then explain how you think I'm part of a cult when I have told you, multiple times, that I regarded Trump an an unknown versus a certain evil. I have explained, repeatedly, why I consider the establishment going back to at least George H. Bush as absolutely identical.

You repeatedly ask questions then ignore the answers.

jazz_music says
He’s going to be finished, maybe soon and where does that leave you?

With the same exact thing we've had since George H. Bush.

We will be back at war with Syria, we will escalate tensions with Russia, we will escalate tensions with Iran or even go to war with them.

I've already told you this.

You are entirely insincere with questions and observations.
29   CBOEtrader   2020 Jul 2, 2:07am  

NoCoupForYou says
Very important to celebrate 4th of July, especially where banned.

In fact, there should be a Peaceful Protest on July 4th, featuring BBQ Political Theater and Fireworks Demonstrations.


^^ im going to exactly this type of event
31   BayArea   2020 Jul 2, 6:51am  

Patrick, your symbol is very offensive to my leftist friends
32   Shaman   2020 Jul 2, 7:10am  

Arguing with the panther is an exercise in retardation. He’s better at it. You won’t convince him to change his mind because he’s completely programmed by CNN AND MSNBC to believe all the happy horseshit they spew.
It’s sad, but not worth paying attention to.
33   Patrick   2020 Jul 2, 7:46am  

BayArea says
Patrick, your symbol is very offensive to my leftist friends

I certainly hope so.
34   NDrLoR   2020 Jul 2, 8:27am  

Hircus says
The opposition has been spitting on our flag
And only the left burns the flag.
35   Shaman   2020 Jul 2, 4:48pm  

36   mell   2020 Jul 2, 5:59pm  

just_adhom_preaching says
I'm still waiting for Logan's description

Logan was a perma-bull, this seems more like a perma-bear..
37   mell   2020 Jul 2, 6:06pm  

mell says
this seems more like a perma-bear..

Played the market in the past and did quite well - thank you.

Perma bear - no, realistic - yes.

Drinking the Kool-Aid - no and I never liked Kool-Aid, any flavor.

The only way this country is going into a severe recession is if the regressive Democrats win the election. Still a lot of MAGA economy at this point.
38   Shaman   2020 Jul 2, 6:12pm  

jazz_music says
Shaman says
but you’re special.
No I’m not, nobody likes you. You have an inflated opinion of self importance

You project a lot.

And yes I have SUCH an inflated opinion of myself that I don’t care if anyone likes me or not! My only interest is in speaking the truth as I see it. If someone likes that, then bully for me!
39   mell   2020 Jul 2, 6:22pm  

mell says
The only way this country is going into a severe recession

This may come as somewhat of a a surprise to you however we are already there.

Zero chance - corp. earnings still too good. Stocks ay have high valuations but that's not the same as a recession.
40   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jul 2, 6:28pm  

This may come as somewhat of a surprise to you however we are already in a severe recession.

... With almost 5M new jobs in One Month while several of the most populous states are still largely shut. Obama's best year was 2014 was 3M jobs - for the YEAR.

So Spray permabear face with some mace in the dark.
Savin' all those Number 10 cans and that leaky Coleman Stove burnin' down your trailer park

41   mell   2020 Jul 2, 6:32pm  

mell says
Zero chance - corp. earnings still too good. Stocks ay have high valuations but that's not the same as a recession.

This may come as somewhat of a surprise to you, the stock market is not the economy.

corp. earnings and jobs are the economy. There are no widespread layoffs yet except for those mandated by leftoid regressive bs lockdowns, i.e. hospitality and related industries closures. Made up by hiring of big tech/delivery/wholesale/grocery giants. I'd prefer mom and pop stores and individual contributors as well, but you need to talk to the regressive left and talk them out of their TDS to bring those jobs back.
42   mell   2020 Jul 2, 6:34pm  

mell says
leftoid regressive bs lockdowns

Well it's true - countries and states with short to no lockdowns -> no problems! Thriving economies.
43   mell   2020 Jul 2, 6:42pm  

Mell - this is turning into a "duck" game and I am not going to play "duck" games.

Aside from the Covid restrictions which are definitely dangerous to the economy and could cause a recession I'd like to know then what was wrong with the economy before Covid, and the lowest UE? What are the indicators for a severe recession? It's not hard to spot them - defaults and layoffs. The deficit only matters in terms of inflation but is net net neutral in this era anyways where ZIRP is not enough and many countries have been gunning for NIRP.
44   SoTex   2020 Jul 2, 7:03pm  

Who the hell is Logan ? Obviously you have me confused with someone else

I guess so. You'd pointed at one of Logan's articles as 'I told you so', and he's proud of those so I flipped a coin. My other guess (original guess) was that you're that guy who constantly comes and goes, always changing his persona. Usually after he's been taken down many pegs by so many people on here.
45   SoTex   2020 Jul 2, 7:03pm  

jazz_music says
Smells just like monkey poo on a fling

Duh duh duh!

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