Should the US interfere with China annexing 90% of the South China Sea

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2020 Aug 7, 5:02pm   1,873 views  17 comments

by tanked   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Or is this a matter for Asia to handle and does not affect US borders.

Does this mean China can take whatever it wants worldwide until it is ready to take on the actual USA borders?

In the nuclear age is a non-interventionist policy obsolete? How would USA go about stopping China, isn't that nuclear war once a plane gets shot down or a boat sank and it goes more than words?

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1   B.A.C.A.H.   2020 Aug 7, 5:04pm  

Here we go again.
Domino Theory.
2   Patrick   2020 Aug 7, 5:09pm  

Divide China like China divides the US with things like BLM.

What are the biggest existing divisions in China? Doesn't seem to be racial since they are 95% Han Chinese.

Support Fulan Gong, Tibet, Hong Kong, Uigers...

Or just go straight for the silent crowd that is really sick of the CCP. China may not be as stable as it looks from the outside.
3   Misc   2020 Aug 8, 1:17am  

China has currency controls for a reason.

There has been a massive increase in the value of the financial/real estate assets held by its household sector. Home ownership, for example, is estimated to go to about 90% at the end of 2020 (Yes, a 90% homeownership rate in a communist country). About 25% of the families have multiple properties. An astounding $3.3 trillion US dollars worth of Wealth Management Products were owned (these are probably ponzi investments). Total household wealth in China is about $67 trillion.

China's foreign reserves are about $3 trillion. Everyone who is anyone there has been trying to get assets out of China because the country is not stable financially because of the massive amounts of debt and the massive amounts of increasing debt. Without capital controls (which were more strongly enforced in 2019 and hugely after Covid), even a small percentage of assets leaving the country would send the yuan spinning down unless massive amounts of foreign reserves were used to prop up the currency. That $3 trillion can go poof in a blink of an eye.
4   tanked   2020 Aug 8, 1:44pm  

B.A.C.A.H. says
Here we go again.
Domino Theory.

So you think that war just spontaneously happens, it isn't a result of chain reaction of events?
5   rocketjoe79   2020 Aug 8, 4:41pm  

Well, if Japan felt this was a threat, they could rapidly re-arm and start a new Asian Balance-of-Power conflict. (Yes, I realize Japan has a limit on self defense spend in their constitution.) South Korea, the Phillipines, Vietnam and NoK also border the South China Sea. There are other Seas in the area China is making inroads into as well. The Russians are involved to the North. It's not a powerkeg, but China is pushing it's limits. The USA still sends warships between Taiwan and Mainland China. It's kind of a provocative policy, but we're been supporting Taiwan since day 1.

Imagine China patrolling the Bering Straights or The Gulf of Mexico. Would that worry you if you were Chinese?

China is #2 on defence spending, about $250Bn vs. USA $650Bn. Ruissia is a distant #6, but we are still told by the media they are the bogeyman.


#3 is Saudi Arabia, so they can be the US proxy enforcer in the mideast. And to spend $$$ to keep the USA Military Industrial Complex running smoothly.
6   Dholliday126   2020 Aug 8, 5:01pm  

American dads will not be sending their sons to die for some ocean half way around the world. And quite frankly, the Chinese know it. It's an Asian issue, let it to the asians to figure out.

As for China. Cold War those commie bastards...isolate and divide them, but stay out of alliances. Leave that to Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Phillipines, Vietnam, et al. When the missiles start flying, I say let the slants duke it out and anyone gets close to Hawaii, nuke their fleet.

And don't let Japan fool you, they have one of the biggest and most profient navies in the world, not just a bunch of fishing boats like China. Once China tries to gain parity with the Japanese navy you will see the real blustering start ala Kaiser Wilhelm Vs. Britain.
7   RC2006   2020 Aug 8, 5:52pm  

The only thing the US and the rest of the West should do is slow down and stop trading with China. Let the other Asian countries deal with the neighborhood bully.
8   Shaman   2020 Aug 8, 6:22pm  

I say let the Japanese out of their box and see what they can do to hold the Chinese accountable. We’ve suppressed their military for 75 years. They might have learned their lesson vis a vie conflict with the USA. That was their nation’s biggest mistake. If they hadn’t forced hostilities with us or had come to a peace agreement before they lost everything, they would OWN China right now.

Make no mistake: their old racist fascist regime wasn’t worth saving. But they’ve come a long long way since then. I think we can trust them with some Conventional military might.
9   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Aug 8, 6:44pm  

Shaman says
I say let the Japanese out of their box and see what they can do to hold the Chinese accountable. We’ve suppressed their military for 75 years. They might have learned their lesson vis a vie conflict with the USA. That was their nation’s biggest mistake. If they hadn’t forced hostilities with us or had come to a peace agreement before they lost everything, they would OWN China right now.

Make no mistake: their old racist fascist regime wasn’t worth saving. But they’ve come a long long way since then. I think we can trust them with some Conventional military might.

Let Japanese empire take over China again.
10   tanked   2020 Aug 9, 2:15pm  

Fortwaynemobile says
Shaman says
I say let the Japanese out of their box and see what they can do to hold the Chinese accountable. We’ve suppressed their military for 75 years. They might have learned their lesson vis a vie conflict with the USA. That was their nation’s biggest mistake. If they hadn’t forced hostilities with us or had come to a peace agreement before they lost everything, they would OWN China right now.

Make no mistake: their old racist fascist regime wasn’t worth saving. But they’ve come a long long way since then. I think we can trust them with some Conventional military might.

Let Japanese empire take over China again.

There's nukes now.
11   rocketjoe79   2020 Aug 9, 4:16pm  

The Japanese are still one of the most racist and xenophobic cultures on earth. The very word "gaijin" meaning Outside-person, actually includes peoples on Japanese soil, like the Island of Okinawa. Only those born on the four home islands are "true" Japanese.

Not sure, if Japan was allowed to re-arm, what the outcome would be. When the Russian Federation fell apart, all the old emnities returned. You can put a lid on a pot of boiling water, but you can't stop the steam.
12   ignoreme   2020 Aug 9, 8:05pm  

tanked says
There's nukes now.

What’s your point? You ask if we should intervene, then when people offer creative solutions to dealing with China that does not involve direct conflict you point out the obvious fact that nukes exist.

Seems like you already know the answer.

China has been at war with us for 20 years, they don’t seem too concerned with nukes. Not every war involves bullets. Sometimes you just buy a bunch of media and politicians then take what you want. Want to know who is in power? Ask you you can’t criticize. US sure is taking a lot of criticism right now, don’t see much criticism of China, BLM Lebron sure cares a lot about the 50 unarmed black people killed every year by US cops. Don’t hear any criticism about the millions killed by the ccp.

Whatever. This shit will continue until a majority of Americans decide they don’t want it to happen anymore. The media gaslighting can only go so far. Until a majority of Americans wake up and realize they deserve everything that our ancestors have worked so hard and died for, nothing else really matters. Until we are willing to stand up for ourselves and realize that it’s China that needs us and not the other way around there’s nothing to be done. Until then, I just pray we have the brains to stay out of these dumb foreign conflicts.
13   latitude38   2020 Aug 9, 10:44pm  

This is incredibly complex issue and it’s one that has been oncoming for q number of years now . Not only is SEA important part of our supply chain , both in terms of raw material (40%) as well as consumer products for our consumption , it also plays a key role in our export products which could affect hundreds of thousands of US jobs.So the trade routes are important to keep open .However at the heart of the matter is the oil and gas discoveries . “A total of over 2 000 billion barrels of proved reserves and potential resources were estimated to be located within.” China claims its within their territorial waters , which it is not (according to the UN ) We have responded at a variety of countries requests and view this as a national security issue . We’ve moved our headquarters of the seventh fleet to a base in Japan . Its deja vu all over again -Tonkin Bay will be a US naval base as well Subic Bay ( despite Duarte on again off again about allowing our ships , even though we’ve made repairs and upgrades at his request ) China may have a 90% homeownership , as a result of their one child per family policy so does Cuba . Their faltering on bond repayments and their economy is based solely for expansion and exports . Japan has started paying their companies to pull out of China , imagine what would happen . Did I read divide China like China divides us ? I think it’s in the works
14   zzyzzx   2020 Aug 10, 4:12am  

The US and other nations should be building their own islands in SEA to block Chinese advances.
15   zzyzzx   2020 Aug 10, 5:55am  

China is asshoe!
16   tanked   2020 Aug 10, 7:34am  

ignoreme says
tanked says
There's nukes now.

What’s your point? You ask if we should intervene, then when people offer creative solutions to dealing with China that does not involve direct conflict you point out the obvious fact that nukes exist.

Seems like you already know the answer.

China has been at war with us for 20 years, they don’t seem too concerned with nukes. Not every war involves bullets. Sometimes you just buy a bunch of media and politicians then take what you want. Want to know who is in power? Ask you you can’t criticize. US sure is taking a lot of criticism right now, don’t see much criticism of China, BLM Lebron sure cares a lot about the 50 unarmed black people killed every year by US cops. Don’t hear any criticism about the millions killed by the ccp.

Whatever. This shit will continue until a majority of Americans decide they don’t want it to happen anymore. The media ...

It wasn't creative to say Japan should take over China again. China has nukes now and would never allow it. That's what I was responding to.

How would I already know the answer? If you stop China you get a nuclear war. If you don't they run unfettered. That's a paradox.

So your answer is, stand up to China and stay out of foreign conflicts. Even though both can't be done.
17   Shaman   2020 Aug 10, 7:39am  

latitude38 says
Did I read divide China like China divides us ? I think it’s in the works

Unconventional warfare is all that is left in this situation. The CCP has been pursuing such warfare against the USA for a couple of decades and we are only now waking up to how much ground they’ve taken. It will be a long slow slog to get our sovereignty back from the Chinese infiltration and propaganda ministries we call mainstream media. This Covid19 thing has been a catalyst for people to understand the asshoe that is China, and to finally want to do something about it.

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