How did Patrick become a Trump supporter?

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2020 Sep 6, 10:24am   1,188 views  20 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

My wife thinks I was too aggressive with my friend in that conversation I posted. I tried to explain where the frustration comes from that makes me sound aggressive.

- Bit by bit, drop by drop, it made me angrier for years to be told that what I used to be able to say was now forbidden by the self-appointed speech police.

- The cooperation of employers with the speech police. It wouldn't be so bad if it were just the blue-haired pierced idiots telling me what I can not say anymore. Now it's employers, pretty much all of them. Speak and lose your job. That just isn't fair. Since it's not allowed to even object and keep your job, the enforced silence gets turned into anger.

- The repeated proof of seeing people fired for facts and opinions expressed in a polite way. Like James Damore being fired from Google.

- The 100% control of the mainstream media by these same speech police, such that certain facts are never reported, like that black people murder white people at over 12 times the reverse rate. If "white racism" is the problem, why is it mostly white people getting murdered in interactions between white and black people?

- Forced indoctrination by employers that I'm bad because I'm white and male. No, I'm not bad because I'm white and male. That is slander, racism, and sexism. It's wrong.

- The betrayal of middle Americans by the elite who outsourced their jobs to China, weakening the whole country by reducing our ability to manufacture, in the name of "free trade".

- The betrayal of poor Americans by liberals who support illegal immigration, caring much more about Mexicans who are breaking the law than about fellow Americans who are being pushed into poverty by being forced to compete with illegally low wages. It's not that "Americans don't want those jobs", but rather that Americans don't want those jobs at Mexican wages.

- The mocking of those people who lost their jobs by the elite media as stupid, racist idiots.

- The ridiculous levels of bias in the media against Trump, and hearing friends quote outright lies deliberately planted in the media, like the Russian collusion hoax, or the fraudulent Lancet study against HCQ.

- The removal of the Columbus statue in SF, and statues of Washington, Jefferson, etc. That is our history. It should never be removed. Those guys are our guys. Without them, we would not be here. Western Civilization is not negotiable. My own existence is not negotiable.

I suppose I'm starting to sound aggressive again.

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1   Dholliday126   2020 Sep 6, 12:51pm  

Well said. I basically think anyone who doesn't vote for Trump is in favor of the wanton destruction of american exceptionalism.
3   Shaman   2020 Sep 6, 2:08pm  

Oh there are plenty of women out there who just “want things back to normal” and who don’t realize that peace and civility comes at the low low price of slavery and penury and oppression.

I am increasingly of the opinion that women’s suffrage was a bad call.
4   Entitlemented   2020 Sep 6, 2:14pm  

I have not been posting lately, and can relate to Patrick.

I have been an engineer since I served in the Navy, and went to Cal State for a BSEE.

All during school, many people poked fun at Engineers. But I was amazed at the Scientists and Engineers that came before me.

Bit by bit I tried to improve myself, having to deal with Anti-Science students (to be fair, many good engineers and others were friends).

I worked in DC for my first job, and was stunned by the wastefulness that I witnessed. I could not palate working for the government, - while the DoD was decent, many of the other agencies promoted people based on politics / lobbying / cronyism. I seemed quite deceptive / wasteful. Thus I observed DC was a bit of a swamp 30 years ago. (to be fair may people at agencies such as NIH, DoD labs were contributing).

When the NAFTA debate happened, and was delayed, I did not vote for Perot. He was the only one on the debate stage with a high tech company, and he was nearly 100% correct in his acessment of jobs in the US future. While I was very concerned that jobs would be outsourced, I did not realize to what extent. Nor did I realize that there would be a loss of Circuit Board manufacturers, and nearly everything else, and many large firms such as HP outsourced nearly all the HW from the US over 5-10 year ago. By allowing circuit boards to be oursourced, we enabled nearly every bit of technology to be offshored, while it crippled us capabilities.

We have so many lawyers (Disclaimer: I have solid lawyers working on business issues) that are essentially direct or indirect lobbyists, everything I do now is embroiled with regulatory and bureaucratic red tape. So my observation is that the US invented the phonograph, telephone, harnessed electricity, invented the light bulb (Edison and Latimer), set up production lines, invented the transistor and ICs, and the US had nearly 20% of people working in manufacturing. What are we doing different that truncated the US ability to create and produce technology? Lawyers/Regulations/Bus outsourcing mindsets/short term corporate interests. Now we have lost so much of our technology base, that the US is a bubble susceptible economy (Although thank God for the likes of Tesla).

The democrats appear to play to win, for the sake of power and control, have a huge government, but the repubs appreciate a private sector bigger than the government.

I think that the democrats are too deceptive and reading on the rise of the Bolsheviks it appears to the dems following great portions of that script. I do not think that Bill Clinton only met the US Atty General on the tarmac to discuss grandchildren. I do not think that Obama only found out about Russian potential meddling just after then 2016 election.

With COVID, the US needs to jointly "conserve" resources. Rather than burn our cities, we need to build up our cities. Yes there are some police malfeasance that must be reined in ASAP. Ever since Baltimore, the US has not really dug in and corrected these ills. I feel that Obama in part could have been a great advocate for improvements in the cities. However, high drug use is causing more violence and overdose, and makes engaging with those on drugs more apt to end with violence. In my mind, higher drug use (that increased in the US that only because good when O was elected) is a root cause for the vicious circle we find ourselves in.

Like the Bosheviks, the rioters have the wrong cause and effect analysis. How ironic is it that the loss of jobs was enabled in great part by NAFTA, and that the red tape policies and their own choice of education has created a poor situation for them. The rioters need to study the root cause of their anger. The media couple with offshore anti american funding is harming our society. I cannot believe that Soros has funded a 503 that advocates for drug legalization.

Just as a family needs to make good decisions about their future, so do young individuals who are cooped up due to Covid.

We are at a time where we need to conserve resources, build up cities and societies. Its crippling to do the opposite. Its going to cost so many individuals too much to try to overcome the losses of rioters, and the rioters will be suprised when their job and future prospects go down further when they burnt their place that might have hired them to the ground. We need a high road to improved jobs for minorities and proper reform.

We need to be a United States again. We need to review the bad decisions that were made and reverse them as a society.

- Clinton to admit that NAFTA did not turn out to help the USA, the CRA ended up created a MBS bubble and minorities and middle class ended up losing out.
- Bush has to admit that the engagement in the Middle east was not done properly.
- Obama has to admit that drug use and soft touch of (hey I smoked this stuff), did nothing but encourage drug use. Legalization of Cannibas was supposed to be a panacea, but we see many people moving upstream to harder drugs, and this is in my opinion is what is amplifying the severe violence in police interactions. Obama might want to walk back his view that "these jobs are not coming back", this attitude is like the leader of a country shrugging his shoulder upon the poverty of a nation. I have a friend who believes that the short term carried interest discourages long term US investment. We need to have positive long term investments.
- Trump needs to admit that clean energy is a critical path (even if there is no Global Warming?) for technology sake. Trump needs to soften his twitter mssgs, he is not a politician (which is great), but he can cause blowback and feed the press.
5   Ceffer   2020 Sep 6, 2:35pm  

Entitlemented says
- Clinton to admit that NAFTA did not turn out to help the USA, the CRA ended up created a MBS bubble and minorities and middle class ended up losing out.
- Bush has to admit that the engagement in the Middle east was not done properly.
- Obama has to admit that drug use and soft touch of (hey I smoked this stuff), did nothing but encourage drug use. Legalization of Cannibas was supposed to be a panacea, but we see many people moving upstream to harder drugs, and this is in my opinion is what is amplifying the severe violence in police interactions. Obama might want to walk back his view that "these jobs are not coming back", this attitude is like the leader of a country shrugging his shoulder upon the poverty of a nation. I have a friend who believes that the short term carried interest discourages long term US investment. We need to have positive long term investments.

Problem is, these things were by design. They weren't accidents that occurred from the actions of well meaning people.
"I'm so sorry the Clinton Foundation accumulated huge assets from bribes, lobbying, and nefarious promises to foreign interests. Picking up a bit of the trafficking and drug trades profits from our alphabet agency friends were just fringe benefits."
6   Entitlemented   2020 Sep 6, 2:43pm  

And further, the US's investment in technology in the 1900s - 1930s allowed US to eventually get involved in WWII. If the US did not have the technology/AC weapons the world would be very different now. Its feasible to believe, and perhaps even likely that the world would be run by autocrats, communists, facists or a combination thereof.

Add that the displaced Jews moved to US in great numbers; they were involved in Quantum Electronics/Optics/Semiconductors/Rocketry that secured the US as an insurer of good standards and freedom, and enabling of God given liberties. If white people are so bad, one should consider some of their positive achievements which has increased the standard of living in this country and around the world.

And if the Europeans did not come to America, has anyone considered what North America would be like if the Soviets or another group settled here first?

The US is built upon a people who have immigrated from more countries than any other country in the world.
7   clambo   2020 Sep 6, 3:01pm  

Anyone who has a brain should support Trump.
I don't refer to foreigners living here, I don't care what they think.
If you like your job being outsourced, you are nuts.
If you like paying for health care and benefits for illegal foreigners you are nuts.
If you dislike your race, heritage, language, history you are nuts.
If you don't notice an invasion by illegal illiterates, you are blind.
If you think the foreigners don't resent you, you are nuts.
If you think you should give up your fundamental rights, you are nuts.
I try to be considerate of others and don't provoke them with my opinions.
But, neither do I care to censor myself, so sometimes people are surprised at what I say.
8   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Sep 6, 3:07pm  

A co worker is currently trying to convince me that Europeans utterly crushed Mayan and aztec civilization and it’s horrible.

Like somehow those two civilizations didn’t commit centuries of extermination upon other Native American tribes.

9   Patrick   2020 Sep 6, 3:08pm  

Shaman says
I am increasingly of the opinion that women’s suffrage was a bad call.

It's clearly true with respect to national borders.

This goes all the way back to chimpanzees, where the males patrol the borders of their territories to keep other males out.

Women don't care if other males get in, because that just proves that those other males are stronger, and therefore better mates than their own men. Women are not murdered in invasions like the men are, but instead just become the wives of other men. This is true all times in history. Women often actively help invaders against their own men:

Marina [maˈɾina] or Malintzin [maˈlintsin] (c. 1500 – c. 1529), more popularly known as La Malinche [la maˈlintʃe], was a Nahua woman from the Mexican Gulf Coast, who played a key role in the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire, acting as an interpreter, advisor, and intermediary for the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés.

As a result of her help, the American Indian male chromosome was essentially wiped out in Central America.

Joshua sent out two spies to examine the fighting force of Jericho. The spies hid in Rahab's house, which was constructed into the city wall. The men sent to seize the spies asked Rahab to bring them out. Rather, she covered them under bunches of flax on the roof, protecting them from being captured.

10   theoakman   2020 Sep 6, 3:21pm  

I became a Trump supporter when he touted 2 policies.

1. Tariffs
2. Reduced Immigration

Both of those policies are the most important policies that could lead to labor's increase in bargaining power which is a win for most of Americans. Reduced taxes, no wars, and a higher stock market were just icing on the cake. It's too bad coronavirus came along when it did because he would have coasted to an easy victory in November.
11   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Sep 6, 3:23pm  

Marina's a bit different, since she was a member of an oppressed tribe that had to send 1000s of human sacrifice victims to the Triple Alliance/Aztecs every year, so she was being patriotic by combining with the Whites from the Depths of the Sea against her oppressors.

But Mexico is under the myth that the Aztecs were great and wonderful and everybody living in the area was in love with the Aztecs, who were unbelievably brutal. One problem with the Mexican National Myth is the Maya and other groups, who are excluded from the myth story - imagine if US had a myth of combining Pilgrims with Algonquins, but not including the Cree or Iroquois. Iroquois itself being Algonquin for "Black Snakes"
12   Patrick   2020 Sep 6, 3:42pm  

NoCoupForYou says
she was a member of an oppressed tribe that had to send 1000s of human sacrifice victims to the Triple Alliance/Aztecs every year, so she was being patriotic by combining with the Whites from the Depths of the Sea against her oppressors.

Maybe. And yet, she thoroughly joined the Spanish. "Later, she gave birth to Cortés's first son, Martín"

It also sounds like she was not all that fond of her own people either:

Townsend considers it likely that some of her people were complicit in trafficking her, regardless of the reason.[42] Malinche was taken to Xicalango,[47] a major port city in the region.[48] She was later purchased by a group of Chontal Maya who brought her to the town of Potonchán. It was here that Malinche started to learn the Chontal Maya language

Seems probable that she was just looking out for herself.
13   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Sep 7, 8:15am  

How I became a Trump supporter?

Realized how bad Democrat’s were. They were using speech codes and thought control to manipulate people. They decided to create people you are not allowed to criticize, so they could rule over us. They support replacing Americans with illegals and overseas labor.

I’m done with Democrats, everything they say does not match their actions.
14   mich   2020 Sep 24, 8:53pm  

Not aggressive at all. I guess now I decided I'm neither but started to think about it more after California no longer has medical freedom and some of the strictest lockdowns. I never liked Trump but it's not all bad like the media paints. The media is pretty much manipulation under 6 companies. Biden's 39.98% capital gains tax is a no vote for me. I do like my tax return with Trump however ;) sometimes I don't know why people get all huffy and puffy over this stuff it's the uber rich who really have the power.
15   MAGA   2020 Sep 25, 1:37am  

This past year, I completed two history classes at my local Community College. The Professors were really interesting, and did not add a bunch of bogus liberal nonsense to their lectures (Zoom). What was fascinating, learning about the history of the democratic party. The dems are total racists.

(World's oldest College student) 🤓
16   Patrick   2020 Sep 25, 10:19am  

My wife is getting a teaching certificate. She leaves politics out. The other student teacher is determined to indoctrinate the kids.
17   Bd6r   2020 Sep 25, 10:40am  

I had a couple of stages...all media was against Trump, so that kinda made me think that he is not that bad, but it was not enough for me to vote for him in 2016. Then, I started seeing that things they criticized Trump for were made up as media are just too stupid to lie competently. All pretense of impartiality in media, social media, etc was thrown away, and my natural response was to think exactly opposite what media says about about Trump. Then, I tried arguing about some of this IRL and on Patnet - for example, Russian collusion can be easily refuted with facts - and a very large portion of people are impenetrable to facts and logic, even if they are well-established scientists. At that point, it was fuck you, I might not like him too much, but he is better than alternative and voting for him is a good troll move.
19   georgeliberte   2020 Sep 25, 12:31pm  

What was fascinating, learning about the history of the democratic party. The dems are total racists.
In May when the whole BLM rioting o(over Geoge Flyod?) started, I wanted to know how we got here? The present is written in the past, so I started with the Learning Company lectures, the Ken Burns. I just finished Henry Louis Gate's 'Reconstruction'. All good. If I was to name one actor as most responsible for currevt troubles it would be- The Democratic Party hands down, the party of slavery, thwarting, undermining and ending Reconstruction, implementing Jim Crow.
20   Tenpoundbass   2020 Sep 25, 12:33pm  

I was a Trump supporter every time he was on a talk show in the early 80's giving a lecture on his economic and world views. It would make the whole audience gush(even the old bastards that have TDS the most now) when the interviewer would ask him, if he had plans to run.

Funny though, those same people have TDS now, most all of them loved DJT the reality show star. I have never seen one single Aprentice episode and never wanted to. That DJT was not interesting to me.

I thought his escalator ride announcement was SNL promo for about the first 5 minutes. I was hooked on ever since, after he took out his Truth Bazooka and layed Washington bare.

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