Yelp data shows permanent small business closures have exceeded 60% in some markets

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2020 Sep 16, 10:30am   3,257 views  34 comments

by Automan Empire   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

I'm in an essential industry and never closed, but my customers, and their customers on down the line, are tightening their belts and not using the equipment I service. Therefore, I'm feeling the squeeze. In the last 18 months I went from 3 employees to just me running everything.

YELP has plenty of issues and I can't stress enough that businesses should never pay them a dime for marketing services. That said, they provide a good ground-up view of the state of the economy down to a granular, smallest business in town inclusive level of detail. Here's a report on permanent business closures according to their data.


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1   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2020 Sep 16, 10:45am  

All the closures are really fucking people up. Politicians are creating this mess, they are trying to put people into poverty artificially (all under a nice excuse). It's really fucked up.

That's how I feel about it, because their results don't match their words, they match them fucking with us though.
3   Tenpoundbass   2020 Oct 12, 7:58am  

I see a huge opportunity in the near future. My hope is, the corporate food industry will have lost their asses so much. That we never see 80% of all restaurant space rented by TGIF, Sweet Tomatoes, Ruby Tuesdays, Chili's and the like. Sends the corporate food investors reeling for a long time to come. I hope people with a genuine appreciation of food will fill the void.

It's going to be a good time to be in the food industry and local entertainment.
4   WookieMan   2020 Oct 12, 8:17am  

Automan Empire says

Yelp data shows permanent small business closures have exceeded 60% in some markets

Eh, I'm extremely skeptical of anything yelp does and their data. We're doing just fine out here in IL hill billy country. All the businesses are open and frankly some of them are pretty damn busy. Haven't lost one in my small town, which in theory should be more susceptible to closures. 60% is the extreme case and clearly what the media does to freak you out and get clicks/views.
5   RWSGFY   2020 Oct 12, 8:29am  

6   WookieMan   2020 Oct 12, 8:37am  

Tenpoundbass says
I hope people with a genuine appreciation of food will fill the void.

Not gonna happen. The second a place becomes popular, 90% of the time the owner is thinking franchise the fucker. And then it becomes another place that pumps out shit food.
7   Shaman   2020 Oct 12, 8:39am  

WookieMan says
Haven't lost one in my small town,

Lost dozens in my town. And neighboring towns. And all around California as our Dear Leader Gavin Gruesome has ordered restaurants across the state to commit ritual seppuku in service of the Democrat empire. He might kill Hollywood itself before he’s done! Hasn’t been any movies shot here since March.

The crazy thing is how meek and willing the business owners are to kill themselves for this fucked up reason. They aren’t suing and getting injunctions, or simply defying the illegal order in any real numbers. It’s the exception anyway.
If i was a small business owner I’d ignore Newsome and do whatever I could to maximize business. When I got fines I would refuse to pay and sue instead.
8   WookieMan   2020 Oct 12, 8:52am  

Shaman says
Lost dozens in my town. And neighboring towns.

That sucks. Besides maybe Chicago or St. Louis, flyover country has seemingly been pretty good. I'm 50 min west of Chicago and shit is going fine here. If you're strictly talking revenue, sure it's probably down. Friday or Saturday nights though most businesses are packed (restaurants specifically). Some have cut hours, but that also reduced expenses, so it's not a huge issue here.
9   Ceffer   2020 Oct 12, 4:52pm  

I sold my business years ago because every year the various California oppressions became more onerous, plus, they kept adding up and up. I had to sell it for mental health.

If I had it now through Covid Blue Pill insanity, I would have been forced to take total loss on it, paid off the lease, and started over in a more impoverished condition. I probably could have avoided a bankruptcy, but it would have cost me.

The progressive armageddon-izing of California continues afoot. Maybe I should be grateful for Covid, because it reveals in accelerated fashion the advanced deterioration of the old California whore. California is not the place you want to be when progressives deputize the criminal classes, and the government unions and employees themselves have become the criminal classes.

I remember the scene in Dr. Zhivago, when he returns to his family home to find it occupied by hostile political squatters after the Communist insurrections. He wisely just left, thankful he still had his life. That's what I see coming down the pike. I am certain a day will arrive when a State apparatchik arrives at the door, barely able to speak English, with a clip board to inventory house and belongings to levy further edicted excise taxes. Quartering of homeless is going to be around the corner. The ghetto drops are merely a preview, and my formerly safe area is starting to report the broken car windows, stolen mail and vandalisms. We also spot the usual suspects on bicycles on their burglary shopping assessment tours, something you used to only see in Oakland.

Combine that with months of lung terror with toxic smoke, rolling blackouts, and ALL the already nasty trends just heading relentlessly downward, my wife and I are saying screw "The Weather" and just want to go to a conservative place that will stay that way for the reasonable, foreseeable future. At this point, we could actually live in Caligulan splendor somewhere else and have multiple homes chasing the best times of year for those places.

The reason Johnny Rotten decided to vote for Trump, in spite of voting in the progressive shit previously, was because he is a caretaker for his wife who suffers from dementia and was terrorized because a homeless tent was pitched inside his gate on his front lawn in Venice, and nobody would help him to do anything about it. How they change when the shit comes home to roost.

I lived in Venice, and it was always bohemian druggy and hippie. However, looking at recent pictures, it looks increasingly like a Delhi slum with beach and glitter, homeless people everywhere, and the crowds are ghetto and very strange looking.
10   Tenpoundbass   2020 Oct 12, 4:59pm  

WookieMan says
Not gonna happen. The second a place becomes popular, 90% of the time the owner is thinking franchise the fucker. And then it becomes another place that pumps out shit food.

There will be so much available commercial RE for Restaurants. It is going to take years, before the kids of the Owners of the new places(provided they are good and innovative) get old and retire, and their kids went to college instead of taking over the family business. That is what basically happened in South Florida. When I first got here, Bennagins, and TGIF were at Malls, and the Airport, they had too much competition in the neighborhoods, with the best Jewish Deli's, Authentic NYC and Chicago Pizza joints, Steak and Seafood houses. They all moved on and then Corporate food moved in and replaced them
11   Booger   2020 Oct 12, 7:02pm  

Fuck Yelp!
12   Patrick   2020 Oct 13, 8:17am  

Ceffer says
I am certain a day will arrive when a State apparatchik arrives at the door, barely able to speak English, with a clip board to inventory house and belongings to levy further edicted excise taxes. Quartering of homeless is going to be around the corner.

We are already arriving there in some ways. The governor is literally suggesting taxing people who did nothing wrong to pay black people "reparations" for things that happened far away in other states, and the homeless are being quartered in hotels in SF.
13   WookieMan   2020 Oct 13, 9:28am  

Patrick says
Ceffer says
I am certain a day will arrive when a State apparatchik arrives at the door, barely able to speak English, with a clip board to inventory house and belongings to levy further edicted excise taxes. Quartering of homeless is going to be around the corner.

We are already arriving there in some ways. The governor is literally suggesting taxing people who did nothing wrong to pay black people "reparations" for things that happened far away in other states, and the homeless are being quartered in hotels in SF.

Given the current Covid conditions, why do some of you guys continue to live in CA? We all know the benefits from a scenery and weather standpoint. But is it really worth it? My neighbor is doing the same job I think some of you are in programming and IT and making close to $200k at 39 living in a $280k house that would be easily $2M in desirable neighborhoods out there. Even if you wanted to do Naperville or Winnetka, you could get in for $700k-1M and likely have an amazing home. McMansion type shit.

I don't know, it just boggles my mind how some of you deal with it. Weather aside, life is pretty damn easy here in IL if you've got even average skills that can pay.
14   Tenpoundbass   2020 Oct 13, 9:40am  

I would also add with the invention of services like Door Dash and Uber Eats, it will make the Mom and Pop's reach much bigger than it ever was.

The corner store near me, has a small kitchen area, where they always served up Hood Fried Chicken and other snacks. The last several years a guy who shouldn't even be in food business. Has taken over. He has the worlds most busiest eclectic menu you've ever seen. He has a great Steak Sub, and that's about it. And I had to tell him how to make mine, that he now does for everyone. His Gyros suck as does his Chicken Pargm and when he has a Black cook there, his fried Chicken is great. He sucks at making fried Chicken.

One day I asked him, why do you have so much on your menu? Why don't you simplify, there's no way you sell all of the items on this menu to keep a fresh turn over. Gordon Ramsey would savage you.
He said he does 99% of his business through Door Dash and Uber Eats and his reach is from Miami Beach to Pompano Beach a good 30 mile diameter. Less than 1% is walk in customers. Which seems like a lot. He's always got about 10 bags and boxes of food lined up ready for pickup from the drivers. He says he has 15 drivers. Door Dash and Uber Eats pays them. He's a little pricey though. $15 for most sandwich and fries dishes.

He was putting lettuce, tomato and mayo on a Steak Sub over cold bread.
I told him, to butter my bread and place it on the grill and let it toast while the beef, onions and peppers were grilling. and put the lettuce mayo and tomato on the next guys burger.
15   clambo   2020 Oct 13, 9:41am  

So restaurants which hire illegals are closing? Good.

Bars where young guys attend sausage fests (40 male:1 female) are closing? Good.

It’s too bad for the people who work legally, but I am not upset about it.
16   Ceffer   2020 Oct 13, 9:55am  

I can't say that I was actually afraid of California until fairly recently. Covid insanity has definitely put it over the top.

My wife and I agree we have been experiencing the now licensed and encouraged 'anti-white' attitude, especially when dealing with State employees. Federal employees still seem OK. Maybe California will be better off without white people, but I suspect that the various minorities, who actually also hate each other, will eventually square off against each other in chronic feuds.

California is full of serious criminals, gang bangers etc. in very large numbers and they are here for the same reasons that everybody else is. Releasing them, deputizing them, force feeding them into suburbs while criminalizing self protection are seriously fucked up policy decisions that have gone from gradual to aggressive. Police precincts will wind up only recording enough crime to justify the ongoing existence of their precincts, and they find it a lot easier to restrain and abuse middle class people than the actual criminal classes. Drug dealers are clearly a powerful polity but are largely ignored at the city and county levels, likely because they have learned who to pay off and when.

California is doing everything it can to destroy the middle class, seemingly by design. They want a tight, small group of elites with a technical class underneath, and the rest an anonymous ground down mass of idiopolous free shitters. The notion of coming to California to rise from the lower middle class into the upper middle class is largely a dream of the past. You are more likely to go from lower middle class to lower class, trapped by debt in the choking crowds.

Perhaps a year or two of dumping good money into a shit hole before we are out of here, too. I think we will cover our car with stickers that say that we are never voting Democrat again as long as we live so that the States we visit as refugees won't stomp us like the California liberal vermin they are used to.
17   Bd6r   2020 Oct 13, 10:10am  

WookieMan says
Eh, I'm extremely skeptical of anything yelp does and their data. We're doing just fine out here in IL hill billy country. All the businesses are open and frankly some of them are pretty damn busy. Haven't lost one in my small town, which in theory should be more susceptible to closures. 60% is the extreme case and clearly what the media does to freak you out and get clicks/views.

Despite not that severe lockdowns in TX, I see small places going broke all the time.
18   Shaman   2020 Oct 13, 12:50pm  

Fuck off, @bonzo
Nobody is swayed by your stupid gaslighting. Everyone can fucking SEE the destruction that lockdowns have had on everything from businesses to jobs to sanity and drug abuse, child suicide... the list goes on and on with horribles spawned by the Democrats destructive policies.

Fuck off!
19   Shaman   2020 Oct 13, 12:58pm  

You know the uninformed Leftists from the informed Leftists like this:
The first group will try to argue with you using DNC talking points.
The second group uses sarcasm to assault your character.

Looks like you know exactly what you’re doing and why you’re wrong. That’s the worst kind of Leftist.
20   Bd6r   2020 Oct 13, 12:59pm  

Bonzo says
Business failures are a normal facet of life - really pretty simple

True, but small restaurants that have been around for years are failing in abnormally large numbers where I live. So it must be corona-related.
21   Shaman   2020 Oct 13, 1:01pm  

Dbr6 says
True, but small restaurants that have been around for years are failing in abnormally large numbers where I live, and we don't have hard shutdowns. So it must be corona-related.

Lots of people are scared to go out to eat. That’s about half the problem. The other half is that in some places like California, they’ve made it illegal to serve the public in that way. Ok, so recently they loosened the restrictions in many places here. But the damage has been done.
22   Patrick   2020 Oct 13, 1:04pm  

There can be no sane doubt about what happened to all the small businesses.

Bonzo - you iwog again?
23   Patrick   2020 Oct 13, 1:09pm  

It was iwog.

Deleted him again.
24   Patrick   2020 Oct 13, 1:12pm  

Dbr6 says
small restaurants that have been around for years are failing in abnormally large numbers where I live. So it must be corona-related.

True, and not just restaurants. All kinds of small businesses. It's like the neutron bomb.

The whole pandemic could be declared over and done right now, but no way will Democrats do that before the election, or after the election either, no matter which way it goes. If Trump wins, they will continue to spitefully destroy the lives of millions of innocent people just because they hate Trump. If Trump loses, they will continue to demand ever more control over the minutiae of everyone's lives, and the scamdemic is an excellent way to do that.
25   Ceffer   2020 Oct 13, 1:21pm  

When you can't process customers in large numbers efficiently at close quarters, and you have certain tight business margins, you are going to go out of business. Adding expensive nonsense rituals that slow down your customer flow also will either double or triple customer costs and overheads.

I am thinking if Trump is elected, all of this insanity will be too expensive to maintain for the Globalists/Shadow Gvt./Deep (Shallow) State etc. for no further significant return. It already appears that way because the modest Covid easing seem related to their consciousness that the blame for all of this is falling where it belongs, or at least on the useful idiots. I would like to think that it would assure a sweep to dump these criminals from office, but I'm not so sure that will happen.

Hollywood is doing an "Et Tu, Brute", falling on its sword and getting lambasted, as well as entertainment industry in general. No gratitude for the nattering nabobs of fake news and propaganda on the big screen. There was no loyalty amongst the psychopaths. Places like Hollywood only survive on extreme liquidity and loan conduits, so the Shadow banking interests probably told them they better do what they were told or else.

At least a nice side effect has been that celebrities are now being regarded as the rank, spoiled, narcissistic fools that they are.
26   Bd6r   2020 Oct 13, 1:21pm  

Patrick says
but no way will Democrats do that before the election

Our TX Gov Abbott is also not lifting all restrictions, which he should have done months ago. I drove through W TX a few weeks ago, and restaurants/wineries/etc have banners OPEN TEXAS ABBOTT all over the place. So, while D's are really insane, I don't think R's are completely logical about this.


Texas GOP Urges Abbott to ‘Open Texas Now’
“For a state party to publicly disagree with a sitting governor of the same party is not something any of us take lightly.”

Rolando Garcia, the newly elected committeeman for Senate District 15 in Houston who authored the “Open Texas Now” resolution, says he was motivated by Abbott’s announcement last week, which allowed some businesses to open at 75 percent capacity while others were forced to remain closed.
27   Ceffer   2020 Oct 13, 1:51pm  

I always thought that Covid ulterior motive was to eliminate the cash flow of myriad businesses to allow the patrons of the epidemic to swoop in and scoop them up for cheap.

It's the old Rockefeller strategy playbook. If you put on your psychopath glasses, you can see how well that would work. That's why I know lockdowns won't last, because these same architects will eventually want their plundered businesses to be profitable again.

Covid will be miraculously 'cured' by vaccine, which will also be a profit angle.
28   Bd6r   2020 Oct 13, 2:09pm  

Ceffer says
I always thought that Covid ulterior motive was to eliminate the cash flow of myriad businesses

or to remake population into stupid sheep who do whatever the "experts" and government want them to, such as wearing masks. May be next year it will be public wearing of adult diapers to signal submission to our government
29   noobster   2020 Oct 14, 7:38am  

I know of more businesses that have died from corona, than people that have died. FACT.
30   noobster   2020 Oct 14, 7:42am  

Abbott needs to go away
31   RWSGFY   2020 Oct 14, 7:45am  

Dbr6 says
Ceffer says
I always thought that Covid ulterior motive was to eliminate the cash flow of myriad businesses

or to remake population into stupid sheep who do whatever the "experts" and government want them to, such as wearing masks. May be next year it will be public wearing of adult diapers to signal submission to our government

Diarrhea is listed as a Covid symptom, btw.
32   WookieMan   2020 Oct 14, 7:56am  

FuckCCP89 says
Dbr6 says
Ceffer says
I always thought that Covid ulterior motive was to eliminate the cash flow of myriad businesses

or to remake population into stupid sheep who do whatever the "experts" and government want them to, such as wearing masks. May be next year it will be public wearing of adult diapers to signal submission to our government

Diarrhea is listed as a Covid symptom, btw.

I know. How do you think I got a test? That was one of my symptoms along with a cough. We also lied about being in contact with someone that had Covid. Technically we were but it was weeks prior to their positive test. The free drive through sites here are miserable and I guess it can take a week or so for results. WTF is the point? You've spread it everywhere at that point. I feel dirty but we had to have our kids lie to doctors as well. It's freaky how much they want us locked down after going through this to just even get a test with a quick turn around.

But 3 out 4 negative as of this morning. Need mine and we're cleared for St. John. Need me a god damn beach even with a broken heel in a boot. Bringing the nephew, but if he's positive we're still going without him. I feel great, so we should be good unless I get a false positive which I'll then forge in Adobe with one of the negative tests. We love travel and this year has blown tranny dick for travel. Our one Covid flight was empty, so that was a positive.
33   HeadSet   2020 Oct 14, 11:51am  

Our one Covid flight was empty, so that was a positive.

Ha, ha, I see what you did there.
34   WookieMan   2020 Oct 14, 2:30pm  

Tested negative. Boom. So is the nephew. So all 5 of us are good to go to St. John. Now I just have to figure out the crippled system at the airport. Have a Knee Rover and don't want to get pushed around by some overpaid bum in a wheelchair. But still need to bring crutches.

Whole experience with a broken heel has been humbling. People are more helpful than I thought they would be, but it also makes me feel weak and shitty as a guy in his 30's. Find myself telling people to stop it and I probably come across as an ass. lol. Doing this for another month at least and potentially longer.

TL:DR - Don't injure the bottom parts of your feet.

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