Election is over.

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2020 Oct 23, 6:16pm   47,886 views  820 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

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100   zzyzzx   2020 Oct 30, 11:10am  

30% of VA's black population is about 474,000. That's almost TWICE Crooked's margin in 2016. I AM TELLING YOU - If Trump even gets 15-20% of the black vote combined with MAGA votes, HE CAN WIN VA AND PUT THIS ELECTION AWAY.
101   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Oct 30, 11:34am  

If this Texas Model is remotely accurate, we can forget the Dem gaslighting on the state.

103   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Oct 30, 12:03pm  

We really need a Red Wave.
105   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Oct 31, 12:56am  

The Florida election is over. Only a miracle can save the Democrats.

Hillary was leading Hispanics with 30 pts. Biden has less than 10.

Republicans have 20% of their Supervoters (voted in 4 of 4 past general elections) left, Dems 12%.
106   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Oct 31, 2:10am  

'We’ve got to stop the bleeding': Democrats sound alarm in Miami
Party officials in Florida’s most populous county are sweating weak early voting turnout among several key groups.

We know now that's why Obama went to Miami recently,

So now, Biden's going to Philadelphia this Sunday.

Philly, turnout is down 10+% from 2016. Dems need every damn last ghetto vote to offset the burbs and rural PA.

A similar red flag would be as if Trump had to go to Texas this weekend --- Philly should be in the bag for Biden, not in need of the Candidate shoring up turnout and support.

Wisconsin Governor is begging people not to Vote By Mailanymore, but to vote in person on Election Day.

The VBM voting so far has gotten 'forgotten voters' out - just the inimmgrates, minorities, and kids they wanted, but "Forgotten Americans"

How about Maricopa County, AZ?
107   HeadSet   2020 Oct 31, 7:06am  

So now, Biden's going to Philadelphia this Sunday.

The only message Biden can push to get the ghetto vote in Philly is to say somehow that Trump will curtail the welfare payments.
108   theoakman   2020 Oct 31, 8:30am  

When I was in Philly 2 years ago, they had a billboard that said " the more you vote, the more you get"
109   mell   2020 Oct 31, 8:40am  

There's a good chance that Trump wins AZ as Republicans are about to overtake Dems in early voting. Same is possible in Nevada, and the Dem early voting lead in modeled party in Michigan has narrowed to 3.7% and 1.7% in NC, considering the fact that likely many more Republicans will vote in person MI and NC likely lean red as well. Also in Wisconsin early voting is almost neck on neck. FL already has a slight lead for Republicans in early voting. Only PA seems like having large early voting lead fro the Dems. Even if Trump loses PA, if he wins Michigan and NC he should win absent of any other surprises.
110   WookieMan   2020 Oct 31, 8:58am  

mell says
Even in Trump loses PA, if he wins Michigan and NC he should win absent of any other surprises.

He'll win. I'm now 100% sure covid has been complete bull shit in the way it has been hyped. CDC just gave cruise lines the okay to start opening back up to give them lead in time for after the election. We'll see what a lame duck Trump Presidency does, but hopefully it's good. I'm convinced the deal is sealed at this point. Leftist should be shot at this point. The amount of suffering they caused and will in the coming weeks.

The amount of people harmed by Covid hype is staggering for a fucking election. We saw all our left wingers tuck their dick between their legs and run from Patnet. That was the first signal this was all bull shit. So pissed right now. Not much you can do.
111   Ceffer   2020 Oct 31, 10:39am  

NoCoupForYou says

We know now that's why Obama went to Miami recently,

Great way to kill two birds with one stone. Gets to score some primo coke, too, now that Hunter is no longer a coke and crack emissary.

"Hey, Malia, if you're going over to boff Hunter again, will you pick some crack for me? Crack for Crack, Heh, Heh!"
112   Ceffer   2020 Oct 31, 10:42am  

Strange, I lingered briefly on PBS channel 9 while the home theater was firing up, and some liberal squid was asking people about voting for Biden.

The knee jerk liberals had a look of nausea and reluctance on their faces, even while saying they were voting for Biden ticket, like they hated themselves for doing it but would take one for the KommieKunts.
113   mell   2020 Oct 31, 11:26am  

WookieMan says
mell says
Even in Trump loses PA, if he wins Michigan and NC he should win absent of any other surprises.

He'll win. I'm now 100% sure covid has been complete bull shit in the way it has been hyped. CDC just gave cruise lines the okay to start opening back up to give them lead in time for after the election. We'll see what a lame duck Trump Presidency does, but hopefully it's good. I'm convinced the deal is sealed at this point. Leftist should be shot at this point. The amount of suffering they caused and will in the coming weeks.

The amount of people harmed by Covid hype is staggering for a fucking election. We saw all our left wingers tuck their dick between their legs and run from Patnet. That was the first signal this was all bull shit. So pissed right now. Not much you can do.

It's been wreaking havoc on every family, sowing fear and discord and making daily routines unbearable and more expensive. These assholes should pay for it but it's possible this is just a precursor and power grab test and check on how willing the sheep are so they can enact similar bullshit during bad flu seasons.
114   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Oct 31, 11:48am  

FL Total Vote
Ds +97,739

In 2016 Ds led on election eve by 96,400
Rs Target: 1,339

We will beat this in an hour. Then have all weekend plus some locations to erase 2016 lead (when Trump won by 113,000)
115   Ceffer   2020 Oct 31, 11:57am  

The election is over but the erection isn't.
116   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Oct 31, 12:23pm  

Saturday, October 31 5:30 PM Butler, PA
Saturday, October 31 8:00 PM Montoursville, PA
Sunday, November 1 11:00 AM Macomb County, MI
Sunday, November 1 2:00 PM Dubuque, IA
Sunday, November 1 5:30 PM Hickory, NC
Sunday, November 1 8:30 PM Rome, GA
Sunday, November 1 11:30 PM Opa-locka, FL
Monday, November 2 11:30 AM Fayetteville, NC
Monday, November 2 2:00 PM Scranton, PA
Monday, November 2 5:00 PM Traverse City, MI
Monday, November 2 8:00 PM Kenosha, WI
Monday, November 2 10:30 PM Grand Rapids, MI

12 more events until Election Day. That's no Senioritis.
117   Shaman   2020 Oct 31, 12:27pm  

Here is why this election is so different and why it’s going to put the GOP on top by a wide margin.

1)unprecedented Democrat overreach that has absolutely flattened a lot of people.
2)unprecedented Democrat shame politics, online lynch mobs, hate, riots, ridiculous bad stuff.
3)a firm warning, constantly repeated by the media, that anyone who isn’t sufficiently Left will be punished.
118   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Oct 31, 1:51pm  

Obama introduces Joe, he doesn't react after 3 calls by Obama to Podium
119   HeadSet   2020 Oct 31, 2:26pm  

"Battle for the Soul of the Nation? " That sounds like an appeal to Blacks who are considering sitting out or voting for Trump.
120   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Oct 31, 3:27pm  

FL all votes: Ds+97,221

In 2016 on Election Eve Ds led by 96,400

Rs Target: 821

At that point we are officially ahead of FL 2016 #s and we can start aiming at erasing the 96,000.

Trump won by 113,000.
121   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Oct 31, 5:40pm  

There's a guy on Youtube, I have to find it, who showed where Nate was targeting phone calls, and contrasted the contacts with the counties the polled individuals were located in.

In most circumstances, you had "blue dots" - contacted polling receipients - all over deep dark red counties that went for Trump by 20,30%.

Sometimes 6 of 8 contacts in a county that went Trump by 15, 20, 30% were reporting Biden votes. Unpossible!

In other words, they're not just not trying to reach shy Trump Voters, they're not even trying to be accurate.
123   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Oct 31, 9:47pm  

Came across a poll at the bottom of this page:

I said I was a Middle Aged Black Woman who didn't think it was likely that Biden would win.
125   WookieMan   2020 Nov 1, 7:12am  

mell says
These assholes should pay for it but it's possible this is just a precursor and power grab test and check on how willing the sheep are so they can enact similar bullshit during bad flu seasons.

Here's the deal with me. I want to be around for as long as possible, have grandkids blah, blah. But I can't stand people that have this massive fear of death. There's also the understanding that this is an airborne virus. It will never go away even with a vaccine. As you basically say, the the sheep are so dumb to even understand 7th grade science and math. It's astounding that people think we can hide, vaccinate or mask our way out of this. The fucking masks aren't even working as we speak. The more we wear them the more cases we get!

Almost every person on this planet will get Covid-19 at some point. Vaccine or not. We need to start acting like adults and just deal with the reality. Stop politicizing it. You're more at risk of death doing dozens of other daily activities.

Sorry, massive Covid fatigue is setting in and I'm really getting pissed about it. You'd think with all this tech and science we'd have become smarter and not substantially more retarded.
126   Shaman   2020 Nov 1, 7:56am  

WookieMan says
You'd think with all this tech and science we'd have become smarter and not substantially more retarded

Haven’t you realized that to 90% of people, technology is a complete magic box? They turn it on and it works. They have no idea how it works or how to fix it when it stops working. They’re just savages playing with a magic box.
And science? To most people, science is some amalgam of magic boxes that show people with fancy degrees who tell them what to do and how to think. They don’t understand that it’s a process.
127   Booger   2020 Nov 1, 8:27am  

Democracy Institute/Sunday Express Poll

Trump 48% (+1)
Biden 47%

Swing States
Trump 49% (+4)
Biden 45%

Electoral College
Trump 326
Biden 212
129   Booger   2020 Nov 1, 8:37am  

What a hilarious situation: Biden is up 10 points in the polls, and yet the vast majority of Trump twitter is giddy because they know he's going to win.

Meanwhile, over at Biden twitter, they're booking appointments with their shrinks and are soul-sick with anticipatory grief.
132   Ceffer   2020 Nov 1, 10:01am  

NoCoupForYou says
Obama introduces Joe, he doesn't react after 3 calls by Obama to Podium

I wonder what they promised Obama to make these token appearances. Looks like it was scarcely worth the two hours in the makeup wagon.
133   clambo   2020 Nov 1, 10:04am  

I’m amazed at how self deluded the media is.

There is zero public display of enthusiasm for Biden.

There is a lot of public display of enthusiasm for Trump, even in places like ultra liberal Santa Cruz CA.

What should be mentioned is that the low information loser Democrat voter is actually confused about how to vote. This is richly ironic; the entire point of mail in voting was to scrape the losers from the bottom of the barrel to gain votes, but it’s having the opposite effect. I heard from a couple of people that they are unsure how, where or even when to vote.

I told a cutie in Florida that she can’t get a dime from me unless she provides proof that she voted for Trump.
134   Booger   2020 Nov 1, 10:05am  

Shaman says

Trump 48%, Biden 47% nationally. Trump +4 in swing states.

Trump is set to win in Minnesota 48 to 45, Florida 47 to 44 and New Hampshire, where he just held a major rally, 47 to 43.
135   Ceffer   2020 Nov 1, 10:09am  

clambo says
There is a lot of public display of enthusiasm for Trump, even in places like ultra liberal Santa Cruz CA.

Hippie dippie lady across the street in SC is voting for Trump. i nearly fell out of my chair when I heard that.

Older friend who has had major TDS saying he might vote for Trump because he hates what the LibbyFucks have done and is furious about lock downs. However, he said he might leave the State, too. However, he is the 'California Liberal Toxin', because I asked him why he votes for all these progressive horrors, then leaves the steaming pile of shit behind that he helped to generate. He wouldn't answer.
138   WookieMan   2020 Nov 1, 11:13am  

Booger says
Shaman says

Trump 48%, Biden 47% nationally. Trump +4 in swing states.

Trump is set to win in Minnesota 48 to 45, Florida 47 to 44 and New Hampshire, where he just held a major rally, 47 to 43.

If he gets MN by that much, IL is in play. I know I've said it, but I'm being serious. Biden and Hillary got the hometown boost because people think our state would get more with them being elected. Not seeing it here with Biden right now. I'd be kind of shocked if IL is not too close to call election night. Politicizing covid was probably the worst move Dems could have made. We'll see. Either way the temper tantrum is going to be epic. Make sure your insurance policy is paid to date if you have property or a public business.
139   Booger   2020 Nov 1, 11:15am  

WookieMan says
Either way the temper tantrum is going to be epic

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