trump lawyer sound unrealistic

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2020 Nov 20, 1:08pm   4,356 views  139 comments

by TechBrosWon   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

I am just hearing on this site and claims, That there were a server in Germany and network ports opened to 3-4 anti-US countries to manipulate votes.It is also claimed that this server is claimed by US forces.
It is very-very-1000x serious allegation.

Frankly not for senior lawyer in Trump's team, I would just discard this as loony conspiracy.
Even from trump's lawyer, It sounds too fantastical.

Looking at numbers and analysis It kind of make sense that something bad happened.
This server business looks very shady, Is over the top claims trick to hide data manipulation?

Assume tomorrow we find this all is untrue, trump will become laughing stock of the world.

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109   HeadSet   2020 Nov 26, 10:48am  

Patrick says
But is 1 even possible?

We would need a very clear statement of principles and how the rooting out of corruption is to be done, with a large majority agreeing to it.

But we can't seem to get a majority to agree on anything anymore.

Term limits
Limit Government power
Voter ID and clean voting roles

People against these three are those who wish to preserve the ability to bribe or take bribes.
110   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 26, 11:01am  

Patrick says
But is 1 even possible?

We would need a very clear statement of principles and how the rooting out of corruption is to be done, with a large majority agreeing to it.

But we can't seem to get a majority to agree on anything anymore.

Do we have option not to be optimistic?
I think "liberals" and "conservatives" need to return to their roots and abandon hate based left/right.

How about emerging "purple party" and dumping red/blue for extremists?
This should be a good start:

After this extreme fraudulent election if people not wake up, We can look at venuzuela for our future. Some of it already happening:
111   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 26, 12:59pm  

Never give up your guns,vote,freedom and God(If you are believer).

Communists always take above away.
112   Booger   2020 Nov 26, 1:10pm  

election2020 says
After this extreme fraudulent election if people not wake up, We can look at venuzuela for our future. Some of it already happening:

It's basically free rent for anyone who wants to live by themselves in LA. Talk about leaving out the proverbial bird feeder! A bond issue and sales tax increase isn't going to be enough.
113   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 26, 1:19pm  






Gun control = communism.
Never give up guns. It is moral responsibility of every citizen to learn how to work with firearms and help people in need against brutality.
114   Patrick   2020 Nov 26, 4:39pm  

HeadSet says
Term limits
Limit Government power
Voter ID and clean voting roles

I agree, but I think it needs to be even more specific, like:

Maximum two terms for any elected official.
What does limited government mean in practice exactly? What are some examples?
Voter ID should be proof of citizenship, either passport, birth certificate, or naturalization papers. Not a driver's license.
115   Blue   2020 Nov 26, 5:01pm  

Patrick says
Voter ID should be proof of citizenship, either passport, birth certificate, or naturalization papers. Not a driver's license.

driver's license ID altered the entire outcome.
116   WookieMan   2020 Nov 27, 4:15am  

Patrick says
Voter ID should be proof of citizenship, either passport, birth certificate, or naturalization papers. Not a driver's license.

I'd go above and beyond even that. Passport IS the voter ID. They already have machines that can scan them at airports. Scan the passport and a ballot is pumped out.

If you can't get a passport, there's a reason you shouldn't have one and you shouldn't vote. The vast majority of people are within walking distance of a post office. Go get it done. I really don't want people that cannot afford a passport to be deciding elections and what my taxes are. Or excuse makers that cannot get to a post office in 2020. "Ugh, we're black and oppressed (lazy) and cannot get to the post office with our $200 Jordans and $20k car living on welfare." This is basically the excuse the Dem's make.
117   HeadSet   2020 Nov 27, 7:16am  

What does limited government mean in practice exactly? What are some examples?

Limited to the powers explicitly granted in the National and State Constitutions. That is, only the power needed to perform specific functions. The more power the government has, the more access the politicians can sell. For example, the power to tax should only be used to fund the government, and the taxes should be evenly applied. Tax should never be used for social engineering, like taxing sodas and other high calorie foods over alternatives. Such use of the tax system opens the door for rent seeking.
118   HeadSet   2020 Nov 27, 7:27am  

I'd go above and beyond even that. Passport IS the voter ID. They already have machines that can scan them at airports. Scan the passport and a ballot is pumped out.

Fantastic idea. Passports also expire every 10 years so that is like an automatic clearing of voter roles. And when you scan the passport and the ballot pops out, that passport cannot be used to get another ballot elsewhere. Still need a transparent method to actually count the ballots, though.
119   Shaman   2020 Nov 27, 8:14am  

If my bank can entrust online banking to an app on my fucking iphone, with fingerprint ID and a personalized passcode, why can’t we have a similar app for voting?
120   HeadSet   2020 Nov 27, 9:54am  

Shaman says
If my bank can entrust online banking to an app on my fucking iphone, with fingerprint ID and a personalized passcode, why can’t we have a similar app for voting?

Yes, but who counts these electronic votes?
121   GlocknLoad   2020 Nov 27, 10:52am  

Shaman says
If my bank can entrust online banking to an app on my fucking iphone, with fingerprint ID and a personalized passcode, why can’t we have a similar app for voting?

Yes and no. Banking and voting are different in 1) Like the comment above..."Who counts the votes" is what matters and 2) If a bank gets ripped off for millions of dollars, you never hear about it. The bank simply gets the money back from somewhere. Ever have to report fraud to your bank because of a CC purchase you did not make? Fill out the report and, bingo, your money is back in your account in no time. I do not know where the money comes from...bank profits? What about millions of dollars hacked out of an account? Where does that money come from?
122   WookieMan   2020 Nov 27, 3:00pm  

GlocknLoad says
I do not know where the money comes from...bank profits?

For CC's it is 20% interest rates morons pay for years until they go BK. I'd say 8 in 10 people pay at least some interest on a CC every month. You know who these people are when you see all the new goodies they have, especially this time of year. You ask and they say they pay it off every month, but they're lying. Even people you know with high salaries/wages are idiots with CC's.

Also, remember the money loaned out from CC's to consumers is all borrowed anyway, at insanely low rates. If a bank can borrow at 1% and charge 20% interest when balances don't get paid, can fuck with your credit and potentially garnish wages, you start to see where the money comes from.

I choose the route of kicking them in the nuts and making them pay out the ass for my points usage. Almost never have paid interest, probably under $500/yr on average and that's just because of tracking too many cards, but still my bad. I got $8k worth of air travel on 26 round trip tickets for myself and family in 2019. This year because of Covid only about $3k. $11k in air travel for every day expenses and business expenses ain't a bad deal. Lounge access too. Being able to eat a meal and pound some beers before a flight basically for free if you use it enough is another perk. Generally it's 1 lounge visit to pay back the $99 annual fee for a family of four when you factor in airport pricing for food/booze.
123   Onvacation   2020 Nov 27, 5:37pm  

Patrick says

But we can't seem to get a majority to agree on anything anymore.

We can't even get People to agree that Hunter had a laptop, and Epstein didn't kill himself.

If the vast corruption doesn't come out in the next couple weeks we'll know that it is all political theatre and Trump is just an actor.

I'm afraid we already know.
124   richwicks   2020 Nov 27, 5:57pm  

Onvacation says
If the vast corruption doesn't come out in the next couple weeks we'll know that it is all political theatre and Trump is just an actor.

Should he be just an actor, he's done something useful that wasn't done before - he has exposed systemic corruption. Now we can wait and see what our "home of the free and the brave" will do about it.

I'm sick of the hypocrisy and platitudes. I want to know what kind of nation this really is. That alone was worth electing him. We've been gaslit for our entire lives, I'm happy to have that end and see the true face of our government whatever way it goes. I'm tired of suspecting our government is corrupt, I'm tired of suspecting our intelligence agencies are corrupt, I am tired of suspecting our judicial system is corrupt, I just wanted to know.

Now I do.

I strongly suspect we are a nation of slaves, we have no freedom, and our government is a totalitarian oligarchy. In 1 month, I'll know and I don't give a shit if I have to go to a concentration camp to find out. I'm tired of the propaganda.
125   Ceffer   2020 Nov 27, 6:43pm  

We're on the spear tip of an organized effort of at least 25 years to yoke the population of the country and end any semblance of freedom. The Globalists want us barcoded, chipped, and docile and fed only manufactured fantasy worlds of their choosing.

The people of this country are nothing more than Skinner rats to be punished and rewarded in concurrence with psychopathic manifestos. Only a minority understand that issues like Covid are nothing more than a manifestation of this effort of subversions and punishments for non compliance. I said when Covid started it was purely a psyops and had nothing to do with what is known about diseases, and that's exactly how it has played out. Congratulations to the human Skinner Maze.

Will a beast awaken from this, or will it just awaken too late? Not too many hours of daylight left, as they say.
126   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 27, 7:29pm  

If Trump is a actor not fighter, Then this whole drama of "COVID" was not needed.
Globalists could have just handed the keys to Biden.

I believe if Trump doesn't act, He may be more of a coward than actor.
The politics is so murky now that people are checking out and that's what suits globalists to control people's lives.

Frankly rather than be angry at this situation, we should think how we can benefit from globalized world.
The "middle America" will be forced to become more obedient as we in California already have few rights.
127   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 27, 7:31pm  

I am not sure what this from Trump means... getting eaten by hyenas?
128   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 27, 7:35pm  

That's Trump taking care of some scavengers in the Deep State.

Periodically, you have to terrorize Civil Servants or they start thinking their unelected asses are in charge, rather than servants carrying out the Boss' orders.
129   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 27, 7:44pm  

Trump seems like a broken record. All his tweets seem more like begging for justice than delivering one.
I have never seen a chief executive claiming fraud day and night and begging instead of taking action.

Common response from people here is that he is waiting for right moment.. We will see that too.
.... or his fraud claims are hollow or worse being helpless.
130   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 27, 8:21pm  

waiting to give thanks for indictments opening these gates:


131   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 27, 8:23pm  

Do Patriots want to see TRUTH exposed about Bill Gates, George Soros & “the John Roberts” on Epstein flight logs or is just me?

Is this guy going to do something about his tall claims or just another trick master?
132   richwicks   2020 Nov 27, 8:59pm  

election2020 says
I believe if Trump doesn't act, He may be more of a coward than actor.

He's braver than any of us, if he's a coward. Look at the crap he put up with, could you have dealt with it? I know I could not have. It's easy to criticize, but consider being in his position. He's done a tremendous service to the nation in exposing what corruption we really face.

Now, if he's simply an actor, I find it hard to believe that his puppeteers wanted to show just how corrupt our nation is. It's possible, but if he's just an actor, it's beyond my comprehension as to why they would do this. Problems have been exposed, I find it unlikely the corrupt wanted that.
133   richwicks   2020 Nov 27, 9:02pm  

election2020 says
I have never seen a chief executive claiming fraud day and night and begging instead of taking action.

You simply have never seen any chief executive taking action, ever. Neither have I. I was born in 1971.

Perhaps I'm wrong, Ronald Reagan put a bunch of people in jail over the Savings and Loan scandal. That is the most action I've seen in 1/2 century.
134   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 27, 9:05pm  

richwicks says
election2020 says
I believe if Trump doesn't act, He may be more of a coward than actor.

He's braver than any of us, if he's a coward. Look at the crap he put up with, could you have dealt with it? I know I could not have. It's easy to criticize, but consider being in his position. He's done a tremendous service to the nation in exposing what corruption we really face.

Now, if he's simply an actor, I find it hard to believe that his puppeteers wanted to show just how corrupt our nation is. It's possible, but if he's just an actor, it's beyond my comprehension as to why they would do this. Problems have been exposed, I find it unlikely the corrupt wanted that.

I have no clue and not sure whether to agree or disagree with you.
Trump should make his lawyer "Lin Wood" shut up if he has nothing to show as a result. I have not seen any bad higher up dude put in jail by Trump, May be I missed.Now this lawyer is telling it will be 100s.. Sounds too fantastical.

All I see is that corruption exist, which we already know and nothing get done.
135   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 27, 9:08pm  

richwicks says
election2020 says
I have never seen a chief executive claiming fraud day and night and begging instead of taking action.

You simply have never seen any chief executive taking action, ever. Neither have I. I was born in 1971.

Perhaps I'm wrong, Ronald Reagan put a bunch of people in jail over the Savings and Loan scandal. That is the most action I've seen in 1/2 century.

If trump is not going to take action than how different is He from others.
Whats the point of exposing corruption but taking no action... This is even worse that you think all govt is corrupt including innocent employees.
136   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 27, 9:10pm  

trump claims "massive election fraud" and then nobody is arrested... Either he should shut up or do something about it.
I am sure lot of people are contributing to his fund to fight the fraud and they getting disappointed.
137   richwicks   2020 Nov 28, 2:16am  

election2020 says
Whats the point of exposing corruption but taking no action...

I have spent 2 decades being alive, with people denying there is corruption at all. I am just grateful for it being placed front and center.

I am goddamned sick and tired of being gaslit, if ALL Trump does is demonstrate I'm correct, that's good enough. No other president has done this in 1/2 of a century.

He's simply the president, not a dictator. He can only point out problems, not fix them. He is not in the judicial branch. It is our judicial branch that is most corrupt, they selectively enforce the law, or refuse to enforce the law. It's always the judicial branch that collapses first. He's pointing out the failure, whereas 10 years ago, I'd talk to a common person who would simply deny the failure. I'm just goddamned tired of being able to see obvious corruption alone. I'm fed up with it. Now everybody can see it.

People are uncomfortable with Trump not because he's "bad", but because he picked up a rock and cockroaches have scurried out. People wanted to pretend the cockroaches were never there, and they are uncomfortable with them being there - but I always knew they existed. At least people can't argue about their existence at this point. That, alone, was worth making him president.

Should Biden become president, we will have one of the most corrupt, compromised, criminal scumbags, ever in the executive office, with a news media that protected him and a judicial branch that protected him. Stare front in center of what absolute garbage we have as a "chief executive officer". I've shitted out things more noble and respectable than that thing. He's absolutely reprehensible and that's our "chief executive officer". Take a good whiff. I imagine 1/2 the country, at least, will breathe deeply and claim they smell roses but 10 years ago, it was 90% of the population. Nothing has changed other than people's awareness, and I'm sick and tired of being in the minority. See what I've always seen.
138   TechBrosWon   2020 Dec 17, 11:02pm  


I have always maintained that her evidence looks unrealistic.
the bombastic nature of her allegation are making it a distraction from real issues.

The real issues are "math" make no sense especially near simultaneous batch of communist ratio ballots showing up suspiciously in middle of night for all states where Traitor Joe was behind.Also China Joe getting 81M votes while winning very few counties compared to Obama etc. is big "fraud indicator". I am sure any financial auditor looking at this number will tag it as a highly likely fraudulent before doing full analysis.
Whether Dominion has any role to play or not , It is hard to tell.

This is very good information:

It alludes to what happened late in night, But doesn't try to go in details of "why"? This why is the key to sucecss for trump team.

I believe Sidney Powell arguments are very hard to get behind and anybody on face value will consider it Crazy.
Although nothing is impossible with SW,But If sophisticated cheating algorithms are inserted, they would not be that obvious.
139   TechBrosWon   2020 Dec 17, 11:15pm  

Although It is hard to believe Sidney Powell's allegations , But the results tallied are another level of bullshit.

Section 3:
DateRegistered VotersTotal VotesCastBidenTrumpThird PartyWrite-InTOTAL VOTES for PresidentNov322,08216,0477,7694,5091451412,423Nov 522,08218,0597,2899,7832552017,327Nov 2122,08216,0445,9609,7482412315,949

Lefty media throws so much bullshit that I sometimes feel may be become full time conspiracy theorist and keep them busy in "fact check".

They wrote.. Why not compare on original results on Nov 3rd. Also How Trump lead increase by 12 votes. There should be zero errors when using machines.
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden's total decreased by one vote, from 5,960 to 5,959, while Trump's increased 11 votes, from 9,748 to 9,759, according to preliminary results from the county's more than seven-hour, livestreamed audit. Biden won the state of Michigan by more than 154,000 votes on Nov. 3, according to certified results.

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