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Onvacation saysThe Purpose Of Masks Is To Drive People Insane
This is actually a reasonable explanation.
As in the Soviet Union, the goal of obedience to ridiculous commands is to demoralize people so that they don't fight back.
so demoralized that they give up or turn on each other
Psychosis is an abnormal condition of the mind that results in difficulties determining what is real and what is not real. Symptoms may include delusions and hallucinations. Other symptoms may include incoherent speech and behavior that is inappropriate for the situation.
Any reason why UV-B bulbs (ultraviolet light that destroys viruses, but safe for people) have not been installed in trains or other indoor areas where people gather?
Any reason why UV-B bulbs (ultraviolet light that destroys viruses, but safe for people) have not been installed in trains or other indoor areas where people gather?
Rumor is somebody took a plop in her desk drawers. Outrageous Terrorism!
Rumor is somebody took a plop in her desk drawers. Outrageous Terrorism!
Again Trump will be too old in 2024
mell saysAgain Trump will be too old in 2024
Apparently Lizard Nancy, Chyna Joe and Camelwhore disagree.
They may be afraid of what Trump will expose in the coming months, and want to shut it down now.
It doesn't matter, conservatives will need a good candidate in 2024. Looking backwards won't accomplish anything if everything goes on as planned til 2024.
mell saysIt doesn't matter, conservatives will need a good candidate in 2024. Looking backwards won't accomplish anything if everything goes on as planned til 2024.
Will be beaten just outside the mandatory recount margin by 3AM after a 4-year campaign of "modernizing elections with mail voting, like in progressive states like Oregon have been doing for years now and worked so well during the COVID crisis, that only conspiracy theorists disagreed, like convicted subversive felon Rudy Guiliani, whose name is next to Benedict Arnold for his sedition"
Or even more likely:
Mitt Romney, beloved lion of the Senate, ascends to the Presidency. Romney was one of many brave Republican senators who stood up to the threat of MAGA.
Again Trump will be too old in 2024, bi-den is already enough. That's a chance of a worthy conservative successor ticket like D. Crenshaw / C. Owens 2024.
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