Are Face Masks Effective? The Evidence

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2021 Jan 30, 5:13pm   4,608 views  210 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


There is increasing evidence that the novel coronavirus is transmitted, at least in indoor settings, not only by droplets but also by smaller aerosols. However, due to their large pore size and poor fit, cloth masks cannot filter out aerosols (see video analysis below): over 90% of aerosols penetrate or bypass the mask and fill a medium-sized room within minutes.
The WHO admitted to the BBC that its June 2020 mask policy update was due not to new evidence but “political lobbying”: “We had been told by various sources WHO committee reviewing the evidence had not backed masks but they recommended them due to political lobbying. This point was put to WHO who did not deny.” (D. Cohen, BBC Medical Corresponent).
To date, the only randomized controlled trial (RCT) on face masks against SARS-CoV-2 infection in a community setting found no statistically significant benefit (see above). However, three major journals refused to publish this study, delaying its publication by several months.
An analysis by the US CDC found that 85% of people infected with the new coronavirus reported wearing a mask “always” (70.6%) or “often” (14.4%). Compared to the control group of uninfected people, always wearing a mask did not reduce the risk of infection.
Researchers from the University of Minnesota found that the infectious dose of SARS-CoV-2 is just 300 virions (viral particles), whereas a single minute of normal speaking may generate more than 750,000 virions, making cloth face masks unlikely to prevent an infection.
Japan, despite its widespread use of face masks, experienced its most recent influenza epidemic with more than 5 million people falling ill just one year ago, in January and February 2019. However, unlike SARS-CoV-2, the influenza virus is easily transmitted by children, too.
Austrian scientists found that the introduction, retraction and re-introduction of a face mask mandate in Austria had no influence on the coronavirus infection rate.
In the US state of Kansas, the 90 counties without mask mandates had lower coronavirus infection rates than the 15 counties with mask mandates. To hide this fact, the Kansas health department tried to manipulate the official statistics and data presentation.
Contrary to common belief, studies in hospitals found that the wearing of a medical mask by surgeons during operations didn’t reduce post-operative bacterial wound infections in patients.
During the notorious 1918 influenza pandemic, the use of cloth face masks among the general population was widespread and in some places mandatory, but they made no difference.
Asian countries with low covid infection rates, most of them neighboring China, benefited not from face masks but mainly from early border closures. This is confirmed by Scandinavian countries Norway, Finland and Denmark, which didn’t introduce mask mandates but closed borders early and saw very low covid infection and death rates, too.
German scientists found that in and on N95 (FFP2) masks, the novel coronavirus remains infectious for several days, much longer than on most other materials, thus significantly increasing the risk of infection by touching or reusing such masks.

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1   mell   2021 Jan 30, 5:56pm  

The mask for the surgeons/staff is really only for the case where they sneeze, cough, spit or drool uncontrollably for whatever reason while the patient has open wounds to prevent bacterial infections, although most bacterial infections are acquired during the hospital stay, not during surgery or Doctor's/staff visits. It certainly has nothing to do with preventing colds or flus.
2   Patrick   2021 Jan 30, 8:25pm  

Masks are the symbol of our oppression.

They are used to spread fear, and to distinguish the compliant from those who believe in freedom, and in science.

To not wear a mask in public is the best thing you can do for freedom right now. Show your face, smile! They hate that.

I still do not know a single person who got sick from this, much less seriously ill or dead. Not one. It's been a year. I know a lot of people.

They are lying to us.
3   Onvacation   2021 Jan 30, 9:07pm  

Common sense tells you that masks don't work as used.
Patrick says
They are lying to us.

And it is so obvious! is common sense really that rare?
4   GlocknLoad   2021 Jan 30, 9:39pm  

1) A pandemic does not discriminate. The virus would have equal affect on all ages.
2) If the virus was an airborne spreader, masks would definitely not work. It is proven fact by now.
3) Dead people would be stacked like firewood by now.
4) I could go on and on and on.
5   fdhfoiehfeoi   2021 Jan 31, 8:49am  

There was a study done during the Spanish Flu that found the only facial covering that would be useful would have to cut-off all oxygen to the wearer. So, no, N95 masks are not effective.

Masks had been widely used and promoted in China before the Spanish Flu, but the person promoting them, also made them...
6   theoakman   2021 Jan 31, 9:51am  

They are pointless. You have near 100% compliance in most areas, yet tens of thousands of new cases a day in each state and country around the world. I'm not anti mask, as I believe even a 5% effectiveness is worth trying to slow down the spread. And I think it would be useful when you have an Rt value of 1.01 going on because you can tilt it into contraction. But this shit is religion to people. They are now on the "two mask" brigade.

These people are nuts. First it's "masks work". If we all just wore them for 3 weeks, it would be over!!!. Then it's, gaiters don't work? Why? The virus can pass through. Well, what the fuck did you think fabric masks allow through? They have no consistent logical basis. Now it's, 2 masks needed? Wait, I thought 1 worked just fine according to you the past 4 months?

Meanwhile, I who don't believe in cloth masks and aren't part of the religion, wear an N95 and KF94 mask in retail spaces right now. Because, those things are actually scientifically proven to filter out the air you breath. KF95's from China do to a lesser degree, but they are from China and a guy an engineer on youtube did some great work to prove they are less effective. He specialized in aerosol research and does the experiments live, collects the data in real time over the course of 40 minutes. The results showed the Korean KF94s yielded fantastic results while KN95s were only filtering 65%. Now, that's an actual respirator. Your flimsy cloth mask filters almost nothing.
7   WookieMan   2021 Jan 31, 10:33am  

theoakman says
You have near 100% compliance in most areas

Depends where you're at. Just went to my local gas station this morning and saw about 10 people (small town, everyone knows each other). Only the cashier was wearing a mask. Fly over country outside of larger cities is maybe, maybe 20% compliant. Which is nice. The maskers are the oddballs and have no leverage to attack you for not wearing one because they'd have to attack everyone in the establishment then and likely would get the shit kicked out of them.

Patrick's logic works because you have to make the maskers the minority and then they're too afraid to attack you. Until that starts happing in urban areas, masks are here to stay. I fear forever unfortunately. Bold outlook I know, but when will it stop? We're over a year of this being around and now approaching a year after Fauci changing his mind that masks work. I don't personally know a person that has passed from Covid and my network of people I know approaches 4 figures (like really know and would invite to my wedding).

I'll say this though. Mask wearing is slowing/delaying one of the biggest things we should all be fearing the most. Facial recognition tech. Your face IS your ID in the coming years. With that comes a system of knowing where you're at 24/7/365. This is delaying implementation of this to an extent. Already exists in Vegas casinos, but they have much more to lose from thieves and will pay the huge amount it currently cost. Mask wearing has definitely turned the facial recognition market on its head and delayed its implementation which is a massively good thing. Gotta try to take the positives with the negatives....
8   Patrick   2021 Jan 31, 10:34am  

WASHINGTON, DC—In a development no one saw coming, Dr. Anthony Fauci has again changed his recommendation about what to do with masks by consulting his tested and proven "Wheel of SCIENCE."

“Now I know it confuses people when the science changes so quickly, as if we are just making all this up as we go along,” explained Dr. Fauci from his bunker full of neckties. “That’s why I developed this handy 'Wheel of SCIENCE' for us to spin every morning, so people can really see that this isn’t just me saying whatever pops into my head!"

"Now-- let's give this puppy a spin!" he exclaimed as he gave the wheel a mighty turn.

“What will it be today, gang?” asked a giddy Dr. Fauci. "'Masks Cause Bladder Cancer?' 'Eating Dirt Prevents Halitosis?' hmmm..."

The dial slowed, clicking just past "Cover Your Kids With Grocery Bags" and finally came to rest on: "Attach A Live Octopus Directly To Your Face."

“There it is, folks! Science has proven that the best way to prevent COVID transmission is to affix a live octopus directly over your mouth, nose, and probably eyes. I’ve been keeping this little guy here for this very moment,” said Dr. Fauci, reaching into an aquarium and plastering the surprised sea creature’s tentacles directly onto his face.

“AAAA!!! AAA!!! THE—mmrghh—INK!! AAA!!!” screamed Dr. Fauci as he thrashed on the floor. The journalists watching on Zoom stared in shock, then went straight to work spreading the news of Dr. Fauci’s latest advice to the masses.

The government media channel dedicated a segment to the updated recommendation, complete with each CNN anchor hand-selecting their own octopus. After some hilarious banter about how bad other people are, Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo slapped on their respective octopi and promptly collapsed on the floor into heaps of screams and ink.

Still, being the professional mouthpieces that they are, they managed to garble out, “THIS IS—AGHH!—WORKING PERFECTLY!! DON’T KILL GRANDMA!!!”

9   Patrick   2021 Jan 31, 10:37am  

WookieMan says
Mask wearing is slowing/delaying one of the biggest things we should all be fearing the most. Facial recognition tech. Your face IS your ID in the coming years. With that comes a system of knowing where you're at 24/7/365. This is delaying implementation of this to an extent.

I'm thinking of wearing one of my wife's old panty hose on my head when shopping for groceries. Will make me look like an old-time bank robber, won't work for the virus like all other masks, but will disrupt facial recognition. I wonder if anyone would get my points or they would just think I've completely lost it.

10   WookieMan   2021 Jan 31, 10:43am  

Patrick says
I wonder if anyone would get my points or they would just think I've completely lost it.

You'll likely end up pissing off the maskers even more doing that. It's a definite troll and the women will take the most offense (which is good). I think some guys might miss the point though. But if explained, they'd probably piss their pants laughing and give you a high five unless they're gay.
11   Eric Holder   2021 Jan 31, 8:06pm  

Patrick says
WookieMan says
Mask wearing is slowing/delaying one of the biggest things we should all be fearing the most. Facial recognition tech. Your face IS your ID in the coming years. With that comes a system of knowing where you're at 24/7/365. This is delaying implementation of this to an extent.

I'm thinking of wearing one of my wife's old panty hose on my head when shopping for groceries. Will make me look like an old-time bank robber, won't work for the virus like all other masks, but will disrupt facial recognition. I wonder if anyone would get my points or they would just think I've completely lost it.

Wear one of these puppies:

It's a surplus Soviet gas mask from the Cold War times. Only $20 on eBay.
12   Patrick   2021 Jan 31, 9:49pm  

13   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Jan 31, 10:32pm  

Eric Holder says
It's a surplus Soviet gas mask from the Cold War times. Only $20 on eBay.

I bet some Karen or Bureaucrat would actually argue that a loose cloth mask is what is required and demand you replace your gas mask with one.
14   Patrick   2021 Jan 31, 10:36pm  

I'm going to get a crocheted mask, just to test the limits of this insanity.
15   WookieMan   2021 Feb 1, 6:18am  

Patrick says
I'm going to get a crocheted mask, just to test the limits of this insanity.

Just don't wear a mask. I'm sure someone has thought of this, but just pretend you're deaf and make up some fake sign language if you have to interact. Otherwise literally don't acknowledge anyone addressing you. Just keep walking. If they touch you, throw up some gang symbols and mumble something like a deaf person would.

They enter a dangerous realm assuming you're not actually deaf and will leave you be most likely. I mean how often is someone at the airport questioned if they're actually crippled? Geezers use it all the time to get preferential treatment and early boarding on planes. It would be an epic troll job if we could get enough people to pretend to be deaf and get news coverage. I'd piss my pants laughing.
16   GlocknLoad   2021 Feb 1, 7:14am  

Patrick says
I'm going to get a crocheted mask, just to test the limits of this insanity.

Please report back.
17   HeadSet   2021 Feb 1, 10:54am  

GlocknLoad says
Patrick says
I'm going to get a crocheted mask, just to test the limits of this insanity.

Please report back.

Remember, you will need to double up with 2 crocheted masks....
18   Bd6r   2021 Feb 1, 1:33pm  

Patrick says
I'm going to get a crocheted mask, just to test the limits of this insanity.

19   Eric Holder   2021 Feb 1, 1:46pm  

Rb6d says
Patrick says
I'm going to get a crocheted mask, just to test the limits of this insanity.

Careful with this one: https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2020/08/12/john-mcafee-arrested-for-wearing-a-thong-as-a-mask-in-norway/
20   Onvacation   2021 Feb 1, 4:24pm  

From a DR “I don’t wear a mask bcs they WORK, I wear a mask bcs the fear is so massive in this country, I wear a mask so ppl don’t think I don’t care, ok but I don’t wear a mask bcs they work!”

"Regular Masks Don't Work" by Tony Heller


21   mell   2021 Feb 1, 4:35pm  

Onvacation says
From a DR “I don’t wear a mask bcs they WORK, I wear a mask bcs the fear is so massive in this country, I wear a mask so ppl don’t think I don’t care, ok but I don’t wear a mask bcs they work!”

"Regular Masks Don't Work" by Tony Heller



He should be telling the truth and confront people if possible. It's much harder to live in a country where half of the people are dumb and dumbed down by the lsm. This is a bit of a cop-out but I get it it's hard.
22   mell   2021 Feb 1, 5:04pm  

Patrick says
I'm going to get a crocheted mask, just to test the limits of this insanity.

Here's another idea. If you have a beard or are growing one, get a muslim head wrap or turban and most Karen's will stop, the ones who are beyond all hope you can stare at them angrily briefly and they may get the refresher that you're not one of the cucked weak leftoid soyboys and certainly will not have an unveiled womyn tell you what to do, let alone wearing a face diaper. Maybe carry a leash as well lol
23   Patrick   2021 Feb 1, 5:43pm  

mell says
He should be telling the truth and confront people if possible.

I agree. I think he's making a moral error by wearing a mask when he knows that they don't work.

He's just helping to spread fear for no good reason. Fear is pain, and you should not hurt people for no good reason.
24   Patrick   2021 Feb 1, 11:16pm  


Doctor: "Regular masks don't work [against viruses]. The reason we wear a mask is because the fear is so massive in this country ... but I don't wear a mask because they work"
25   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2021 Feb 2, 7:35am  

I really think that too much is being made of this.

I wear a mask at work and when in a business because it’s required. I don’t wear one outdoors.

I’ve got a few dirty looks but nobody has said anything, presumably because they know I’d tell them to go fuck themselves.

Yes there’s a mandate in LA County. No one enforces it so it’s de facto legal to walk around without a mask on.
26   WookieMan   2021 Feb 2, 12:51pm  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says
I really think that too much is being made of this.

I wear a mask at work and when in a business because it’s required. I don’t wear one outdoors.

I’ve got a few dirty looks but nobody has said anything, presumably because they know I’d tell them to go fuck themselves.

Yes there’s a mandate in LA County. No one enforces it so it’s de facto legal to walk around without a mask on.

Location is a huge factor in all this. Masks aren't worn where I'm at. If I go east closer to Chicago I bring one, but rarely wear it. I feel bad for you CA folks in all honesty. It's really not how most of the country is handling this. Coastal areas seem to be the most anal and also seem to have the highest death rates (FL excluded). Go figure. Part of the reason I don't live in those places.

Either way we're being lied to. I've been around 4 people the month of January for 3 hours plus multiple times inside, that have tested positive for Covid. I know at least another 20 over the last 3-4 months that tested positive. It's not remotely dangerous or what the media has led you to believe. Masks don't work either (obviously). It's a massive con job and it's likely coming to an end by April to June some time. Although masks are still going to be required indefinitely in areas where they think they can enforce it.
27   GlocknLoad   2021 Feb 2, 1:09pm  

WookieMan says
It's a massive con job and it's likely coming to an end by April to June some time. Although masks are still going to be required indefinitely in areas where they think they can enforce it.

Who is "they"? If you are saying they will continue to enforce it where they can, we already know where they can. Almost everywhere.
28   Bd6r   2021 Feb 2, 1:14pm  

Too bad Trump did not suggest wearing masks in February 2020. Then masks would be explicitly forbidden based on SCIENCE!
29   Patrick   2021 Feb 2, 9:46pm  

Where is Trump?

Total news boycott, or is he just not saying anything?
30   WookieMan   2021 Feb 3, 10:50am  

Patrick says
Where is Trump?

Total news boycott, or is he just not saying anything?

Censoring. He relied on one format, Twitter. Not too hard to shut his voice down. That was a mistake.

Unless he's getting interviewed on TV, how can he reach you? Going 100mph to zero in 2 weeks might be one of the dumbest moves the left has made though. We'll see if Trump capitalizes on it. I think he will.
31   GNL   2021 Feb 3, 10:53am  

WookieMan says
We'll see if Trump capitalizes on it. I think he will.

32   Onvacation   2021 Feb 3, 11:02am  

33   WookieMan   2021 Feb 3, 11:03am  

WineHorror1 says
WookieMan says
We'll see if Trump capitalizes on it. I think he will.


Not 100% sure right now. He could have nuked multiple places over 4 years. Never did (like they thought he would). I don't think he likes politics and I think he made his "waves" in the system so to speak. We'll see. Like I said, I'm 50/50 there's something still on the horizon that changes the future for a while. Maybe I'm optimistic, but we need something.

Biden was on TV this morning and I literally fell back asleep listening to him. No motivation. No power. No drive. No nothing. I hate the rah rah corporate shit, but Biden has no game to motivate a heroin addict 2 days off his last binge. He's a loser that can't motivate a druggie with a bag of dope.
34   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Feb 3, 12:48pm  

Faucci went from 60-65% herd immunity last April to 90% vaccination just now.
35   WookieMan   2021 Feb 3, 2:18pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Faucci went from 60-65% herd immunity last April to 90% vaccination just now.

Fauci should get into a car accident. That's all.
36   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Feb 3, 8:22pm  

Yeah, my wife was like "I can't wait until we get to 60% so I can sing again" this afternoon.

I had to lay the bad news on her about the new 90% target.
37   WookieMan   2021 Feb 3, 8:32pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Yeah, my wife was like "I can't wait until we get to 60% so I can sing again" this afternoon.

I had to lay the bad news on her about the new 90% target.

It will happen sooner than you think. May or June. They just couldn't flip the switch that fast. It would have been too obvious.

Fact is there's zero way for you, myself or even the MSM to verify who the fuck has gotten poked. I know more people with positive tests for Covid than have gotten the poke (not a vaccine) yet I think close to 1M have gotten it in IL. Herd immunity is on the horizon regardless and they're just scaring us with different "strains" now. It goes away late spring. Quote me.

I unfortunately don't see masks going away anytime or maybe ever. This is a prediction I hope I'm wrong on. But planes, trains, buses, etc. I think masks are here to stay. I think masks in public places don't go away. Most places won't enforce it, but cities and urban areas are going to suck I think. Coastal blue states are looking at a rough go of it is my guess.
38   Onvacation   2021 Feb 3, 8:36pm  

WookieMan says
It would have been too obvious.

It's pretty fucking obvious.

I do want to lose the mask and eat inside, but I don't want the election fraud to go uninvestigated.
39   WookieMan   2021 Feb 3, 8:57pm  

Onvacation says
WookieMan says
It would have been too obvious.

It's pretty fucking obvious.

I do want to lose the mask and eat inside, but I don't want the election fraud to go uninvestigated.

So can you really not eat inside in CA then? And have to have a mask to get in? It is so different everywhere. Boggles my mind. My county inside is fine and we all walk in mask free and not a peep from anyone or any Karen. Was that way since mid May. Encountered the same in TN around the same time, so I'm sure the same now. FL is the same unless you go to a highly rated/popular place, then they'll ask you to wear it to the table. You can refuse and they'll still let you in, they just ask out or fear of the Karen reviewer.

I won't ever live in an area with more than 10k people after this. Not a chance. Every rural place I have been is normal. No exception. I can't wait to get down to the Panhandle FL in mid March. Might do Bozeman and do some snowboarding early March though word is the CA commies are coming there en mass. Definitely changed in the 15 years or so since I've been going. Not in a good way. They need to get some god damn snow though.

February is going to suck, but it's short at least. I'll have to pick some brains here though. Might be doing a Tahoe trip late summer (early August). Going heavy camping this summer with the kids at their age. Small window for that before they age out of it and it's no longer fun.
40   HeadSet   2021 Feb 4, 9:26am  

If they do claim that Biden finally got Covid under control and we can now open up, that will eliminate the need for mail-in voting for the 2022 midterms. I wonder what the Dems will come up with by then to preserve the mail-in voting and the associate fraud.

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