Man Draws Gun On Antifa Crowd Threathen to do Damage to His Truck

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2021 Mar 29, 7:41pm   1,461 views  20 comments

by WillPowers   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

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1   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Mar 29, 7:53pm  

They didn't threaten, they threw all kinds of shit at his truck.
2   Robert Sproul   2021 Mar 29, 8:54pm  

3   Patrick   2021 Mar 29, 10:29pm  

Those Pantyfa vandals each need a severe beating.

Seriously, on what planet would you not expect a response to vandalizing someone's vehicle while they are in it.
4   Patrick   2021 Mar 29, 10:49pm  

I wonder if we can find out who the guy is and start a fundraiser for him. Not with the censorious usual fundraising sites of course. There are other sites.
5   WookieMan   2021 Mar 30, 3:41am  

Patrick says
Seriously, on what planet would you not expect a response to vandalizing someone's vehicle while they are in it.

It's a shit situation. He tries to flee driving the truck and hits someone he goes to jail. He jumps out and runs, he could be injured or killed by these dip shits. He gets out and pulls a gun to defend himself, he goes to jail. What other option am I missing? What was the alternative that ends with an outcome of him being able to just drive away with his property and enjoy his life?

Get out of the cities. I wouldn't be in a place with more than 10K people and even then I'd try to be out of municipal city/village limits. There's a reason BLM and Antifa don't come to small towns. No publicity AND they'll get killed. The latter is the more likely outcome and they know it. Cities support this shit so that's why they do their childish antics there.
6   WookieMan   2021 Mar 30, 3:43am  

Oh and college towns too. Get out of them even if they're relatively small. The young are easily brainwashed.
7   Onvacation   2021 Mar 30, 7:03am  

The FBI has video and cell phone data. Why aren't they arresting those anti-American protesters?
8   Shaman   2021 Mar 30, 7:20am  

Better to be judged by 12 of your peers than carried by six of them.
And in the last extreme, remember that every enemy you slay has to be your slave in Valhalla!
9   WookieMan   2021 Mar 30, 8:04am  

Onvacation says
The FBI has video and cell phone data. Why aren't they arresting those anti-American protesters?

They are the "new" Americans. Not anti-American. We are anti their America. We're the bad guys now.

One of Trump's top 5 mistakes was not busting up BLM and Antifa when they were destroying cities. People were committing actual crimes. In hindsight he should have just come in with the military. Knowing the left was going to cheat on a massive scale wasn't know at the time. But he should have just said fuck it and mowed those idiots down with rubber bullets. "Peaceful protests" would have stopped real quick.
10   GNL   2021 Mar 30, 8:53am  

WookieMan says
Onvacation says
The FBI has video and cell phone data. Why aren't they arresting those anti-American protesters?

They are the "new" Americans. Not anti-American. We are anti their America. We're the bad guys now.

One of Trump's top 5 mistakes was not busting up BLM and Antifa when they were destroying cities. People were committing actual crimes. In hindsight he should have just come in with the military. Knowing the left was going to cheat on a massive scale wasn't know at the time. But he should have just said fuck it and mowed those idiots down with rubber bullets. "Peaceful protests" would have stopped real quick.

Yep, hindsight is 20/20 so, that's the best reason to always go with what the right thing to do. The right thing was to protect Americans from criminal gangs.
11   Shaman   2021 Mar 30, 9:12am  

WookieMan says
One of Trump's top 5 mistakes was not

Completely revamping the FBI followed by the CIA and other intelligence agencies top to bottom, eliminating wokesters and traitors to the Republic from their ranks.
12   rocketjoe79   2021 Mar 30, 9:43am  

Shaman says
Better to be judged by 12 of your peers than carried by six of them.
And in the last extreme, remember that every enemy you slay has to be your slave in Valhalla!

I did NOT know I had the Valhalla option! Where can I register to join the Valhalla Club? Clearly, the benefits are awesome.
13   WookieMan   2021 Mar 30, 9:49am  

Shaman says
WookieMan says
One of Trump's top 5 mistakes was not

Completely revamping the FBI followed by the CIA and other intelligence agencies top to bottom, eliminating wokesters and traitors to the Republic from their ranks.

That was never going to happen though. I had high hopes for that, but living and breathing is a thing. Trump wouldn't have been if he did what we all wanted. It was an unrealistic campaign pitch to drain the swamp and walk away after your term. He learned once he got in office.

He got mountains of shit thrown at him, but the BLM/Antifa and Covid responses (over response with Covid) were rather poor. I just try to be balanced with any POTUS. I don't get stimulus checks so Biden has basically been awful to me so far. If he gets an infrastructure bill passed then I might like the guy a little bit as I'll make some good $$.

I'm in it to win it, I don't care about the team/party though I lean conservative and less government. Trump's (and our governor) response to Covid cost us about $50-60k last year. We should have never shut anything down. Peak cases over winter were double and triple the initial wave that had no masks and STILL the hospitals never got overwhelmed recently.

Trump called Covid for what it was at the beginning, a flu, but for some reason he got cucked by Fauci and Birx. And now Covid is "going away" with no identifiable evidence as to why. He got screwed over with mail in voting. Overall I liked him, better than the previous two administrations. But he handled 2 important issues very poorly. I'd vote for him again in a heartbeat though over any current prospects. Maybe Desantis if he decides to run.
14   EBGuy   2021 Mar 30, 1:45pm  

Update: Oregon State Police have released a statement clarifying that the armed man who had his truck vandalized by #antifa at the Capitol was the victim. He was detained, interviewed & released. He was not arrested or charged. He has a valid concealed handgun license. pic.twitter.com/VVrjvQ59TB

— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) March 30, 2021
15   HeadSet   2021 Mar 30, 2:31pm  

EBGuy says

Update: Oregon State Police have released a statement clarifying that the armed man who had his truck vandalized by #antifa at the Capitol was the victim. He was detained, interviewed & released. He was not arrested or charged. He has a valid concealed handgun license. pic.twitter.com/VVrjvQ59TB

— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) March 30, 2021

Were any of the panty-fa vandals charged?
16   WillPowers   2021 Mar 30, 8:54pm  

WookieMan says

One of Trump's top 5 mistakes was not busting up BLM and Antifa when they were destroying cities.

Trump did have Antifa declared a terrorist organization and IF he clamped down too hard you can imagine what the left-wing media could have down with that: Trump uses Gestapo tactics to subdue mostly peaceful protestors. They were very critical of him when he wanted to bring in the National Guard.

WookieMan says
Trump called Covid for what it was at the beginning, a flu, but for some reason he got cucked by Fauci and Birx.

The press crucified Trump over his covid response. Imagine what they could of done to him if he did nothing. But he had enemies in the ranks for sure and Fauci is a snake, a proven liar that people put too much faith in, especially on the left. The great thing about Trump is he could listen to all sides and make hiss own decision, which was political because he had an election to win.
17   WookieMan   2021 Mar 31, 7:09am  

WillPowers says
The press crucified Trump over his covid response.

The press was going to crucify him over both issues no matter what he did. He should have just said fuck it and do what he knew was best. Covid was a flu and not shut anything down. Antifa is a terrorist org so squash them. BLM is too.

The press was going to find a way to make him look bad if he did the right or wrong thing either way. Just look at the current border situation. You're even getting some MSM saying Biden isn't handling the border well. But Trump was a bigot for wanting to shut down illegal immigration.

The key is you can't play the politic game for reelection as an already wealthy person. He could have done more, even though I'm genuinely happy with his term. I'm just picking out two issues I think could have been played better.
18   WillPowers   2021 Mar 31, 9:55pm  

Your right. I wish he pardoned Julian Assange, didn't ever bomb Syria or support the Patriot Act, but he did.
19   RWSGFY   2021 Apr 1, 11:40am  

EBGuy says

Update: Oregon State Police have released a statement clarifying that the armed man who had his truck vandalized by #antifa at the Capitol was the victim. He was detained, interviewed & released. He was not arrested or charged. He has a valid concealed handgun license. pic.twitter.com/VVrjvQ59TB

— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) March 30, 2021

Was his attackers arrested/detained/charged? If not, why?
20   Shaman   2021 Apr 1, 12:47pm  

Seems like the police arrest people with guns first no matter if they are the victims or the perpetrators. If they got a gun they go to the top of the cop hierarchy of people to arrest.

Seems like the best thing to do in this situation is scream “he’s got a gun!” And point at one of the rioters. Make a huge deal out of the lie that the rioters has a gun and the police will arrest the rioters right away. Extra points if the rioters actually does have a gun!

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