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2021 Apr 5, 5:22pm   13,502 views  177 comments

by Onvacation   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

I don't want to debate who killed Kennedy, or who planned and executed 9/11/2001. History might tell the truth someday.

Two planes did not take down 3 steel framed towers. It's clear that the official story is wrong to anyone that has studied Physics. David Chandler, creator of this video used to teach physics.

I don't want to debate it. Oswald did not fire his Italian relic from the book depository without help. He was not a lone gunman. The MIC and intelligence agencies have been subverting our constitution for a long time.

Wars in my lifetime:
The war on poverty
The war on drugs
The war on Terror
The war on the invisible enemy

We must have lost all of these wars for every time one happens the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and we all lose more of our essential liberties so that the government can keep us safe.

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84   PeopleUnited   2021 Apr 7, 6:46pm  

PaisleyPattern says
People like Dick Cheney I’m sure are capable of deciding that blowing up a few buildings and killing a few thousand US citizens, to prevent potential loss of millions of US lives and trillions of US dollars is a decision that they can make, lie to the American population about and live with. They might even feel proud about it, the ability to make such a tough decision.

I don’t believe for one millisecond that the 9/11 event was planned to save American lives, or preserve American wealth. Look at where we were before 9/11 and where we are today. It is clear that 9/11 was used by the globalists to take more liberty from honest law abiding Americans and give a massive payday for military industrial complex by using it as a false flag for the Iraq war. The fact that US will not prosecute Saudi Arabia for their role in it is probably the best proof we have that it was planned by US intelligence, GWB or other deep state actors and a trial of the Saudi connection would lead right beck to the American collaborators.

America is worse off after 9/11 not better.
85   socal2   2021 Apr 7, 6:48pm  

PaisleyPattern says
People like Dick Cheney I’m sure are capable of deciding that blowing up a few buildings and killing a few thousand US citizens, to prevent potential loss of millions of US lives and trillions of US dollars is a decision that they can make, lie to the American population about and live with. They might even feel proud about it, the ability to make such a tough decision.

Cheney - super evil genius! Yet he was too stupid to plant some WMD's in Iraq to keep the gravy train going for Halliburton and the MIC? WTF?

Most Democrats and the majority of the Media were tepid about the Iraq war at best (Judith Miller and FOX News being an exception) and the Media and Democrats totally turned on it once no WMD's were found along with the Abu Graib scandal.

Democrats and the Media routinely make shit up and lie to hurt the country and Republicans. Yet we are to believe all the garbage Media and Democrats like Bernie Sanders, AOC and Ilhan Omar are all part of the 9/11 conspiracy and won't question the narrative because they want to keep bankrolling defense contractors and Big Oil?

Face it, never in human history have massive jet liners full of fuel slammed into skyscrapers. There is no precedent, model or engineering study that can be referred to that irrefutably proves that the WTC wouldn't collapse like that after such catastrophic damage knocking out so many support beams at initial impact - let alone the damage the fires caused over the subsequent hours.

We have enough problems in our country right now with Democrats, Media, Corporations and Tech Oligarchs trying to strip away our freedoms. I sure wish people would stop aping Islamist, Russian and Chinese propaganda about 9/11.
86   PaisleyPattern   2021 Apr 7, 7:02pm  

socal2 says
PaisleyPattern says
People like Dick Cheney I’m sure are capable of deciding that blowing up a few buildings and killing a few thousand US citizens, to prevent potential loss of millions of US lives and trillions of US dollars is a decision that they can make, lie to the American population about and live with. They might even feel proud about it, the ability to make such a tough decision.

Cheney - super evil genius! Yet he was too stupid to plant some WMD's in Iraq to keep the gravy train going for Halliburton and the MIC? WTF?

Most Democrats and the majority of the Media were tepid about the Iraq war at best (Judith Miller and FOX News being an exception) and the Media and Democrats totally turned on it once no WMD's were found along with the Abu Graib scandal.

Democrats and the Media routinely make shit up and lie to hurt the country and Republicans. Yet we are to believe a...

OK, but what about building seven, and what about the Pentagon?
87   socal2   2021 Apr 7, 8:15pm  

PaisleyPattern says
OK, but what about building seven, and what about the Pentagon?

Regarding the Pentagon there are eyewitnesses that saw the plane and there was debris at the site.

Here is a recent Popular Mechanics article that debunks many of the Pentagon conspiracy theory talking points started by the French hack back in 2002.
88   PaisleyPattern   2021 Apr 7, 8:48pm  

socal2 says
PaisleyPattern says
OK, but what about building seven, and what about the Pentagon?

Regarding the Pentagon there are eyewitnesses that saw the plane and there was debris at the site.

Here is a recent Popular Mechanics article that debunks many of the Pentagon conspiracy theory talking points started by the French hack back in 2002.

The eyewitness accounts are easy to fake. I still don’t see a video of a plane flying that low or going into the Pentagon, you would think there would be some video evidence. Also definitely not enough debris around the Pentagon. I’ve looked at the popular mechanics article, its unconvincing to me.
89   Hircus   2021 Apr 7, 11:42pm  

I don't buy the "impossible airplane angle" pentagon thing.

When I look at photos, maps / street view / satellite images, there doesn't look to be any extreme approach angle needed.

I've flown on maybe close to 50-75 airplane flights, and landed many times where the plane approached the runway by flying over a residential area, and my gut tells me this is a reasonable angle. I don't see any reason why they couldn't even scrape trees / light poles, if needed - the inertia of the plane ain't stopping.

Flight 77 approached the pentagon from the west. The video frames made it look pretty tangential to the wall, so that's the angle of approach I will assume.

These next 2 show the angle well. I just panned the street map a bit left for the 2nd pic - there's no tall anything in the way. Also, on the right, there's a metal fence, and a wall. When I look at pictures from 9/11, that fence and wall didn't exist yet, so the plane could have flown mere feet above this highway. Also, the trees on the left may not have been that tall 20yrs ago. Not that a tree would stop a plane in any case, and their path may not have even went over those trees.

In the approach, this hill is the highest thing in the way, and was 62M elevation. The pentagon ground-level is at 11m elevation, which is 3000ft away from the hill. 50m drop over 3000ft is a 3 degree angle, which seems very doable - it's not like you're aiming for a smooth landing. Note the pentagon is MUCH taller than this image shows.

It's hard to see from this screenshot, but the hill likely could have been avoided, and they could have flown between the hills / mounds, making the angle even less severe (about 45M elevation). I circled the hills and used arrows to show some paths they may have taken. Ignore my unstraight lines - that's user drawing error. I know airplane paths are pretty straight.

This vid, at 1:32 looks about a 5-10 deg angle.
90   richwicks   2021 Apr 8, 3:29am  

Hircus says
I don't buy the "impossible airplane angle" pentagon thing.

Assuming you're not just drawing a dick there, there's a thing called "ground effect". When you are flying, you are distributing the weight of your aircraft over a wide area though pressure of air. A barn can be collapsed by a low flying plane. When you are low to the ground, this area is much smaller, and although I've ONLY done hang gliding, it's quite noticeable - it's hard to stay low because the air also pushes up on your aircraft.

I think, but I do not know, that flying a jet airline at speed into a building when you are hitting ground effect would be difficult. Not saying this is impossible, but I will again point out that the official story is that a commercial jet entered the most highly guarded airspace in the nation to hit the headquarters of national defense (that's the Pentagon) 30 minutes after that plane was known to be hijacked and 30 minutes after it was known there was a terrorist attack using commercial airliners is supicious.

It's easy to write off that our government is staffed with morons, but when it comes to the government, assume malice before you assume stupidity. I don't think people in our government are dumber than I am. They are, however, much more obedient to blind orders than I am. I will readily disagree with "an authority figure" if I think that their stated goal and orders contradicts with achieving the stated desired results.

If I ever joined the military, I would have been thrown out with a dishonorable discharge, because the stated goals are not the actual goals. That's not true with lifetime government slaves. They only follow orders and thinking for yourself, is looked down upon.
91   WookieMan   2021 Apr 8, 7:07am  

It's not even about the angle. You have to account for skill. It's equivalent to someone getting a hole in one in golf the 5th time they play. It can happen, but it's not probable. The hours these guys had was negligible. They were on their 5th round of golf.

Watch some videos of jets landing. There are plenty as it's a hobby for some. Even 10k+ hour pilots botch landings or float them before touch down and have to do a go around. You're also trained visually for a runway, not hitting buildings. To hit something visually below you from a cockpit likely with no flaps (slower flight) is insanely tough. And I'm sure it could be replicated in a flight sim. Now have people screaming, cut up pilots bleeding out and you have 0 hours in that class of aircraft.

BUT, it could have happened. I used to put down 9/11 hoaxers, but I'm on the fence now. I really don't want to go down the rabbit hole on the buildings. I like flight so I'm more interested in that aspect. There's a lot of holes in all of it. But the flying part, especially with the Pentagon, is a hard one to wrap my brain around.

You're talking massive magnitudes of difference in size, thrust, speed, weight, etc. to what those dip shits trained in. Possible, yes. Probable, no. So since I've gotten into aviation a bit (no expert by any stretch) the Pentagon is difficult to believe. The towers getting hit is more believable as you can easily see them all the way to impact. Plus there's video of that. Hard to not believe that.

Them falling is something I don't get into. I question the narrative when these guys got into the cockpit with zero in type of aircraft and flew 3 of 4 missions successfully, possibly under duress. This cannot be denied. So the buildings don't really matter. The narrative is extremely difficult to believe before they crashed.
92   Robert Sproul   2021 Apr 8, 7:25am  

Pics or it didn't happen
93   Onvacation   2021 Apr 8, 8:39am  

Explanation of the 911 Pentagon Evidence

original link
94   Onvacation   2021 Apr 8, 8:52am  

richwicks says

Bitcoin says
To think that a building wont take heavy damage after getting hit by an airplane is as insane as predicting that Bitcoin will crash to 1.2k!

Oh, bitcoin will crash to 0. It's unusable as a currency. Nobody fucking believes me though, so fuck it.

I disagree. Stupid HODLERS think they own digital gold and will never sell. They forget that bitcoin is valued in fiat. Bitcoin very well may go to millions of worthless dollars for one useless bitcoin.

Not surprised that people who BELIEVE in bitcoin don't believe the 3 WTC towers were blown up. These people are fact challenged. They refuse to look at any evidence that challenges their worldview.
95   porkchopXpress   2021 Apr 8, 9:09am  

Donald says
porkchopexpress says
The Pentagon incident was a complete sham. No debris, no video of a plane, etc.

A simple Google search of Flight 77 video would say otherwise
Link? I haven't found any conclusive video that shows a commercial airliner crashing into the Pentagon. I'd love to see it.
96   Hircus   2021 Apr 8, 9:38am  

richwicks says
Assuming you're not just drawing a dick there, there's a thing called "ground effect". When you are flying, you are distributing the weight of your aircraft over a wide area though pressure of air. A barn can be collapsed by a low flying plane. When you are low to the ground, this area is much smaller, and although I've ONLY done hang gliding, it's quite noticeable - it's hard to stay low because the air also pushes up on your aircraft.

I don't know what speeds and conditions that effect becomes significant. I feel like this angle looks very similar to landing on a runway. Pilots do this all the time. This should be easier in many ways, because there's no expectation of a smooth landing on the wheels.

If I went to the local airport, snapped my fingers to instantly place a 5 story, 65 foot pentagon-like concrete wall near the start of the landing strip, are you saying planes would suddenly have trouble hitting it?
97   Hircus   2021 Apr 8, 9:46am  

WookieMan says
It's not even about the angle. You have to account for skill. It's equivalent to someone getting a hole in one in golf the 5th time they play. It can happen, but it's not probable. The hours these guys had was negligible. They were on their 5th round of golf.

Watch some videos of jets landing. There are plenty as it's a hobby for some. Even 10k+ hour pilots botch landings or float them before touch down and have to do a go around.

I'd argue we don't know their skill. We just know some portion of their training. It would have been trivial for them to hop on a private boat to goto another country to do additional training w/ jihadis, w/o our govt knowing they went to the middle east and putting them on a terror list. They also could have been coached in the usa by more experienced pilots down w/ the jihad, and while flight simulators weren't as sophisticated back then, they were still useful for training. I bet they used sims for many hundreds of hours in preparation.

I still maintain landing on a runway is an all day every day thing for pilots. I don't know what the landing abort rate is, but I bet it's extremely low unless you face a crosswind or something like that. I have never aborted a landing, and I may have flown 75 times at this point. Plus, I think this maneuver is probably much easier when you dont care if you give the plane a few bumps and scratches...

videos of st maarten airport show airplanes landing w/ more than enough precision to EASILY hit the pentagon.
98   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 8, 10:22am  

Hircus says
I'd argue we don't know their skill. We just know some portion of their training

Exactly. That you can find 30-50 jihadists trained to fly an airplane and willing to kill themselves in order to gain >70 virgins each in Allah's kingdom is the most believable point in the entire event. Obviously, an attack like this takes years of planning, training and preparation.
99   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 8, 10:24am  

Onvacation says
richwicks says

Bitcoin says
To think that a building wont take heavy damage after getting hit by an airplane is as insane as predicting that Bitcoin will crash to 1.2k!

Oh, bitcoin will crash to 0. It's unusable as a currency. Nobody fucking believes me though, so fuck it.

I disagree. Stupid HODLERS think they own digital gold and will never sell. They forget that bitcoin is valued in fiat. Bitcoin very well may go to millions of worthless dollars for one useless bitcoin.

Onvacation got it! Dont know why this was turned into a Bitcoin discussion but yes, its a pipe dream to think it will crash to 0. More likely to see 500k BTC in the next years.
100   Ceffer   2021 Apr 8, 10:39am  

So, we're in the midst of a government imposed campaign of deception with experimental biological agents causing mass deaths, tyranny, social upheaval, and economic chaos on purpose over a fake pandemic, right after a rigged national election for President putting an unpopular senile pedophile on the throne, and yet people still want to believe it wasn't possible that in 2001 the government sacrificed its own citizens in an enormous programmed false flag in order to wage an unjustified war on the Middle East and diminish our citizens' rights?

Hope springs eternal in the wishful thinking breast. Let's keep living on naive planet while they herd us into the gulags with our jabs.
101   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 8, 10:49am  

Ceffer says
an enormous programmed false flag in order to wage an unjustified war on the Middle East

We were attacked by Islamic terrorists and hit them back hard. If you mess with the strongest country in the world you get vaporized. There are millions of extremists who want to see the death of the USA. Nowadays, we target the fuckers with drone strikes. 9/11 wasnt a false flag. It was an attack by muslims. Europe is overrun by muslims. I dont want to see this happen to the US. Have strong borders, limit immigration from the middle east and take out extreme muslim leaders/terrorists with beautiful high tech drone strikes (daily). Go USA!

102   Hircus   2021 Apr 8, 11:41am  

Ceffer says
and yet people still want to believe it wasn't possible that in 2001 the government sacrificed its own citizens in an enormous programmed false flag in order to wage an unjustified war on the Middle East and diminish our citizens' rights?

I'm not sure I've seen someone make that argument in this thread.

But I'm sure glad I'm not the only one who still sees value in discussing and debating specific facts and evidence.

Ceffer says
Hope springs eternal in the wishful thinking breast.

I sure hope the irony of the double sided nature of that statement isn't lost upon you.
103   Patrick   2021 Apr 8, 11:59am  

Bitcoin says
We were attacked by Islamic terrorists and hit them back hard.

I disagree.

We were attacked by The Islamic Dictatorship of Saudi Arabia and hit the mostly secular country of Iraq hard.

A million Iraqis died for something the Saudis did.

The Saudis were never punished at all.
104   Misc   2021 Apr 8, 12:35pm  

We punished the Saudis by immediately putting democracy in place in Iraq. Given the population breakdown of Iraq, that effectively gave Iraq to the Saudi's prime enemy...Iran.

George W. Love him or hate him?
105   Ceffer   2021 Apr 8, 12:52pm  

Saudi Arabia was only possibly implicated by allowing themselves to be the patsies, and expecting that the successful false flag would allow them to spread Wahhabi type Muslim beliefs in the Middle East. Remember, Muslims slaughter each other's factions with the same glee that they slaughter everybody else. Saudi Arabia is the enemy of Iran, another Muslim state of different Muslim faction.

You wonder why they have never been held to count over 9/11? It's because they didndu it, and the American government knows it.

Purportedly, some of the depicted 'dead terrorists' who were still in the Middle East woke up to their shock to find their pictures in the paper as the perps.
106   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 8, 12:53pm  

The hijackers were Islamic terrorists from Saudi Arabia and several other Arab nations. Financed by the al Qaeda terrorist organization of Saudi fugitive Osama bin Laden.
The cancer (islamic terrorism) spreads across borders. I wasnt a fan of the Iraq war either. The middle east is a cluster fuck but we defeated al Qaeda and most recently ISIS. Whatever the next group calls itself, we will erase them as well. With special forces on the ground and drone strikes.

107   WookieMan   2021 Apr 8, 12:59pm  

Hircus says
We just know some portion of their training.

We don't know. One can't just assume the narrative is true. Could they have trained elsewhere, that's not evident. Even with the standard 40hr minimum and potential flight sim time somewhere else, that's not real life hitting a 70' facade below your field of view (not a runway) at 200mph in a massively different class of aircraft. Likely under duress.

I'm not saying it could not happen. But it's okay to question. The narrative before they got off the ground and then in the air doesn't make sense. We'll never know because everyone on all the planes are dead now. So that's why the conversation goes to the buildings.

Something being possible, versus realistic is completely different. The scenario, with our military and the time between knowing (edit) shit was hitting the fan is simply not realistic. To get even one plane into a building is like winning the Powerball. They got 3 of 4.

People need to focus on the why and not the how it happened. The narrative is destroyed before a plane hits any building. The end result of dicking around in the ME kind of proves that.
108   Ceffer   2021 Apr 8, 1:06pm  

The same Bush family that financed Hitler in WWII, was implicated in Kennedy's assassination, attempted to assassinate Ronald Reagan, brought you 9/11 false flag after announcing the few years before that we 'needed' a 'New Pearl Harbor'. Yeah, they are too moral and patriotic to do anything like that.
109   Patrick   2021 Apr 8, 1:08pm  

Bitcoin says
The hijackers were Islamic terrorists from Saudi Arabia and several other Arab nations.

I read that only one was non-Saudi, Mohammed Atta, and Egyptian.

At first there were reports that they were from various countries, then Arabs said "No, those are all Saudi names, except for Atta."
110   WookieMan   2021 Apr 8, 1:45pm  

Patrick says
Bitcoin says
The hijackers were Islamic terrorists from Saudi Arabia and several other Arab nations.

I read that only one was non-Saudi, Mohammed Atta, and Egyptian.

At first there were reports that they were from various countries, then Arabs said "No, those are all Saudi names, except for Atta."

Everyone is dead (supposedly). No one knows any details about anything that happened on the planes besides a few phone calls from an airplane in 2001 (3G?) that got through, ATC communications and black box. It really is the perfect false flag. Nobody survived to tell you if these guys actually were in control of the planes. Could have been anyone or even remote.

Not defending Islam, as it's pure crap. But why didn't they attack Germany? Australia? Russia? I'm sure we're the big bad wolf in the Muslim world, but why just us? I know there's been attacks in Spain and France somewhat recently.

Did we dick around in the ME? For sure. So I get why they could be pissed beyond just their ridiculous religion. Would have been much easier to attack European nations. I feel like it's all part of a proxy war as we cannot be outright attacked in the sense of old WWII type attacks. We'd decimate anyone that tried without a nuke. So war has gone underground so to speak.
111   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 8, 2:23pm  

WookieMan says

Not defending Islam, as it's pure crap. But why didn't they attack Germany? Australia? Russia? I'm sure we're the big bad wolf in the Muslim world, but why just us?

Man, you make me laugh every day! Thank you!
There are 100's of reported attacks by muslims in Europe and the rest of the world. Those are just the big ones. If a muslim kills a white european with a machete I count that as a muslim terrorist attack as well, but not the fake media in Europe. They wont even show a picture of the attacker or a name. Luckily, in today's day and age, eye witnesses are in possession of a cell phones with a decent cam. Otherwise the media could sweep it under the rug.

112   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 8, 2:30pm  

If you are muslim terrorist trying to harm the US, this is a before and after. Special Ops will get you! Go USA!

113   WookieMan   2021 Apr 8, 2:39pm  

Bitcoin says
There are 100's of reported attacks by muslims in Europe and the rest of the world.

My point was about the scale. Reading. I mentioned other attacks in Europe. Jesus.
114   socal2   2021 Apr 8, 3:14pm  

WookieMan says
Not defending Islam, as it's pure crap. But why didn't they attack Germany? Australia? Russia? I'm sure we're the big bad wolf in the Muslim world, but why just us? I know there's been attacks in Spain and France somewhat recently.

Because we were (are) the biggest super-power. Much of the attack was meant to be symbolic like hitting the WTC towers knowing it would provide spectacular video footage and death. Islamist fucks love their jihadi snuff porn of killing innocent civilians. It created thousands of recruits.

Bin Laden laid out many of his reasons in a manifesto citing US troops stationed in Saudi Arabia since the Gulf War containing Iraq with no fly zones. He hated that infidels were in Saudi Arabia. He also cited the fact that the US was the biggest Western backer and defender of Israel. Most of Europe hates Israel, especially back then.
115   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 8, 3:22pm  

WookieMan says
but why just us?

Not just us Wookie....islamic terrorism targets anyone that is not a muslim. We might be the #1 enemy but in reality Islamic terror groups are in an ongoing world war with everyone that does not follow their radical faith. Why are we the #1 enemy? Because we actually do something about it......not like europeans.....Without the US, islam would have probably overtaken the world by now.
116   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 8, 3:30pm  

little jihadist will always be crushed by US Forces

Jihadist might be laughing today, but tomorrow a US sniper will hit him between the eyes or a drone strike will make the sand glow.
117   Ceffer   2021 Apr 8, 3:31pm  

If someone is going to have an emotional breakdown over red pilling, I definitely recommend continuing to blue pill until their resources can catch up. It's not worth an anti gravity loss of context.
118   Patrick   2021 Apr 8, 5:19pm  

socal2 says
jihadi snuff porn

Good term. That's exactly what it is.
119   richwicks   2021 Apr 8, 6:41pm  

Hircus says
I don't know what speeds and conditions that effect becomes significant. I feel like this angle looks very similar to landing on a runway. Pilots do this all the time. This should be easier in many ways, because there's no expectation of a smooth landing on the wheels.

If I went to the local airport, snapped my fingers to instantly place a 5 story, 65 foot pentagon-like concrete wall near the start of the landing strip, are you saying planes would suddenly have trouble hitting it?

What I'm saying is that the plane was VERY LOW and had to be coming in at speed because it had to do a fairly steep descent to hit the Pentagon.

I believe a plane DID hit the Pentagon, but I have a hard time believing a novice would be able to do that. It's also difficult to believe that nothing was done to prevent a plane that was known to have been hijacked would be allowed to fly into DC and hit the headquarters of the defense department.

I don't posit hypotheses - I'm just pointing out that the official story is very difficult to believe. People have suggested that the plane was flown remotely, which is possible - and it's even possible it was flown by a robot. It doesn't matter how it was done, the question is, is it likely to have been done in the way that's been reported? I think it's possible, but very unlikely.
120   richwicks   2021 Apr 8, 6:45pm  

Bitcoin says
little jihadist will always be crushed by US Forces

Jihadist might be laughing today, but tomorrow a US sniper will hit him between the eyes or a drone strike will make the sand glow.

You know, the easy solution to this is just to get out of the Middle East, and end immigration from that area.

That's IF the US Federal government cares about actually ending terrorism in the United States. Instead, they purposely create more terrorists by blowing up weddings and funerals.

The end goal of the US federal government is to justify their wars in nations that are on the other side of the planet and US citizens are purposely sacrificed in order to gain public support for this position. Al Aliwi Alissa's mass murdering of US citizens is exactly what the intelligence agencies and the military industrial complex were hoping for and perhaps helped construct. Alissa was supposedly known by the FBI before he murdered 10 people.

For all we know, Al Aliwi Alissa works for an intelligence agency. So - he's in jail now, pay attention if he's suddenly "murdered" - he could truly be murdered to shut him up, or it could be that he's "murdered" to extract him.

It's very possible, for example, that Epstein isn't dead. Cameras didn't work, we don't know where his body was buried, he updated his will just before his "death" and Alex Acosta stated publicly that Epstein was "intelligence" which is why he got such a sweetheart deal when he did 3 VERY easy years in prison - he was allowed out during the day but had to return to prison to sleep. He built his own accommodations at the prison as well.

121   REpro   2021 Apr 8, 7:21pm  

I understand that sheeple believed in 9/11 hoax, Because is that what they are.
Pelosi said she would like to investigate voting fraud 2020 in 9/11 Cover Up style.
122   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 8, 7:35pm  

richwicks says
Instead, they purposely create more terrorists by blowing up weddings and funerals.

Nah, we target radical muslims. If they happen to be at a funeral or wedding maybe its just deception and in reality its a meeting of high level leaders to plan their next attack on white, innocent westerners. And lets be clear, if you take out a wedding party of muslim terrorist's you avoid having future terrorist babies as well. Think about all these terrorist attacks that were avoided by killing hundreds of thousands of radical muslims. Just a few million more to go!
123   Reality   2021 Apr 8, 9:05pm  

Bitcoin says
If you are muslim terrorist trying to harm the US, this is a before and after. Special Ops will get you! Go USA!

LOL! This guy stopped aging since circa 1997-98 (when his Wikipedia photo was taken). 1997/8, 2001 and 2011 photos all have the same few white hairs in his beard.

Talk about poorly produced snuff porn . . . just like most "jihadi snuff porn."

BTW, I actually support the need to have troops actively engaging targets in order to maintain an efficient / functional military . . . however some of the propaganda nonsense is getting really sloppy.

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