Arizona Election 2020 Audit in Process: Dem Freakout: Send in Army of Lawyers to Stop the Recount

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2021 Apr 28, 2:15pm   3,583 views  40 comments

by WillPowers   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

This isn't just a recount. This is a full audit that includes canvasing and inspecting every ballot. Trump only lost Arizona by 10,000 votes, so this audit could easily find enough fraudulent votes to turn this election around.

Watch Rachael MaddCOW freak out. The left is in total meltdown over this recount. If there was nothing to hide, then why are they so worried?

SEE what is actually going on in Arizona Maricopa County in this 17 minute Charley Kirk interview with Tyler Bower, COO of Turning Point USA:

original link

Tyler Bower, COO of Turning Point USA: https://www.tpusa.com/tylerbowyer

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1   WillPowers   2021 Apr 28, 2:30pm  

The Judge in the Arizona audit case had to recuse himself and it looked bad for the Republicans conducting the recount, but "PHOENIX (AP) — A judge on Wednesday refused to shut down the Republican-led Arizona Senate's recount of 2.1 million ballots from the 2020 election in the state's most populous county but ordered ballot secrecy and voter privacy procedures its contractor is using be made public."


So the audit continues.
2   Bd6r   2021 Apr 28, 3:02pm  

HunterTits says
What does make more sense is if enough states have audits/recounts or court overthrows (because that state's Secretary of State illegally overrode the law set by the state's legislature on absentee ballots for example) that result in showing Trump would have won or at least Biden did not, then it would greatly weaken their bullshit narrative and such LEGALLY RECOGNIZED illegitmacy will haunt the Biden Admin forever.

exactly. It would give Trump moral high ground (not that our media would ever report about this).
3   Misc   2021 Apr 28, 3:04pm  

There is no provision stopping a State legislature from passing a law that changes the States' EC vote retroactively.

If the Federal Congress can change things retroactively, so can the State legislatures.
4   Ceffer   2021 Apr 28, 4:38pm  

They have finished five boxes. That already is probably enough to put Trump over the top. I am interested in what they find from the Soros Fraud Dominion machines.

Crazy Rachael is a blinking ninja. More blinks, more conscious lies.

Even though fraud and vote reversals were shown with voting machines in that one small county in Michigan, nothing since. Arizona voters are really mad as hell, though, and they will stick with this until it is done one way or another.
5   Misc   2021 Apr 28, 5:37pm  

So what do you all think will come from this?

It's pretty obvious to the informed that the audit will find thousands and thousands and thousands of fraudulent votes.

Then what?

The governor and Secretary of State with the State's Attorney General certified the results over the objections raised by the GOP and Trump himself.

Somebody is going to come up with the idea of charging the 3 members above along with a lot of election supervisors with thousands of counts of conspiracy to commit voter fraud. Based on statements to the public the former head of the FBI could be charged as well (maybe even a lot of members of the FBI).

So, what do you think the end result will be?
6   Patrick   2021 Apr 28, 5:41pm  

I hope that the result will be that the election is overturned, Trump rightfully inaugurated, and Biden and his co-conspirators go to jail.

I don't actually think that will happen, but it's fun to hope that the rule of law will prevail.
7   GNL   2021 Apr 28, 5:59pm  

Patrick says
I hope that the result will be that the election is overturned, Trump rightfully inaugurated, and Biden and his co-conspirators go to jail.

I don't actually think that will happen, but it's fun to hope that the rule of law will prevail.

Bring on the Civil War II BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8   Onvacation   2021 Apr 28, 6:06pm  

WineHorror1 says
Bring on the Civil War II BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ever killed anyone?

I don't want war. People die gruesome deaths.
9   Ceffer   2021 Apr 28, 6:06pm  

Misc says
So, what do you think the end result will be?

I think they hope to pry loose some witnesses that will break the ranks. A bonfire of the voting machines would be a nice touch.
10   WillPowers   2021 Apr 28, 6:55pm  

HunterTits says
What does make more sense is if enough states have audits/recounts

As Steve Bannon says, Once one falls they will all fall. This will start off a fire storm of audits if the audit in AZ proves the election was stolen.

Onvacation says
Bring on the Civil War II BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As much as I want to save our constitutional republic from becoming a one party state in which the Justice Dept. is used to squash dissent, there is no way the right or at least the nationalist/non-globalist are organized enough to fight the mighty American military, the CIA and the corporate defense contractors.
11   Onvacation   2021 Apr 29, 1:19pm  

WillPowers says

Onvacation says
Bring on the Civil War II BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As much as I want to save our constitutional republic from becoming a one party state in which the Justice Dept. is used to squash dissent, there is no way the right or at least the nationalist/non-globalist are organized enough to fight the mighty American military, the CIA and the corporate defense contractors.

I never said I wanted war.

Don't forget that the American military is mostly composed of Americans who don't want to kill Americans.
12   Onvacation   2021 Apr 29, 1:21pm  

HunterTits says
Nobody wants war. But they will do it if pushed hard enough.

13   GNL   2021 Apr 29, 1:40pm  

Onvacation says
WineHorror1 says
Bring on the Civil War II BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ever killed anyone?

I don't want war. People die gruesome deaths.

No, I do not want war but, tell me what is going to turn this shit around. THEY want war.
14   Onvacation   2021 Apr 29, 1:43pm  

WineHorror1 says
THEY want war.

THEY have been at war with the American people for a while. It just has not hit close enough to home to unsheath the sword. Yet.
15   RC2006   2021 Apr 29, 2:01pm  

They,, oy vey!
16   Karloff   2021 Apr 29, 2:47pm  

Onvacation says
Don't forget that the American military is mostly composed of Americans who don't want to kill Americans.

Dems are attempting to change that composition.
17   Hircus   2021 Apr 29, 3:26pm  

WillPowers says
As Steve Bannon says, Once one falls they will all fall. This will start off a fire storm of audits if the audit in AZ proves the election was stolen.

Also, a fire storm will mysteriously engulf certain buildings in each state, where the necessary things are stored to facilitate an audit.
18   mell   2021 Apr 29, 3:32pm  

Hircus says
WillPowers says
As Steve Bannon says, Once one falls they will all fall. This will start off a fire storm of audits if the audit in AZ proves the election was stolen.

Also, a fire storm will mysteriously engulf certain buildings in each state, where the necessary things are stored to facilitate an audit.

Or a water-pipe breakage!
19   Ceffer   2021 Apr 29, 5:04pm  

An Antifa 'Carnival' is supposed to be approved adjacent to the auditorium of the Maricopa recount. Nobody seems to know what's up with this except it seems an excuse to infiltrate rioters to likely attack the recount center and maybe set it on fire. They are recruiting 'protesters' at $15 an hour.

Paid protesters = Soros rent a mob. It will be another paramilitary assault sanctioned by Dems, RINOs and, of course, the FBI.
We're getting into true militaristic kinetic assault. With all of the ongoing arrogant atrocities, would anybody expect anything less?
20   Onvacation   2021 Apr 29, 5:21pm  

RC2006 says
They,, oy vey!

Did I get the pronoun wrong?
21   porkchopXpress   2021 Apr 29, 5:23pm  

Aren't Trump's EOs still in effect that declares both the pandemic and foreign interference in our elections as putting our country into a state of emergency? I thought that meant that the reins were added to the military and FEMA.
22   AmericanKulak   2021 Apr 29, 5:25pm  

The Secret Jack Ryans in the FBI and CIA will save the day! Also the Military has Trump on a submarine off of Florida and regularly flying meals to him from the Mar A Lago.

Right now the military is in the middle of an "Anti-Extremism" campaign. Nobody will mention that most of the military "workplace" shootings in the past two decades have been from Slaves of the Most High One, even though they are maybe 1% of the Military.
25   WillPowers   2021 May 3, 10:42pm  

HunterTits says
As Steve Bannon says, Once one falls they will all fall. This will start off a fire storm of audits if the audit in AZ proves the election was stolen.

Or at least the PERCEPTION of it. That is all that matters! And it is a much lower bar to achieve.

Yielding less than satisfactory results. I don't want to be negative on fighting and beating our enemies on the field of battle, as long as you come out victorious with out a scratch on you. Face it, real combat is bloody for both sides, and the outcome is never garunteed.

No, as Bannon says, this war is going to be won in the courts, and if not there, the legislature, like in Arizona, with this audit.

Onvacation says
Don't forget that the American military is mostly composed of Americans who don't want to kill Americans.

Romans didn't want to kill Romans either, but they fought each other in more than one civil war.

Hircus says
a fire storm will mysteriously engulf certain buildings in each state, where the necessary things are stored to facilitate an audit.

Is that a negative premonition, or your fervent wish?

Trump supporters, never give up. The battle is to stay positive and commit to winning the next election and the one after that. Biden policies for most people are abhorrent and he and Kamala are sure to make the Dems looks so bad, 90% of the country turns against them and there's no way they can steal that many votes, just as long as we stay positive and fight back against the insanity. Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves.
26   AmericanKulak   2021 May 6, 5:14pm  

The DOJ is now trying to threaten AZ Senate with potential "Criminal Charges".

They're actually going to try to make the case that canvasing voters after an election for audit purposes is a 'Civil RIghts Violation: Intimidation"
27   Patrick   2021 May 6, 5:18pm  

Our "Justice" Department seems to be a weapon used by the elite against the people, very much like the FBI's transformation into the Stasi.


No one can seriously doubt that the FBI's raid on Giuliani was anything but a Stasi operation against someone who stood up to the 2020 election fraud.

And now the DOJ is also being used to suppress evidence of that election fraud.
28   AmericanKulak   2021 May 6, 5:26pm  

The DOJ and the Hoover Institution are basically Stasi now. No doubt about it.
29   Onvacation   2021 May 6, 10:03pm  

And the Wuhan bullshit continues to be a cover for it.
31   Onvacation   2021 May 6, 10:37pm  

They really had to cheat to plant that potato in Washington.
32   Patrick   2021 May 6, 10:40pm  

Great chart! Where did you find it?

35   Misc   2021 May 7, 2:40am  

Of course, the FBI will threaten legal action.

Like millions of people, I expect the audit to show thousands and thousands of fraudulent votes.

Then determinations must be made on who to charge with thousands of counts of voter fraud. The former head of the Homeland Security stated publicly that there was no wide spread voter fraud. Since he probably didn't make this up on his own, he and a bunch of FBI agents could be charged with conspiracy to commit voter fraud, with thousands of counts.

I really doubt that Arizona will investigate members of the federal government, however.
37   AmericanKulak   2021 May 8, 8:19pm  

The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors didn't provide the routers, and doesn't have the passwords.


40   Ceffer   2021 May 20, 10:10am  

Maricopa County Election Board is already suggesting the default position that they just took their bribes and let Dominion run the whole election. It seems they regard that as some kind of defense.

So, Dominion just buys the election ahead of time and then makes it so, while the paid off politicos twirl their thumbs and deflect any examination of the process.

"We'll carry the ball. You bribees just provide the defensive line. We'll back you up, promise!"

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