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Don't forget that the American military is mostly composed of Americans who don't want to kill Americans.
As Steve Bannon says, Once one falls they will all fall. This will start off a fire storm of audits if the audit in AZ proves the election was stolen.
WillPowers saysAs Steve Bannon says, Once one falls they will all fall. This will start off a fire storm of audits if the audit in AZ proves the election was stolen.
Also, a fire storm will mysteriously engulf certain buildings in each state, where the necessary things are stored to facilitate an audit.
Firm Overseeing Arizona Election Audit Says Court Released Security Plan to Public
As Steve Bannon says, Once one falls they will all fall. This will start off a fire storm of audits if the audit in AZ proves the election was stolen.
Or at least the PERCEPTION of it. That is all that matters! And it is a much lower bar to achieve.
Don't forget that the American military is mostly composed of Americans who don't want to kill Americans.
a fire storm will mysteriously engulf certain buildings in each state, where the necessary things are stored to facilitate an audit.
Watch Rachael MaddCOW freak out. The left is in total meltdown over this recount. If there was nothing to hide, then why are they so worried?
SEE what is actually going on in Arizona Maricopa County in this 17 minute Charley Kirk interview with Tyler Bower, COO of Turning Point USA:
original link
Tyler Bower, COO of Turning Point USA: https://www.tpusa.com/tylerbowyer