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2021 Mar 30, 8:11am   391,840 views  5,707 comments

by joshuatrio   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Anyone get vaxxed?

I know a few and they sound like absolute shit, and both feel like absolute crap.

Anyone else?

Why the fuck are people injecting themselves with a non-FDA approved biological agent?

And what the fuck are people afraid of, when this covid has a 99.97% survival rate?

I don't understand this level of retardedness... Or maybe I am just super, over the top, fucking retarded, that I can't understand this shit.

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977   WookieMan   2021 May 3, 8:02am  

Shaman says
Do you even understand that outside your little Bay Area enclave, most of the USA was pretty much normal.

Yeah, that's why I beat this topic up so much. I do think you guys on the West Coast have it the worst. Big, liberal cities are the worst place to be right now. Even the close suburbs and cities.

Having been through a bunch of airports since this started, it's staggering the level of brainwash going on. People wearing face shields with two masks on? I'm about 60 miles West of Madison and State (Chicago) and the closer I get to the city the dumber people are. I'll take my IL rednecks over these white collar morons that think a mask is going to save them from a virus that statistically can't kill them (for the most part). And also want to be test dummies for something they don't even understand, a "vaccine."
978   porkchopXpress   2021 May 3, 8:08am  

ThreeBays says
Well, two not awesome things will happen with ongoing community spread: your community will continue to live with stress and restrictions, and the virus will get more chances to mutate and re-emerge among the previously infected/vaccinated.
I believe the variant story is overblown and meant to scare us into submission. Science that I've read is that it mutates but only very slightly so that natural immunity still defends against it, and general they mutate and become weaker over time. I'll trust my natural immunity any day over a one-dimensional vaccine that's in its experimental phase.
979   WookieMan   2021 May 3, 8:28am  

ThreeBays says
Why is Florida #1 for new cases now? Why does Miami-Dade county have 10 times more new cases per capita than Santa Clara? hmmm...

Cases are meaningless as the vast majority, almost everyone lives. I also contend that the flu basically disappearing is rather strange. I don't think that can really be argued. If there was concrete evidence that the flu could be stopped by mask wearing, we'd have done it. The "science" has been amazingly wrong the whole way with covid.

You have a bit too much faith in our government. Look at NASA versus Musk. The guy is flipping landing reusable space craft and launching shuttles more than most space exploring nations COMBINED. There are plenty of doctors saying covid is a bunch of fuckery. Just because Fauci or Birx are hired by government, does not remotely mean they're the best or even competent.

My wife works exclusively with getting government contracts. I know many of her peers in government very well. We're talking generally engineers for infrastructure. They're not that bright. 9 out 10 times it's private sector contractors doing the work. They're just their to "approve" it because they got a piece of paper and knew someone in government. Fauci is friends with someone high up and should not be trusted. Sorry. Don't care what title or degree he got.
980   porkchopXpress   2021 May 3, 8:38am  

WookieMan says
You have a bit too much faith in our government.
Agree. More and more people are realizing that our government is incompetent and often feeds us BS. To not question their motives or incompetency is lunacy.
981   mell   2021 May 3, 9:33am  

porkchopexpress says
ThreeBays says
Well, two not awesome things will happen with ongoing community spread: your community will continue to live with stress and restrictions, and the virus will get more chances to mutate and re-emerge among the previously infected/vaccinated.
I believe the variant story is overblown and meant to scare us into submission. Science that I've read is that it mutates but only very slightly so that natural immunity still defends against it, and general they mutate and become weaker over time. I'll trust my natural immunity any day over a one-dimensional vaccine that's in its experimental phase.

Fauxci = quacker who has no idea about respiratory viruses.
Variants = quackery - that's what T-cell immunity is for. Antibodies are not very significant with viral infections as compared to T/B cell immunity which does most of the heavy lifting.
982   mell   2021 May 3, 9:34am  

porkchopexpress says
ThreeBays says
I think it's true - you don't need it to protect me (vaccinated person), only for yourself and for reducing community spread.
But eventually if everyone either gets infected or vaccinated, there's no point to reducing community spread which has already happened. If there are high risk people who haven't been infected or vaccinated, then that's on them.

asymptomatic spread = quackery - there is no significant spread without symptoms, the sick should stay at home. Done.
983   WookieMan   2021 May 3, 10:05am  

I talk out my ass on these threads as I know very little biology or scientific stuff. At some point though data and logic must prevail and not just blind faith in government employees at a podium or desk.

I diagnosed my own gall bladder going bad with my mom at 20 from a big book she had on ailments/symptoms prior to WebMD. Got two opinions from dumb ass doctors. Have a full ass gall bladder attack (stone) and let me know how it feels and the reaction afterwards. I was shitting ghosts for weeks before we figured it out. Liver biopsy came back healthy, but the "doctors/scientist" fucked up for weeks.

No industry or field is perfect. With health issues is amazingly easy to misdiagnose or not diagnose at all which was my case. So I diagnosed myself and was in surgery a week later. Could have prevented a lot of pain. It sucked. And many of our docs come from prestigious universities like Northwestern and University of Chicago.
984   joshuatrio   2021 May 3, 12:44pm  

ThreeBays says
If you do your own research then that's the best - but when it comes to getting someone else's opinion, it'd be silly to distrust doctors and at the same time to trust some random a-hole that either knows little about what they're talking about or worse they're actually trying to cause harm.

Why? Doctors are just fed how to treat symptoms with pills, rather than diet and exercise?

My good friend is an MD. The guy is on 5 medications at 37 years old. UNREAL!! He believes in medicine - including the one he had to quit taking due to cancerous side effects.

Natural doctors are generally better, but they can get supplement happy.

The most "honest" MD/medical people I've come to trust are those who have overcome serious medical conditions (because big pharma failed them), and they got off all meds and adopted a different lifestyle.

I used to struggle with inflammation and neck pain. Docs wanted me all drugged up. I went on an anti-inflammatory diet and water fast every 6 weeks and no longer have issues.

Keep the vax. It's unproven and sketchy. To say anything otherwise is dishonest.
985   PeopleUnited   2021 May 3, 1:02pm  

ThreeBays says
it'd be silly to distrust doctors and at the same time to trust some random a-hole that either knows little about what they're talking about or worse they're actually trying to cause harm.

No offense but you are the random ——— on the internet. I trust this guy over you, and he is an expert in research. It is definitely worth the time to hear this interview.

988   PeopleUnited   2021 May 3, 2:37pm  

Yeadon reports that the experimental biological agent is riskier than the disease for people who are not ill or elderly. That is what an unbiased perspective looks like.
989   Onvacation   2021 May 3, 2:50pm  

ThreeBays says
it'd be silly to distrust doctors

Even Dr. Seuss? How about Mengele? Do you really think Dr. in front of a name gives a person legitimacy?

Not all doctors believe you should get an experimental biologic agent for a cold that is harmless for most people. Some doctors even think that the unapproved, still in testing, experimental biologic agent is actually harmful.

But if you are sick, obese, or have some other comorbidity, you are at risk and you might want to take your chances on the jab or just self quarantine and try to get heathy.

What are your comorbidities?
990   Onvacation   2021 May 3, 4:05pm  

LA county only has 53% vaccination rate and the Wuhan has been CONQUERED!!!


we can now throw our masks away and get back to normal life

How about next year we just skip the lockdowns, let pussies and the vulnerable take the jab or self quarantine.

Let the rest of us exercise our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
991   Onvacation   2021 May 3, 4:07pm  

I bet people are starting to die of things like heart attack and pneumonia in Hollywood again.
992   Onvacation   2021 May 3, 4:07pm  

Just sayin'
993   PeopleUnited   2021 May 3, 5:02pm  

ThreeBays says
PeopleUnited says
Yeadon reports that the vaccine is riskier than the disease for people who are not ill or elderly. That is what an unbiased perspective looks like.

His linkedin: April 2021. I now seek opportunities to relocate to the USA & to continue opposing inappropriate policy responses to covid19.

I think he could be the chief medical entertainer on Fox News.

Nice attempt at poisoning the well. A reasonable explanation for this is that he is now essentially a refugee seeking asylum in a place where he feels less likely to be persecuted by his own government. My guess is he would seek to relocate to Texas, or Florida where people will stand up against unnecessary government overreach like digital passports and quarantines of healthy people.
994   richwicks   2021 May 3, 6:25pm  

ThreeBays says
As far as 2, they did not claim after initial trials (since they did not measure that) but multiple studies from US, UK, and Israel, have now shown very strong immunity and reduction in spread with the mRNA vaccines, so not only do they protect from severe symptoms but they also prevent infection in most.

The United States, Israel, and the UK claimed they had solid evidence that Saddam Hussein had a weapons of mass destruction program in Iraq and we couldn't wait for the final proof to come in the form of a mushroom cloud.

They don't have any credibility with me. I don't know why they do with you. Hardly the last lie they told. Russian Collusion, the Skripal Novichok case? Assad gassing his own people? Qaddafi causing a humanitarian crisis?

I've explained why unvaccinated people and even unvaccinated people who are ill are NOT THREATS to vaccinated people, PROVIDED the vaccine works. So, why is there this continued push to get everybody into a fucking roster to track their movements to supposedly "slow the spread" or to "flatten the curve"?

I am so tired of talking to the naive. If you think there's nothing suspicious about what is going on, FINE, but don't be begging people who know better to jump into yet another gulag that has been created, utterly artificially. You are the sheep of George Orwell's 1984 and I'm the horse. Quit trying to send me to a slaughterhouse.

ThreeBays says
When the facts are like "they're still collecting data on immunity and spread, and being cautious" and it gets turned by some super biased source into "There's no immunity! It doesn't prevent spread!"... there should be little doubt of who is misleading you.

I would say it's the group that told me Russian Collusion is what got Donald Trump elected 4 years ago, and the same people doing everything they can to prevent audits in the "most secure election ever" in which a senile, hair sniffing, corrupt, pervert is the most popular presidential candidate in all of US history.

It's the same fucking people that have mislead IDIOTS before. I am very tired of people saying "well trust the people that have viciously lied to you for the last 2 decades! They're telling the truth THIS time". I am so tired of being gaslit. You can believe this garbage, but don't demand I do.
995   mell   2021 May 3, 6:36pm  

richwicks says
I've explained why unvaccinated people and even unvaccinated people who are ill are NOT THREATS to vaccinated people, PROVIDED the vaccine works. So, why is there this continued push to get everybody into a fucking roster to track their movements to supposedly "slow the spread" or to "flatten the curve"?

That's an important point even the "naive" may comprehend. The flu vaccine has been out forever and gets modified each year according to a best-guess cocktail of strains. Some people take it, some don't, but those who take it are certainly not in any way or shape afraid of those who don't, since - if the cocktail is right - they should have nothing to fear! Somehow this all changed with covid. The experimental biological agent is now available to anybody in masses, and with 81% having cross immunity anyways and roughly 30% "immunized" (many obviously unnecessarily), who the fuck should give a shit about any covid mandates, useless mask mandates, opening restrictions or vaccine "mandates"?! Maybe not being able to answer this simple question will wake up some sheep.
996   Rin   2021 May 3, 7:29pm  

Onvacation says
Do you really think Dr. in front of a name gives a person legitimacy?

MD is a masters in biosciences, roughly 16 courses after basic undergrad biology (with a lot of overlap) plus clinical rotations in the basic areas of medicine. That fact that ppl believe that that makes 'em a genius really tells me how bad our science education is.

joshuatrio says
The most "honest" MD/medical people I've come to trust are those who have overcome serious medical conditions (because big pharma failed them), and they got off all meds and adopted a different lifestyle.

I used to struggle with inflammation and neck pain. Docs wanted me all drugged up. I went on an anti-inflammatory diet and water fast every 6 weeks and no longer have issues.

Well, there is an injectable Quercetin so MD practitioners can have it both ways ... use a syringe but have it loaded with something natural which is anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and anti-tumor.
998   zzyzzx   2021 May 4, 7:51am  

In the name of social justice and racial equity , I am taking the bold stand to not get the jab until every POC on the planet has received it first. I feel that this will atone for the sins of my ancestors. ...........Sound legit ?
999   joshuatrio   2021 May 4, 8:18am  

Conversation with my leftist father in law this morning... He won't talk to me anymore.

Truth hurts - but I'm tired of pandering to propaganda.

1000   RWSGFY   2021 May 4, 8:36am  

joshuatrio says
Conversation with my leftist father in law this morning... He won't talk to me anymore.

Truth hurts - but I'm tired of pandering to propaganda.

Should've taken the "actively anti-racist" approach posted above. I tried it on two Berkeley leftoids already and they literally had nothing to say in response. =))
1001   WookieMan   2021 May 4, 8:51am  

Lol. Good response. Remind him too that even after the FDA approves it, there are still plenty of other drugs that kill people they approve. It's a flawed system.

It's a 3 letter government agency. I don't trust them unless it's got about 5 years+ of human testing/use AFTER it's approved. I'm not anti-vaccination either. Just not this one and not right now. Based on the hype of this virus I should be dead right now anyway given how I've lived/traveled. Party in the Ozarks in about 2 weeks. Every meal at a restaurant. Pool bars on the lake. It's almost like I'm trying to get Covid the last year.
1002   GNL   2021 May 4, 8:53am  

joshuatrio says
Conversation with my leftist father in law this morning... He won't talk to me anymore.

Truth hurts - but I'm tired of pandering to propaganda.

Haha, fuck him. He hates freedom. My mother inlaw won't see us unless we take the Vax. I told her she will probably end up dying all alone. I don't care anymore either.
1003   GNL   2021 May 4, 8:55am  

FuckCCP89 says
joshuatrio says
Conversation with my leftist father in law this morning... He won't talk to me anymore.

Truth hurts - but I'm tired of pandering to propaganda.

Should've taken the "actively anti-racist" approach posted above. I tried it on two Berkeley leftoids already and they literally had nothing to say in response. =))

Stand your ground or your father inlaw will own you forever. He can't disown you unless he wants to cause major disruption to other relationships.
1004   GNL   2021 May 4, 8:56am  

Stay away from people who hate freedom.
1005   Bitcoin   2021 May 4, 12:54pm  

WineHorror1 says
Stand your ground or your father inlaw will own you forever. He can't disown you unless he wants to cause major disruption to other relationships.

100% agree....

I admit I have changed....I used to be more on the pro-vaccine side but the BS on the pro-vaxxers exceeds the BS on the anti-vaxxers.
I also deal with super leftist people in our family and its gotten to the point where I said i am out and go fuck you. These people feel empowered all of a sudden and push their guidelines/rules onto others. I am sick of it and sometimes its better to cut ties to toxic family members....
1006   Bitcoin   2021 May 4, 12:55pm  

joshuatrio says
Truth hurts - but I'm tired of pandering to propaganda.

good for you. Stand your ground. fuck people who think they can tell us what to do.
1007   Patrick   2021 May 4, 1:07pm  

I just try to avoid talking to them about politics or the scamdemic at all.

I'll change the topic to the weather as a hint.
1008   Bitcoin   2021 May 4, 1:11pm  

Patrick says
I just try to avoid talking to them about politics or the scamdemic at all.

That only works with normal people. Some leftists are mental....and all they want to do is argue about politics and scamdemic....their whole purpose is to bring this up constantly. What do you do with that? Stay the fuck away?
1009   Patrick   2021 May 4, 1:13pm  

No, just don't answer those things.

It's kind of passive-aggressive fun as well. They get super frustrated and pained when you just don't take their bait.
1010   Bitcoin   2021 May 4, 1:15pm  

Patrick says
No, just don't answer those things.

It's kind of passive-aggressive fun as well. They get super frustrated and pained when you just don't take their bait.

True. With some, I am like, fuck that, I wont waste my time seeing them at all. Time is too precious to have shittards in your life.
1011   joshuatrio   2021 May 4, 1:21pm  

WineHorror1 says

Stand your ground or your father inlaw will own you forever. He can't disown you unless he wants to cause major disruption to other relationships.

I'm just sick and tired of his leftist mindset. I refuse to entertain his false perception of reality anymore and often pop his bubble. He hates truth like most leftists do.

For some reason, people nowadays think it's better to stay silent and not rock the boat, than to be truthful and honest with family and friends. Part of the reason our country is in the position it's in.

Sad though, because this guy used to be my best friend when we lived in California. We could talk about anything, even if I needed marital advice, we could talk through things - I was closer with him than my own dad for a period of time.

Then we left California and moved to GA, and he's gone 100% leftoid.

He pretends to be open to other opinions, but he really just walks around in this self-righteous bubble of his expecting people to conform to his point of view.

Look, if you prove me wrong, I will concede and acknowledge that you are right after we battle it out a bit. But this guy immediately shuts down on you when he hears something he doesn't like. Completely unopen to others opinions.

Ok, I'm done venting.
1012   Bitcoin   2021 May 4, 1:28pm  

joshuatrio says
For some reason, people nowadays think it's better to stay silent and not rock the boat, than to be truthful and honest with family and friends. Part of the reason our country is in the position it's in.

Sad though, because this guy used to be my best friend when we lived in California. We could talk about anything, even if I needed marital advice, we could talk through things - I was closer with him than my own dad for a period of time.

Then we left California and moved to GA, and he's gone 100% leftoid.

He pretends to be open to other opinions, but he really just walks around in this self-righteous bubble of his expecting people to conform to his point of view.

Look, if you prove me wrong, I will concede and acknowledge that you are right after we battle it out a bit. But this guy immediately shuts down on you when he hears something he doesn't like. Completely unopen to others opinions.

reads like a chapter from my life. 100% with you on that.
1013   joshuatrio   2021 May 4, 1:28pm  

Patrick says
I just try to avoid talking to them about politics or the scamdemic at all.

I'll change the topic to the weather as a hint.

I generally do. But he's passive aggressive all the time now and needs a dose of reality.

He could have said "I'm hosting dinner for a party of 8." and left it at that, but then he had to add "vax required."

He also didn't have to ask if I'd gotten the vax, since it's ultimately my choice - which he obviously didn't care because he is nosy and expects me to share his point of view.

But I can't stand down anymore Patrick. This shit has gone on too long. If people aren't honest with others, we're gonna keep deteriorating as a society.

Point is, I don't care if you're vaxxed or not. Don't push your religion on me though. However, it's now become a hill to die on for these people - and unfortunately, they don't respect anyone else's opinion, only their own. It's a two way street.
1014   Patrick   2021 May 4, 1:30pm  

Sometimes it's just better to ask a question than to argue.

When they come to the conclusion themselves, then it's their conclusion and they will love it and stick with it.

For example: "How is it possible that no one got the flu in 2020?" Just ask and then leave the area and don't argue. Arguing makes them take the opposite point of view. Leaving lets them reach new conclusions.

It's also may work to suggest that they "overlooked" something. Everyone overlooks things, and it's not shameful to change your mind based on that.

Graphs are really good at reaching people too, giving them a visual perspective of the argument:

1015   joshuatrio   2021 May 4, 1:41pm  

Patrick says

Sometimes it's just better to ask a question than to argue.

When they come to the conclusion themselves, then it's their conclusion and they will love it and stick with it.

Generally yes, and I do agree with you - for most people.

Not with him though man. He doesn't read, nor does he care to do research. He is a CNN headline watcher.

I have to push back with him.

He treats my wife like crap when he visits, and we have tried for the last several years (since we left CA) to build and maintain that bridge with him - but he's just pissed all over it man. He acts like the world revolves around him and the only person that's right is him.

By the way, he is about 350+ pounds and diabetic. Yet, he is an expert on nutrition as well.
1016   Shaman   2021 May 4, 1:58pm  

Some people are trail buddies rather than the friends you keep. They are good company while engaged in a mutual pursuit or a portion of your life’s path but they eventually go their own way that diverges from your path and the ride is over. Best you can hope for there is a cordial parting.

I had a best friend like that. Dude went super left, married a harridan who demanded to remain childless, and sucked him into her self-centered lifestyle. I no longer have anything in common with the guy except for shared history. Our paths have completely diverged, and we no longer talk.
Way it goes I guess. Plenty of people in this world. Lots of them are nice, although the percentages go way up once you leave California.
I’m not much on the people here. Some nice people sure, but they aren’t that common. And you’ll probably meet them at church.

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