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This is perhaps the greatest crime against humanity ever committed by a small group of people: Fauci, Daszak, and the Bat-lady in Wuhan.
The Wuhan Institute of Virology scrubbed the U.S. National Institutes of Health as one of its research partners from its website in early 2021. The revelation comes despite Dr. Anthony Fauci insisting no relationship existed between the institutions.
Archived versions of the Wuhan lab’s site also reveal a research update – “Will SARS Come Back?” – appearing to describe gain-of-function research being conducted at the institute by entities funded by Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).
On March 21st, 2021, the lab’s website listed six U.S.-based research partners: University of Alabama, University of North Texas, EcoHealth Alliance, Harvard University, The National Institutes of Health (NIH), the United States, and the National Wildlife Federation.
One day later, the page was revised to contain just two research partners – EcoHealth Alliance and the University of Alabama. By March 23rd, EcoHealth Alliance was the sole partner remaining.
EcoHealth Alliance is run by long-standing Chinese Communist Party-partner Dr. Peter Daszak, who National Pulse Editor-in-Chief Raheem Kassam has repeatedly claimed will be the first “fall guy” of the Wuhan lab debacle.
The Wuhan Institute of Virology’s decision to wipe the NIH from its website came amidst heightened scrutiny that the lab was the source of COVID-19 – and that U.S. taxpayer dollars from the NIH may have funded the research. The unearthing of the lab’s attempted coverup also follows a heated exchange between Senator Rand Paul and Fauci, who attempted to distance his organization from the Wuhan lab.
Beyond establishing a working relationship between the NIH and the Wuhan Institue of Virology, now-deleted posts from the site also detail studies bearing the hallmarks of gain-of-function research conducted with the Wuhan-based lab. Fauci, however, asserted to Senator Paul that “the NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”
A summary of the work conducted by Wuhan Institue of Virology researchers “in cooperation with researchers from University of North Carolina (UNC), Harvard Medical School, Bellinzona Institute of Microbiology and etc” describes scientists as “generating and characterizing a chimeric virus,” noting how modifications allowed the virus to “replicate efficiently in primary human airway cells and achieve in vitro titers equivalent to epidemic strains of SARS-CoV”:
“Using the SARS-CoV reverse genetics system, the scientists generated and characterized a chimeric virus expressing the spike of bat coronavirus SHC014 in a mouse-adapted SARS-CoV backbone. The results indicate that group 2b viruses encoding the SHC014 spike in a wild-type backbone can efficiently use multiple orthologs of the SARS receptor human angiotensin converting enzyme II (ACE2), replicate efficiently in primary human airway cells and achieve in vitro titers equivalent to epidemic strains of SARS-CoV. Evaluation of available SARS-based immune-therapeutic and prophylactic modalities revealed poor efficacy; both monoclonal antibody and vaccine approaches failed to neutralize and protect from infection with CoVs using the novel spike protein.”
“On the basis of these findings, they synthetically re-derived an infectious full-length SHC014 recombinant virus and demonstrate robust viral replication both in vitro and in vivo,” the article concludes.
During Fauci and Senator Paul’s recent exchange, the NIAID Director was also pressed on gain-of-function research carried out by UNC researcher Dr. Ralph. Baric, who has received 173 grants from Fauci’s agency.
“Dr. Baric is not doing gain-of-function research, and if it is, it is according to the guidelines and is being conducted in North Carolina. If you look at the grant and if you look at the progress reports, it is not gain-of-function, despite the fact that people tweet that, write about it,” Fauci responded to Senator Paul despite UNC being listed as a research partner in the blog post above.
The Wuhan Institute of Virology wiping evidence of gain-of-function research and its ties to the NIH also follow the National Pulse unearthing interviews where Fauci asserts he’s “trying to hire” Chinese Communist Party researchers.
WASHINGTON—Three researchers from China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology became sick enough in November 2019 that they sought hospital care, according to a previously undisclosed U.S. intelligence report that could add weight to growing calls for a fuller probe of whether the Covid-19 virus may have escaped from the laboratory.
The details of the reporting go beyond a State Department fact sheet, issued during the final days of the Trump administration, which said that several researchers at the lab, a center for the study of coronaviruses and other pathogens, became sick in autumn 2019 “with symptoms consistent with both Covid-19 and common seasonal illness.”
The disclosure of the number of researchers, the timing of their illnesses and their hospital visits come on the eve of a meeting of the World Health Organization’s decision-making body, which is expected to discuss the next phase of an investigation into Covid-19’s origins.
I suspect just the opposite.Yea, this is the most logical explanation. I suppose only time will tell...the next year or two is going to be interesting.
The "vaccine" is something you seem to recover from, but it slowly destroys your immunity to Wuhan Virus. Then one day you catch the virus and suddenly die.
There is evidence for this in the ferrets they tested the first SARS mRNA vaccine on. They seemed fine after that "vaccination", but when later exposed to SARS, every single one of them dropped dead.
Patrick saysI suspect just the opposite.Yea, this is the most logical explanation. I suppose only time will tell...the next year or two is going to be interesting.
The "vaccine" is something you seem to recover from, but it slowly destroys your immunity to Wuhan Virus. Then one day you catch the virus and suddenly die.
There is evidence for this in the ferrets they tested the first SARS mRNA vaccine on. They seemed fine after that "vaccination", but when later exposed to SARS, every single one of them dropped dead.
Why did it take so long for the lab leak discussion to formally surface? Politics, mostly.
The “origin story” of COVID-19 remained a forbidden topic in the corporate press for the past 16 months, and people who brought it up on social media were often subject to permanent banishment. There were plenty of incentives not to bring it up. Twitter was known to ban people who pushed too hard on the lab leak theory. YouTube has an official policy banishing anyone who defies the “science” coming from the China-influenced World Health Organization. Facebook “fact checkers” dismissed the lab leak theory as false.
Hmmm, OK, it's been more than a year and the evidence is getting to be overwhelming, so now he wants to look more open-minded about his crime.
After many were banned online for saying it, it’s finally admitted the Wuhan lab leak may not be a “conspiracy”
Countless social media users were censored for discussing the possibility of a coronavirus Wuhan lab leak.
Vox stealth edits older article “debunking” Wuhan lab theory
ONE: Fauci used NIH grant money to help fund the Wuhan Virology Lab; and TWO, these American taxpayer funds were funneled to the Wuhan Lab through Peter Daszak and the New York City-based EcoHealth Alliance.
But there’s more.
THREE, Fauci, together with NIH Director Francis Collins, went behind the back of the Trump White House in December 2017 to overturn a 2014 Obama Administration decision to ban the use of “gain of function” tools to increase the lethality of viruses – Australian journalist Sharri Markson has revealed Fauci used a “low level” White House meeting to fly below the radar.
FOUR, before the pandemic hit, Peter Daszak bragged in a TV interview about how simple it was to use gain of function at the Wuhan lab to make viruses more deadly.
FIVE, Obama’s National Security Council recommended banning gain of function research because of the high risk that a weaponized virus might escape from even the most secure labs; SIX, deadly pathogens have routinely escaped from highest security labs, including a virus that escaped from the Beijing Virology Institute and caused the first SARS virus; and SEVEN, the US State Department warned in 2018 about a lack of safety protocols at the Wuhan lab and the possibility that Wuhan sloppiness could trigger a second SARS outbreak.
EIGHT, Fauci’s NIH helped fund the research of Ralph Barric from the University of North Carolina who used gain of function techniques with China’s infamous “Bat Lady,” Wuhan Lab virologist Shi Zhengli; and NINE, numerous experts have now agree that SARS-COV-2 most likely originated from the Wuhan lab. These experts include Centers for Disease Control Director Dr. Robert Redfield, CNN’s Sanjay Gupta, and Nicholas Wade, who has written what may well turn out to be the definitive case in support of the lab theory.
Case closed.
Hmmm, OK, it's been more than a year and the evidence is getting to be overwhelming, so now he wants to look more open-minded about his crime.
Why did the Biden administration shut down Pompeo’s lab leak probe?
When it comes to Biden and China, watch what they do not what they say
May 26, 2021 | 7:30 am
Joe Biden and his administration want you to know that they are not — repeat not — soft on China. Look, look — Biden has said all sorts of mean things about Xi Jinping, calling him a ‘thug’ who doesn’t have a democratic bone in his body. Cockburn is sure the president of the People’s Republic sobs into his pillow each night.
There have been testy diplomatic exchanges between Beijing and Washington of late — and lots of Beltway talk of insisting on Chinese transparency (good luck). There’s also been a fair few spoon-fed editorials saying that Biden could in fact prove much tougher on China than President Trump ever was.
But words, as we all know, don’t speak as loudly as actions, and when it comes to politicians it’s especially important to watch what they do not what they say. And that’s why CNN’s scoop that the Biden administration shut down former secretary of state Mike Pompeo’s investigation into whether COVID-19 leaked from a laboratory is worth close attention.
Why would the Biden administration want to close an investigation into what is, probably, the most important geopolitical question facing the world? Given that the ‘lab leak’ theory is increasingly plausible — or rather, now at last accepted as plausible by people who aren’t easily dismissed as insane — it should be quite a major story.
According to CNN, Biden’s State Department had concerns about the ‘quality of evidence’ the investigation was producing. A department source says, ‘Even though this discrete project has concluded, the State Department continues to work with the interagency to look into the COVID origins issue.’ ...
But as it becomes clearer that the lab leak idea is not some barmy alt-right fixation, it also becomes obvious that Pompeo was right to launch an investigation, including into possible connections between Chinese virus research and a secret biological weapons program. If that sounds a bit like a crazy line from a spy thriller, remember what people said about the lab leak story last year. On January 15, as he prepared to leave office, Pompeo put out a statement saying that American government analysts had established collaboration between the virology lab in Wuhan and Chinese military projects. If the Biden administration wants to say that that official statement was flawed, should it not say so — rather than vaguely alluding to poor quality of work and closing the inquiry down?
It’s known now that various State Department figures tried to undermine the investigation and its conclusions. It’s a sorry truth that, for many senior officials, a feeling of revulsion towards the Trump administration overwhelms any desire to get to the truth about COVID-19.
Americans like to hope that, when it comes to sensitive matters of State, partisan differences can be put aside in the national interest. Sadly that doesn’t seem to be true. Watch what they do, not what they say.
I bet the US will try to blame China, and then China will turn around and expose more about Fauci's overwhelming guilt.
Biden: Some US Intel Members Believe COVID-19 Came From Chinese ‘Laboratory Accident’
President Joe Biden said on May 26 that the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC) believes there are “two likely scenarios” that may have caused the CCP virus outbreak in China, noting that a significant number of officials believe the virus was spread due to a “laboratory accident.”
Only last week, Google prevented Italian journalist Fabrizio Gatti from advertising his book that explores much the same topic that Fauci did in his recent comments. Google said Gatti – whose book also criticizes China’s role – was guilty of creating content with “speculative intent.”
“Once the infection is overcome with vaccines, as I write in my book, we will have to defend our democracies from totalitarianism and the digital monopoly,” Gatti said, reacting to the blacklisting, and urged Google to reverse the decision.
Nate Silver
May 25
I mean... it's certainly not all of it, but a lot of the reason that elite discourse around the lab-leak stuff and some other aspects of COVID have changed is because there's more distance from Trump.
7:17 PM · May 25, 2021
Rational Thinker 69
May 25
Replying to @NateSilver538
Even beyond elites, I've found that a lot of regular people (on here or elsewhere) dismissed because the position was associated with him. Probably beyond COVID, too
Batshit Crazy World
The big C biological laboratory in Wooohan is owned by
which accidentally owns fizer.
The one who makes the maccine against the viruuuuus , which accidentally started at the Wooohan lab and which was accidentally funded by Dr. Foulshee and who accidentally promotes the maccine.
is accidentally managed by the finance division of Black Rock ,which accidentally manages the finances of The Open ( Soros) foundation which accidentally manages French
Soros accidentally owns the German company
Which accidentally built a big C laboratory at Wooohan and was bought by
Which coincidentally has Van...guard as a shareholder of Black Rock which coincidentally controls central blanks and manages about a third of global investment capital.
Black Rock is also coincidentally a major shareholder in micro___ soft.
Owned by Gates bill, who accidentally is a shareholder in fitzer.
Which remember sells a miracle maccine and WHo coincidentally is the first sponsor of W.HO!
Now you understand why a wet bat in big C has infected the whole planet.
( spelling intentional )
I bet the US will try to blame China, and then China will turn around and expose more about Fauci's overwhelming guilt.
Chinese state media is turning on Fauci amid Wuhan lab controversy
By: Victor
Hong Kong(CNN)After weeks of facing fierce attacks from Republicans, top US infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci now has a new critic: Chinese state media.
"US elites degenerate further in morality, and Fauci is one of them," was the headline of a blistering opinion piece penned by Hu Xijin, editor-in-chief of the state-run Global Times this week.
In the article Hu accused the top US infectious disease expert of "fanning a huge lie against China" by hyping the theory that the coronavirus was leaked from a Wuhan lab. Another article in the Global Times declared that Fauci had "betrayed Chinese scientists."
The anger is centered on Fauci's remarks this month that he is no longer convinced the Covid-19 pandemic originated naturally.
Lol! "Urged" Google to reverse its Stalinist policies? Would that have worked with Stalin?
WASHINGTON, D.C.—After a brief temporal anomaly occurred in Washington, D.C., causing a version of Dr. Fauci from just two weeks ago to materialize in the city, the current Dr. Fauci got in a heated debate with the manifestation of himself from the past.
"The virus was created in a lab!" present-day Fauci said indignantly, causing past Fauci to wag his finger and shake his head emphatically.
"No, no, no, that's a deranged conspiracy theory!" past Fauci said. "It's practically alt-right! Didn't you check Snopes? Anyway, at least we can agree we should wear double masks forever."
"No, masks aren't necessary anymore!" said current Fauci. "We just wear them for political theater."
"That's insulting! They're absolutely not theater!" said early May Fauci.
At that moment, another version of Fauci suddenly appeared from March 2020, agreeing with current Fauci but taking it a step further, saying, "Masks are useless. They just make people feel better!"
Both of the other Faucis then ganged up on March 2020 Fauci, calling him an "anti-science mask denier."
They are willing to lie, and even to let millions die, as long as they don't have to admit that Trump was right.
Senate Passes Hawley, Braun Bill for Biden Admin to Declassify Intel on Wuhan Lab
The U.S. Senate has unanimously passed a bill that seeks to require President Joe Biden’s administration declassify all intelligence relating to the origin of COVID-19, including information about what happened at the Wuhan laboratory at the start of the pandemic.
Fauci Says It Would Have Been a ‘Dereliction of Our Duty’ Not to Work With China on Coronavirus Research
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This is perhaps the greatest crime against humanity ever committed by a small group of people: Fauci, Daszak, and the Bat-lady in Wuhan.
There should be nothing else in the headlines, only this.
Fauci has a long history of funding gain-of-function research to facilitate the creation of viruses which can be used to sell vaccines for large profits.
Anyone who has read a decent mystery novel will see the means, motive, and opportunity were all there. It's obvious in retrospect.
Until Fauci is in jail, we are all in danger of his doing it again, and again, and again, or having some minion like Daszak do it. Why is there no official investigation going on?
As RFK Jr. put it: "A $200 billion enterprise would’ve collapsed if Fauci had admitted that Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin were effective against covid."