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Newsom has a recall election coming up.
Have to ask 'why'?
Patrick says
The single biggest reason is because of the lockdown and mask bullshit which did nothing good and plenty of evil - while he was dining at The French Laundry and laughing at the stupid plebes.
Same shit will happen, just different variances to the stories.
It is all masturbation. California is a one party state...aka 'soft dictatorship'.
while he was dining at The French Laundry and laughing at the stupid plebes.
ALL OF WHICH will happen with the next Democrat governor
"This Has To End": California Landlords Call For End To Eviction Moratorium
In case you have not noticed, that is the plan and the desired result. The Dems are Fascists that hate small businesses and instead want big firms that can be extorted for campaign contributions and other payments for political favors. Same with closing small shops because of Covid, but allowing the big box stores who sell the same products to remain open.
In case you have not noticed, that is the plan and the desired result. The Dems are Fascists that hate small businesses and instead want big firms that can be extorted for campaign contributions and other payments for political favors. Same with closing small shops because of Covid, but allowing the big box stores who sell the same products to remain open.
Foreclosure moratorium and eviction ban extended to the end of July now. More kicking the can down the road.
What a fucking idiot. Was she really elected? Or just a hired actor?
We don't know.
Our country is broken.
Democrats and the “living constitution” judges they favor are motivated largely, sometimes solely, by the outcomes they want; principles be damned. And this makes sequences of events such as those involving the eviction moratorium useful, outrageous though they are. They expose just how cynical the party of the Left is willing to be. It knows something is unconstitutional, acknowledges it repeatedly, then does it anyway, without a backward glance at the presidential inauguration oath to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
As pandemic emergency orders end, local governments across the Bay Area are contending with how to taper off eviction protections for renters.
In San Francisco, Supervisor Dean Preston has introduced new legislation that would extend the local eviction moratorium to 60 days past when Mayor London Breed ends the proclamation of emergency that has been in place since February 2020.
An ordinance passed by the Board of Supervisors last year protects tenants in perpetuity for eviction for nonpayment of rent due to the pandemic between July 1, 2022, and whenever the emergency proclamation ends. The legislation also prohibits landlords from imposing late fees, penalties or similar charges on tenants who are unable to pay their post-July 2022 rent due to Covid.
As pandemic emergency orders end, local governments across the Bay Area are contending with how to taper off eviction protections for renters.
In San Francisco, Supervisor Dean Preston has introduced new legislation that would extend the local eviction moratorium to 60 days past when Mayor London Breed ends the proclamation of emergency that has been in place since February 2020.
An ordinance passed by the Board of Supervisors last year protects tenants in perpetuity for eviction for nonpayment of rent due to the pandemic between July 1, 2022, and whenever the emergency proclamation ends. The legislation also prohibits landlords from impos...
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