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11   Patrick   2021 Jun 11, 5:12pm  

HunterTits says
Have to ask 'why'?

The single biggest reason is because of the lockdown and mask bullshit which did nothing good and plenty of evil - while he was dining at The French Laundry and laughing at the stupid plebes.
12   krc   2021 Jun 11, 5:45pm  

Easy: (This really should have its own thread or be renamed...)

1) Followed direction of teacher's union for opening of schools. Wonder why June 15th? No controversy with the CTA (schools would all be out by then). Remember - multiple times he said schools would open "soon" for in person education but he could not deliver. He says he is "doing all he can" but he is not effective - even after trying to "bribe" the CTA to return to the classroom. Moreover, reduced hours for attendance to curry additional favor (and $?) with the CTA, and paid bonuses to teachers for "danger" pay.
2) French Laundry hypocrisy. Probably the single biggest reason as it offended people of both political parties. Not that there is a Republican party in CA - that is just Newsom pretending there is a conspiracy against him. This is a one party state and this recall will not change that fact.
3) EDD failures: Billions unemployment sent to ineligible recipients. He is the governor and should have appointed competent people to key departments. He did not. $11 billion in fraud later and we really want to keep him around?
4) Failure to mitigate fire danger via proper land management.
5) Power outages - lack of management to provide secure and stable power supply for state residents.
6) Poor initial rollout of the vaccine (we were the 6th worst at one time), though we have done well overall.
7) Continues homeless programs (following how he managed SF into a wasteland) following models that simply don't work.
8) I will ignore his character issues as competence is more important. But he is neither competent nor good.
9) Flip flop on re-opening. Dates get extended, tiers extended, then backtracks even after date and numbers meet criteria.

The point is he is incompetent. I believe about 1/3 of the recall signers were Democrats. Even they can see he is just a talker and not a doer.
I don't care if we elect another Democrat (which is highly likely) - Newsom is just TERRIBLE.
13   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2021 Jun 11, 6:22pm  

I just hate the fucker.
14   Patrick   2021 Jun 11, 7:48pm  

You are right to hate the fucker because he was groomed for decades to do the bidding of our owners.

Newsom is not a human being. He's a lapdog.
15   mell   2021 Jun 11, 7:54pm  

HunterTits says
Patrick says

The single biggest reason is because of the lockdown and mask bullshit which did nothing good and plenty of evil - while he was dining at The French Laundry and laughing at the stupid plebes.

Same shit will happen, just different variances to the stories.

It is all masturbation. California is a one party state...aka 'soft dictatorship'.

The Governator was a decent governor. Once in a blue moon they get it right.
16   B.A.C.A.H.   2021 Jun 11, 7:57pm  

Patrick says
while he was dining at The French Laundry and laughing at the stupid plebes.

He decided how I'd vote by that behavior.
17   krc   2021 Jun 11, 8:54pm  

HunterTits says
ALL OF WHICH will happen with the next Democrat governor

Not necessarily. Newsom is just particularly incompetent. Other Dems would not be so incompetent.
As much as I was not a fan of J Brown, he did hold back some of the crazies... a bit.

Newsom just doesn't know up from down. If you are going to give free money or extend EDD - at least do it competently.

I am more annoyed by his failures running the government than the French Laundry issue - the rich always make exceptions for themselves anyway.
18   MAGA   2021 Jun 11, 8:55pm  

Booger says

One of your tenants?
19   Booger   2021 Jun 19, 6:51am  


"This Has To End": California Landlords Call For End To Eviction Moratorium
20   HeadSet   2021 Jun 19, 7:30am  

Booger says

"This Has To End": California Landlords Call For End To Eviction Moratorium

“The big owners have the big buildings; they have enough units that spread it out, and they can stay in business. But it’s the older couple who owns a duplex or a triplex. … They save their money to buy it, and they were counting on it being their retirement, and now the tenants don’t pay.”

In case you have not noticed, that is the plan and the desired result. The Dems are Fascists that hate small businesses and instead want big firms that can be extorted for campaign contributions and other payments for political favors. Same with closing small shops because of Covid, but allowing the big box stores who sell the same products to remain open.
21   Bd6r   2021 Jun 19, 7:56am  

HeadSet says
In case you have not noticed, that is the plan and the desired result. The Dems are Fascists that hate small businesses and instead want big firms that can be extorted for campaign contributions and other payments for political favors. Same with closing small shops because of Covid, but allowing the big box stores who sell the same products to remain open.

22   Onvacation   2021 Jun 19, 10:41am  

HeadSet says
In case you have not noticed, that is the plan and the desired result. The Dems are Fascists that hate small businesses and instead want big firms that can be extorted for campaign contributions and other payments for political favors. Same with closing small shops because of Covid, but allowing the big box stores who sell the same products to remain open.

Fucking Bastards!
23   RC2006   2021 Jun 19, 11:42am  

This will expand section 8 across the state like never before.
24   zzyzzx   2021 Jun 28, 8:32am  

Foreclosure moratorium and eviction ban extended to the end of July now. More kicking the can down the road.
25   Onvacation   2021 Jun 28, 8:35am  

zzyzzx says
Foreclosure moratorium and eviction ban extended to the end of July now. More kicking the can down the road.

And it will continue until every small landlord goes bankrupt and foreclosed
26   joshuatrio   2021 Jun 28, 11:31am  

My brother in law owns 7 rentals. None of this has affected him. He isn't as leveraged as a lot of landlords, but it's like the Dem's want to kill the economy, but the people are refusing to let it happen.
29   Patrick   2021 Aug 5, 5:20am  

"We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, do ordain & establish this list of suggestions."
32   Onvacation   2021 Aug 6, 7:38am  

What a fucking idiot. Was she really elected? Or just a hired actor?

We don't know.

Our country is broken.
33   WookieMan   2021 Aug 6, 8:00am  

Onvacation says
What a fucking idiot. Was she really elected? Or just a hired actor?

We don't know.

Our country is broken.

She's an idiot. You signed a contract. Fine, don't pay. Part of that contract involved eviction. You knew this going in.

That said, I don't trust Twitter anymore. I know there are sites or apps you can make up Tweets as well that make them look real. I've never used nor will use Twitter in the future. So not sure if this is a real Tweet. She's advocating everyone stop paying rent basically. She's dumb, but I'm not sure that dumb.
34   zzyzzx   2021 Aug 6, 9:13am  

Apparently giving deadbeats free rent isn't enough any more:

Rashida Tlaib wants to give a pass to people who don't pay water, electricity or internet bills
35   zzyzzx   2021 Aug 6, 9:17am  


Landlord out $24,000 in rent due to eviction moratorium, says tenants buying boats
36   Patrick   2021 Aug 7, 2:37am  


Democrats and the “living constitution” judges they favor are motivated largely, sometimes solely, by the outcomes they want; principles be damned. And this makes sequences of events such as those involving the eviction moratorium useful, outrageous though they are. They expose just how cynical the party of the Left is willing to be. It knows something is unconstitutional, acknowledges it repeatedly, then does it anyway, without a backward glance at the presidential inauguration oath to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
38   Patrick   2023 Mar 11, 4:21pm  


As pandemic emergency orders end, local governments across the Bay Area are contending with how to taper off eviction protections for renters.

In San Francisco, Supervisor Dean Preston has introduced new legislation that would extend the local eviction moratorium to 60 days past when Mayor London Breed ends the proclamation of emergency that has been in place since February 2020.

An ordinance passed by the Board of Supervisors last year protects tenants in perpetuity for eviction for nonpayment of rent due to the pandemic between July 1, 2022, and whenever the emergency proclamation ends. The legislation also prohibits landlords from imposing late fees, penalties or similar charges on tenants who are unable to pay their post-July 2022 rent due to Covid.

How can this be Constitutional? It's simply stealing the rental income from landlords without compensation.
39   RWSGFY   2023 Mar 11, 5:10pm  

Patrick says


As pandemic emergency orders end, local governments across the Bay Area are contending with how to taper off eviction protections for renters.

In San Francisco, Supervisor Dean Preston has introduced new legislation that would extend the local eviction moratorium to 60 days past when Mayor London Breed ends the proclamation of emergency that has been in place since February 2020.

An ordinance passed by the Board of Supervisors last year protects tenants in perpetuity for eviction for nonpayment of rent due to the pandemic between July 1, 2022, and whenever the emergency proclamation ends. The legislation also prohibits landlords from impos...


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