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2021 Jun 19, 5:45pm   2,898 views  26 comments

by joshuatrio   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Are people still really living in fear over this? Saw this guy at a rest stop in Virginia today and couldn't stop laughing.

Meanwhile 80% of the people in the blue area had no mask on. The masked are getting harder to find..... Even indoors.

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1   HeadSet   2021 Jun 19, 5:50pm  

Best hope is the rest stop building is being refurbished, and he is a painter taking a break. But more likely just a paranoid gullible fool.
2   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2021 Jun 19, 6:03pm  

Saw a woman yesterday in mask, face shield and gloves. Maybe she has aids and is high risk? Or just paranoid, propaganda has been scaring the shit out of people for over a year.
3   Tenpoundbass   2021 Jun 19, 6:04pm  

I ran to the Home Depot today, they have done away with the one queue, where you wait for large POC woman to bark out "Next person in Line!". Now you're just supposed to walk up to one of isles and form several smaller lines by the registers like it's been in America for fucking ever. Today the people were making a queue on their own, and every last one of them had a mask on. Every single one. I finally figured out they were just brainwashed Commie peons, and not capable of self determination. So turned around from the self forming line, and went up to a register and waited for the customer to finish their transaction. Then I stepped right up and scanned my items, paid and left.

Not wearing a mask gives me special privileges and entitlements against Sheeple morons. I can't help it but it's true!
4   Ceffer   2021 Jun 19, 6:34pm  

Newsom's attempt to curry favor so he isn't voted out has resulted in lifting the mask mandates. Joined the health club again, and no masks yesterday. However, a select group of brainwashed souls still wore them voluntarily. What surprised me is amongst the 'wearers', the men outnumbered the women 2 to 1. I guess that's Santa Cruz for you.

When mask mandates are dropped, it really does help you to see who are whackos, phobics and sheer fools who still wear them. It's like a mental deficiency tattoo.
5   RWSGFY   2021 Jun 19, 6:44pm  

Ceffer says
What surprised me is amongst the 'wearers', the men outnumbered the women 2 to 1.

How dare you to go around town assuming genders left and right?
6   Ceffer   2021 Jun 19, 6:51pm  

FuckCCP89 says
How dare you to go around town assuming genders left and right?

I was wondering if Covid created a fertilization drought as well. The women are wearing the most eye popping nothings and camel toe carriages I have ever seen, and they bend and push out their junk it seems at every opportunity.

My wife says she heard one of the girls is a stripper, and she wears an almost entirely sheer pink stocking, nothing left to the imagination. My wife was on a machine next to mine when two of them were bending over and getting on the machines in front of us, and she spent most of her time looking at me to make sure I wasn't looking at them. I guess I have to start going to the gym without her.
7   Onvacation   2021 Jun 19, 6:55pm  

In the park today, I saw this woman, I saw her face for the first time. We met her over a year ago. She was always masked. We never were.

We were in the park. We conversed from a distance. Our dogs always did the sniff thing. We knew each others dog's name.

Even though she was not wearing it, she still held the familiar blue exam mask, like a security blanket, ready to deploy at a moment's notice.

The psychological damage is real.
8   NDrLoR   2021 Jun 19, 6:59pm  

HeadSet says
and he is a painter taking a break
He's not dressed like a painter or worker. The long hair says it all, he's probably an activist.
9   Ceffer   2021 Jun 19, 7:00pm  

Yes, I suppose the brainwashing worked too well. They were dropped off at their fear spot and can't find their way back out.

Of course, I am in my fear spot, too, but for different reasons.
10   HeadSet   2021 Jun 19, 7:58pm  

Onvacation says
I saw her face for the first time. We met her over a year ago. She was always masked. We never were.

Tan lines?
11   Patrick   2021 Jun 19, 8:10pm  

I'm in Bellingham and finally there was a grocery store which did not require masks!

It was wonderful. Most people still wore them, but those of us who did not smiled at each other.
12   HeadSet   2021 Jun 19, 8:14pm  

Patrick says
Most people still wore them, but those of us who did not smiled at each other.

The ones wearing masks may have been smiling, too. Never know.
13   Patrick   2021 Jun 19, 8:18pm  

People with masks on don't even look human.

They look like npcs.

14   AmericanKulak   2021 Jun 19, 8:18pm  

Central Florida, only White Karens/Aged Hippies and Blacks still wear masks. And a few East Asians. The other 70% of the population doesn't.
15   clambo   2021 Jun 20, 5:05am  

Palm Beach County now has signs in entrances “if you have been vaccinated you don’t need a mask here.”(paraphrasing)

I ate in a restaurant last night and nobody wore them.
16   WookieMan   2021 Jun 20, 7:56am  

First night at Red Rocks CO last night. Staff mostly wore mask. I didn’t see one, literally not one out of 7-8k concert goers. Good time. Round two tonight. Recovery mode now. Copious quantities of weed and beer. Felt normal, but I’m getting too old for this.

Also forget 10x my normal elevation is a thing. I couldn’t imagine wearing a mask. It’s like 8 flights of stairs at RR to piss or get a beer.
17   Patrick   2021 Jun 20, 11:33pm  

I had a nice dinner tonight at The Longhorn Saloon in Bow, WA.

No masks in the place at all. Good food.

18   joshuatrio   2021 Jun 21, 4:17am  

Patrick says
I had a nice dinner tonight at The Longhorn Saloon in Bow, WA.

No masks in the place at all. Good food.


Hey Patrick, did you leave CA yet? I know you were looking at other states, but wasn't sure if you made the jump...
19   zzyzzx   2021 Jun 21, 4:36am  

Went to the beach on Juneteenth, only saw one jogger family wearing masks.
20   Shaman   2021 Jun 21, 8:26am  

zzyzzx says
Went to the beach on Juneteenth, only saw one jogger family wearing masks.

I see what you did there…
Joggers and Asians seem to cling to their masks.

I was at Huntington Beach two weekends ago. Maybe 1% wearing masks. And that was before the mask mandate was lifted. Asians/joggers were the mask wearers, but not even all of them.
21   joshuatrio   2021 Jun 21, 8:31am  

Shaman says
zzyzzx says
Went to the beach on Juneteenth, only saw one jogger family wearing masks.

I see what you did there…
Joggers and Asians seem to cling to their masks.

I was at Huntington Beach two weekends ago. Maybe 1% wearing masks. And that was before the mask mandate was lifted. Asians/joggers were the mask wearers, but not even all of them.

The only people I see wearing masks anymore are the dude like looking lefty hipster chicks trying to virtue signal their self righteousness.
22   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2021 Jun 21, 9:59am  

The mouth breathing idiots still wear masks where I live.

Wife and I are amoung the few that don’t.
23   Onvacation   2021 Jun 21, 10:31am  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says
The mouth breathing idiots still wear masks where I live.

I want to scream at them, "THERE IS NO DANGER IN THE PARK! TAKE THE MASK OFF AND BREATH THE FRESH AIR!", but I think that is a violation of ADA laws.
24   joshuatrio   2021 Jun 21, 10:32am  

Onvacation says
FuckTheMainstreamMedia says
The mouth breathing idiots still wear masks where I live.

I want to scream at them, "THERE IS NO DANGER IN THE PARK! TAKE THE MASK OFF AND BREATH THE FRESH AIR!", but I think that is a violation of ADA laws.

Be careful. Leftist logic today would equate that act as the same as yelling fire in a movie theater.
25   Patrick   2021 Jun 22, 6:54am  

joshuatrio says
Patrick says
I had a nice dinner tonight at The Longhorn Saloon in Bow, WA.

No masks in the place at all. Good food.


Hey Patrick, did you leave CA yet? I know you were looking at other states, but wasn't sure if you made the jump...

Not yet. Still poking around at various places.
26   Tenpoundbass   2021 Jun 22, 1:42pm  

Tenpoundbass says
I ran to the Home Depot today,

I had to run back yesterday, again they had the line that forms on one side of the building. Meaning those from the other side, or even those that made their way down the middle isles where the cash registers are. Have to walk clear to the other side of the building, watching as many as 5 people come strolling up in line before you could get there. When you were clearly ready to check out first. To make matters worse, the people in the orange vests, weren't really paying attention and calling out when the next register was open to the growing queue.

The few people in front of me, were waiting for the first register with the cashier, so I walked around them and walked up to a register that looked like it was going to be open next. An older guy came walking up to the cash register next to the one I was standing at. The lady was telling him, the line starts over there! He just ignored her, and when the register opened he walked up and scanned his stuff. Oddly enough, the gentleman wasn't wearing a mask either. While the line munchers all had their mask on.

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