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That's in the realm of Quantum Mechanics, for chemistry - it's ALL QM, and in biochemistry, it's built upon that. It's a mountain, and climbing the molehill of silicon, that was quite a climb. You're going to need computers.
The basis of any science is a model, anything else is just a group of hypotheses and postulates. What new predictions can one made in biology? The only one I'm aware of, and I admit I'm a layman, is evolutionary change given a different environment.
It's a baby "science" at this point. I put it at the level of alchemy versus physics.
I find it helpful to look at Biology as a scientific endeavor to describe and define the workings of a complex system of nanotechnology.
Now we took that safety measure away. Everyone who’s been vaccinated with Covid19 vaccines is taking a terrible risk. In a year or three, a common cold might kill them dead thanks to viral enhancement. We just don’t know, and that should be scary to everyone who’s been vaccinated, has a loved one or friend who’s been vaccinated, or is considering being vaccinated.
In a year or three, a common cold might kill them dead thanks to viral enhancement. We just don’t know
PeopleUnited saysIt does sound crazy.
Because it is for the suckers that buy into it.
Life is nanotechnology.
just_passing_through saysPeopleUnited saysIt does sound crazy.
Because it is for the suckers that buy into it.
My brother in law is happy to enjoy life without constant SOB and inhaler prescriptions.
Explains why so many GPs act as simplistic expert systems. Feed in a few symptoms, get a limited number of possible causes and treatments out of them. Anything that doesn't match gets referred to a specialist or shrugged shoulders in response. Also why they defer to recommendations of others instead of themselves so often and are so tied to orthodoxy.
It's unsettling to realise that your revered doctors are little more than automatons who just follow a set of instructions written by others.
The placebo effect is truly real though.
Many people lose their "asthma" troubles simply by being around the ocean or in the mountains for a prolonged time or taking NAC and other supplements.
LinkedIn Deletes Account of mRNA Vaccine Pioneer Who Questioned Risks of COVID-19 Shots
everybody was peaceful, and everybody she met were wonderful
Ukraine’s health ministry is investigating why a 47-year-old man died four hours after he received a shot of the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine, the ministry said late on Friday.
Those in line are telling each other, "THAT MEANS IT'S WORKING!"
porkchopexpress saysThose in line are telling each other, "THAT MEANS IT'S WORKING!"
Yup. Just the way the eugenicists wanted it to.
"Doctor told me that if I got Covid again I would die"That's medical malpractice.
What doctor told her the jab would build better antibodies than the Covid bug itself?
The placebo effect is truly real though.
Thousands Given Fake COVID-19 Vaccines Filled With Saline in India: Officials
At least 14 people were arrested and an Indian private hospital was cordoned off by police amid an investigation into an alleged vaccination scam that may have affected thousands of people.
"Doctor told me that if I got Covid again I would die"
What doctor told her the jab would build better antibodies than the Covid bug itself?
This is a reasonable 25-minute video on COVID-19 and the mRNA vaccine. Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole discusses the virus & the vaccine including how it works & the spike protein impact. Also, he discusses the implications of vaccination for people who already have COVID-19 antibodies. The real question: why are governments mandating vaccines or pushing them? Have they just been bribed? There is no independent review standing between the companies and the people. That is our greatest problem — TRUST. Meanwhile, Twitter bans anyone for even claiming a family member died from the vaccine. This is really getting out of hand. Twitter should be shut down as an agent of propaganda. How will we ever get the truth with all this political censorship?
Military Members Say They’ll ‘Quit’ If Army Mandates COVID-19 Vaccine: Congressman
Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) said he was informed by some members of the U.S. military that they would quit if the armed forces mandated a COVID-19 vaccine, coming after a report claimed that Army headquarters told commanders to prepare for mandatory vaccinations in September.
Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) said he was informed by some members of the U.S. military that they would quit if the armed forces mandated a COVID-19 vaccine, coming after a report claimed that Army headquarters told commanders to prepare for mandatory vaccinations in September.
The CCP troops will not invade until our guns have been confiscated. My friends won't let that happen.
Either way CCP can't even build an aircraft carrier. Not super worried about them.
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I know a few and they sound like absolute shit, and both feel like absolute crap.
Anyone else?
Why the fuck are people injecting themselves with a non-FDA approved biological agent?
And what the fuck are people afraid of, when this covid has a 99.97% survival rate?
I don't understand this level of retardedness... Or maybe I am just super, over the top, fucking retarded, that I can't understand this shit.