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2021 Mar 30, 8:11am   392,885 views  5,716 comments

by joshuatrio   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Anyone get vaxxed?

I know a few and they sound like absolute shit, and both feel like absolute crap.

Anyone else?

Why the fuck are people injecting themselves with a non-FDA approved biological agent?

And what the fuck are people afraid of, when this covid has a 99.97% survival rate?

I don't understand this level of retardedness... Or maybe I am just super, over the top, fucking retarded, that I can't understand this shit.

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2323   Shaman   2021 Jul 2, 11:01am  

richwicks says
The basis of any science is a model, anything else is just a group of hypotheses and postulates. What new predictions can one made in biology? The only one I'm aware of, and I admit I'm a layman, is evolutionary change given a different environment.

It's a baby "science" at this point. I put it at the level of alchemy versus physics.

@richwicks I find it helpful to look at Biology as a scientific endeavor to describe and define the workings of a complex system of nanotechnology. It’s nanotechnology that we have no blueprints for, it’s also the same tech that lets us exist and think and eat and poop and fuck and do research. Life is nanotechnology. It’s so advanced and complex that we still struggle to understand the RULES by which it functions, let alone the particulars of each basic function.

Immune science is mostly guesswork based on the few factors which we’ve got information on, then it’s practically mad science to experiment to figure out new things about the extremely complex immunological systems. We don’t know HALF of what we should know to safely and responsibly manipulate immune systems.

Now, we have a new experiment in immune technology, said to be a cure for a new and weird viruses. We have no idea how it will truly work in the body, or how it will work differently in different bodies, or whether long term effects of this will be bad for the body. We don’t know SHIT to make this vaccine safe! That’s why the gold standard has been 3-4 years of testing before we use it on the public. That’s because many vaccine formulations interact with the immune systems of some people to actually ENHANCE the viral action, helping it enter and infect cells. This effect is usually not observed at first. The dengue vaccine from the 70s was one of these, and sadly was released to widespread vaccinations before it was discovered that it was making infections much worse instead of milder. But hey, most of the people vaccinated were southeast Asians so no biggie… right? But it set the standard we’ve used up until this year: no widespread use on the public until it’s been tested for long term viral enhancement.

Now we took that safety measure away. Everyone who’s been vaccinated with Covid19 vaccines is taking a terrible risk. In a year or three, a common cold might kill them dead thanks to viral enhancement. We just don’t know, and that should be scary to everyone who’s been vaccinated, has a loved one or friend who’s been vaccinated, or is considering being vaccinated.
2324   richwicks   2021 Jul 2, 12:04pm  

Shaman says
I find it helpful to look at Biology as a scientific endeavor to describe and define the workings of a complex system of nanotechnology.

It's a scientific endeavor certainly, but I'm saying, biology and medicine - they're not sciences - not yet.

Shaman says
Now we took that safety measure away. Everyone who’s been vaccinated with Covid19 vaccines is taking a terrible risk. In a year or three, a common cold might kill them dead thanks to viral enhancement. We just don’t know, and that should be scary to everyone who’s been vaccinated, has a loved one or friend who’s been vaccinated, or is considering being vaccinated.

And I agree with this entirely. We simply don't know, or at least, I don't. Maybe, possibly, somebody does but I don't trust their advice. If there's somebody out there that can make a good reliable prediction of what these vaccinations will do, I don't trust them to be working on my behalf and for my health.

I'm sure you've heard the concept of "useless eaters" - who are they? They're people like me. I make toys as an engineer. That's my job. NOTHING I've made do you actually need. You know who the important people are - the ones that make food. Farmers are absolutely, desperately essential.

If every politician, businessman, soldier, general, engineer, lawyer, data analyst, accountant, tax advisor, tax collector, teacher, professor, wall street investor etc - died - you know what would be left over?

A paradise. Our society creates it's own damned problems. I didn't mean to become part of the enemy by becoming an engineer, but I'm reconsidering my viewpoint on what I've done. I feel an obligation to destroy centralization - that will be a good thing I believe. I think people must communicate, but there's no reason for conflict. That's pointless, and wasteful.
2325   Patrick   2021 Jul 2, 12:17pm  

Shaman says
In a year or three, a common cold might kill them dead thanks to viral enhancement. We just don’t know

A lot of people have died of blood clots, an obviously very common occurrence going by many reports of deaths from the jab so far.

But the biggest risk, imho, is the increased likelihood of death when a vaxxed fool gets his or her next coronavirus infection.

Remember that when they tried this with animals, all of the animals died when they next got a coronavirus infection. All of them. 100%
2326   Bitcoin   2021 Jul 2, 2:37pm  

Dude....i told my sister what happened to me after getting the vaccine.....I told her...DO NOT GET vaxxed....you are young and perfectly healthy. Covid has no chance of killing you. She listened and agreed.

Now I learned she got vaxxed and half her face is numb along with other side effects.....you cant fix stupid. I will never get that poisonous jab again. Next year, when they push this shit again I just lie to my family and relatives...."yeah, sure, i got the jab again"....while thinking, go fuck yourself.
2327   PeopleUnited   2021 Jul 2, 6:42pm  

just_passing_through says
PeopleUnited says
It does sound crazy.

Because it is for the suckers that buy into it.

My brother in law is happy to enjoy life without constant SOB and inhaler prescriptions.
2328   PeopleUnited   2021 Jul 2, 6:46pm  

Shaman says
Life is nanotechnology.

That is a decent description, and it acknowledges that life requires a Creator. Technology is the result of intelligent design.
2329   mell   2021 Jul 2, 6:48pm  

PeopleUnited says
just_passing_through says
PeopleUnited says
It does sound crazy.

Because it is for the suckers that buy into it.

My brother in law is happy to enjoy life without constant SOB and inhaler prescriptions.

Actually when it comes to asthma it is one of the things that is totally overdiagnosed. If you have asthma you know it, i.e.you have spells where you can hardly breathe, if you have occasional wheezing and air hunger you do not have asthma. I agree to stay away from inhalers unless you really need them, or you have bad !covid! Many people lose their "asthma" troubles simply by being around the ocean or in the mountains for a prolonged time or taking NAC and other supplements.
2330   PeopleUnited   2021 Jul 2, 6:51pm  

Karloff says
Explains why so many GPs act as simplistic expert systems. Feed in a few symptoms, get a limited number of possible causes and treatments out of them. Anything that doesn't match gets referred to a specialist or shrugged shoulders in response. Also why they defer to recommendations of others instead of themselves so often and are so tied to orthodoxy.

It's unsettling to realise that your revered doctors are little more than automatons who just follow a set of instructions written by others.

What did you think they were? Anyone who does not have a healthy dose of skepticism regarding doctors has forgotten that all doctors are human with extremely limited capacity for understanding anything that does not support their wealth/income, social status and worldview.
2331   PeopleUnited   2021 Jul 2, 6:54pm  

MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou says
The placebo effect is truly real though.

‘‘Tis true. I believe there is data that antidepressants compared to any other intervention including diet change, exercise plan, meditation etc... are essentially all equal in efficacy at reducing “depression.”
2332   PeopleUnited   2021 Jul 2, 7:47pm  

mell says
Many people lose their "asthma" troubles simply by being around the ocean or in the mountains for a prolonged time or taking NAC and other supplements.

That could very well be. And my brother in law apparently could not move to the mountains or coast, but did find relief from a remedy.
2335   Ceffer   2021 Jul 3, 1:31pm  

Few more field stories. My wife had lunch with a friend who belongs to several Republican and conservative groups around Santa Cruz. She was also in DC on Jan. 6.
She told my wife her groups have had three people die shortly after the jab (weeks), all older than 60. None ever had Covid that they were aware of.

She also was questioned by FBI who came to her home. The questions were all leading questions trying to get her to say protesters were violent. They asked if she knew any with guns or weapons. They wanted her to rat people out. She said everybody was peaceful, and everybody she met were wonderful. She said it was clearly not what they wanted to hear, but they left and left her alone.
2336   Patrick   2021 Jul 3, 1:35pm  

Ceffer says
everybody was peaceful, and everybody she met were wonderful

This is the universal experience at all Trump rallies.

Immense happiness at meeting each other and knowing that you are not alone in objecting to corporate-liberal tyranny.
2337   Onvacation   2021 Jul 3, 10:10pm  

2338   Patrick   2021 Jul 4, 12:03pm  


Ukraine’s health ministry is investigating why a 47-year-old man died four hours after he received a shot of the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine, the ministry said late on Friday.
2339   porkchopXpress   2021 Jul 4, 4:34pm  

Onvacation says
Those in line are telling each other, "THAT MEANS IT'S WORKING!"
2340   Ceffer   2021 Jul 5, 1:22am  

porkchopexpress says
Those in line are telling each other, "THAT MEANS IT'S WORKING!"

Yup. Just the way the eugenicists wanted it to.
2344   Blue   2021 Jul 5, 8:50am  

porkchopexpress says

This is what someone said when a woman was going through massive headaches for a week long after jab and CT scan later at my neighborhood.
2345   porkchopXpress   2021 Jul 5, 8:59am  


I liked this snippet:
Covid will become more like a common cold than flu and reach an 'equilibrium' in the population within a few years, top scientists believe.

Professor Paul Hunter, an infectious diseases expert at the University of East Anglia, said the virus will 'not cause the disease we have come to recognise over the past year' because so many will be protected, through vaccination or previous infection.

Britain's jab rollout has already made Covid less severe for millions of people, slashing the risk of death to fewer than one in 1,000 now compared to around one in 100 in the second wave of the pandemic.

And because the virus will be endemic, meaning it will never be eradicated, people will gradually build-up natural immunity and symptoms will eventually 'resemble that of a common cold', Professor Hunter suggested.

He added the coronavirus was likely to reach a stable point over the next few years, where it would continue to spread but cause barely any deaths or severe illness.

Four other coronaviruses infect people repeatedly during their lives — but normally only trigger symptoms similar to the common cold.

Covid-tracking researchers say the disease has already started to morph into a 'bad cold', causing a runny nose, headache and sneezing.
2346   Onvacation   2021 Jul 5, 9:20am  

Ceffer says
porkchopexpress says
Those in line are telling each other, "THAT MEANS IT'S WORKING!"

Yup. Just the way the eugenicists wanted it to.

If you haul people away to camps their relatives get suspicious when the camp starts smelling like burnt corpses. With the jab the relatives bury the dead.
2347   Onvacation   2021 Jul 5, 9:38am  

2348   HeadSet   2021 Jul 5, 12:10pm  

"Doctor told me that if I got Covid again I would die"

What doctor told her the jab would build better antibodies than the Covid bug itself?
2349   porkchopXpress   2021 Jul 5, 12:50pm  

HeadSet says
"Doctor told me that if I got Covid again I would die"

What doctor told her the jab would build better antibodies than the Covid bug itself?
That's medical malpractice.
2351   Robert Sproul   2021 Jul 5, 4:13pm  

MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou says
The placebo effect is truly real though.

Indisputably proven, EVEN WHEN YOU KNOW IT IS A PLACEBO.
That part blows my mind.
2352   Patrick   2021 Jul 5, 7:11pm  


Thousands Given Fake COVID-19 Vaccines Filled With Saline in India: Officials

At least 14 people were arrested and an Indian private hospital was cordoned off by police amid an investigation into an alleged vaccination scam that may have affected thousands of people.

So someone saved thousands of people from the jab by giving them saline instead? That person is a public hero!
2354   joshuatrio   2021 Jul 6, 5:20am  

HeadSet says
"Doctor told me that if I got Covid again I would die"

What doctor told her the jab would build better antibodies than the Covid bug itself?

Except this jab doesn't actually produce antibodies.

Traditional vaxx's produce an antibody response because you are injected with actual virus particles.

These shots contain mRNA and the spike protein.
2355   Patrick   2021 Jul 6, 9:36am  


This is a reasonable 25-minute video on COVID-19 and the mRNA vaccine. Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole discusses the virus & the vaccine including how it works & the spike protein impact. Also, he discusses the implications of vaccination for people who already have COVID-19 antibodies. The real question: why are governments mandating vaccines or pushing them? Have they just been bribed? There is no independent review standing between the companies and the people. That is our greatest problem — TRUST. Meanwhile, Twitter bans anyone for even claiming a family member died from the vaccine. This is really getting out of hand. Twitter should be shut down as an agent of propaganda. How will we ever get the truth with all this political censorship?

original link
2357   Patrick   2021 Jul 6, 12:39pm  


Military Members Say They’ll ‘Quit’ If Army Mandates COVID-19 Vaccine: Congressman

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) said he was informed by some members of the U.S. military that they would quit if the armed forces mandated a COVID-19 vaccine, coming after a report claimed that Army headquarters told commanders to prepare for mandatory vaccinations in September.
2358   Onvacation   2021 Jul 6, 1:24pm  

Patrick says
Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) said he was informed by some members of the U.S. military that they would quit if the armed forces mandated a COVID-19 vaccine, coming after a report claimed that Army headquarters told commanders to prepare for mandatory vaccinations in September.

Run away to live and fight another day. We are better off with these soldiers, alive, in America.

I know a lot of ex military. One is a navy seal, another was special forces. They both enjoyed Afghanistan and they both like, "blowing shit up!" If you were to meet these guys you would think that they are just a couple of really nice jocks and not trained and experienced killers. There are tens of thousands of these guys scattered about the country. You know whose side they are on.

The CCP troops will not invade until our guns have been confiscated. My friends won't let that happen.
2359   WookieMan   2021 Jul 6, 1:39pm  

Onvacation says
The CCP troops will not invade until our guns have been confiscated. My friends won't let that happen.

We all won't, at least most of us even untrained in the military sense. Some pussies will roll over, but we didn't need them anyway. Either way CCP can't even build an aircraft carrier. Not super worried about them. They need the mostly landlocked Russians to sell them a poorly designed carrier. Until nukes get involved, ain't nobody attacking the home base.
2360   richwicks   2021 Jul 6, 1:44pm  

WookieMan says
Either way CCP can't even build an aircraft carrier. Not super worried about them.

Aircraft carriers are obsolete. If the US ends up in war with China, it won't take long for it to become a nuclear exchange.

If we end up in war with China, I hope to be at ground zero when the first nuclear bomb goes of. I'm not interested in surviving for a few months in chaos and desperation. I'd likely just quit eating and wait to die. I've gone two weeks without food before just to see if I could do it, after 3 days you stop being hungry, there's no such thing as hunger pain really.
2361   AmericanKulak   2021 Jul 6, 1:48pm  

richwicks says
Aircraft carriers are obsolete. If the US ends up in war with China, it won't take long for it to become a nuclear exchange.

Submarines. And the ever-increasing size of cargo vessels means knocking one out today is like knocking out 4 or 5 n WW2.

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