Starting over...

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2021 Aug 11, 9:05am   2,485 views  21 comments

by GreaterNYCDude   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

I've been thinking about this quite a bit lately. Let's say there is a constitutional convention (there won't be, this is a thought excersise) to overhaul our system of government.

What issues are important to you? How would you modify the current system? More centralized government? Less? Break it all up and forgo this union of disparate regions?

In my view the federal government needs to regulate international commerce, provide for national defense and that's about it. The rest is or ought to be handled by either the states or the local municipality. The further up the chain you go the more removed you are from the problem, the harder it is to figure a solution. Plus once size fits all rarely works. What's good policy for the northeast may not apply to the Southwest.

For me, although I'm all for free markets, unfettered capitalism has its drawbacks. Where there is money concentrated in the hands of the few, the interest of the people can be subverted. We need to divorce money from politics and have term limits. Being an elected representative should be a service to one's neighbors, not a career.

As much as I'm all for individual responsibility and genetally against handouts, a just society is judged in part by how it treats the least among us. It's finding balance.

Unemployment is useful, but when you can make more by staying home than working... why work? And who's responsibility should it be to develop and administer these social programs? The federal government? The states? Local municipalities? This is but one example.

And what of our mixed history with race? Could a "do over" result in a more just society with equity of opportunity? (Not equity of outcome!). Or at least assuage those who feel that our roots are inherently based on the opinions of a few old WASPS, since this time around they could have a say in the process?

I dunno. Just thinking alot about what has worked over the past 200 plus years and what may need tweaking to adjust to current realities.

On the whole, I think our founding fathers got it mostly right but clearly the system is showing strain. If we started over what would you push for? How do we ensure that our God given rights are protected for future generations?

Comments 1 - 21 of 21        Search these comments

1   PeopleUnited   2021 Aug 11, 9:31am  

A country needs a shared set of ideals to form a perfect union. This does not come from laws or decrees, but from families and churches and other organizations instilling these values in the children. If America fails it will be because the children were not raised up to hold the values that made this nation great, and we have also failed to instill these values in the immigrant community.
2   zzyzzx   2021 Aug 11, 9:47am  

Modify the current system so that there is actually some sort of enforcement when it comes to constitutional rights. It seems as if they only enforcement available is if you organize your own militia.
3   fdhfoiehfeoi   2021 Aug 11, 10:35am  

GreaterNYCDude says
For me, although I'm all for free markets, unfettered capitalism has its drawbacks. Where there is money concentrated in the hands of the few, the interest of the people can be subverted.

A free market would never allow for concentration of power/money. That's only possible through government regulation, which is written by larger companies to squeeze out smaller.

GreaterNYCDude says
As much as I'm all for individual responsibility and genetally against handouts, a just society is judged in part by how it treats the least among us. It's finding balance.

Do you have any hands on experience with social services? I do, and it's all about following government rules to get the next contract, NOT about helping people. You may not be aware, but there are private organizations, and community church's that can, and should be doing this work, as well as you. If you can personally help someone in your community, you should.

GreaterNYCDude says
Unemployment is useful

Benjamin Franklin would disagree. In his time he noticed that those who were given free handouts actually became less productive, and their plight worsened.

GreaterNYCDude says
And what of our mixed history with race?

We had slavery less time in this country than every country in Europe and Africa. This is the most overblown, divisive BS that exists in our society today, DON'T feed it.

GreaterNYCDude says
On the whole, I think our founding fathers got it mostly right but clearly the system is showing strain.

No system is perfect, but a better one has never been devised in recent history. We just don't follow it. And there is a roadmap even for today's situation. It's the one where independence is maintained by bloodshed.

After that, strip all powers not delegated in the Constitution from feds, including repealing all unconstitutional amendments starting with the 14th. We should return to a loose collection of nation states, a true Republic. No federal agencies outside of President, Congress, and Supreme Court. And those shall be unpaid positions.

And of course cancelling the charter of our current central bank, which would overturn the law forcing it's debt notes to be taken as payment. After all that, the rest works itself out.
4   rocketjoe79   2021 Aug 11, 10:41am  

PeopleUnited says
A country needs a shared set of ideals to form a perfect union. This does not come from laws or decrees, but from families and churches and other organizations instilling these values in the children. If America fails it will be because the children were not raised up to hold the values that made this nation great, and we have also failed to instill these values in the immigrant community.

If you want to be chilled to be bone, watch "The Man in the High Castle" on Prime. Alternate History where the Axis wins WW2. There are scenes where kids in US classrooms are giving the "Heil Hitler" salute. Many other frightening examples of what might have been.
5   GNL   2021 Aug 11, 10:51am  

Ban all forced conformity from professional associations.
6   Patrick   2021 Aug 11, 11:10am  

Ban the absolute power of unelected "public health" officials to violate our Constitutional rights at their whim.
8   HeadSet   2021 Aug 18, 3:33pm  

Booger says

The "disaffected men" of the US are pacified with free stuff, easy entertainment, and relative freedom. This is why:
1. No public officials were shot over the obvious vote steal. No rebellion over allowing Portland/Minneapolis riots while absurdly cracking down on the Jan 6th DC protesters. We will not likely even see those officials involved removed from office.
2. No public officials shot over the forced jabs. Not even from people who have had loved ones injured/killed by jabs.

The globalists have no fear of an armed uprising in the US.
9   Shaman   2021 Aug 18, 5:05pm  

HeadSet says
No public officials shot over the forced jabs. Not even from people who have had loved ones injured/killed by jabs.

That’s because most of those who died from the jab were idiot lefties with no balls. Or women also with no balls. They CHOSE to get the jab. I’m sure their male relatives are relatively glad to be rid of them.

If they mandate my family members to get the jab and something awful happens, I will enact a terrible vengeance. Think Punisher on steroids.
10   Ceffer   2021 Aug 18, 5:16pm  

HeadSet says
The globalists have no fear of an armed uprising in the US.

That's what they want. Nothing fucks up a country like a civil war, and allows the country to become a debt slave that can be harnessed, divided and captured by the foreign banks, like what caused the US Corporation of 1871 after the last Civil War and resulted in permanent plunder of our taxes outward bound. The Globalists want as many people dead as possible, whether by war, plandemics, or starvation, but they don't want things so fucked up they aren't livable or worth owning/enslaving any more.
11   GreaterNYCDude   2021 Aug 18, 8:16pm  

I'm not advocating for civil war or armed insurection.

When the articles of confederation clearly weren't working, they reworked it and came up with our current constitution.

In this day and age our system is clearly breaking down for an array of reasons. Part of it as NuttBoxer points out is we don't always follow what is laid out to the letter. We try to interpret it, which leads to problems.

But I've heard it said (not sure if it's true) that our founders assumed the constitution would be temporary, until something more robust came along. So far it hasn't, but thats in large part due to a lack of trying in my view. We've tinkered with it, but not given it a major overhaul in over 200 years. Of course, I don't hear people clamoring to hit the reset button and draft a new form of government from scratch...

In which case I'd advocate for an Anarcho-Syndicalist Commune...

12   AmericanKulak   2021 Aug 18, 8:51pm  

We have to insert in the future Constitution the provision that Judges can only interpret the Constitution in light of Original Intent. This means the word Gender in the 60s and 70s was used in lieu of "Biological Sex", not "Sexual Preference" or "Gender Dysphoric Delusion".

Foreign Deployment of more than 10,000 troops overseas requires a Declaration of War by Congress within 90 days. All Declarations of War must specify specific conditions (obliteration of the enemy's war making capacity; unconditional surrender; withdrawal from X territory, etc.) when they end. All Declarations must be renewed every year (to prevent House Members from immediately re-authorizing them after an election, then hoping the population forgets for re-election) All Declarations require a 60% Majority in favor.

If a Declaration of War exists for more than two years, the Draft is Automatically enacted. Congress and the President cannot stop it, not even with a 100% vote. At least 10% of all potential draftees must be drafted by the US MIlitary and serve one year (Poison Pill) in overseas locations described in the Declaration of War, never CONUS.

College Students are drafted first, in order: Law Schools, Business Schools, Liberal Arts Schools, Science and Engineering. Medicine. PhD and Master's candidates are drafted first, then Bachelor candidates. Private School candidates are priority draftees over State Colleges. No exemption for study abroad except a time extension to report for Basic Training. All military draft age children of Federal Elected Officials AND Cabinet Members must serve for at least one year and are auto-drafted, and they must be placed in combat arms. The opinion of 3 doctors is required for Federal Official's children to get an exemption, and two of them must be blind reviews of any X-rays without knowing the name of the patient. If they are in the Reserves or National Guard, they must be automatically called to active duty within 30 miles of any front.

Be they AANG Pilots or "Rhodes Scholars" This is the STAR SPANGLED EYES Clause.

All voting must be done in person and on paper. All Voters are entitled to a receipt with time-date and a trackable serial number. Voters must dip their finger in purple ink that lasts 24-48 hours. Vote collection must cease at 9PM Local Time. Voting will be done on the first Saturday in November, starting no later than 9PM and terminating at 9PM. Only persons in hospitals, hospices, or nursing homes may vote by mail, which requires officials of ALL Registered Parties to be present and countersign the ballot. So that's three or four if the Libertarians and/or Greens are registered.

No State can require more than 100,000 signatures to get a candidate on the ballot for any position.

All States must require any party with more than one state-wide elected official, or ten county-wide officials, from the last election, to be on the ballot. This lasts at least 4 years after the requirement is NOT met.

Senators are elected by the State Legislature by law to restore Federalism.

Representatives are limited to 16 years in the House, after which they are no longer eligible to run again.

No Member of Congress or Senator shall serve more than 24 years combined.

Entities may only donate to candidates in the State in which they are headquartered or domiciled. This includes Corporations. I suspect Delaware will be a great state to run for office! Hollywood Busybodies will be made.

Party donations will be limited to $2000 per year from any entiy, increasing with CPI.

There is no such thing as a legal system without Morality, so certain behaviors can be regulated, such as Sodomy, by and among the various states.

Interstate Commerce means a Firm sold non-trivial amount of goods or services (say, 10%) it produced in a year that crossed any State Lines. Otherwise Federal Regulation is explicitly prohibited. The Service or Good must cross State Lines, the Customer/Purchaser does NOT count (think: Legalized Prostitution, Intoxicant Consumption, Hunting Trips/Permits).

Welfare must be limited to the Slings and Arrows of Fortune - a maiming accident, mental/physical incompetence, deliberate abandonment attested under penalty of perjury by witnesses. No Welfare for drug addicts or unwed mothers, they must 100% depend on private charity/family.

Divorce must be re-restricted to Consent (both parties freely agree and the agreement is legally binding with almost no limits) or Fault (Abandonment, Adultery) which must be proven to Clear and Compelling Evidence (this means substantially more likely to be true than not, say, 75%, not merely a preponderance of evidence or 51%). ONLY childless couples can get an annulment. Also, no welfare for the person filing a Consent Divorce for at least two years.

The Founders were clear that Freedom had to be tempered with VIRTUE.

Patents and Copyright to be protected for 49 years or within 10 years of the author's death, whichever comes first.
13   AmericanKulak   2021 Aug 18, 9:22pm  

2nd Amendment: The right of individual citizens to bear arms must not be infringed. Arms include any non-high explosive weapon currently carried by a soldier in any Modern Army.

Banks are prohibited from dropping clients on the basis of Speech or Political Activity.

Companies must choose to allow all or nothing in terms of Workplace Political Speech when first incorporated; these bylaws cannot change more than once every 30 years.

Government cannot require Religious Institutions to fund or not fund any medical expense; Religious institutions are totally exempt from all government regulation on the running of hospitals or hospices.

Any University or College accepting $1 in any federal grant or loan to any Professor, Institution, School, Administrator, or Student affiliated with that institution must abide by the 1st Amendment or be ineligible for any Federal Funding for a 5 year period.
14   GreaterNYCDude   2021 Aug 19, 7:53am  


I see you've given that some serious thought. There's some good nuggets in here! I don't agree with everything ou propose, but some of it is qoth serious consideration.
15   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2021 Aug 19, 9:35am  

i think this experiment isn't working out, we need a whole lot less government. Maybe it is best to form a new one that will remove most of the departments/branches. Whats the point of this corrupt system anymore? they utterly refuse to defend basic human rights in America or protect our borders, but know how to enrich friends and themselves. This government provides no value anymore, they are negative value in fact, might as well remove it and replace back down to what founding fathers had when it started with a few more restrictions to prevent them recreating this giant fucking monster it is now.
16   Tenpoundbass   2021 Aug 19, 9:41am  

I say we uphold the original one, and we go back to how it was intended to be enforced.
Those against it, are traitors and should be shot or hung. That includes any Jive Ass Mother Fucker, that calls himself a Constitutional lawyer, and says it needs to be changed.
Claiming our Constitution should be changed, should be a death offense. These people lower than Dogs have been telling us for years, our Constitution is Shit. The only thing that has been wrong with it, we didn't stand our ground and defend it from Cock Suckers like Harvey Milk. He never had the right to shove his mental illness down our throats.
17   richwicks   2021 Aug 19, 9:41am  

GreaterNYCDude says
I've been thinking about this quite a bit lately. Let's say there is a constitutional convention (there won't be, this is a thought excersise) to overhaul our system of government.

What issues are important to you? How would you modify the current system?

I'd just enforce the Constitution and allow free and fair elections.

Do that, and all this bullshit goes away. That's all you need to do.
19   GreaterNYCDude   2021 Aug 19, 1:34pm  


Apathy is one of the many issues we are facing, not just in the US but in the Western World.

Besides if a ragtag band of like minded individuals can overthrow the status quo whose to say what's possible?

The elites all generally prone to hubris. As the old adage goes, pride goeth before the fall.
20   Patrick   2021 Aug 19, 1:38pm  

GreaterNYCDude says
The elites all generally prone to hubris. As the old adage goes, pride goeth before the fall.

Yes, the incompetent elites are motivated by hubris as well as by greed.
21   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2021 Aug 19, 4:48pm  

Patrick says
Yes, the incompetent elites are motivated by hubris as well as by greed.

Speaking of that hubris, Tucker had a really good episode on it.

https://youtu.be/FXtwuO-ZUR0?t=582 (link to a moment where he talks about some of that hubris at 9:42), fiery speech.

Thought you'd like it man

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