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2021 Sep 12, 1:07am   36,010 views  224 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (8)   💰tip   ignore  

So, making so much money on this vaccine, with the government backing the cost for multiple doses to almost a billion, maybe much more, people worldwide now and in the immediate future, how come this stock hasn't doubled or tripled in price?

A First Order Analysis says "Ha,ha - foolish Conspiracy Theorist, perhaps this is not the boon to Pfizer you think it is! They are just making modest amounts on the vaccine because the good people at Pfizer just have your good health in mind"

They didn't do the Second or Third Order Analysis.

Almost 400M COVID "Vaccine" doses have been administered, according to CDC. A large percentage of that is by Pfizer.

Why HASNT the Smart Money plowed into this stock and sent it's price skyrocketing?

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1   Misc   2021 Sep 12, 1:22am  

From my understanding, with full FDA approval, the company can be held liable for the bad effects from the vaccine.
2   HeadSet   2021 Sep 12, 7:41am  

Misc says
From my understanding, with full FDA approval, the company can be held liable for the bad effects from the vaccine.

Yes, but did you notice the legal trickery? What was approved was labeled "Comirnaty," which is not even available. Although Comirnaty is identical to the the jab given the EUA, it is legally distinct. Therefore, everyone will be still be getting the jab without the Comirnaty label, and thus Pfizer still get the immunity granted by the EUA.
3   Blue   2021 Sep 12, 1:05pm  

HeadSet says
Yes, but did you notice the legal trickery? What was approved was labeled "Comirnaty," which is not even available. Although Comirnaty is identical to the the jab given the EUA, it is legally distinct. Therefore, everyone will be still be getting the jab without the Comirnaty label, and thus Pfizer still get the immunity granted by the EUA.

That means Biden tricked US to force his pharma agenda. Even his call to FDA to "FDA approved" must be equally be questionable under his strong political motives.
4   Patrick   2021 Sep 12, 2:56pm  

I think investors realize that a backlash is brewing against Pfizer, Moderna, etc.

Stock prices are about expectations for the future.
5   Hircus   2021 Sep 12, 11:41pm  

I've felt it odd too.

But, BioNtech, the company pfizer partnered with, has seen their stock surge. Much smaller market cap though, but still, they gained much more cap than PFE did, both % and absolute.
7   Patrick   2021 Sep 27, 5:46pm  


Pfizer, Moderna Eye Windfall Profits as COVID Booster Rollout Begins
One analyst predicted COVID boosters alone will bring in about $26 billion in global sales next year for Pfizer — who splits profits with BioNTech — and around $14 billion for Moderna if the shots are endorsed for nearly all Americans.

8   Patrick   2021 Oct 1, 11:58am  


Last year, racing to develop a vaccine in record time, Pfizer made a big decision: Unlike several rival manufacturers, which vowed to forgo profits on their shots during the Covid-19 pandemic, Pfizer planned to profit on its vaccine.

On Tuesday, the company announced just how much money the shot is generating.

The vaccine brought in $3.5 billion in revenue in the first three months of this year, nearly a quarter of its total revenue, Pfizer reported. The vaccine was, far and away, Pfizer’s biggest source of revenue.

The company did not disclose the profits it derived from the vaccine, but it reiterated its previous prediction that its profit margins on the vaccine would be in the high 20 percent range. That would translate into roughly $900 million in pretax vaccine profits in the first quarter.
10   mell   2021 Oct 8, 9:35am  

Gottlieb did a decent job at the fda, better than most. But everybody has a price
11   WookieMan   2021 Oct 8, 9:48am  

Patrick says
I think investors realize that a backlash is brewing against Pfizer, Moderna, etc.

Stock prices are about expectations for the future.

Smart investors are not dumb. You vaccinate let's say 40% of the population and cases and deaths are as high as last year without a vaccine. The product doesn't work. Why would you put money in the company? It's math.

There are scientist working on this that probably genuinely want to get a "cure" so to speak. Outside of them, it's all math and data to see if their work is working. It's not.
12   Robert Sproul   2021 Oct 8, 7:08pm  

Patrick says
I think investors realize that a backlash is brewing against Pfizer, Moderna, etc.

I keep waiting for an Unexpected Turn of Events to show up. Along these lines maybe. At 8:30 in this video this chubby, engaging, Aussie political-somebody accuses Gladys Berejiklian, the president of New South Wales, of accepting bribes, in effect, to enforce Jab mandates. He says the number is 10 million bucks and he says he has the receipts. She resigned soon after.** If something like this could be probed all the way back to the Pfizer lobbyists and then, critically, covered by the media, it might break some dam of public opinion. Snap the daft fucks out of their spell.
(@ 8:30)

14   Patrick   2021 Nov 2, 3:23pm  


A whistleblower involved in Pfizer’s pivotal phase III Covid-19 vaccine trial has leaked evidence to a notable peer-reviewed medical publication that poor practices at the contract research company she worked for raise questions about data integrity and regulatory oversight.

Brook Jackson, a now-fired regional director at Ventavia Research Group, revealed to The BMJ that vaccine trials at several sites in Texas last year had major problems – including falsified data, broke fundamental rules, and were ‘slow’ to report adverse reactions.

When she notified superiors of the issues she found, they fired her.
15   Patrick   2021 Nov 2, 3:23pm  


‘It’s Free’: Pfizer & Moderna project tens of billions in COVID shot PROFITS
$100+ billion expected in combined annual revenue
16   Patrick   2021 Nov 3, 6:31pm  


Untapped market: Pfizer, Moderna target children & infants to sustain record-breaking COVID shot profits
Pfizer tells kids the shots will give them "superpowers."
17   WookieMan   2021 Nov 3, 7:07pm  

Patrick says
Untapped market: Pfizer, Moderna target children & infants to sustain record-breaking COVID shot profits
Pfizer tells kids the shots will give them "superpowers."

Won't try to get you in trouble Patrick. Anyone that tries to force this shit on my kids won't walk the next day. Period. Already fucked up my wife. You fuck with my family, yours is in play (not yours Patrick).
18   Patrick   2021 Nov 3, 11:07pm  

All of the county "health commissioners" who pushed this deadly jab are not going to be able to safely walk down the street when the kids they vaxxed start dying.
19   Patrick   2021 Nov 4, 8:52am  


An investigation by the BMJ has reported that a company called Ventavia, tasked with running a trial site for Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine study, “falsified data, unblinded patients, employed inadequately trained vaccinators, and was slow to follow up on adverse events”.

The whistle-blower has revealed that she was fired after complaining about the company’s poor research practices, evidenced by dozens of internal company documents, photos, audio recordings, and emails.
20   Onvacation   2021 Nov 4, 6:22pm  

Robert Sproul says
critically, covered by the media,

21   Shaman   2021 Nov 4, 6:36pm  


This is two minutes of absolute heartbreak, brought to you by the sociopaths at Pfizer.
Watch at your own risk.
22   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 4, 8:06pm  

Shaman says

This is two minutes of absolute heartbreak, brought to you by the sociopaths at Pfizer.
Watch at your own risk.

Thanks Shaman, but I won't watch. It'll be another person in perfectly good health with a sudden mysterious disease after the vax.

I know enough.
23   Patrick   2021 Nov 5, 11:00am  


pfizer's magical mystery pill
is this the climbdown? because this pill invalidates the idea of vaccine mandates.

I'm sure that if it even works, its purpose is solely to funnel more money to Pfizer.

While ivermectin definitely works, but provides no profit to Pfizer, so it is officially suppressed.
24   porkchopXpress   2021 Nov 5, 11:09am  

Patrick says

This is good. The link doesn't work though. Do you have another link so I can share?
25   RWSGFY   2021 Nov 5, 12:56pm  

For the last couple of weeks there has been a bizarre ad running on several AM stations in SFBA. It's placed by Pfizer but it doesn't promote any particular pharma product per se but rather describes early symptoms of deep vein thrombosis and urges the audience to see their doctor ASAP if they are experiencing these symptoms.
26   HeadSet   2021 Nov 5, 6:09pm  

FuckCCP89 says
For the last couple of weeks there has been a bizarre ad running on several AM stations in SFBA. It's placed by Pfizer but it doesn't promote any particular pharma product per se but rather describes early symptoms of deep vein thrombosis and urges the audience to see their doctor ASAP if they are experiencing these symptoms.

No need for Pfizer to promote their thrombosis medication to the public, as Pfizer has plenty of sales targeting directly in the doctor's offices. Pfizer can thus pretend to do "public service messages."
27   Patrick   2021 Nov 9, 6:02pm  


Pfizer’s CEO is getting scared
Alex Berenson 7 hr ago
And he should be.

This over-the-top screech is not how an executive who is confident in his company’s products sounds.

Trust me. I’ve sent a couple to prison.

Joseph CarrollWrites Steward ·7 hr ago
Pfizer CEO Bourla needs to read the Nuremberg Code, so he can prepare for his trial.
29   Patrick   2021 Nov 11, 9:25pm  


Issue: November 11, 2021
LinkedIn censors interview with British cardiologist who criticized Pfizer vaccine data coverup
LinkedIn says it breached its "professional community policies."

LinkedIn has decided that a video about the efficacy of Covid vaccines, originally posted on YouTube and featuring Dr. Aseem Malhotra was violating its “professional community policies.”

Interviewer Maajid Nawaz posted a screenshot of the message he received from LinkedIn on Facebook, informing him of the removal and that only he can now see the post.
30   Patrick   2022 Jun 30, 11:50am  


Drug Cartel: Biden Admin agrees to pay Pfizer 56% more for their COVID shots
The pharma giant is already shattering profit records, and is expected to generate well over $100 billion in 2022 revenue.
31   Patrick   2022 Jul 10, 10:04am  


Pfizer paid the largest criminal fine in history, for misleading the public about their drugs.

But that was before they utterly captured all the regulatory agencies.

Pfizer is the government now.
32   Patrick   2022 Jul 17, 10:31am  


Wow, even the dark side of journalism admits that Pfizer committed pfraud.
35   Patrick   2022 Aug 18, 7:18pm  


Everything old is new again

Pfizer is just the East India Company all over again — in a more technologically advanced world. A large corporation that uses the power of the state to advance its profit goals.

In the former era that meant using the British Navy to bomb the Chinese to force them to import opium against their will (the Chinese knew it would destroy their society and it did).

Today that means using the state (and corporations) to force citizens to inject genetically modified substances into their bodies against their will (some people rightly realize that this will destroy our society).

Empire gonna empire.

Psychopaths gonna psychopath.

The state is gonna do whatever capital orders them to do.

There is nothing new under the sun.

What is new is that people who should know better, who have studied colonialism and conquest, are passionate defenders of the genocidal regime.


Whatever the problem is in our society, we are told that the answer is always more vaccines.

Feeling great? More vaccines.

Feeling lousy? More vaccines.

No matter how toxic the vaccines, the answer is more vaccines.

No matter how ineffective the vaccines, the answer is more vaccines.

No matter how many are killed by the vaccines, the answer is more vaccines.

Covid-19 vaccines have increased mortality by 5% to 15% across the developed world and the answer is more doses, reformulated doses, and doses for populations at zero risk from the virus.

The costs of vaccine injury are so catastrophic that they will will cause economic collapse in our lifetime and the answer is more vaccines.

What do you call that? I've never seen something so insane in all my life.

It’s tribal, maniacal, psychotic, and antithetical to all that is good and true in the world.

Epistemology and power

Here’s what happened. It’s not even that complicated.

For over a thousand years the Bible was viewed as the word of God. That gave the church tremendous power. The church made a number of demands upon people in this life (taxes, confession, obedience). But what it offered in return was a paradise in the afterlife. A few years of pain for an eternity of peace seemed like a good deal.

Science overthrew the Papal state. Science became “the language of God.” That gave scientists tremendous power. Science offered to improve our lot in this life. Sometimes that worked out (airplanes!), other times not so much (Roundup). Economic growth (sewers, sanitation, clean water, improved nutrition, high quality housing) produced longer lifespans in the 20th century and science erroneously took credit for that. The introduction of RCTs in the 1940s improved medicine for about three decades.

But starting in the 1970s (and probably a long time before that) CAPITAL captured science, hollowed it out, and harnessed the power of science (and the state) to increase profits. That’s the era that we are living in today. The thing that calls itself science is just capital in sheep’s clothing. Whereas science demands nothing of us (other than perhaps an open mind) capital demands everything (for reasons that I don’t quite understand, capital has a habit of turning the living into the dead).

So THAT’S ^^ the situation that our revolution must overthrow. Again, not complicated.

The additional challenge is that the Pharma Capital Surveillance State spends a fortune on psyops to prevent ordinary people from seeing what I have just described above. And the Pharma Capital Surveillance State likes developing bioweapons and they don't care if these things escape the lab. So I guess we’ve transitioned into an even more troubling era.
36   Patrick   2022 Aug 27, 9:24am  


Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer has announced a new drug to fix the side effect from their last new drug, which was developed to fix the side effect from the one before that.

"Finally, relief for the massive hemorrhoids caused by our last medication is on the way," said Pfizer CEO Ronald Porter. "And with that last medication having basically solved the exploding spleen issue from the drug before that, we are really in business."

37   Ceffer   2022 Aug 27, 9:44am  

"If it can be marketed for a profit beyond the fake claim promotional costs and backlash litigation costs, we will market it. Public be damned! We'll feed them all the nostrums they crave and more. Addictive shit is profitable shit. Safety is so over-rated. Besides, we have captured the FDA going on 60 years now. Rockefellers stipulated only that petroleum derivatives be included in all flogged nostrums."
Pfizer Strategic Battle Plan
38   RWSGFY   2022 Aug 27, 9:52am  

The Pfizer fucks are being sued by Moderna fucks for allegedly stealing their know-how.
39   Ceffer   2022 Aug 27, 10:07am  


The Pfizer fucks are being sued by Moderna fucks for allegedly stealing their know-how.

"Moderna sues Pfizer over 'unfairly acquired better death ray vaccines that please Baphomet and our Globalist allies'."
40   Patrick   2022 Sep 30, 10:38pm  


Pfizer offered me $1 million & $50,000 month wage; was this to stop writing & hammering them/Bourla?; I have had limited patchy broken income due to being cancelled, smeared; I said NO!

I joined McCullough, Malone, Vanden Bossche, Oskoui, Rische, Tenenbaum, Trozzi, Wolf, Urso et al. willingly, to wage battle for society & our children as doctors & scientists & governs failed, evil

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