American journalism is officially dead. "Reporters" are now activists, overtly biased.

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2021 Apr 10, 10:02pm   135,961 views  1,368 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


The CBS scandal you may have missed because of the 60 Minutes hit job on Ron DeSantis

The news network has published an article advising major companies on ways to "fight" Republican-backed voting laws. The report’s original headline read, “3 ways companies can help fight Georgia's restrictive new voting law.” Naturally, the story itself contains several tips on how businesses can protest Georgia-style legislation.

This is not journalism. This is political advocacy, and it’s all done in service of a traditional beneficiary of the press’s ethical lapses.

Imagine, for a moment, if one of the three major networks published a story advising businesses on how to “fight” ultra-permissive abortion laws. It’d be unthinkable. Yet, here, is CBS doing exactly that sort of politicking, but for bills such as the one passed recently in Georgia.

Perhaps realizing it had strayed headfirst into political advocacy, CBS amended the report’s headline eventually, softening its tone into something decidedly less partisan.

The headline as it appears online now reads, “Activists are calling on big companies to challenge new voting laws. Here's what they're asking for.”

In a way, this is actually worse than the original. At least in the original, CBS had the guts to declare its allegiance outright. The amended version chooses instead to hide behind “activists” to push an obvious political position.

As for the report itself, it remains unchanged. It still outlines various ways in which businesses can “fight” voting laws championed by Republican legislatures. It is still just as partisan as the day it first published.

“Do not donate," the report recommends. "Activists said companies should immediately stop making donations to Barry Fleming and Michael Dugan, the Georgia Republicans who co-sponsored the voting changes."

It continues, naming and shaming major businesses such as Delta and Home Depot for donating to Fleming and Dugan.

"Ending political donations is one of the most immediately impactful steps a company can take to sway lawmakers," the article reads.

The article also says companies can help fight Georgia-style voting laws by producing ads that "help stamp out efforts nationwide to pass voting laws similar to Georgia's," including in Arizona and Texas.

"Activists say it isn't enough for companies to issue tepid public statements in defense of voting rights," the CBS report reads. "Instead, companies should launch television and social media ads that oppose efforts in Georgia, Arizona, Texas and other states considering voter restrictions."

Companies, the story continues, can also support the coercive monstrosity known as the “For the People Act."

"If passed,” the CBS report reads, “the act would create same-day and online voter registration nationwide. It would also require states to overhaul their registration systems. The act seeks to expand absentee voting, limit the states' ability to remove people from voter rolls, increase federal funds for election security and reform the redistricting process.”

Though the CBS article is several days old, you likely missed it amid the network’s other major ethical lapse, when it promoted the lie that Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis rewarded a grocery chain with an “exclusive” deal to distribute coronavirus vaccines as part of a “pay for play” scheme involving political contributions.

If you missed all of this voting law boycott business when it happened, you can be forgiven. After all, CBS’s “report” on DeSantis is possibly the worst political hit job since Dan Rather went on-air with forgeries of former President George W. Bush's National Guard service record.

It’s obviously not a great situation when one media scandal is obscured by a concurrent scandal and all by the same newsroom. If there are adults still left at CBS, now would be a good time to take back control.

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142   Patrick   2021 Sep 4, 10:18am  


So, this is a very confusing headline as I was under the impression that the mortality rate for humans was sitting right at 100%.

So, according to a "study" cited by Forbes, transgender people die at a rate of 200%! Really hard to believe.
143   Patrick   2021 Sep 4, 11:59pm  


Rolling Stone Runs Ivermectin Poisoning Hoax Story
Hospital group says doctor behind story hasn’t worked for them in over two months and the hospital hasn't treated a single patient for ivermectin "overdose."

So sad. Rolling Stone used to be a quality journal. Now newswars.com is far superior in honesty and details.

Weird world.
144   Patrick   2021 Sep 5, 10:37am  


This shows crazy levels of corruption in the media.

Is there any lie so ridiculously obvious that they would be ashamed to print it? Or do they have no shame at all?
145   Patrick   2021 Sep 6, 3:05am  


For the first time ever, fewer than half of all Americans have trust in traditional media, according to data from Edelman's annual trust barometer shared exclusively with Axios. Trust in social media has hit an all-time low of 27%.

56% of Americans agree with the statement that "Journalists and reporters are purposely trying to mislead people by saying things they know are false or gross exaggerations."
58% think that "most news organizations are more concerned with supporting an ideology or political position than with informing the public."
When Edelman re-polled Americans after the election, the figures had deteriorated even further, with 57% of Democrats trusting the media and only 18% of Republicans.
146   Onvacation   2021 Sep 6, 9:23am  

Patrick says
Rolling Stone used to be a quality journal.

They were right up there with Playboy for news reporting.

But I just looked at the pictures and cartoons.
147   Patrick   2021 Sep 6, 12:07pm  

Patrick says
57% of Democrats trusting the media

The power of the oligarchy rests in Democrats who refuse to think.

When the left finally sees the obvious reality that the corporate press has become nothing but propaganda, then the true story of what the oligarchy has done to us all over the last year and a half for profit and power can make it into their heads. Maybe.

Again it's odd how the political left used to claim they were for the people and against corporations, but have proven themselves to be the exact opposite of that, obedient stooges for the corporate/government complex, willing to overlook any crime, even genocide, as long as they see their beloved sodomy flag or BLM logo.

But for now, the left are the brownshirts for the new fascism.
148   HeadSet   2021 Sep 6, 12:53pm  

Patrick says
When the left finally sees the obvious reality that the corporate press has become nothing but propaganda, then the true story of what the oligarchy has done to us all over the last year and a half for profit and power can make it into their heads. Maybe.

I think it is more like the Mafia. The leftists know what they are doing is wrong, but they feel they will be the ones in charge.
152   Patrick   2021 Sep 21, 12:56pm  


Exclusive: the New York Times stole my story
The paper lifted my reporting about the killing of an Iranian nuclear scientist without any attribution

September 21, 2021 | 11:37 am
153   AmericanKulak   2021 Sep 22, 1:26am  

"Fact Checkers" now disappear videos of Nurses and MDs talking about seeing vaccinations lead to heart problems, and non-reporting to VAERS, on the grounds their professional candid observations are misleading misinformation.
154   Shaman   2021 Sep 22, 8:32am  

MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou says
"Fact Checkers" now disappear videos of Nurses and MDs talking about seeing vaccinations lead to heart problems, and non-reporting to VAERS, on the grounds their professional candid observations are misleading misinformation.

Of course they do! It not only 1)Contradicts the Narrative, 2)casts aspersions on the holy vax, but it also 3)makes Democrats feel uncomfortable with the choices they’ve made!
That sort of shit is going to get censored EVERY fucking time.

After all, the oligarch owned media has already completely be-clowned themselves in shameless pandering to the wokesters and Libtards on the Left. The last thing they want is a disruption in the culling process of their intended victims at the last minute!
Why do you think they came down so hard on Nikki Minaj? Bitch was off the reservation and threatening to wake up some sleeping Libtards to turn them away from the holy vaccine!
156   Patrick   2021 Sep 22, 2:28pm  

MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou says
"Fact Checkers" now disappear videos of Nurses and MDs talking about seeing vaccinations lead to heart problems, and non-reporting to VAERS, on the grounds their professional candid observations are misleading misinformation.

Repost the videos here and to other sites before they get deleted.
157   richwicks   2021 Sep 22, 3:23pm  

MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou says
"Fact Checkers" now disappear videos of Nurses and MDs talking about seeing vaccinations lead to heart problems, and non-reporting to VAERS, on the grounds their professional candid observations are misleading misinformation.

I can archive nearly any video.

I'll setup something this weekend (if I have time) to try to handle everything.
158   Patrick   2021 Sep 27, 10:57am  

"Journalism is about covering important stories. With a pillow, until they stop moving."
159   Patrick   2021 Sep 27, 11:08am  


Marcelo P. Lima
Sep 25
This blew my mind: The New York Times printed Nazi propaganda that Poland had invaded Germany, and the journalist who wrote this won a Pulitzer Prize for his efforts.

Maybe US journalism has been dead a very long time.
160   HeadSet   2021 Sep 27, 2:26pm  

Patrick says
This blew my mind: The New York Times printed Nazi propaganda that Poland had invaded Germany,

Well, after all, Poland did annex a huge chunk of Nazi Germany post war.
161   RWSGFY   2021 Sep 27, 3:34pm  

HeadSet says
Patrick says
This blew my mind: The New York Times printed Nazi propaganda that Poland had invaded Germany,

Well, after all, Poland did annex a huge chunk of Nazi Germany post war.

Yeah, 6 years and one world war later, but who's counting.. . =))
163   Patrick   2021 Oct 1, 12:52pm  


The NYT's Partisan Tale about COVID and the Unvaccinated is Rife with Sloppy Data Analysis
The Times' piece on "Red Covid" obscures the reality of the pandemic and manipulates data in favor of a self-congratulatory liberalism.
Glenn Greenwald and Jeremy Beckham
164   Patrick   2021 Oct 2, 5:43pm  

kitten corner: kate sheppard
gatito bueno 7 hr ago
excuse me miss kate, i am just a kitten and not a big important huffpo senior national editor like you, but i think maybe you have misdiagnosed this.

what you’re feeling is not probably rage.

try asking some actual humans how they all feel about people like you and what you have done to the world for the last 18 months in your pseudoscientific virtue signaling side quest to shore up failing ratings and failed political philosophies.

ask some kids who missed school and parents who lost lives and livelihoods.

i think THEN maybe you’ll understand what rage is.

166   Patrick   2021 Oct 6, 9:40am  


Now, a whistleblower has landed on the scene, buoyed by a powerful Democratic PR firm led by former Obama alum Bill Burton. A wave of media attention has crested that’s meant to once again put Facebook in the regulatory crosshairs and demand more censorship from what’s deemed to be dangerous and influential ‘misinformation’. Washington Post columnist Margaret Sullivan has even called for a new government agency to oversee how information on Facebook is shared and disseminated.

Of course, those like Sullivan want the public at large to believe that they are journalistic warriors interested only in truth and accuracy. That is false. Facebook, as it pertains to traditional legacy news outlets like the Washington Post and CNN, is a competitor, nothing more. And every hit piece they run against the social media giant should be viewed through that lens.

The legacy media views Facebook as having stolen their audience away from them. They think doing away with user-based news feeds and content sharing will put the flow of information back into their hands, where it belongs. They have so far been successful at pressuring social media platforms like Jack Dorsey’s Twitter into complying with their demands. Facebook, however, has stood up to their counter-narrative and arguments for censorship, and must therefore be dealt with.

This is a fundamental misunderstanding as to the nature of Facebook and where it derives its power from. Facebook’s power comes from its user base — almost three billion people worldwide. Whereas CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times and the Washington Post draw their power from advertisers and corporate influence. This was the main reason that audiences fled these outlets to begin with. The legacy media’s stubborn refusal to look inward at their own industry is another reason why viewers and subscribers have abandoned them.

There is no clearer example of this dynamic than the events that transpired in Del Rio, Texas, on the southern border just last week. Journalists spread the falsehood that border agents used whips to deter migrants from crossing into the country. This ‘story’ made it all the way to the White House press briefing room and even to the President himself. It triggered a supposed investigation into the Department of Homeland Security, while the agents seen in the photographs and on video were reassigned.

The photographer later said on record that no whipping of migrants had occurred. Video footage showed no such thing. It didn’t matter. Few news outlets issued corrections, apologized for spreading misinformation, and promised to do better. No congressional hearings will be held into how this dangerous misinformation spread. No blue check-verified journalist on Twitter will be held accountable for his role in spreading the false story. There will be no calls for government oversight of the New York Times to prevent such misinformation from spreading.
169   Patrick   2021 Oct 7, 10:30am  

Robert W Malone, MD
The real problem here is the damn press and the internet giants. The press and these tech players act to manufacture and reinforce "consensus" around selected and approved narratives. And then this is being weaponized to attack dissenters including highly qualified physicians.
171   Patrick   2021 Oct 7, 12:47pm  


Can We Really Trust Vaccine Fact Checkers?

Maybe this was posted before, but it's good.
172   AmericanKulak   2021 Oct 7, 2:03pm  

After weeks of explaining there was no Fake White House set, Factcheckers grudgingly admit it's a set, but it's only on the other side of the White House, which somehow makes it more ... explicable?

173   Patrick   2021 Oct 7, 10:56pm  

How can we tell where it really is? I don't think we can.
174   AmericanKulak   2021 Oct 7, 11:23pm  

I think Steven Miller and Peter Navarro have said they've been in the room many times, it's a building next to the White House.

The rumor is that the WH is basically run by Klain, Jarrett, and Obama (remotely by consultation), and Biden is pretty much exiled out of the building.
175   Patrick   2021 Oct 8, 9:31pm  


The New York Times issued a massive correction Thursday after the liberal newspaper severely misreported the number of COVID hospitalities among children in the United States by more than 800,000.

A report headlined "A New Vaccine Strategy for Children: Just One Dose, for Now," by science and health reporter Apoorva Mandavilli, was peppered with errors before major changes were made to the story. The Times initially reported "nearly 900,000 children have been hospitalized" with COVID since the pandemic began, when the factual data in the now-corrected version is that "more than 63,000 children were hospitalized with Covid-19 from August 2020 to October 2021."

So now we have Fox News kicking the NYT's pants with the truth.
180   Patrick   2021 Oct 15, 11:00pm  


A western citizen is being brainwashed much more than a soviet citizen ever was during the era of communist propaganda. In ideology, the main thing is not the ideas, but rather the mechanisms of their distribution. The might of the Western media, for example, is incomparably greater than that of the propaganda mechanisms of the Vatican when it was at the zenith of its power. And it is not only the cinema, literature, philosophy – all the levers of influence and mechanisms used in the promulgation of culture, in its broadest sense, work in this direction. At the slightest impulse all who work in this area respond with such consistency that it is hard not to think that all orders come from a single source of power.
As quoted in Alexander Zinoviev on Stalin and the dissolution of the USSR

And this from a guy who died in 2006.
181   Patrick   2021 Oct 19, 9:59am  


16 Common Phrases In The News And What They Actually Mean

As everyone knows, the news media knows what's best for us and they always tell the truth. The only problem is that they use really big and complicated words that we simple folk just don't understand. How will you ever keep up? Well, don't worry! We prepared this special translation guide just for you, so the next time you're watching the news you'll be able to follow along!

1) "Debunked conspiracy theory" = a completely factual event that is 100% true and we don't like it

2) "This is dangerous misinformation" = we don't really agree with it but people are still sharing it

3) "Farm animal bacterial infection treatment" = penicillin

4) "Conservative panelist" = guy who once voted for Ronald Reagan, possibly by mistake

5) "Super-spreader event" = gatherings of people we don't like

6) "This is the end of democracy" = Trump said a thing

7) "Settled science" = a non-reviewed study by a possibly fictitious organization that just came out this morning

8) "Widespread outrage" = 3 people on Twitter got mad

9) "Racist statements" = literally means nothing

10) "Informal gathering of like-minded people that fosters a sense of camaraderie and community among friends and neighbors" = bread lines

11) "Zero" = anywhere from zero to several trillion

12) "Republicans pounce" = uh oh... a Democrat raped someone

13) "Mostly peaceful" = it was hyper-violent but we agree with it

14) "Racist dog whistle" = a super-secret whistle that only racists can hear and only we heard it

15) "Anonymous sources" = we totally made this up

16) "This is an apple" = this is a banana

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