by Patrick ➕follow (60) 💰tip ignore
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The US engages in trade with China after all - THEY are communist.
We should have sanctions on China too. The Uighurs, Hong Kong, violating Montreal Agreement on CFCs, etc.
CONWAY, AR—Ten-year-old Billy Smurth’s birthday party went from fun to frightening when U.S. Secretary of Treasury Janet Yellen burst out of his birthday cake to take his birthday money.
“No! Don’t take off your—” Billy’s dad yelled before realizing with overwhelming relief that Yellen was only there as part of her efforts to tax Billy's unrealized birthday money.
"EQUITY!!!!" screeched the frosting-covered Yellen as she rummaged through birthday cards and pocketed the cash while Billy and his friends screamed in terror. Billy’s mom confronted Yellen and demanded she leave, but was forced to back away after Yellen tried gnawing off her finger to get to her diamond wedding ring.
Janet Yellen finally crashed out a window and disappeared after Billy’s dad convinced her there was a libertarian with a walk-in safe living next door.
Moments later, the front door burst open and two IRS agents entered to issue Billy an itemized tax bill for his birthday presents.
Enabling Act of 1933
The Enabling Act allowed the Reich government to issue laws without the consent of Germany’s parliament, laying the foundation for the complete Nazification of German society. The law was passed on March 23, 1933, and published the following day. Its full name was the “Law to Remedy the Distress of the People and the Reich.”
1 Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party used intimidation and persecution to ensure the passage of the law. They prevented all 81 Communists and 26 of the 120 Social Democrats from taking their seats, detaining them in Nazi-controlled camps.
2 German judges did not challenge the law. They viewed Hitler's government as legitimate and continued to regard themselves as state servants who owed him their allegiance and support.
3 The Enabling Act became the cornerstone of Hitler's dictatorship.
Schiff says guys with photographic memories, multiple languages, and skills to be replaced by amoral, activist, printing press diploma diversity morons like the rest of the government.
LOL! They're getting ready to go after Biden for his sexual assaults if he doesn't stop Durham. What did Q say? Watch Huma.
If you like biking, I strongly suggest you look up Sheldon Brown
I really hope I'm wrong. If I am wrong - you write me and I'll make any atonement you wish, up to $1,000.
richwicks saysIf you like biking, I strongly suggest you look up Sheldon Brown
I checked out that Sheldon Brown link. I went to the section on drum brakes. I need to replace my rear Sturmey- Archer drum insert on the back wheel of my Blue Mountain bike, but I cannot find anyone anywhere who has the 70mm version in stock. Lots of 90mm, but I cannot use that. Drum brakes are great because they still work when it is raining or riding through some water.
HeadSet saysrichwicks saysIf you like biking, I strongly suggest you look up Sheldon Brown
I checked out that Sheldon Brown link. I went to the section on drum brakes. I need to replace my rear Sturmey- Archer drum insert on the back wheel of my Blue Mountain bike, but I cannot find anyone anywhere who has the 70mm version in stock. Lots of 90mm, but I cannot use that. Drum brakes are great because they still work when it is raining or riding through some water.
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