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richwicks saysIf you like biking, I strongly suggest you look up Sheldon Brown
I checked out that Sheldon Brown link. I went to the section on drum brakes. I need to replace my rear Sturmey- Archer drum insert on the back wheel of my Blue Mountain bike, but I cannot find anyone anywhere who has the 70mm version in stock. Lots of 90mm, but I cannot use that. Drum brakes are great because they still work when it is raining or riding through some water.
HeadSet saysrichwicks saysIf you like biking, I strongly suggest you look up Sheldon Brown
I checked out that Sheldon Brown link. I went to the section on drum brakes. I need to replace my rear Sturmey- Archer drum insert on the back wheel of my Blue Mountain bike, but I cannot find anyone anywhere who has the 70mm version in stock. Lots of 90mm, but I cannot use that. Drum brakes are great because they still work when it is raining or riding through some water.
I appreciate the link, but that site does not sell. It just describes the product.
original link
"Sheep and collaborators of the lowest order"
A rocker in Providence responds to my riff on "Pure Blooded"
Mark Crispin Miller
3 hr ago
From a subscriber to News from Underground:
I know exactly what you mean. I've been a musician/composer here in Providence Rhode Island since the 80s with some amount of success staging my operas etc.
But now? I see my friends and colleagues starting up to play out again, performing in various venues. But they seem all too happy to comply with the great agenda, the Great Reset. They go on Facebook to advertise their performances, adding that it's "Covid-Safe." And the guidelines include mandatory vaccines and, fucking AND the wearing of masks.
These people are sheep. Sheep and collaborators of the lowest order. I'm ashamed, also amazed that many of these folks were my friends, people that I looked up to and respected. No longer. I would call them out but so far I haven't, thinking that an exchange on Facebook is not gonna solve anything. So I'm staying mum for now but monitoring the situation.
I'm trying not to close my heart and mind entirely to my fellow man. But this is outrageous and it will be a long fucking time before this equation gets balanced.
Keep up the great work and best of luck to you!
These people are sheep. Sheep and collaborators of the lowest order. I'm ashamed, also amazed that many of these folks were my friends, people that I looked up to and respected. No longer.
It wasn't like this always. California was SANE at one point.
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