Vax Death Spike

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2021 Jul 13, 11:13am   23,410 views  276 comments

by Onvacation   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

I downloaded a csv file from the CDC


I was curious about trends so I then downloaded the last six years of death data from the cdc and concatenated it into one file. I graphed it:

It was obvious that there was quite a spike from the corona virus (Blue Gray line) when I eliminated total deaths from the chart.

At this point I was curious if some of the other causes of death had gone down so I eliminated heart disease, cancer, and covid-19.

This is when I noticed the annual winter spike from flu and pneumonia was gone in 2020-2021. I also noticed the spike in "not elsewhere classified". I zoomed in and got this:

Logic using people can see there is a problem here.

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192   Patrick   2021 Oct 5, 2:32pm  

Thanks @richwicks
193   Patrick   2021 Oct 7, 1:14pm  


Investigation: Deaths Among Teenagers Have Increased by 47% in the UK Since They Started Getting the COV-19 Vaxx According to Official Ons Data
October 7, 2021
194   Patrick   2021 Oct 7, 1:23pm  


Because of these revealing charts of genocide by vaccine, the CDC has resorted to classifying vaccine-induced deaths as “unvaccinated deaths,” saying that the effects of the vaccine need two weeks to kick in. Well, actually, the “effect” of DEATH does often kick in within two weeks, sometimes the next day. Bottom line: The CDC is playing a major role in pushing the propaganda, lies and distorted information about Covid to protect the vaccine industry and push more dangerous vaccines.
195   Patrick   2021 Oct 10, 8:05pm  

Hey, finally someone else noticed the horrifying vaxx death spike too:


196   Onvacation   2021 Oct 10, 8:10pm  

AS if we did not notice people we know now dying or being hospitalized with covid; they were vaccinated. It's also becoming more common to have "died after short illness", whatever the fuck that means.
197   Patrick   2021 Oct 15, 11:00am  


It’s not just the UK; all-cause deaths are also now running well above normal in Germany (80% adults fully vaccinated)
Alex Berenson
Oct 15

Add Germany - Europe’s most populous nation - to the countries seeing unusually high all-cause mortality that is NOT Covid-related.

In September, Germany reported almost 78,000 deaths, more than 10 percent higher than the expected figure, German government demographers said earlier this week.
198   Misc   2021 Oct 17, 3:41am  

Patrick says

It’s not just the UK; all-cause deaths are also now running well above normal in Germany (80% adults fully vaccinated)
Alex Berenson
Oct 15

Add Germany - Europe’s most populous nation - to the countries seeing unusually high all-cause mortality that is NOT Covid-related.

In September, Germany reported almost 78,000 deaths, more than 10 percent higher than the expected figure, German government demographers said earlier this week.

If it is only 10% higher then it is only an extra 7k deaths. With a population of 82 million, it's not significant.
199   GNL   2021 Oct 17, 4:10am  

Misc says
Patrick says

It’s not just the UK; all-cause deaths are also now running well above normal in Germany (80% adults fully vaccinated)
Alex Berenson
Oct 15

Add Germany - Europe’s most populous nation - to the countries seeing unusually high all-cause mortality that is NOT Covid-related.

In September, Germany reported almost 78,000 deaths, more than 10 percent higher than the expected figure, German government demographers said earlier this week.

If it is only 10% higher then it is only an extra 7k deaths. With a population of 82 million, it's not significant.

7,000 isn't significant but if the vaccine saves just 1 life...
200   WookieMan   2021 Oct 17, 4:19am  

Misc says
If it is only 10% higher then it is only an extra 7k deaths. With a population of 82 million, it's not significant.

The total doesn't matter. A 10% move in deaths is huge with regards to human life. Reread Patricks excerpt. It's a 10% increase for those that DON'T have covid. Vaccinated or not, if you die WITH covid you're not included in the dataset of that 10% increase is how I read it. That's alarming and we're not even a year through mass vaccination.

Nobody should die from something to "protect" them that they otherwise won't die from if healthy and got the virus. Take the vax if you're unhealthy and have co-mobids. Otherwise there's zero reason to take the vaccine based off tons of data. A lot of which has been presented on this site and elsewhere. MSM doesn't and probably cannot report that way. So we're stuck with 1/3rd of newscasts showing people getting the jab on a daily basis. Can't question it on social media, that's all been censored. Wonder why?

You're not protected with the vaccine. Not to be graphic, but my wife immediately got her period a day or two after the first jab. Just found this out yesterday. One week after her previous one. That's 100% not normal. Only meds she takes is BC. No other big pharma BS. It was a side effect of the vaccine. Who knows what damage it's causing?

Talking about BC. Search birth control and Puerto Rico. I don't think you realize what mass testing on citizens can do for something we really don't understand. Our family is complete, but if this is fucking with women's reproductive organs, that alone should ring the alarm. Not a soul on this earth knows the 2 year effects of this. The 5 year. So yeah, that 10% is a big deal.
201   Patrick   2021 Oct 27, 7:22pm  

More people are noticing the vaxx-induced death spike.


addition to US ER data: cardiovascular AE's are exploding
el gato malo 2 hr ago
gatopal™ @KBirb was kind enough to pass along this collection of US VAERS reporting data on adverse events from vaccines.

as can be readily seen (despite this only going through august) there was a huge surge in cardiovascular, neurological, and immunological issues with hundreds of thousands of each occurring.

(and VAERS is certainly undercounting this, likely on the order of 10-25 to 1 based on some cursory ratio math i ran. if anyone has good numbers on that, would love to see them. some papers claim it gets nearly 25% of events, others more like 1%. both seem extreme to me.)

still don’t have the US ER data to compare to germany who saw surges like this around dose 2 of vaccines, but we’re definitely seeing reports that look just like it and seem to validate the hypothesis on causality.

(how much they lag in reporting is an open and interesting issue)

this seems to be more evidentiary support that the recent rise in severe ER presentation in the US could be vaccine related.

202   richwicks   2021 Oct 27, 8:21pm  

Misc says
If it is only 10% higher then it is only an extra 7k deaths. With a population of 82 million, it's not significant.

Depending on demographics, that's very significant.

We know quite precisely how many people should die in any given year. A 10% spike that is unexpected is extremely significant. That would mean 1 of of 10 people died in a given year that were not expected to die - and this is over a population of several million. It's hugely significant.

But the question is - is this data actually accurate? In this day and age, I always have to question it.
203   Onvacation   2021 Oct 27, 8:48pm  

richwicks says
But the question is - is this data actually accurate?

Doubtful. I have noticed discrepancies between datasets and over time. For instance:

This graph shows the rare disease deaths from both an old discontinued dataset and the current dataset as of a couple months ago. Notice that the rare death spike started earlier and was already at 14,000 a month by 3/1/2021. I haven't had time to dive into the data but it looks like the newer releases of the datasets have reclassified a lot of these deaths.

Correlation is not causation. it might be coincidence that the rare disease spike happened at the same time as the as the vaccination trials started late last year.

One thing we do know about the data and anecdotal examples is that a lot of people are dying after "short illnesses".
204   AmericanKulak   2021 Oct 27, 8:56pm  

Heart attacks in the 20s and 30s are common, ignorant Right Wing Lunatic!
205   Onvacation   2021 Oct 27, 8:58pm  

Eman says
Anyone else has an interpretation on this data? Kids under 12 haven’t gotten vaccinated. Kids between 12-17 just recently got vaccinated. Why the spike in rare disease death since early this year?

Possibly the pre release trials? We do know they are jabbing kids, we don't know how long they have been doing it.

My brother in law, who has connections, got his J&J one and done way back last year, I think it was November or December. The trials started way before then.

Our government has no problem with torturing puppies and killing kids. Mengele kind of shit is OK but don't say anything offensive.
206   richwicks   2021 Oct 27, 9:00pm  

Onvacation says
One thing we do know about the data and anecdotal examples is that a lot of people are dying after "short illnesses".

Dude, you're the data expert.

At some point, you should go through everything you posted, and come up with a hypothesis.

I know correlation doesn't imply causation, but causation always has correlation. When you see enough of it, although it's anecdotal evidence, it's reasonable to draw a conclusion.

What predictions are currently reasonable to be made? If the vaccines are causing death, we should see corresponding uptrends in deaths as we see corresponding upswings in vaccination. If that holds true, it's reasonable to conclude these vaccinations are the cause of death. Control groups would be nations NOT enforcing vaccinations - are there any?

My worst fear is this is a genocidal event. I've said many times what would have to be done if that's the case. It will take years for it to be certain that's the case, but if it's the case, we have a horrible duty to perform.
207   Onvacation   2021 Oct 27, 9:13pm  

I heard on the radio that there has been a surge of "broken heart syndrome".
https://www.health.harvard.edu › heart-health › takotsubo-cardiomyopathy-broken-heart-syndrome
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, also called broken-heart syndrome, is a weakening of the left ventricle that is usually the result of severe stress. Its symptoms resemble those of a heart attack, and treatment is usually the same as that for heart failure.
208   Patrick   2021 Nov 2, 3:52pm  

Someone else notes the surge in deaths after vaxxing started:

Yet as with so much else, Covid has thrown long-established journalistic norms out the window.

Even to demand more information about individual cases - much less to suggest a pattern - is to raise questions about the vaccines.

And if you are a reporter for a elite media organization, you’d best think twice before you raise questions about the vaccines. To do so to commit journalistic harakiri. If you’re a really bad boy, you may even be shut out of social media - and lose a huge portion of your audience in one fell swoop.

Newsflash, folks:


No one knows why. No one is even trying to explain why. NO ONE IS EVEN DISCUSSING THIS. And now some of the healthiest young men in the world are collapsing before our eyes.

If those cases don’t get our attention, I don’t know what will.

209   Patrick   2021 Nov 4, 12:04am  


I have to wonder if the unvaxxed are being murdered through "testing", just at a slower rate because sticking something in your nose is not as deadly as injecting into you.
210   Onvacation   2021 Nov 4, 5:57am  

Onvacation says

Here is the rare disease death count for youth aged 15 to 24:

DON"T VAX YOUR KIDS! You are not protecting them from a disease that doesn't kill healthy people and you are exposing them to deadly short term effects and unknown long term effects.

The CDC no longer updates this dataset.
211   WookieMan   2021 Nov 4, 6:44am  

Onvacation says
The CDC no longer updates this dataset.

That's why it's still EUA and not approved. I'm sure plenty of people and kids died from the polio vaccine itself, but we never hear about that because they eventually did get it right.

Fact is there's no point in kids getting this vaccine. The flu or bacterial infections are far more deadly to children. I've mentioned the story before, my neighbors normal healthy 4 year old got some bacterial infection and died. Your kid is at exponentially greater risk of other things before covid. Probably doesn't even make the top 100 of things that could kill children.
216   Onvacation   2021 Nov 10, 5:29pm  


The above graph shows the cumulative number of doses of Covid-19 vaccines administered in the United States by the week alongside the number of deaths due to symptoms signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings not elsewhere classified registered per week.

As you can see the significant steep rise and then slight drop off in the number of vaccinations and number of abormal deaths are extremely similar, suggesting the experimental Covid-19 injections are the cause of a 600% increase in abnormal death.

We know that the deaths are not due to Covid-19 as they would be classed as being so if they were, and an uptick in abnormal deaths did not follow the introduction of the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus to the United States. The one thing that millions of people have in common since abnormal deaths began to rise against the expected average, is that millions of people have been given an experimental injection, for which there is no long term safety data to know what the consequences of that will be.
217   Onvacation   2021 Nov 10, 5:35pm  

"Rare" deaths continue at six-fold the long-term average.
218   Onvacation   2021 Nov 20, 10:42am  

The CDC is flattening the curve.

219   porkchopXpress   2021 Nov 20, 5:40pm  

ACS Risk Biomarkers Significantly Increase After mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine

The risk of developing acute coronary syndrome (ACS) significantly increased in patients after receiving mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, according to a report presented at the American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific Sessions 2021, held from November 13 to 15, 2021.

The study included 566 men and women (1:1) aged 28-97 years, who were patients in a preventive cardiology practice. All patients received a new PULS Cardiac Test 2-10 weeks after their second COVID-19 vaccine. This test result was compared with a PULS score from 3-5 months prevaccination. The PULS Cardiac Test measures multiple protein biomarkers, including hepatocyte growth factor [HGF], soluble Fas, and IL-16, and uses the results to calculate a 5-year risk score for new ACS. The PULS score increases with above-normal elevation. All participants received this test every 3-6 months for 8 years. From prevaccination to postvaccination, the levels of IL-16 increased from 35=/-20 to 82=/-75 above the norm. Soluble Fas showed an increase from 22±15 to 46=/-24 above the norm. HGF rose from 42±12 to 86±31 above the norm. As a result, the 5-year ACS PULS risk score increased from 11% to 25%. By the time the report was published, changes had persisted for 2.5 months or more after the second vaccine dose.

The study author concluded that “mRNA [vaccines] dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination.”

Here's the actual study:
220   Patrick   2021 Nov 20, 5:52pm  

Onvacation says
The CDC is flattening the curve.

Wow, looks like outright fraud to protect Pfizer and Pfauci.
221   Onvacation   2021 Nov 20, 6:09pm  

Patrick says

Wow, looks like outright fraud to protect Pfizer and Pfauci.

Or something. Maybe they are reclassifying these deaths under different categories but I don't think so.

All of the dataset downloads were pretty much in synch until the vax campaign began.
222   GNL   2021 Nov 20, 6:55pm  

Has anyone linked vax/sudden/rare deaths to a map?
223   Patrick   2021 Nov 20, 9:27pm  

That would be interesting for sure.
224   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 20, 9:52pm  

Wife is experiencing strange things. Getting headaches, nausea, she just had her second period in 4 weeks. She's in her 40s, and double vaxxed. She's incredibly anxious and high strung.
225   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2021 Nov 21, 4:48am  

Onvacation says
All of the dataset downloads were pretty much in synch until the vax campaign began.
it's a grand experiment.
226   Hircus   2021 Nov 21, 1:24pm  

Onvacation says

This data set ended in March. This chart, from a different dat set, shows the rare deaths for all from rare diseases.

The rare deaths started spiking before the jab officially started being given out. I think Dec 14 was when they started public jabbing people, but this chart shows that Dec 4th already had elevated deaths.

Does anyone know how many people received the jab prior to the official rollout on Dec 14th? We know some people clearly got the jab early, like the people in the clinical trial.

this phase 3 moderna said 30k usa participants https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/promising-interim-results-clinical-trial-nih-moderna-covid-19-vaccine
and this pfizer phase 3 trial said 43k'ish global participants (not sure how many of those in the usa) https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-release/press-release-detail/pfizer-and-biontech-conclude-phase-3-study-covid-19-vaccine

And or course there was phase 2 trials too. I saw 8k mentioned in one of them. So maybe we can assume 60-100k usa people got the jab before Dec 14th, and the trials seemed to start in early summer.
227   Onvacation   2021 Nov 21, 1:26pm  

WineHorror1 says
Has anyone linked vax/sudden/rare deaths to a map?

I created a table with vax rates, Wuhan and rare death rates, along with overall death rates. I could not see any obvious correlations.

Some of the rows

State AllCause RareDisease FromCovid Rare% Covid% Vac%
Florida 470,924 9408 53193 2% 11% 61%
California 601,305 8824 71063 1% 12% 63%
Texas 482,156 6521 72095 1% 15% 54%
Puerto Rico 60029 1062 2721 2% 5% 74%
Vermont 11654 22 119 0% 1% 72%
Pennsylvania 283,628 5811 29708 2% 10% 62%
Ohio 261,443 5473 25679 2% 10% 53%
New York 216,261 4503 25415 2% 12% 68%
Virginia 149676 3736 12848 2% 9% 64%
Massachusetts122080 2694 13259 2% 11% 71%
New Jersey 165,451 3376 23960 2% 14% 67%
Nevada 59659 704 7695 1% 13% 54%
Mississippi 72425 325 9214 0% 13% 47%
Rhode Island 21391 43 2204 0% 10% 72%
Maine 29680 171 1036 1% 3% 72%
Connecticut 65080 640 8010 1% 12% 72%
West Virginia 44300 648 3899 1% 9% 41%
Idaho 31674 237 3265 1% 10% 45%
Wyoming 10423 10 912 0% 9% 45%
Alabama 120150 2398 14735 2% 12% 46%
Mississippi 72425 325 9214 0% 13% 47%
North Dakota 15264 10 1640 0% 11% 48%
Louisiana 103743 949 12368 1% 12% 49%
Hawaii 22868 374 686 2% 3% 61%
Alaska 9414 0 554 0% 6% 54%
South Dakota 17645 0 1974 0% 11% 54%
228   porkchopXpress   2021 Nov 21, 6:23pm  

CaptainHorsePaste says
Wife is experiencing strange things. Getting headaches, nausea, she just had her second period in 4 weeks. She's in her 40s, and double vaxxed. She's incredibly anxious and high strung.
How long ago did she get her second dose?
229   Onvacation   2021 Nov 21, 7:35pm  

sjmoca says
Honestly there seems to be no smoke here when you take that into account.


What do you think about the 600% increase in death rate that started in July, or August, or October or whenever the number spiked?

You do see the spike? Don'tcha?
230   Onvacation   2021 Nov 21, 7:39pm  

sjmoca says

Looks familiar.

This isn't about "Unknown cause of death" it's about "symptoms signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings not elsewhere classified" or "rare diseases"

And welcome to Patrick.net, if you have not been here before.
231   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 21, 7:44pm  

porkchopexpress says
How long ago did she get her second dose?

About 6 months ago.

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