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2021 Mar 30, 8:11am   392,737 views  5,716 comments

by joshuatrio   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Anyone get vaxxed?

I know a few and they sound like absolute shit, and both feel like absolute crap.

Anyone else?

Why the fuck are people injecting themselves with a non-FDA approved biological agent?

And what the fuck are people afraid of, when this covid has a 99.97% survival rate?

I don't understand this level of retardedness... Or maybe I am just super, over the top, fucking retarded, that I can't understand this shit.

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4034   Patrick   2021 Nov 19, 10:16pm  


I have no idea how this paper made it past the censors but there it is! This was published a month ago but didn’t receive much fanfare and now we know why—it confirms what we’ve been saying for months now: the vaccines have not stopped and likely will not stop the pandemic.

Back in July we tweeted that the CDC data mapping vax rates to COVID-19 case rates shows ZERO impact of the former on the latter:

The vaxx does nothing at all to slow transmission of Wuhan Virus.
4035   Patrick   2021 Nov 19, 10:27pm  


CORONAVIRUSOfficial Public Health England Data Says COVID Infection Rates Higher in Vaxxed Than Unvaxxed
Demolishes case for vaccine passports.

Published 14 hours ago on 19 November, 2021Paul Joseph Watson
4036   Patrick   2021 Nov 19, 11:06pm  

Ontario reports more than 500 confirmed cases of post-vaccine myocarditis or pericarditis


And I bet it's massively under-reported.
4037   Patrick   2021 Nov 19, 11:18pm  


germany's vakzine fail
despite over 67% fully vaxxed covid looks worse than 2020 ...

germany reached 50% fully vaxxed on july 27th. that figure is now over 67%.

it is making NO difference.

all else equal, just given prior surges and the greater past generation of natural immunity you’d expect a drop.

but we’re seeing a major rise instead.

to make this easier to see, i grabbed the our world in data data and plotted it year against year starting august 1.

cases are MUCH higher. they are currently 124% higher as a 7 day moving average than this date last year. ...

but perhaps it works on severity?
nope. on a societal scale, it does not seem to. the hospitalization data was sparse and incomplete for germany, so i looked at deaths instead.

they have been higher all along and are basically indistinguishable now.

taken as a cumulative, deaths are 84% higher than the same time span a year ago despite a variant with notably lower CFR.
4038   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2021 Nov 20, 4:31am  

Patrick says
And I bet it's way under-reported.
Yes, of course. Only symptomatic cases that seek medical care are reported. Unreported are symptomatic cases that do not seek medical care and asymptomatic cases.
4040   RWSGFY   2021 Nov 21, 12:08pm  

My wife was talking to a woman whose daughter was participating at the same sporting event my kids were and she told her that her cycle has been screwed up for the last 6 months and there are no signs of improvement. Her doc dismisses any connection with the vaxx outright and refuses to file a report. She's now facing an increasing pressure to vaccinate her 13yo daughter and she said no way in hell she's doing that.
4041   Booger   2021 Nov 21, 1:56pm  


COVID Shots Are the Deadliest ‘Vaccines’ in Medical History
4042   porkchopXpress   2021 Nov 21, 2:14pm  

FuckCCP89 says
My wife was talking to a woman whose daughter was participating at the same sporting event my kids were and she told her that her cycle has been screwed up for the last 6 months and there are no signs of improvement. Her doc dismisses any connection with the vaxx outright and refuses to file a report. She's now facing an increasing pressure to vaccinate her 13yo daughter and she said no way in hell she's doing that.
I'm blown away at how much I trusted doctor advice before this plandemic, and how uninformed I'm realizing they are. I'm still pissed we had my sons get the HPV vaccines...luckily no issues that I know of. Talk about getting red-pilled.
4044   Shaman   2021 Nov 22, 8:40pm  

4045   RWSGFY   2021 Nov 22, 10:23pm  

sjmoca says
"Pandemic of the unvaccinated" seems adequate.


"Cases" is a bullshit metric.
4046   Patrick   2021 Nov 23, 12:24am  

FuckCCP89 says
"Cases" is a bullshit metric.


Deaths is what matters, and number of deaths clearly rises with percent of population vaxxes, as in Singapore:

Maybe a human version of Marek's Disease, which also benefit Pfizer and Pfauci.
4047   Misc   2021 Nov 23, 1:37am  

Deaths do not rise based on the number of Vaxxes.

In Western Australia where they have kept a hard border between themselves and the rest of the world, there are no cases of Covid and no deaths from it.

This even though the populous has been getting vaxxed.

What has happened in Singapore is that they have opened themselves up to the world and have gotten breakthrough cases and some of those have caused deaths.

I'm sure most of the deaths are those with comorbidities.

Just as last year the authorities touted every death as occurring from Covid, now you are touting every death as being vax related.

Don't fall into that.
4048   joshuatrio   2021 Nov 23, 5:27am  

Misc says
Deaths do not rise based on the number of Vaxxes.

In Western Australia where they have kept a hard border between themselves and the rest of the world, there are no cases of Covid and no deaths from it.

This even though the populous has been getting vaxxed.

What has happened in Singapore is that they have opened themselves up to the world and have gotten breakthrough cases and some of those have caused deaths.

I'm sure most of the deaths are those with comorbidities.

Just as last year the authorities touted every death as occurring from Covid, now you are touting every death as being vax related.

Don't fall into that.


There is a correlation between areas with the highest vax rates and highest covid rates of death.

The vaxx is the "Delta."

PS. Ivermectin works.
4049   Onvacation   2021 Nov 23, 5:48am  

sjmoca says
"Pandemic of the unvaccinated" seems adequate.


They only test the unvaxxed.
4050   joshuatrio   2021 Nov 23, 6:01am  

Onvacation says
sjmoca says
"Pandemic of the unvaccinated" seems adequate.


They only test the unvaxxed.

Not only that, but if you got vaxxed, your not considered vaxxed for the first 14 days - which is when many people have serious complications.
4051   WookieMan   2021 Nov 23, 8:24am  

FuckCCP89 says
My wife was talking to a woman whose daughter was participating at the same sporting event my kids were and she told her that her cycle has been screwed up for the last 6 months and there are no signs of improvement. Her doc dismisses any connection with the vaxx outright and refuses to file a report. She's now facing an increasing pressure to vaccinate her 13yo daughter and she said no way in hell she's doing that.

It’s fucked up. My wife is having hormone issues as well. Her attitude is like a damn roller coaster since she got the vax. Literally day to day. It’s messing with women real bad. I think they’re shamed into not talking about it. I really don’t understand how we got here. People know the side effects and it just keeps getting pumped.
4052   joshuatrio   2021 Nov 23, 10:39am  

As of 11/22, the top 10 vaccinated states have 66% MORE avg daily new cases per capita than the bottom 10 vaccinated states. VT, NY, MA and ME all have MORE new cases than this time last year when no one on earth was vaccinated.

4053   Shaman   2021 Nov 23, 10:48am  

This could explain why so many vaxxed are getting Covid. Obese people (of which there are a LOT) produce autoimmune antibodies instead of neutralizing antibodies in response to the vax. That means that they don’t have the appropriate antibodies to prevent infection.

Also, when these people are infected with Covid, they produce even more autoimmune antibodies. Instead of attacking Covid virus, these autoimmune antibodies attack the body’s own cells!

Here’s the link to the study hosted on the NIH web page.
4055   richwicks   2021 Nov 23, 1:58pm  

Booger says

I'm doubtful. If this happened, there would be people hanging from lamp-posts and heads on spikes. My bet it's a false story specifically constructed to make people who are suspicious about these vaccines appear to be crazy conspiracy nuts. The story - if it gains any traction - will eventually be discredited entirely and very completely and professionally discredited. Common propaganda technique.
4056   GNL   2021 Nov 23, 2:11pm  

richwicks says
Booger says

I'm doubtful. If this happened, there would be people hanging from lamp-posts and heads on spikes. My bet it's a false story specifically constructed to make people who are suspicious about these vaccines appear to be crazy conspiracy nuts. The story - if it gains any traction - will eventually be discredited entirely and very completely and professionally discredited. Common propaganda technique.


How do you fight propaganda? With propaganda maybe?
4057   richwicks   2021 Nov 23, 2:28pm  

WineHorror1 says
How do you fight propaganda? With propaganda maybe?

Just be aware of it. That kills it.

Nobody is a fool for being tricked. We all are at times. We are given a steady stream of BS and that's just the way it is. MORE (and sloppier) propaganda is actually a good thing. People simply didn't believe propaganda was created for American consumption just 20 years ago. These same people are now complaining about how horrible the media "has become." The media hasn't changed. It's always been bullshit, but the general person is becoming aware of it.

The Church Committee was in 1975, that revealed the existence of Operation Mockingbird. If you do a quick search for "mockingbird" you'll find it mentioned.


"The most shocking revelations of the committee include Operation MKULTRA involving the drugging and torture of unwitting US citizens as part of human experimentation on mind control; COINTELPRO involving the surveillance and infiltration of American political and civil-rights organizations; Family Jewels, a CIA program to covertly assassinate foreign leaders; Operation Mockingbird as a systematic propaganda campaign with domestic and foreign journalists operating as CIA assets and dozens of US news organizations providing cover for CIA activity."

But go see "Operation Mockingbird" in Wikipedia:


"Operation Mockingbird is an alleged large-scale program of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)"

It's not "alleged", it is. Isn't it weird to see contradictions in Wikipedia? Operation Mockingbird is CIA project to inject propaganda into our "news" media. Anderson Cooper is obvious part of this effort - he's got no journalistic credentials, and he's HIGHLY paid, and was an intern for the CIA, and he's a Vanderbilt. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Cooper isn't even a homosexual (that's how cynical I am), but uses that as a shield. Why do you think we have so many "minorities" in the "news"? It's just a shield for them. If you criticize Rachael Maddow it's not because she's lying, it's because you hate lesbians.

Wikipedia is propaganda itself. These aren't mistakes, these are purposeful lies. If you try to correct the articles, you'll find you can't. Mockingbird is controlled by the intelligence agencies as well. Even if you have PROOF of an "error" in Wikipedia, Wikipedia won't accept it because they are exclusively dependent on "reliable sources" - in other words, our "free press".

You can't, and never will be able to, stop propaganda from happening. Mockery defangs it though.

original link

Dore may be on the left, and I think he's a bit naive to have many of the opinions he does, but he's made a name for himself just making fun of the propaganda. In another few years, it will be a MINORITY opinion that anything in the corporate media is true. If you think Joy Reid, Sean Hannity, Rachel Maddow, etc are going to finally be shamed into telling the truth, that's never going to happen. Their job is to take anything they are given, and a viewpoint, and promote that. They are fully aware they are propagandists.

If the propaganda goes away, they will regain trust of the populace, and the populace will go back to believing their "authorities". Paradoxically, it's better to have propaganda be obvious and blatant - if goes away, people will forget that it was around and it will be reintroduced when people have their guard down. To me, it's been obvious for decades, but it's a real challenge to convince somebody that believes "the news", that it is false - or it was. It's was tremendously difficult. "They wouldn't lie about THAT!" - sure they would and they do. They'd prefer to call you crazy to your face than to to face up to being tricked.
4058   GNL   2021 Nov 23, 4:06pm  

richwicks says
Just be aware of it. That kills it.

Both sides are using some propaganda. My point is, if people are susceptible to it, we've got to use it also. We just have to do it better while at the same time destroying their propaganda.
4059   richwicks   2021 Nov 23, 4:25pm  

WineHorror1 says
richwicks says
Just be aware of it. That kills it.

Both sides are using some propaganda. My point is, if people are susceptible to it, we've got to use it also. We just have to do it better while at the same time destroying their propaganda.

It's fine to use propaganda, PROVIDED it's not a lie. If you lie, you undercut your credibility. If you're WRONG you undercut your credibility.

It's VERY common that you are fed false information to undermine your credibility. That's why you have to suspicious about everything. The truth always makes sense, reality always does, but lies, unless you have a REALLY GOOD lie, there's a contradiction in there somewhere.

The propaganda system is breaking down. Just help collapse it. It's not enough just to counteract it, we have to destroy it.

It's rumored that Zbigniew Brzezinski said that there was a threat of a "great awakening" that people would realize that they were constantly lied to in order to control them and he feared this. It doesn't matter if that's true or not if Brzezinski said this or not. This is what needs to be done, people's complete awareness of what is done. People are always going to lie to other people, they are always going to gaslight us - even when it becomes totally ineffective.

Our propaganda is the most effective propaganda that this world has ever seen. We're a free nation, with a free press, with free people, with free speech - right? Wrong. This is ingrained into us for a decade and 1/2 in public school. The only way to actually be a free nation is be aware of our enslavement and be constantly on guard against it. The price of liberty is eternal vigilance and it always will be. That can't change, ever.
4060   GNL   2021 Nov 23, 4:36pm  

richwicks says
It's fine to use propaganda, PROVIDED it's not a lie. If you lie, you undercut your credibility. If you're WRONG you undercut your credibility.

I'm listening. I'm just saying we need to use everything we can. Propaganda is powerful. The biggest problem is we have no national voice/outlets.
4061   richwicks   2021 Nov 23, 4:49pm  

WineHorror1 says
richwicks says
It's fine to use propaganda, PROVIDED it's not a lie. If you lie, you undercut your credibility. If you're WRONG you undercut your credibility.

I'm listening. I'm just saying we need to use everything we can. Propaganda is powerful. The biggest problem is we have no national voice/outlets.

The problem is that there ARE national voices and outlets. THAT'S the problem. Single point of attack. That's both their strength and their weakness.

Do you really appreciate what kind of power we all have now? I can literally talk to a Syrian or a Libyan now. I can talk to a Ukrainian. You can too. There are no experts, there are no authorities. There never has been.

Propaganda doesn't necessarily have to be false, but when it is, 99.9% of the time it's malicious in some way. Just don't be malicious.

Do you know why we know about the Waukesha parade massacre? It's NOT because of our national media - I'm certain they'd want to get that out of the headlines ASAP - and watch, in 2 months this story will be talked about just as much as Ahmaud Arbery is or Dawit Kelete - remember them? Notice what falls off the radar. Our "news" is still driving what is discussed and what isn't. That's the next pillar to fall. They almost always determine what can be discussed, that's ending.
4062   GNL   2021 Nov 23, 4:51pm  

richwicks says
Do you really appreciate what kind of power we all have now? I can literally talk to a Syrian or a Libyan now. I can talk to a Ukrainian. You can too. There are no experts, there are no authorities. There never has been.

Until our ability to do this is taken away. Plus, imo, there is no national coverage like endless radio, TV, Hollywood and politicians that are in lockstep with each other. They outweigh us in this fight.
4063   richwicks   2021 Nov 23, 5:05pm  

WineHorror1 says
richwicks says
Do you really appreciate what kind of power we all have now? I can literally talk to a Syrian or a Libyan now. I can talk to a Ukrainian. You can too. There are no experts, there are no authorities. There never has been.

Until our ability to do this is taken away. Plus, imo, there is no national coverage like endless radio, TV, Hollywood and politicians that are in lockstep with each other. They outweigh us in this fight.

They'll become irrelevant.

And they can't take the Internet away.

Censorship is a sign of weakness, not of strength. Conformity is also a weakness. Sure, they can all march in lockstep together, in the wrong direction.

Is it better to have 100 companies with 100 employees working on the same problem or 1 company with 10,000 employees working on the same problem? It's the first one, they come up with dozens if not 100 solutions. The big company only comes up with one solution, hoping that it's optimal but it's not. TV, Hollywood, and Politicians are one massive company, and they are making a very poor solution.

The reason why socialism doesn't work isn't really socialism, it's centralization that kills it. In the USSR one path was chosen and that's how the WHOLE COUNTRY did it. SOMETIMES it worked, and often it was a disaster.

Today, one guy in his basement can reach a million people. Youtube tried to cut off people like that, and what happened? Bitchute, Odyssey, Rumble, BrandNewTube, Brighteon .... There's 100's thousands of guys that just want to speak their mind and out of that, there's a few dozen who know what they are talking about.

They don't outweigh us in this fight at all. Not even close. Their power is all illusion. If everybody in the country said "I'm no longer paying taxes", that ends. If 20% of the country said that, it would end.
4064   GNL   2021 Nov 23, 6:15pm  

richwicks says
They don't outweigh us in this fight at all. Not even close. Their power is all illusion. If everybody in the country said "I'm no longer paying taxes", that ends. If 20% of the country said that, it would end.

I love your confidence. Hope you're right.
4065   Robert Sproul   2021 Nov 23, 6:20pm  

Direct statements blaming the vaccine for heart damage in a new study in the well regarded peer reviewed journal Circulation:

"Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning"
"We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination."

In a sane world this would trigger......something. Reporters demanding answers, other scientists initiating urgent new research.
Immediately stopping all the Mad Jabbing.
4067   Patrick   2021 Nov 24, 6:09pm  

joshuatrio says
There is a correlation between areas with the highest vax rates and highest covid rates of death.


Singapore did not have any significant death rate until almost everyone was vaxxed:


4069   Misc   2021 Nov 24, 8:27pm  

Patrick says
joshuatrio says
There is a correlation between areas with the highest vax rates and highest covid rates of death.


Singapore did not have any significant death rate until almost everyone was vaxxed:



Singapore was not open to the rest of the world until they were nearly fully vaxxed.

When they opened to the rest of the world then Covid came in.
4071   Patrick   2021 Nov 25, 11:08pm  

Misc says
Singapore did not have any significant death rate until almost everyone was vaxxed:

This remains true.
4072   Misc   2021 Nov 25, 11:14pm  

Patrick says
Misc says
Singapore did not have any significant death rate until almost everyone was vaxxed:

This remains true.

While true it obscures the facts behind what really caused the populous to come down with Covid.

The Vaxx did not cause the disease to spread. Opening the country to the rest of the world did.
4073   Patrick   2021 Nov 25, 11:23pm  

If the vaxx worked, they would not be getting ill.

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