Is Trump playing politics on his pro-jab stance?

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2021 Dec 21, 12:43pm   3,220 views  47 comments

by tanked   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

By recommending the jabs, but not requiring them, he gets both the anti-jab and pro-jab vote, when compared to Brandon who requires them.

If he doesn't win in 2024 he can't save the US and the world.

Did he figure out early on that this was the only way to win especially with rigged elections. Even cleaning them up best he can, he needs an overwhelming vote total to have a chance.

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1   richwicks   2021 Dec 21, 1:17pm  

Well, if you think about it, Trump can hardly say "The vaccines are worthless! Don't take them!!"
2   tanked   2021 Dec 21, 2:03pm  

richwicks says
Well, if you think about it, Trump can hardly say "The vaccines are worthless! Don't take them!!"

Ernest Ramirez says that and he took it.

But Ernest isn't running for a public office.

Trump can say that but he would be admitting he was fooled and the pro-jab crowd would not vote for him. 1 in 4 conservatives did take the jab, that is a lot of people. Other than Patrick, every anti-jab person I know of would still vote for Trump because he is anti mandate. Even Alex Jones in my opinion once it came down to Trump vs Brandon in a 2024 general election. Possibly Patrick then but of course he can speak for himself. Even in the primaries I could see Trump still getting his vote on the basis of his ability to beat Brandon plus he is arguably the actually re-elected President and therefore the default party leader.

But, if he did go full anti jab, I can see those 1 in 4 conservatives going for some neocon who is pro vax instead of Trump making the primary a much more difficult process than it would be otherwise, and possibly Trump not getting the nomination with a combination of that, and cheating.
3   Tenpoundbass   2021 Dec 21, 2:50pm  

Yes he has to. "You asked for it, you got it! Toyota!"
As long as the Covid canard is in play, then it's the Trump hot potato. So he has to own it, until it is finally unanimously found, that it came from the China Lab, Fauci was complicit and those that colluded to start the coup, are finally being charged. Then he can decouple from it, and put the blame on them.

He could and should be pushing the convalescence, and treatments for Covid that the Establishment tries to suppress. And he should double down on the rights of people to decide if they want the shot or not.
4   clambo   2021 Dec 21, 5:49pm  

No, he’s not playing politics when he says you have a right over your medical treatment.

He also suggested that there were treatments like Ivermectin and HCQ, etc. as alternatives to being put ob a ventilator and hoping.
5   WookieMan   2021 Dec 21, 6:05pm  

He's not going to admit that the vaccines with EUA during his administration are bad. He's waiting and hoping for a Fauci fuck up. He's in a lose/lose situation either way. He didn't fire Fauci, when it was obvious he should. He can blame Biden for carrying on with Fauci's bull shit, but Biden can just claim that Trump didn't realize Fauci was a fraud.

If Trump runs in 2024, he's going to have problems. And it won't be against Biden. Although the Dems don't have much on the bench that can beat Trump. Covid is going to be the issue at large in 2024. This shit isn't going away unless Dems absolutely tank and lose all of Congress in '22. Which is likely without cheating.
6   tanked   2021 Dec 21, 7:30pm  

clambo says
No, he’s not playing politics when he says you have a right over your medical treatment.

He also suggested that there were treatments like Ivermectin and HCQ, etc. as alternatives to being put ob a ventilator and hoping.

I don't mean on that part, I mean on recommending the jabs but not supporting mandates.
7   richwicks   2021 Dec 21, 9:38pm  

WookieMan says
Covid is going to be the issue at large in 2024.

I doubt it. Mandates will be the issue. After 4 years of this, people are going to be wondering either

1) why there are mandates when the disease has apparently disappeared.
- or -
2) why all their vaccinated friends are sick or dying and their (old) conspiratard friends aren't.

I'm actually a bit surprised they aren't aerosolizing a pathogen to kill people. Maybe they will. Time will tell! If that's what they do, they'll have to do it worldwide to make it convincing, and I think they'll have difficulty doing it in Russia and China.
8   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2021 Dec 21, 9:50pm  

Look more at NY, Democrats are about to lose the vote there. So they quickly passed the “let us stuff the ballot box bill”, Republicans cucked as usual.
9   Ceffer   2021 Dec 21, 11:23pm  

"Trump forced the hand of the Cabal as he knew the jab was already made in 2018. This brave action destroyed the need for lockdowns, which were not supposed to end until late 2024 and the jabs released from 2025. Trump getting the jab released early justified an end to the lockdowns and an end to the Emergency Usage Act, again forcing big Pharma to seek proper FDA approval of a commercial vaccine, which the FDA would never have given approval for. This is why they came up with new strains, to keep the EUA and lockdowns. This also caused the Cabal to speed things up. They made mistakes and people started to wake up earlier and quicker."https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=189580&source=patrick.net
10   Ceffer   2021 Dec 22, 12:57am  

"Lol there are still people in the ‘truth movement’ who still can’t grasp why President Trump cannot just come out and tell everyone about the cabals DEPOP agenda with the vaccines.

They don’t seem to have the capacity to understand the game being played and just how significant optics are.

If Trump didn’t call their bluff and push the deep state into releasing their vax earlier, then we would of had 8 years + of lockdowns before the jab (which would have been FDA approved so 100% mandated). Anyone who still can’t get their brain to understand this needs to research Rockefeller Lockstep before commenting on this subject again.

Did your mother not ask you as a child, if your friends jump off a cliff would you?
Nah President Trumps move was a master stroke. He saved 5-6 + billion lives by bullying the cabal to do warp speed. He is currently exposing their vaccine system , as try to understand a huge amount of Americans are completely ignorant to the vaccine agenda but the most important thing Trump did was to make sure free will was attached to the choice and promoted hydroxy which the cabal did not want.

President Trump took the death toll from their desired 7 billion to far less of a hit. This is war. There was always going to be casualties.

President Trump made no one take any vaccine. The only people who took it are ignorant sheeple who do not care to do any kind of research and do not care about their own freedoms. They were ok with an experimental drug being forced onto humanity and didn’t question it.

Well let’s see how that all works out for them and their choices that put our entire species in danger.

Tough lessons have to be learned but there are no excuses for chosen ignorance in the age of information."

From MrTruthBomb https://t.me/c/1315127140/35350?source=patrick.net
11   Ceffer   2021 Dec 22, 12:59am  

It would have been a lot worse without the vaccines and boosters!
12   richwicks   2021 Dec 22, 3:02am  

Ceffer says
If Trump didn’t call their bluff and push the deep state into releasing their vax earlier, then we would of had 8 years + of lockdowns before the jab (which would have been FDA approved so 100% mandated). Anyone who still can’t get their brain to understand this needs to research Rockefeller Lockstep before commenting on this subject again.

You listen (and I don't mean this as an insult at all!) to the same crap that I do. And I really honestly don't mean that as an insult.

But the only help that is coming in is bottom up, not top down.

I realize Trump cannot denounce the vaccines and not be eviscerated by the media and for that reason alone he cannot do it. I've heard the same thing that he rushed in the vaccines to remove any possibility we'd be locked down for 5 years, and that's a possible hypothesis - BUT - I don't believe there's ANY cream that floats to the top in federal government (and that includes the military) - it's just shit that does.

I view Trump as a megalomaniac - but one that can work for us. Somebody that wants to go down in history as a "great man", and I'm fine with that, even if he's 100% compromised and a total sellout. If he's fucking up, he's doing it in our favor. I don't care about his motives, his reasoning, or anything - just the results.

You may have heard of "The Truth Movement", Trump may have no part of that, he may have been a person setup to co-opt it. I'm grateful that he's really not a cult of personality - he would have been if he actually co-opted the truth movement, and I'm goddamned thankful he hasn't. There's no good guys at the top, trust me, I used to think there were, but there aren't. I've seen people become billionaires where I live, and they didn't do it through their business acumen and brilliance, they did it by either selling out, or being a plant to begin with. John McAfee might have been an exception, but I kind of doubt it. I wouldn't even blink if somebody demonstrated with 100% absolutely certain he murdered his neighbor.

Anyhow, don't trust people, trust principles. The Oath Keepers, BLM, Antifa, the Proud Boys - every one of them have leaders that are intelligence assets. EVERY ONE. Stick to your principles and you won't betray yourself. If a person you respect veers off and does something awful you disagree with, don't follow them. I (very briefly) respected Obama at one point. I used to respect Rachael Maddow, Stephen Colbert, and The Young Turks as well. I respect Glenn Greenwald, Jimmy Dore, Aaron Maté, John Pilger, Julian Assange, Bill Binney, Tulsi Gabbard (I'm a bit suspicious of her), Ron DeSantis (I am suspicious of him), Ron Paul, Lew Rockwell, and Kristi Noem, currently. I'll abandon them in a day if they sellout.

I miss John Stadtmiller. I liked and respected him as well. May he rest in peace.

I'm hoping Trump will help the nation, but he does, it will be for self aggrandizement, and I don't care if that's why he does it. Results matter, motivations don't.

There is no such thing as altruism, but there's symbiosis. Altruism is for people that do "good things" expecting god to reward them for it, they are acting selfishly as well even if they aren't consciously aware of it. Only results matter.
13   clambo   2021 Dec 22, 7:09am  

My weak immune system makes me susceptible to Wuhan, so I took the shot. I’m not young anymore.
I took a reasonable risk, not an uninformed risk.
Most people who took it noticed their immune system response the next day.
I did not, probably I had already caught Wuhan a couple of months before the panic in March.
A little known fact is the vaccine wasn’t tested on the old, so it’s probably less effective than older people expect.
I know in Florida the old largely took the shot, masks are over since June 2021, and the situation in Florida isn’t too bad.
14   Tenpoundbass   2021 Dec 22, 10:20am  

clambo says
Most people who took it noticed their immune system response the next day.
I did not, probably I had already caught Wuhan a couple of months before the panic in March.

I believe some are getting a placebo, well OBVIOUSLY, it IS ALL a placebo, but I mean they aren't putting the spike proteins, and the happy walking gene in some batches, that fucks many people up.
But make no mistake, it's not a Vaccine, vaccines offer protection, Placebos fool people into thinking they were vaccinated.
15   Bd6r   2021 Dec 22, 11:53am  

richwicks says
After 4 years of this, people are going to be wondering either

16   richwicks   2021 Dec 22, 3:46pm  

Bd6r says
richwicks says
After 4 years of this, people are going to be wondering either

You know what Poe's Law is? It basically says that on the Internet, you cannot differentiate between a lunatic and a person PRETENDING to be a lunatic.

There is absolutely no way to know if that person above, is actually being serious or is pretending to be a paranoid, crazy, Karen. You don't know
17   Bd6r   2021 Dec 23, 10:49am  

richwicks says
There is absolutely no way to know if that person above, is actually being serious or is pretending to be a paranoid, crazy, Karen. You don't know

perhaps, but I have seen such karens IRL
18   tanked   2021 Dec 23, 11:22am  

Bd6r says
richwicks says
There is absolutely no way to know if that person above, is actually being serious or is pretending to be a paranoid, crazy, Karen. You don't know

perhaps, but I have seen such karens IRL

Right, whether it's a real one, or someone making fun of one, either way the picture has art value
19   Ceffer   2021 Dec 23, 12:05pm  

Going from not paying attention to Trump scarcely in the past to watching his words and actions carefully for a while, he talks like an Everyman, but his words and actions are extremely careful, crafted and strategic. He doesn't miss a beat too often. I do wonder if he is guided by the gaming computers of military intelligence.

I would say he has some purpose in the vaccine brouhahaha. What it is, I wouldn't know, but he seems to want the vaccine agenda accelerated to the point that it hits a the brick wall of public awareness at 400 mph and goes up in flames along with the Deep State.

Trump hasn't cast himself as a savior. He has been pointing to state sovereignty and election reform as the saviors, along with getting the treasonous infiltrators out of office. The foreign occupied foreign city state of Washington DC is a virulent cancer at this point, but reclaiming the lazy butt states with citizen direct action can save things in this country (along with the Second Amendment).
20   tanked   2021 Dec 23, 12:42pm  

WookieMan says
He's not going to admit that the vaccines with EUA during his administration are bad. He's waiting and hoping for a Fauci fuck up. He's in a lose/lose situation either way. He didn't fire Fauci, when it was obvious he should. He can blame Biden for carrying on with Fauci's bull shit, but Biden can just claim that Trump didn't realize Fauci was a fraud.

If Trump runs in 2024, he's going to have problems. And it won't be against Biden. Although the Dems don't have much on the bench that can beat Trump. Covid is going to be the issue at large in 2024. This shit isn't going away unless Dems absolutely tank and lose all of Congress in '22. Which is likely without cheating.

Trump fired Fauci from handling the coronavirus matter in August of 2020. Dr. Atlas was appointed in his place.


You could say he should have completely fired him but Brandon would have still put him back where he was, just as he did.
21   Ceffer   2021 Dec 24, 12:22pm  

"Here's what I know. I know that if the deep state had their way, there would be no "vaccine" for 5 years. People would have sat at home with no money.

What would have happened next? FEMA would have been driving around dropping off food and it wouldn't be real meat but that fake processed meat. Then because you haven't worked in 2 years Black Rock would have bought our houses in foreclosure, and paid the mortgage so that we could live in them for free during the "pandemic."

So now we have no income, no food but we are fully on government assistance. Fake meat, fake cheese, maybe even some poisoned food with the same crap that they put in some of the vaccines.

While your sick aunt or mother or son sits at home dying from not getting proper medical attention, some people in the hoods aren't gonna eat that government meat and cheese. So they will start doing home invasions after all of the department stores were cleaned out.

But YOU ain't having that so you're gonna start shooting. Then your neighbor will say, screw this, I'm not gonna let them even get to the DOOR...start shooting people who step FOOT on their lawn. Then the police comes and since they no longer trust the government, guns are drawn on the police.

The citizen gets shot and killed, gunned down like a dog and the neighbors come out with THEIR guns in outrage. Now comes in more cops, maybe the national guard, and now we're in an old fashion Mexican standoff until someone pulls a trigger.

Suddenly the entire neighborhood is a lockdown no fly zone because of the pressure and stress on the citizens who feel they have nothing else to lose. All of this would have started from being locked down for too long and being forced to rely on a government who only cares about a global agenda.

And this is just ONE neighborhood...just one. Multiply this by 1000's and 1000's of times and you see MILLIONS dying in the streets from the largest civil war in history. If I were China, I'd send the missiles over right about then and take out the largest military defenses while the military is at war with it's own citizens.

And all that was needed to avoid this was to open up the dang country. The citizens were cowards. They didn't have the guts to stand up to this tyranny before it got to this point.

No. The citizens needed a placebo to make them think it was safe to take their power BACK from the tyrannical government. That's why Trump pushed the vaccines out there.

There was no scenario where no one would die. So Trump picked the pathway of least collateral damage and the people, who have no vision of possible future outcomes, are still complaining and calling Trump a traitor. You'll all thank Trump for his bravery when this is all over."
22   tanked   2021 Dec 24, 1:06pm  

Ceffer says
"Here's what I know. I know that if the deep state had their way, there would be no "vaccine" for 5 years. People would have sat at home with no money.

What would have happened next? FEMA would have been driving around dropping off food and it wouldn't be real meat but that fake processed meat. Then because you haven't worked in 2 years Black Rock would have bought our houses in foreclosure, and paid the mortgage so that we could live in them for free during the "pandemic."

So now we have no income, no food but we are fully on government assistance. Fake meat, fake cheese, maybe even some poisoned food with the same crap that they put in some of the vaccines.

While your sick aunt or mother or son sits at home dying from not getting proper medical attention, some people in the hoods aren't gonna eat that government meat and cheese. So they will start doing home invasions after all of the department stores were cleaned out.

But YOU ain't having that so you're ...

What's the name of that telegram chat? I tried to click on it but it won't show me anything since i'm not a member already. To become a member I'd need to know it's name.
23   Patrick   2021 Dec 24, 1:10pm  

Ceffer says
You'll all thank Trump for his bravery when this is all over

No way. Trump is a TRAITOR for pushing the death serum.

There Is no solution except an immediate permanent end to all the injections and the prosecution of everyone complicit in the greatest crime against humanity ever.
24   tanked   2021 Dec 24, 1:31pm  

Patrick says
Ceffer says
You'll all thank Trump for his bravery when this is all over

No way. Trump is a TRAITOR for pushing the death serum.

There Is no solution except an immediate permanent end to all the injections and the prosecution of everyone complicit in the greatest crime against humanity ever.

In the effort to find truth, here's a video in support of your position:

original link
27   Patrick   2021 Dec 24, 5:50pm  

Why are Hillary and Trump United in Warning of Bitcoin's Dangers?


This is not good either.

It sure looks to me like Trump has sold us out and joined up with Hillary and Biden.
28   tanked   2021 Dec 24, 6:04pm  

Patrick says
Why are Hillary and Trump United in Warning of Bitcoin's Dangers?


This is not good either.

It sure looks to me like Trump has sold us out and joined up with Hillary and Biden.

One explanation is that Bitcoin is a danger the Federal Reserve but Trump is actually ok with that. Once is it gone we can have a gov issued (not Federal Reserve issued) constitutional dollar that is not an FRN. His wife is selling NFTs on Solana.
29   tanked   2021 Dec 24, 8:58pm  

My current conclusion is - how does Trump avoid calling the 30%-50% of americans who took the shot, stupid?

The answer is, exactly what he has been doing. Verbally recommend them but be against the mandate.

He isn't calling the non jabbed stupid this way either.

If he did anything other than exactly what he's been doing that is calling the shot takers stupid. They might be dead within 5 years but they will be probably alive for the 2024 election.

How does he get both shot takers and shot refusers to vote for him? This way. Anything else would alienate one group. The verbal recommendation appeases most shot takers, the anti mandate appeases most shot refusers.

i dont care if trump is lying i want to use him to get my way and end the mandates asap
30   richwicks   2021 Dec 24, 9:12pm  

Patrick says
There Is no solution except an immediate permanent end to all the injections and the hanging of everyone complicit in the greatest crime against humanity ever.

Haha, if these injections prove to be fatal (which I find to be HIGHLY doubtful), the reality is, we'll be in a very improved world in a decade and a hell of a mess to clean up.

Let me be very clear about this, I'm NOT a eugenicist, I don't believe in murder to "cull the herd", but if that's what's been done (which I find HIGHLY DOUBTFUL), those of us that remain can really clean up the world.

I've said MULTIPLE TIMES, if this is what is coming to pass, not only do we need to wipe out the people that did it, but obliterate their progeny through sterilization. IF they are doing a mass kill off of the population (VERY DOUBTFUL) if we don't do something drastic, they'll do it again. Eliminating their entire gene line, I think that's drastic enough. We don't have to kill them, just make certain they never reproduce.

The next decade is going to be interesting..
32   Ceffer   2021 Dec 25, 12:21pm  

Clif High takes a run at Trump's vaccine 'code talking':
34   tanked   2021 Dec 25, 12:57pm  

Patrick says
Ceffer says
You'll all thank Trump for his bravery when this is all over

No fucking way.

Trump is a TRAITOR for pushing the death serum.

Trump is now a shitstain on US history. He had some good things going, then he started sucking Pfauci's little penis.

There Is no solution except an immediate permanent end to all the injections and the hanging of everyone complicit in the greatest crime against humanity ever.

What if Trump sincerely believes what he says? Thinks the shots are good for adults of a certain age (not children) and opposes mandates lockdowns and masks.

He wouldn't have been the only one fooled by the extreme propaganda. Being fooled wouldn't make him a traitor.

Is this 100% ideal, of course not, let's push for someone else in the primary who actually gets it. But if it comes down to Trump vs Brandon you better believe Trump has by far the better position. Suggestions are one thing, laws are another.
36   Ceffer   2021 Dec 26, 12:27pm  

Is Trump's 'support' of the vaccine flushing out stealth Mockingbird RINOs who use it to divide conservatives? It is hard to parse Trump's strategies, but strategy there seems to be.

As Ted Cruz has said when up against him: "Trump is unpredictable."
37   Patrick   2021 Dec 26, 3:58pm  

tanked says
What if Trump sincerely believes what he says?

I don't think he does. I think he still wants credit for "operation warp speed" and cannot bear to ever admit he was wrong there. And this vaxx is very VERY wrong.

But then at another level, I think he may have simply sold out. There's just too much money and power to be grabbed by demanding universal injections.

tanked says
let's push for someone else in the primary who actually gets it

DeSantis is looking pretty good there, but I'd be happier if he would talk about how effective ivermectin and other cheap early treatments are. He goes on about monoclonal antibodies, but guess what? That's just another expensive injection which funnels money to Big Pharma. So I'm skeptical of that.
40   joshuatrio   2021 Dec 27, 1:13pm  

Ceffer says

I've thought this as well.

Seems to me that this BS is being rushed. Every 3-6 months new scary variant. Too many boosters too soon. It's hard to digest and completely unbelievable.

Seems their cover was blown a while back and credibility has vanished.

Everyone I know is still alive lol. Only people who got hella sick were those who got the shots.

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