Excellent writeup of the virus fraud. It's about boosters forever.

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2021 Dec 27, 10:02am   4,258 views  58 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


The Snake-Oil Salesmen and the COVID-Zero Con: A Classic Bait-And-Switch for a Lifetime of Booster Shots (Immunity as a Service) ...

This Deep Dive exposes why, from day one, the promise of COVID-Zero can only ever have been a deliberately dishonest shell game designed to prey on a lack of public understanding of how our immune systems work and on how most respiratory viruses differ from other viruses that we routinely vaccinate against. We have been sold a fantasy designed to rope us into a pharmaceutical dependency as a deceitful trade-off for access to our lives. Variant by variant. For as long as the public is willing to go along for the ride. ...

Exposing this story does not require incriminating emails or whistleblower testimony. The story tells itself by diving into the long-established science that every single virologist, immunologist, evolutionary biologist, vaccine developer, and public health official had access to long before COVID began. As is so often the case, the devil is hidden in the details. As this story unfolds it will become clear that the one-two punch of lockdowns and the promise of vaccines as an exit strategy began as a cynical marketing ploy to coerce us into a never-ending regimen of annual booster shots ...

So, for a multitude of reasons, it was a deliberate lie to give the public the impression that if enough people take the vaccine, it would create lasting herd immunity. It was 100% certain, from day one, that by the time the last dose is administered, the rapid evolution of the virus would ensure that it would already be time to start thinking about booster shots. ... Immunity as a service, imposed on society by trickery. The only question was always, how long between booster shots? Weeks, months, years?

Feeling conned yet?

In other words, by their design, these vaccines can neither stop you from catching an infection nor stop you from transmitting the infection to someone else. They were never capable of creating herd immunity. ... Pushing for mass vaccination was a con from day one. And the idea of using vaccine passports to separate the vaccinated from the unvaccinated was also a con from day one. The only impact these vaccine passports have on the pandemic is as a coercive tool to get you to roll up your sleeve. Nothing more. ...

The take-home lesson is that vaccines will, at best, only last as long as immunity acquired through natural infection and will often fade much faster because the vaccine is often only able to trigger a partial immune response compared to the actual infection. So, if the disease itself doesn't produce a broad-based immune response leading to long-lasting immunity, neither will the vaccine. And in most cases, immunity acquired through vaccination will begin to fade much sooner than immunity acquired through a natural infection. Every vaccine maker and public health official knows this despite bizarrely claiming that the COVID vaccines (based on re-creating the S-protein spike instead of using a whole virus) would somehow become the exception to the rule. That was a lie, and they knew it from day one. That should set your alarm bells ringing at full throttle. ...

The only rational reason why the WHO and public health officials would withhold all that contextual information from the public as they rolled out lockdowns and held forth vaccines as an exit strategy was to whip the public into irrational fear in order to be able to make a dishonest case for mass vaccination when they should have, at most, been focused on providing focused vaccination of the most vulnerable only. That deception was the Trojan Horse to introduce endless mass booster shots as immunity inevitably fades and as new variants replace old ones.

Now, as all the inevitable limitations and problems with these vaccines become apparent (i.e. fading of vaccine-induced immunity, vaccines proving to only be partially effective, the rise of new variants, and the vaccinated population demonstrably catching and spreading the virus ― a.k.a. the leaky vaccine phenomenon), the surprise that our health authorities are showing simply isn't credible. As I have shown you, all this was 100% to be expected. They intentionally weaponized fear and false expectations to unleash a fraudulent bait-and-switch racket of global proportions. Immunity on demand, forever. ...

But when public health officials intentionally restricted spread among the young, strong, and healthy members of society by imposing lockdowns, they created a set of evolutionary conditions that risked shifting the competitive evolutionary advantage from the least dangerous variants to more dangerous variants. By locking us all up, they risked making the virus more dangerous over time. Evolution doesn't sit around to wait for you while you develop a vaccine. ...

You'd have to be a completely reckless and utterly incompetent idiot, or a cynical bastard with an agenda, to impose any strategy that mimics those virus-amplifying conditions. Yet that's what our health authorities did. And what they continue to do, while shamelessly hyperventilating about the risk of "variants" to force us to submit to medical tyranny based on mandatory vaccines, never-ending booster shots, and vaccine passports that can turn off access to our normal lives. ...

There is one other danger from leaky vaccines that is worth mentioning because researchers are already starting to see the first signs of it, as you can see discussed in this paper published on August 9th, 2021, in the Journal of Infection. It's called antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE). It happens when a poorly designed vaccine trains antibodies to recognize a virus as an intruder without being strong enough to kill/neutralize them. Instead of the virus being neutralized inside the antibody when the antibody attacks and "swallows" it (antibodies envelope intruders in order to neutralize them), the virus takes over the antibody cell that attacked it and uses it as a host to start making copies of itself. Thus, the attacking antibody opens the door to the inside of the cell and becomes the virus' unwitting host, thereby accelerating rather than stopping the infection.

Antibody-dependent enhancement is a well-documented phenomenon in attempts to develop vaccines against the RSV virus, dengue fever, and other coronaviruses. This is one of the reasons why previous attempts to develop a human coronavirus vaccine against the SARS virus failed. It kept happening in animal trials. And many doctors warned from day one that it would happen with these vaccines as well as new variants gradually emerge that are sufficiently different from the original variant upon which the vaccine is based. ADE doesn't show up on the day after vaccination. It emerges gradually as new variants spread that are different from previous variants. ...

In other words, your previous vaccination protects you only until new variants arise, then the training that your previous vaccination gave your immune system becomes a liability as your immune system switches from protecting you to increasing your risk from the disease. Your only way to protect yourself is to dutifully get your next "updated" booster shot to protect you for next few short months. You become a permanent drug dependent vaccine customer. And you better hope next year's formulation doesn't get it wrong. And you better hope that updates can keep you safe indefinitely because there's also the risk that updates will get less effective as the bad training from previous boosters begins to add up.

It puts a whole new spin on "trust the scientists." Your life will literally be at their mercy.

I bet the pharmaceutical industry will be smiling at all those drug-dependent chickens loyal customers though — talk about having a captive audience! And what a sweet deal - vaccine makers have been granted an exemption from liability and, if it goes wrong, they are the go-to guy to solve it... with more boosters.

And with every booster, you'll get to play Russian Roulette all over again with side effects: death, autoimmune diseases, reactivation of dormant viruses, neurological damage, blood clotting, and more. Here's where the reported side effects on the US VAERS system stand at the time of writing (August 28th, 2021). ...

All vaccine makers and public health authorities were aware of the potential for ADE with the development of a coronavirus vaccine. Yet they pushed for mass vaccination, from day one, without completing the long-term trials that are meant to rule out this kind of risk. They knowingly gambled with your future in their eagerness to get you onto your regimen of never-ending boosters and vaccine passports. Why not, if more boosters are the solution if something going wrong. They can always blame it on the "variants". The media won't challenge them - not with billions of vaccine advertising dollars floating around. ...

Mass PCR testing during COVID created a massive freak-out over every single asymptomatic COVID update when we should have only been focused on those people who come down with severe symptomatic disease. There was never any justifiable reason to roll out PCR tests to asymptomatic citizens other than to heighten fear in the population in order to make them receptive to mass vaccination. ...

Someone needs to remind Bill Gates, his fawning public health bootlickers, and the pharmaceutical companies that whisper sweet-nothings in his ear that in the natural world of respiratory viruses, most of us don't need a regimen of never-ending booster shots to keep us safe from COVID variants ― we already have a perfectly functioning system to keep bringing us new updates. Respiratory viruses are a completely different beast than smallpox, polio, or measles; and pretending otherwise is not just silly, it's criminal because anyone with a background in immunology knows better. But it's a fantastic and very profitably way to scare a wide-eyed population into accepting never-ending booster shots as a replacement for the natural antivirus updates that we normally get from hugs and handshakes. Protect the vulnerable. Stop preying on the rest of us. ...

This was a grotesque example of public health officials misusing scientific terminology, knowing full well that the public would misunderstand the term novel according to how we use the word in everyday language and not according to how the scientific community uses it.

That little game successfully sparked a wave of fear that is so strong that not only is everyone desperate for a leaky jab to lead them to safety, they are so scared that they won't rest until all their friends, neighbors, and family members get one too, even if it requires extreme levels of coercion to get the job done. Canada has even recently gone as far as making vaccination mandatory for all federal employees, employees of Crown Corporations, employees of federally-regulated companies (i.e. utilities) and for all travellers on commercial airlines and trains (CBC, August 13th, 2021) ! ...

The important thing to remember is that the Diamond Princess data was already publicly available since the end of February of 2020. Operation Warp Speed, the vaccine development initiative approved by President Trump, was nevertheless announced on April 29th, 2020. Thus, our health authorities knowingly and opportunistically recommended lockdowns and promoted vaccines as an exit strategy after it was already clear that the majority of us had some kind of protection through cross-reactive immunity. The Diamond Princess example provided the unequivocal proof that the only people who might benefit from a vaccine, even if it worked as advertised, were the small number of extremely vulnerable members of society with weak immune systems. Likewise, lockdowns should have been recommended only for nursing home residents (on a strictly voluntary basis to protect their human rights) while the pandemic surged through the rest of us.

The only plausible explanation for why our international health authorities ignored the example of the Diamond Princess is if they wanted to stoke fear among the public and if they wanted to bamboozle credible politicians in order to opportunistically achieve some other public health agenda. They pushed vaccination on everyone knowing full well that most people don't need it and that protection would fade quickly even if the vaccines had been 100% effective, which they also knew was not going to be the case either. And yet they continue to push these vaccines using the same deceitful tactics even today. ...

Our public health authorities also all know this. This is not a mystery. Yet, instead of promoting these strategies as ways in which people could reduce their risk to severe outcomes, they have systematically downplayed, ignored, or labeled these strategies as "fake news". Maximize the risk of death. Then promote the vaccine as the exclusive path to safety. Criminal. ...

Now New Zealand's myopic focus on COVID as the one and only risk is coming home to roost. Its hospitals are overflowing with children. But they're not being hospitalized by COVID. They are falling ill with RSV virus because of the "immunity debt" that built up from not being continually exposed to all the respiratory viruses that make up normal life. These children are, quite literally, the next wave of victims of COVID-Zero. Being cut off from normal life has left them fragile. Instead of praise, it now is becoming apparent that New Zealand's authoritarian strongwoman, Jacinda Ardern, and her public health advisors ought to be standing trial for gross negligence for ignoring the long-established research about how our immune systems depend on continual exposure to respiratory viruses in order to stay healthy. ...

Introducing Immunity as a Service – A Subscription-Based Business Model for the Pharmaceutical Industry (It was always about the money!) ...

Every single public health official in the world has the education to know that what they have been promoting, from day one, is gibberish. What I have laid out in this essay is pretty basic virology and immunology knowledge. Which raises a rather alarming question: how can any virologist, immunologist, vaccine maker, or public health official knowingly promote this lie?

Why is there such a blind obsession with getting us all to take a vaccine that most people do not need and that can never provide long-lasting herd immunity? ...

What if the boundaries between public health agencies, international public health organizations, and pharmaceutical companies have become blurred to such a degree that each benefits from reinforcing one another's best interests? What if they have all come to believe that vaccines against respiratory viruses are the holy grail of public health (and of generous funding), even if they have to play fast and loose with the truth to get humanity to accept them and even if they have to do a little evil to achieve some imagined future "greater good"?

What if the revolving door between pharmaceutical companies, public health, and international health organizations has created a kind of blind groupthink within this holy trinity? What if anyone caught up in that system is forced to bite their tongue because to speak out is a deathblow to their career? What if many of those caught up in the system genuinely believe the lies, despite a lifetime of training that should tell them otherwise? The powerful effect of groupthink, demonstrated by the Ash Conformity Experiments, can make people blind to what is staring them in the face. ...

A quote that best sums up the thinking inside many of our public health institutions comes from Peter Daszak, head of EcoHealth Alliance, a non-profit non-governmental organization that works closely with public health agencies like the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and intergovernmental organizations like the WHO (published in a 2016 report by the National Academy of Sciences): "Daszak reiterated that, until an infectious disease crisis is very real, present, and at an emergency threshold, it is often largely ignored. To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis, he said, we need to increase public understanding of the need for MCMs [medical counter measures] such as a pan-influenza or pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of process, Daszak stated." ...

What if all the vaccine injuries recorded on VAERS and all the risks they are taking with our lives are simply collateral damage - a calculated investment risk - in order to turn their dream of subscription-based "immunity as a service" into reality.

In the words of Bill Gates, “we kind of caught mRNA half way to prime time.” Maybe we should believe him — and gape in awe at the recklessness and contempt they have shown for their fellow citizens in order to capitalize on this "window of opportunity". Carpe diem (seize the day). Don't sweat the small stuff. Keep your eye on the ball... and on the year-end bonuses.

What if COVID-Zero, in all its variations, was merely a strategy to herd us together so we obediently line up for an endless string of booster shots as a trade-off for access to our lives?

In other words, what if someone could bamboozle our leaders into believing that the only way back to a normal life is for vaccines to replace the role that hugs and handshakes used to play in order to update us with the latest antivirus security updates?

What if, by depriving us of normal life, those who stand to gain from vaccines can forever cement themselves at the center of society by providing an artificial replacement for what our immune systems used to do to protect us against common respiratory viruses back when we were still allowed to live normal lives? ...

What if the fast mutation of RNA viruses ensures that no vaccine will ever be fully effective at providing lasting immunity, thus creating the illusion that we are permanently in need of vaccine boosters?

What if politicians could be convinced to make vaccination mandatory in order to prevent potential customers from opting out? ...

Mission creep happens all on its own once Pandora's Box is opened to coerced vaccinations and conditional rights. The road to Hell is frequently paved by good intentions... and hysteria.

So, what if COVID-Zero and the vaccine exit strategy is merely the global state-sanctioned equivalent of a drug dealer creating dependency among its customers to keep pushing more drugs? ...

And public health authorities and vaccine makers have been trying to do it with flu vaccines for years, but we've been stubbornly uncooperative. Not anymore. ...

The subscription-based economy. And apparently it now also includes your immune system in a trade-off for access to your life. ...

The holy trinity of pharmaceutical companies, public health, and international health organizations, all egging each other on in their hunger for a reliable flow of cash: shareholder profits, larger budgets, and governmental donations. Their interests are perfectly aligned and the lines between them are blurred to such a degree that each benefits from reinforcing one another's best interests.

And why would politicians and media bow to the holy trinity?

Big Pharma spent an average of US$4.7 billion per year between 1999 and 2018 on lobbying and campaign contributions, just in the USA!

Big Pharma also shells out $US20 billion each year to schmooze doctors and another US$6 billion on drug ads, just in the USA! So, it's no surprise why legacy media and Big Tech are tripping over themselves not to ruffle the party line — they live and die by the almighty advertising dollar. Never bite the hand that feeds you.

So, they are all dancing to the same tune while your pocket gets picked and your arm gets pricked, and everyone wins... except you and me. We are the cow that gets milked. We are the serfs that fund their largesse in this neo-feudal society where a few big boys own the assets and everyone else is beholden to those above them in the hierarchy for access to, well, everything — land, resources, rights, individual autonomy, and even immune systems. My body, their choice. ...

Now we know we've been played, how we've been played, and why we've been played. Again. Just like during the 2009 Swine Flu con. Only bigger, bolder, and better. They learned from their mistakes. We didn't.

But now that you see the con, you can't unsee it. And now that you understand the threat and how the game is being played, there is a weight that comes off your shoulders. ...

But once you spot the tiger in the grass, you know where to direct your focus, your feet become unglued, your voice becomes bold, and you regain the clarity of thought to defend yourself.

The con is clear. It's time to focus all our might on stopping this runaway train before it takes us over the cliff into a police state of no return. Stand up. Speak out. Refuse to play along. Stopping this requires millions of voices with the courage to say NO — at work, at home, at school, at church, and out on the street.

"Nonviolent direct action seeks to create such a crisis & foster such a tension that a community which has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue. It seeks so to dramatize the issue that it can no longer be ignored." — Martin Luther King Jr. ...

Compliance is the glue that holds tyranny together. Non-compliance breaks it apart. One person alone cannot stop this. But if millions find the courage to raise their voices and the courage to refuse to participate in the system on these tyrannical medical terms, it will throw the system into such a crisis and create such a tension that the community will be forced to confront the issue. ...

“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” ― Carl Sagan

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3   Patrick   2021 Dec 27, 11:05am  

charlie303 says
To my mind, the only reason that truly explains the lengths 'the powers that be' have gone to is that we are in a WAR and they have a depopulation agenda as well as a need to reset the financial system.

Could be, but I also think it might just be simple greed. That article is the clearest and most compelling explanation to me.
4   Patrick   2021 Dec 27, 11:06am  

PeopleUnited says
My sources in healthcare told me that on Thursday 12/23/2021 the dictate went down from on high (someone with authority at the federal level probably the CDC) that they were stopping the use of monoclonal antibodies, except for one brand that is believed to work for the new variant.

In other words, the medicine that may have prevented serious illness or death in Donald Trump and was being widely used in other at risk patients preventing hospitalization and severe disease, and was in fairly good supply and available throughout the country is no longer being utilized even in rural areas where the new variant is not prevalent. It is like they are trying to kill people by dictating that known safe and effective therapies cannot be used.

Yes, it benefits the "holy trinity" of corruption to have more people die, keep the fear going, and therefore keep the profitable jabs going.
6   Patrick   2021 Dec 27, 12:11pm  

Three predictions:

1. It will be mandated.
2. It won't work, and a follow-on will also be mandated.
3. Pfizer will profit.
7   WookieMan   2021 Dec 27, 12:41pm  

Patrick says
Three predictions:

1. It will be mandated.
2. It won't work, and a follow-on will also be mandated.
3. Pfizer will profit.

Ah fuck it. Get fired and get on UE. That's what everyone is doing. My SIL got fired and is doing design (housing) work on the side for cash. She's making more than she was with her employer with both. A lot of people are doing that.

We've got 2 years of retarding our kids educationally and wearing masks that don't work. It just seems like we're trying to destroy our society for growing kids, working adults and isolating senior citizens. It just doesn't make any sense for a cold.
8   Onvacation   2021 Dec 27, 1:06pm  

HunterTits says
squash the DoD's

"It works! Now shut up and take the jab as ordered."
9   Bd6r   2021 Dec 27, 2:30pm  

There will be no efficient long term vaccine against covid because this is a type of virus that mutates very easily
Hence profits!!! From now to eternity
10   PerfectlyFlawed   2021 Dec 27, 5:43pm  

Seems like this was metascripted - almost exactly - from the movie 'Daybreakers' (2009 I think) minus the sensationalistic vampire stuff!
11   Patrick   2021 Dec 27, 5:46pm  


Regulatory Capture is Killing Us, and We Are Two Steps Away from the Totalitarian Fascist Regulatory States of America
From the EPA to the FDA, the massive influence of corporations on the agencies tasked with regulating them has proven to be a deadly experiment in American-Style Fascism.
12   Patrick   2021 Dec 27, 5:51pm  

Patrick says

‘Anything That Could Get People More Vaccinated’: Fauci Won’t Say No To Domestic Flight Vax Mandates

Of course.


Fauci Admits Vaccine Requirement for Airline Travel Only Beneficial to Get More People Vaccinated, No Scientific Benefit
December 26, 2021

Wow, he doesn't even bother to lie about it anymore. It doesn't matter. The vast flocks of sheeple will baaa and walk throat-first into the knife anyway.
13   WookieMan   2021 Dec 27, 5:53pm  

Bd6r says
There will be no efficient long term vaccine against covid because this is a type of virus that mutates very easily
Hence profits!!! From now to eternity

But how is it different than other flu strains besides we've had limited time to research it? Basically, what could have been done differently? I'd argue nothing. In fact we might have made it worse with mask wearing for starters. I'm sure history will show a laundry list of blunders on this.

This has Fauci's fingerprints on it. No different than AIDS. Everyone says they love gay people and thinks their parades are fun (eye roll), but turn around and say to follow the science from the guy that has probably killed the most gay people ever in human history or at least American history.
14   GNL   2021 Dec 27, 7:19pm  

PeopleUnited says
My sources in healthcare told me that on Thursday 12/23/2021 the dictate went down from on high (someone with authority at the federal level probably the CDC) that they were stopping the use of monoclonal antibodies, except for one brand that is believed to work for the new variant.

In other words, the medicine that may have prevented serious illness or death in Donald Trump and was being widely used in other at risk patients preventing hospitalization and severe disease, and was in fairly good supply and available throughout the country is no longer being utilized even in rural areas where the new variant is not prevalent. It is like they are trying to kill people by dictating that known safe and effective therapies cannot be used.

My nonvaxed father in law is still in the hospital after getting the Monoclonal Antibody Infusion almost 5 days ago. He's also taken 3 12mg horse pills. I just found out this evening that he is dehydrated but not hooked up to an IV. WTF? My wife is the one communicating with the nurses. I'll find out later if they have put him on an IV yet.
15   Patrick   2021 Dec 27, 7:51pm  

WineHorror1 says
he is dehydrated but not hooked up to an IV. WTF?

Sounds to me like Fauci wants him dead to increase the body count.
16   Patrick   2021 Dec 27, 8:21pm  


COVID shots were both marketed by Big Pharma and authorized by the government under the core claim that they prevent transmission
Both parties peddled baseless assertions.

But they knew better. Or absolutely should have known.
17   Patrick   2021 Dec 27, 9:50pm  

FDA also blocked easy early test kit because that might have reduced the pandemic and cut into vaxx profits:

18   RandalRay   2021 Dec 27, 11:09pm  

Covaxin is a whole inactivated Covid-19 vaccine that is approved by the WHO. The vaccine is waiting approval by the FDA. This vaccine is based on traditional vaccines. The FDA are slow to approve due to the open door FDA Big Farm-a stranglehold on approvals. It’s like Ran Paul said Natural Immunity doesn’t have a lobbying group in D.C. Covaxin is an India developed vaccine that could provide children with protection however they don’t have the backing of US big farm-a. Politics over a better traditional vaccine typical Big Government ineptitude.
19   Patrick   2021 Dec 28, 2:38am  

RandalRay says
Natural Immunity doesn’t have a lobbying group in D.C.

Good summary.

Fast-mutating respiratory viruses with animal reservoirs can never be eliminated or even controlled by vaccination.

Every attempt in animals has failed, and now it's failing in humans exactly as predicted.

But what used to be orthodoxy will now get you burned at the stake because the regulatory capture is so extreme. The money to be made is far too large to allow dissent.
20   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2021 Dec 28, 10:27am  

In a decade or so like 11 year to 2030-35 = you will have another great depression and WAR will result....

War will reset everything...
21   WookieMan   2021 Dec 28, 11:33am  

WineHorror1 says
My nonvaxed father in law is still in the hospital after getting the Monoclonal Antibody Infusion almost 5 days ago. He's also taken 3 12mg horse pills. I just found out this evening that he is dehydrated but not hooked up to an IV. WTF? My wife is the one communicating with the nurses. I'll find out later if they have put him on an IV yet.

Might need to move to a different hospital. That's textbook malpractice for patient care. If you're inpatient and overnight, I've never heard of not being hooked up to an IV for hydration. If it's serious enough to keep you overnight or a big enough procedure, an IV is 1,000% needed.

I cracked my head 3 years ago after a flu bout and got my first ambulance ride. They hooked me up to an IV immediately in the ambulance. They didn't even keep me overnight either. Was home that night. I'd legit maybe think about another hospital. You'll also likely have no recourse if they kill him for something as dumb as not hydrating a patient because of "covid."

Honestly the more I think about it, if you want your in law around long term, I'd get him out today. I don't know the financial situation with insurance and all that red tape, but if he's in a hospital overnight and doesn't have an IV, that's mind blowing. I'd get him to a different place if possible.

Sorry I'm ranting, but how the hell are they giving him medication anyway? If you need inpatient care it's easiest to just dump it in an IV because you know what is going into the person and the exact amounts. It's all scanned and on a chart. Is the hospital packed or something? Not saying you're wrong or it's not happening, but I'd get him out of there. Hydration is massively important with almost any virus or procedure if overnight.
22   zzyzzx   2021 Dec 28, 11:57am  

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr: “They are never going to market a vaccine, allow people access to a vaccine, an approved vaccine without getting liability protection. Now the emergency use authorization vaccines have liability protection under the PREP Act and under the CARES Act.

So as long as you take an emergency use vaccine, you can’t sue them. Once they get approved, now you can sue them, unless they can get it recommended for children. Because all vaccines that are recommended, officially recommended for children get liability protection, even if an adult gets that vaccine. That’s why they are going after the kids. They know this is going to kill and injure a huge number of children, but they need to do it for the liability protection.”

23   porkchopXpress   2021 Dec 28, 1:28pm  

zzyzzx says
That’s why they are going after the kids. They know this is going to kill and injure a huge number of children, but they need to do it for the liability protection.”
I read this too. If true, these people need to be burned at the stake.
24   Patrick   2021 Dec 28, 5:39pm  

Holy shit.

I agree with burning at the stake.
25   charlie303   2021 Dec 29, 5:30am  


more and more people speaking out, beginning to realise the vaxxes are not safe.

I'm sticking to guns and saying this is all deliberate and we are in a War.

2022 shaping up to be a helluva year.

26   Patrick   2021 Dec 29, 11:13am  

zzyzzx says
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr: “They are never going to market a vaccine, allow people access to a vaccine, an approved vaccine without getting liability protection. Now the emergency use authorization vaccines have liability protection under the PREP Act and under the CARES Act.

So as long as you take an emergency use vaccine, you can’t sue them. Once they get approved, now you can sue them, unless they can get it recommended for children. Because all vaccines that are recommended, officially recommended for children get liability protection, even if an adult gets that vaccine. That’s why they are going after the kids. They know this is going to kill and injure a huge number of children, but they need to do it for the liability protection.”


More about how this works to benefit Pfizer:


Now, here’s where it all gets very nefarious.

In order for Pfizer to be granted legal liability protection for their fully authorized Comirnaty shot, they must first secure full approval for the children’s version of their COVID-19 shot. has explained this at length last month on his Substack. Additionally, Robert Kennedy Jr mentioned it on a recent podcast with Mikhaila Peterson. I looked into these claims extensively, and they are completely accurate. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA), which was passed into law in 1986, provides a legal liability shield to drug manufacturers if they receive full authorization for all ages.

Pfizer needs approval for children so that it can protect itself from lawsuits. The company is working with regulators, even clandestinely altering vaccine ingredients (a process that should require them to get full approval for an entirely separate product), to clear the path to legal indemnity.
27   Misc   2021 Dec 29, 11:48am  

Over 5 million American children were vaccinated before the Christmas holidays, and the children's hospitals haven't been overrun with patients.

It's safe to assume that the hype against the vaxx is similar to the hype for the vaxx.

29   GNL   2021 Dec 29, 1:41pm  

WookieMan says
Honestly the more I think about it, if you want your in law around long term, I'd get him out today. I don't know the financial situation with insurance and all that red tape, but if he's in a hospital overnight and doesn't have an IV, that's mind blowing. I'd get him to a different place if possible.

He's now on an IV and we just found out they gave him Remdesivir EVEN AFTER he AND his personal/friend Dr. told the hospital NOT TO GIVE IT TO HIM. There's got to be a winnable lawsuit in this somewhere.
30   Patrick   2022 Jan 4, 11:57am  


It would be embarrassing to refute these inadequate, desperate paragraphs, and so I won’t bother. This is what somebody who doesn’t have an argument sounds like. In view of the goals of Corona containment, this is a clear unforced error: Early in the vaccine campaign, when doses had to be rationed, it was obvious folly even on the terms of the vaccinators to jab the seropositive. Now that we know the recovered enjoy vastly better immunity to SARS-2 than the vaccinated, it makes even less sense. Sure, the megaphone of the press can overcome mistakes like this and shout down the naysayers, but that’s wasted energy they might have spent on some other project. Vaccinating the recovered is just a stupid thing to do.
31   Ceffer   2022 Jan 4, 12:06pm  

Boosters have been re-named "survivor containment".
32   Patrick   2022 Jan 5, 8:51pm  


Milestone: Over 1M adverse event reports in VAERS from the COVID vaccine
More proof the mainstream media, Congress, FDA, CDC, NIH, and nearly the entire medical community is conspiring to cover up a disaster in plain sight.

1 hr ago

On the Dec 24, 2021 release of the VAERS data, we passed an important milestone: over 1M adverse events reported in VAERS.

Oddly, the mainstream media didn’t cover this at all. I just can’t figure out why.

In short, these vaccines have more adverse reactions than all vaccines combined in the 30 year history of VAERS (over 70 vaccines). They are the most deadly vaccines ever created and have likely killed over 150,000 Americans.

But there’s nothing to worry about because the CDC says the vaccines are safe and effective. Have you gotten your booster yet?
34   Misc   2022 Jan 5, 9:39pm  

Patrick says

Milestone: Over 1M adverse event reports in VAERS from the COVID vaccine
More proof the mainstream media, Congress, FDA, CDC, NIH, and nearly the entire medical community is conspiring to cover up a disaster in plain sight.

1 hr ago

On the Dec 24, 2021 release of the VAERS data, we passed an important milestone: over 1M adverse events reported in VAERS.

Oddly, the mainstream media didn’t cover this at all. I just can’t figure out why.

In short, these vaccines have more adverse reactions than all vaccines combined in the 30 year history of VAERS (over 70 vaccines). They are the most deadly vaccines ever created and have likely killed over 150,000 Americans.

But there’s nothing to w...

This has also been the first time that the VAERS system has been widely publicized to the general populous. The system has been inundated with bogus entries. The entries are not screened.

Here is the link to make a report. You can do it yourself.


The data is not reliable. Therefore, not useful.
35   WookieMan   2022 Jan 5, 10:33pm  

Misc says
This has also been the first time that the VAERS system has been widely publicized to the general populous. The system has been inundated with bogus entries. The entries are not screened.

How do you know they're not screened? If not being screened then why even have it?

It would be super simple to automate with the data they're asking from people reporting on VAERS from what you linked. It's just matching two spreadsheets/databases. A buddy just did a huge project and he has to deal with individual municipalities and cities across the country to program. Most everyone vaccinated is just going to Walgreens, CVS, or the info is provided by insurance companies. You're talking 100's, not thousands of end users inputting vaccine records. It should be super easy to match with even just the CDC card info and no name.

If VAERS is NOT receiving the vaccine data from the vaccinators, there logically is no reason for it. It shouldn't exist. Or just say it's a trust program that input data is reality. I know government is inept on many levels, but this doesn't make sense.
36   Misc   2022 Jan 5, 10:45pm  

They say on the webpage that you make entries on that they are not screened.

It is an open system from before the days of mass fraud.
37   WookieMan   2022 Jan 6, 12:16am  

Misc says
They say on the webpage that you make entries on that they are not screened.

It is an open system from before the days of mass fraud.

What does not screened mean though? The person believing they have symptoms or issues with a vaccine may not be individually screened, but it would be simple to match them up with their vaccine information to at least show there's an actual human behind the problems they're reporting.

I agree people could get vaccinated and enter BS into VAERS. What would be the end goal for an individual though? I get they're not screening individually whether on the phone or in person, but what you're talking about is and has been a completely useless system if true. At minimum they're matching vaccine information with the complainant. Remember it's not just for Covid vaccines. It's for all vaccines.

If you are correct then journalism has been dead for longer than I thought. We have a lot of vaccines. You implying that the entire system is basically made up, which even for a government system, I find that hard to believe.
38   Misc   2022 Jan 6, 2:10am  

The system was started in the 90s. At the time there were no mass fraud issues, and nobody thought people would just enter fraudulent data.

There has been a huge anti-vaxx propaganda campaign going on. The anti-vaxxers latched onto this open government system to give them a cloak of legitimacy. When there is none as anyone can enter a VAERS report. Nobody in the government uses the VAERS system for anything as it is totally compromised.

Posters on this site have quoted unnamed sources saying that only 1% of the reports are actually being reported into VAERS and that the government is actively suppressing the reporting into the system. That is where they come up with 150000 being killed by the vaxx. By multiplying the fraudulent VAERS reports to give an even greater number of deaths. The posters don't realize how silly they sound as that would mean there are 100 million true vaxx related injuries.

If I had to guess, I would say the propaganda comes from China.

In the world of real numbers, the CDC recommended the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine over the Johnson and Johnson because there were about 50 cases of blood clots from the Johnson and Johnson vaccine with 9 cases leading to death. This is out of about 16 million doses.

39   RWSGFY   2022 Jan 6, 10:05am  

Misc says
The system was started in the 90s. At the time there were no mass fraud issues, and nobody thought people would just enter fraudulent data.

There has been a huge anti-vaxx propaganda campaign going on. The anti-vaxxers latched onto this open government system to give them a cloak of legitimacy. When there is none as anyone can enter a VAERS report. Nobody in the government uses the VAERS system for anything as it is totally compromised.

Posters on this site have quoted unnamed sources saying that only 1% of the reports are actually being reported into VAERS and that the government is actively suppressing the reporting into the system. That is where they come up with 150000 being killed by the vaxx. By multiplying the fraudulent VAERS reports to give an even greater number of deaths. The posters don't realize how silly they sound as that would mean there are 100 million true vaxx related injuries.

If I had to guess, I would say the propaganda comes from China.

Soo, VAERS is a compromised shit, but our beloved government never bothered to create a safe and reliable alternative? Why not? Plenty of tech companies were eager to implement all kind of data gathering systems since this "pandemic" started (mostly for "contact tracing" and vaccine distribution) but nobody in the gubmint asked for reliable replacement for VAERS even though it was "common knowledge" it can't be used for anything? Why?
40   richwicks   2022 Jan 6, 10:12am  

FuckCCP89 says
Plenty of tech companies were eager to implement all kind of data gathering systems since this "pandemic" started (mostly for "contact tracing" and vaccine distribution) but nobody in the gubmint asked for reliable replacement for VAERS even though it was "common knowledge" it can't be used for anything? Why?

You know why.

Same reason that the balloting system for the vote isn't easily verifiable.

It's TRIVIAL to do this, but it's not done - because they don't want reliable data.
41   Onvacation   2022 Jan 6, 10:44am  

Misc says
There has been a huge anti-vaxx propaganda campaign going on.

It's not a vaccine. It's an experimental biologic agent that purports to "lessen symptoms". It does not stop contraction or contagion of the disease. The people behind this debacle are either extremely incompetent or evil. Which one, incompetent or evil?
42   richwicks   2022 Jan 6, 10:54am  

Onvacation says
The people behind this debacle are either extremely incompetent or evil. Which one, incompetent or evil?

Evil of course!

There's TONS of people pointing out their "error" - the response is to silence them, not explain why they are wrong.

This means they know they are wrong, and don't give a damned that they are wrong - they just don't want the general public to know that they are "making a mistake".

Standard Operating Procedure. IF this vaccine turns out to have deleterious side effects 1, 2 whatever years down the road they are going to say "oops! We didn't know!" They will hide behind incompetence. Ever heard the saying "never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity?" - well, they are always very careful to have "stupidity" as their way out, without exception.

Whenever they are caught, the weapons of mass destruction, Qaddafi is about to cause a humanitarian crisis, Russian Collusion - they always, always claim it was incompetence. They always call it an honest mistake.

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