Vaxx Failure Thread

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2021 Sep 28, 1:25pm   222,079 views  1,290 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

A thread for obvious failures of the jab.

First one:


A married Michigan couple who were fully-vaccinated against COVID-19 both died of the virus just one minute apart.

Cal Dunham, 59, and wife Linda, 66, ‘gained their angel wings’ Sunday despite taking precautions against the virus and being inoculated against it, relatives said.

The couple, who had undisclosed underlying health conditions, fell ill earlier this month during a family camping trip, the couple's grieving daughter Sarah Dunham said.

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299   Patrick   2022 Jan 3, 2:18pm  


Throughout the past 22 thoroughly theatrical months, most Americans have ascribed magical “Pandemic(!)” ending powers to some plainly arbitrary measures. They naively believed the relentless government and media messages that if only we would:

—lock down for two weeks (to “flatten the curve!”)

—wear masks (“because my mask protects you!” or something like that)

—disinfect everything (even though the virus doesn’t spread via surfaces)

—walk in one direction in supermarket aisles (because your mask doesn’t really work)

—stay six feet apart (see above, plus four feet is not enough)

—close small businesses (while leaving large ones open)

—test and trace (because what works for STDs also works for respiratory viruses…not)

—stay in our home states (even though states’ infection rates were nearly equal)

—elect Biden (because, like Nixon, he had a secret plan to end “The Pandemic(!)”)

-—vaxx! (because it’s “safe and effective and will stop the spread!”)

—avoid family at Christmas (because people should be even more miserable)

—return to restaurants, theaters and stadiums (but only to 25% of capacity)

—continue to uncritically obey the authorities (although nothing they’ve said, worked)

—vaxx again!! (and blame the unvaxxed for continuing infections)

—continue to wear a mask…or two masks! (unless you’re consuming food or beverages)

—keep schools closed (even though kids were never at risk)

—test even more (though the tests are 90% inaccurate, we need to keep scaring people)

—vaxx yet again!!! (only about 100,000 people have died, been hospitalized of injured after injecting; and keep scapegoating and hectoring the unvaxxed, and require them to vaxx, even though the vaxxed are getting infected, spreading infection and dying)

….we could “CRUSH THE VIRUS!” (Yay, Us!)

Actually, the lockdowns, masks and first round of vaxxes were, by themselves, supposed to get this done. The other measures rest were, well, just more “Science!” Conveyed by “Experts!”

People, how gullible can you have been/still be? None of this worked. None of it could ever have worked. Learn some Microbiology. You’re surrounded, and even inhabited, by microbes. You always have been. You always will be. The world cannot be made sterile. You wouldn’t survive in a world without a wide array of bacteria, fungi, protozoa and viruses. You have to co-exist with microbes.

To paraphrase the Good Witch’s message to Dorothy at the end of The Wizard of Oz, the power to end the Scamdemic was always within your power.

If only you had (and now I’m being serious):

—turned off your TVs and radios, Twitter and Facebook and instead believed your own eyes and your own data set comprising only people you knew

—considered that only very old, very sick or very overweight people were at any risk

—known that asymptomatic spread was very rare

—weighed the impact of lockdowns and school closures on people besides your lazy, commute-avoiding, laptop-using, fully-paid or subsidized self

—focused on making your body healthier, instead of eating and drinking whatever you wanted and sitting all day

—educated yourselves about inexpensive, preventive supplements and cheap, safe, effective anti-Covid therapeutics with the same level of focus that you apply to learning about sports teams, celebrities, politics, investments, fashion and gossip

—disobeyed governmental restrictions on your assembly and movement.

—refused to be injected with experimental, ineffective, harmful substances

—realized that sometimes some old and unhealthy people pass from this Earth

…this whole thing would have been over in a month. Or less.

A new calendar doesn’t matter. Only your decision to either comply with, or to resist, all of the continuing foolishness, propaganda and political theater does.
301   GNL   2022 Jan 3, 4:22pm  

Patrick says
—considered that only very old, very sick or very overweight people were at any risk

I wonder if smoker and/or even ex-smoker should be added?
302   Patrick   2022 Jan 3, 6:29pm  

This Graph below is from the Ontario provincial government Covid website - sometimes it really helps to see a visual of data points. Here, daily "cases" reported for December 31, 2021 show that the vast majority of cases are now in the vaxxed.

REQUEST: Ask your vaxxed friends about this: do you still support a vaxx passport and mandates if anyone can get Covid?

From Take Action Canada email.
306   Patrick   2022 Jan 4, 1:25pm  

The Vaxx Boosted Case Numbers - 10 Weeks Straight And It Is Uk Government Data !!

original link
309   porkchopXpress   2022 Jan 4, 5:29pm  

Patrick says
So that's where "splitting" headache comes from
310   Booger   2022 Jan 5, 3:16am  


Vaccinated Women Are Now Lying About Their Vax Status As More Men See Them As Infertility Risk
311   Patrick   2022 Jan 5, 10:57am  


GERMANY: 78% of Omicron Patients With Known Vax Status Were Fully Vaxxed, Fact Checkers Say It Isn't 'A Majority'
312   Patrick   2022 Jan 5, 9:09pm  


Pandemic of the Vaccinated: Two Studies Show New Evidence that Covid-19 Vaccines “Cause More Illness than They Prevent”
By Julian Conradson
Published December 29, 2021 at 7:57pm ...

After just three months, fully vaccinated individuals begin to experience sharp negative protection. Researchers found that those who received the Pfizer vaccine were an astounding 76.5% more likely to have a breakthrough infection than their unvaccinated counterparts once 90 days had passed – those who received Moderna’s were 39.3% more likely.
313   Patrick   2022 Jan 6, 12:06pm  


Vaccinated and boosted Today anchor Hoda Kotb, 57, reveals she has tested positive for COVID

All the vaxxed are getting it now, and at much higher rates than the unvaxxed.


314   Onvacation   2022 Jan 6, 12:10pm  

This is a pandemic of testing.
315   Patrick   2022 Jan 6, 12:21pm  


Why limit contraindication to Janssen? Using same criteria revisit EUA/BLA for all C19 quasi-vaccines.
Transparency: Emergency ACIP Meeting Dec 16 2021: A second open letter to Dr. Grace Lee, ACIP Chair
David Wiseman PhD, MRPharmS (Synechion@aol.com ) Jessica Rose, PhD, MSc., BSc.
Josh Guetzkow PhD, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel Hervé Seligmann PhD
December 16 2021, December 23 2021 (revised)1
Comment Tracking Number: (added after submission)
CDC-2021-0133 (only available at start of meeting, but inactive on regulations.gov until 12/17/21)
Dear ACIP Chairperson Dr. Lee,2
We refer to the letter to you from one of us (DW) of November 19, submitted to the docket (once a number had been
assigned) and published as on Trial Site News.(1) DW remains in anticipation of the pleasure of your reply to that, and this
letter, as to your proposed actions. We welcome an honest discussion of our analyses.
To enhance transparency and informed consent, we use the term “quasi-vaccine” (q-vaccine) to disclose the fact that these
drugs meet FDA’s definition of gene therapy products, and constitute a novel class distinct from classical vaccines.
Key concerns are summarized here under these main headings, with detail below and attached.
• Contraindications warranted for all q-vaccines to include other events (thrombosis, myocarditis, etc.). Focusing on a
small subset of events in one q-vaccine is regulatory misdirection.
• Insufficient guidance on coagulopathies for Janssen and other quasi-vaccines
• COVID-19 q-vaccine in children 5-11 years: contraindication and re-evaluation of use warranted
• ACIP should be discussing ever reduced benefit for greater risk: Attempting to boost our way out of new variants is the
immunological equivalent of heroin addiction.
• Full review of the existing EUAs and BLA is warranted due to greater prevalence of AEs as well as death far
exceeding the TTS rate for Janssen and the death reports for all three Covid-19 quasi-vaccines.

Tons of details.
316   Ceffer   2022 Jan 6, 12:25pm  

Onvacation says
This is a pandemic of testing.

This is a pandemic of FAKE testing. There, fixed it.
317   Eric Holder   2022 Jan 6, 12:26pm  

Onvacation says
This is a pandemic of testing.

Yep: our school is bombarding us with e-mails urging to pick-up some free rapid tests. Meaning that there will be many of these floating around in the GP, fueling the "cases" hysteria.
318   Patrick   2022 Jan 6, 2:47pm  


Has Covid vaccine efficacy turned negative?
Data from highly vaccinated countries suggests strongly that the answer is yes; vaccinated people are at higher risk of infection from Omicron.
320   GNL   2022 Jan 6, 3:42pm  

Patrick says
All the vaxxed are getting it now, and at much higher rates than the unvaxxed.

Does it matter if they are getting Covid or not? The real question is are they dying or being hospitalized? Also, doesn't the vax give a Covid infection? If so, everyone who takes the jab will get Covid at least for a little bit,no?
321   Patrick   2022 Jan 6, 3:49pm  

Yes, it matters because it proves the vaxx does not work and that mandates are not about health.

True, no one is dying or even being hospitalized from Omicron (Xi), making mandates even more stupid.

The vaxx gives symptoms the same as the virus because it causes your body to produce the same toxic spike protein.
322   GNL   2022 Jan 6, 3:56pm  

Patrick says
Yes, it matters because it proves the vaxx does not work and that mandates are not about health.

True, no one is dying or even being hospitalized from Omicron (Xi), making mandates even more stupid.

The vaxx gives symptoms the same as the virus because it causes your body to produce the same protein.

But how can it be proven that the vax does or does not help, at least some bit, people from going to the hospital or dying?

Don't get me wrong, the mandates are all about control/despotism but, do they work, at least some bit, or not? That's really my only question now.

Maybe I'm just arguing for argument's sake. All of this is totally wrong. I've been on the same page as you and, what looks like, 99% of everyone on patrick.net since early 2020.
323   Patrick   2022 Jan 6, 7:58pm  

WineHorror1 says
But how can it be proven that the vax does or does not help, at least some bit, people from going to the hospital or dying?

Someone would have to do a real experiment.

Pfizer's studies were bogus:

325   Patrick   2022 Jan 7, 10:29am  


That's because the first two shots FAILED.

In addition to being a violation of the Nuremburg Code and basic human rights.
326   Patrick   2022 Jan 7, 12:29pm  


There is no stopping condition
I asked the CDC for the stopping condition for the COVID vaccines: you know, like how many kids have to die before they pull the plug, ... Do you want to know what they said?

I sent an email to everyone at the CDC who was involved in the investigation of his death asking them what the stopping condition was for these vaccines. How many kids have to die? How many adults have to die? How many previously healthy Americans have to be permanently disabled?

I received no reply.

That’s pretty much what I expected.

If you don’t believe me, you are welcome to ask them yourself. You can find their emails here. If you do ask and get a response, please post their response in the comments.

But this tells you everything you need to know, doesn’t it?

Ask your blue pill friends what the stopping condition is

If you are trying to convince your blue pill friends that there really is something very seriously wrong, simply ask them to tell you the stopping condition. If they don’t find it troubling that they can’t answer your question, then they are unreachable and you are wasting your time.
327   Misc   2022 Jan 7, 12:35pm  

If they can answer your question, would you listen to their reply?
328   Patrick   2022 Jan 7, 1:04pm  


Study Suggests That Moderna and Pfizer Vaccine Selection Triggered Disease Enhancement in Delta and Its Spread
Scientists are careful to hedge on the political ramifications of their findings, but publish anyway
329   Patrick   2022 Jan 7, 1:04pm  

Misc says
If they can answer your question, would you listen to their reply?

The point of asking the "stopping condition" question is to get a lightbulb to go on in their heads.
331   charlie303   2022 Jan 7, 1:17pm  

Patrick says

With Omicron: Negative Efficacy Like Never Before

I've said it before and I'll say it again - It's the vaxx causing the illness!
The narrative that you would be much worse without the vaxx is still just about holding up but people are slowly questioning and realizing that Omnicold isn't that bad for most.
Do we need 4th and 5th boosters for a cold they muse?
What about Vitamin D, C and Zinc some of them can be heard saying.
Glacially slow turn the wheels but turn they do.


333   Misc   2022 Jan 7, 3:55pm  

Patrick says
Misc says
If they can answer your question, would you listen to their reply?

The point of asking the "stopping condition" question is to get a lightbulb to go on in their heads.

But if they answer the question logically, it forces the questioner to change their world view. Few people are able to change their worldview and thus become overly defensive and seek a "safe space" from the "bad man".
334   Patrick   2022 Jan 7, 5:04pm  


El Camino Hospital CMO admits that 57% of their hospitalized COVID patients are fully vaccinated
In a confidential memo to hospital staff, Mark Adams, the Chief Medical Officer of El Camino Hospital, admits that 57% of their hospitalized COVID patients are fully vaccinated. Whoops!
335   Misc   2022 Jan 7, 5:11pm  

Patrick says

El Camino Hospital CMO admits that 57% of their hospitalized COVID patients are fully vaccinated
In a confidential memo to hospital staff, Mark Adams, the Chief Medical Officer of El Camino Hospital, admits that 57% of their hospitalized COVID patients are fully vaccinated. Whoops!

That can't be right. Haven't the powers that be changed it to 3 jabs to be fully vaxxed?

That way only 22% are fully vaxxed.

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