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Google Will Fire Unvaccinated Employees
Patrick saysGoogle Will Fire Unvaccinated Employees
Ad revenue from Pfizer et all must be at stake.
How Google manipulated "Mass formation psychosis" search results after the Malone interview
Wow. Mass formation in action. Google caught red-handed manipulating the narrative.
But instead of linking to the video of Dr. Malone, any of the stories that dive into the phenomenon, or even reaction videos that expand on the concept, Google decided to promote some random dude’s minute-and-a-half video “debunking” it when people search them for “mass formation psychosis.”
Google has now made this random guy’s video attacking Dr Malone on Mass Formation Psychosis the top result when you search for it
On DuckDuck it comes right up at the top pic.twitter.com/5uVRs100KB
— Mass Formation Poso (@JackPosobiec) January 1, 2022
There is a reason that historically Businesses have stayed out of politics.
When the other side gets in power, they tax the ever living shit out of the businesses that supported the other side.
Class action lawsuit says Google pays Apple to stay out of the search engine market
The case focuses on the search business, citing reports that emerged last year of Google paying Apple as much as $15 billion in order to remain the default search engine on Apple’s Safari browser on all devices.
Not only that, but the filing further claims that Apple agreed not to develop its own search engine, as part of a non-compete deal it has with Google.
According to the plaintiffs, the non-compete here also means – no competition, as smaller players are unable to properly compete in the search market; another way in which competition is undermined by Apple and Google is by acquisition of existing or potential smaller competitors.
Meanwhile the cartel-like nature of this alleged Big Tech arrangement means the cost of advertising is higher than it ought to be, since the deal creates an anti-competitive environment.
I'd like for Pfizer, Moderna, et al to be disbanded, the executives imprisoned or executed for murder and conspiracy to commit murder, the assets sold off, and the proceeds given as compensation to the families of their many victims.
Ok @googlenest you’ve gone too far. Since you bought Nest the product has deteriorated but I was already bought in so I accepted it. Now you feel it’s your place to unilaterally decrease my temp settings? IN A CHICAGO WINTER?? Replacing your (not really “my”) thermostats today.
— Joe Pilot, MD (@JoeSilverman7) January 8, 2022
Youtube now censoring videos by falsely claiming they contain copyright music.
January 21, 2022
Google shareholders push for the company to disclose Biden censorship demands
The group wants to know the extent of the censorship President Biden has asked for.
4 AGs Sue Google for Tracking Users Without Permission
Attorneys general from Washington, D.C. and three states on Monday sued Google, accusing the tech giant of deceiving consumers about the security of their location data in order to boost its digital advertising profits.
February 1, 2022
New bipartisan bill aims to break up Google’s ad dominance
The bill is gaining support.
New bipartisan bill aims to break up Google’s ad dominance
The bill is gaining support.
Four attorneys general have sued Google for its deceptive practices in collecting location data from the public.
The separate lawsuits allege that Google continued to track location data of its users even after they had disabled location tracking.
Google’s misleading claims to users regarding privacy protections available in their account settings have been ongoing since at least 2014.
The attorney general for the District of Columbia launched an investigation into Google after a 2018 AP News report revealed Google was tracking people’s movements even when they’d opted out of such tracking.
The suits allege that Google’s products are designed to pressure users to allow location tracking “inadvertently or out of frustration,” in violation of state consumer protection laws.
February 12, 2022
Google Analytics in its current form is a privacy law violation, France rules
Google tracking scripts on websites are scooping up data on visitors.
I have not tried this myself yet:
Browser extension that lets you see YouTube dislike counts.
This real:
The White House should be very proud of the job Google and YouTube are doing.
Google executives are swallowing the government narrative 100%, and not asking any questions. They are ignoring any facts that show the government is lying and they are not willing to listen or have an open discussion with their own employees or any outside experts who disagree with the safe and effective narrative. They are doing what they are told to do.
In deliberately suppressing valuable information that can save lives, Google is doing a tremendous disservice to humanity and causing irreparable harm. And, just like lawmakers, they will not be held accountable to anyone who dares to question their policies.
The first thing that everybody should take away in general, there’s two things…please stop using Gmail, Google and Google Chrome. Stop using their services. On top of that, you should stop using Microsoft Edge and any of the Microsoft services or Safari, but Google is particularly bad because of all the systems that they have intact and together. I would say for easy internet use, Brave browser is the best one to start with, it’s very similar to Google Chrome. It’s built off the chromium backbone, but it is more private than Google Chrome. There’s no affiliation and you can select the search engine in the browser. Sometimes when you install Brave, it has Google as the pre-set search engine, but you don’t have to keep it.
There’s no affiliation and you can select the search engine in the browser.
Charles Calisher – professor of microbiology at Colorado State University and the top of nearly 30 individuals who signed the Lancet letter – received funding from Google.org, the philanthropic arm of the tech behemoth, for a paper from June 2011 published in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology.
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To view my work calendar on my phone i have to add that account, so google knows my phone now too.
Even viewing a youtube video at work i noticed that they have me logged in to youtube (which google owns). if i log out, i can't read my email...
Google is the worst thing ever to happen to privacy.