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Please watch the story of this young lady’s ordeal post vaccination. You will be tempted to stop watching half way because it’s long and painful but imagine how painful it’s been for her. She deserves our time and understanding.
Pfizer’s COVID vaccine trial results; are these statistics “acceptable”?
Absolutely not. They wouldn’t be acceptable for any medication brought to market, this magnitude of side effects, 31% either died, had permanent disability or were not recovered. It’s insane that at the time of the report to government authorities, April 30th, 2021 that this drug, this injection wasn’t pulled off the market immediately.
Explaining some devastating known side effects…
Sequela is some type of a problem that lingers even though you recovered. Let’s say you had an extremely high fever with seizures and the seizures never actually went away, you keep getting occasional seizures every now and then, or you have paralysis of an arm or a leg after the seizure and that just doesn’t go away.
Reverse transcriptase is where mRNA is turned into DNA, and depending on where that segment of DNA accidentally interrupts and integrates itself into the cells DNA, you can either be causing cancer, you can be causing mutations, or you might not cause anything at all. It’s completely random. The reverse transcriptase itself can lead this mRNA injection into causing new mutations in the DNA.
Effects on pregnant women…
Out of 274 pregnancy cases where pregnant women received this injection, there were 75 serious reported clinical events. 75 over 274. That’s a 27% serious clinical event instance. Any pregnant woman who received this injection after April 30th, 2021 should be suing their obstetrician for malpractice. Absolutely unheard of.
Effects on our children…
There were 34 instances where children under the age of 12 were given this injection between December 1st and February 28th. Of those 34 children, 24 had serious side effects. Of those 24 kids who had a serious case after getting this injection 16 were resolved or resolving, 13 had not resolved and five were unknown.
Risks of genetic damage to children….
We’re not even talking about the genetic damage. This is just the damage that they discovered in the first three months between December 1st and February 28th, a pregnancy is nine full months. We don’t know how many of the other cases that were non-serious in the first two months might turn into serious events, miscarriages stillbirths, birth defects, deformities, developmental delay, which is where a child doesn’t develop the ability to walk, talk or think at a normal rate. In previous years, it was called mental retardation. We have no idea what the long-term effects are.
Are smaller doses for children safe and effective?
No, as long as there’s enough of a dose, if it’s a 1/3, one quarter, one tenth a dose, it only changes the amount of time it takes to produce copies of itself. It’ll just take a little bit longer at one tenth of the dose than at the full adult dose. There is no safe dose for this injection.
Davide Bristot dead at 18: why is the vaccine being investigated?
Sedico, died in his sleep Davide Bristot, 18 years old. The Prosecutor's Office of Belluno orders the autopsy and opens an investigation on the vaccine.
Published July 15, 2021 - Updated July 15, 2021 at 17:07 by Maria Sole Santi
Davide Bristot, 18 years old, was found dead in his sleep by his mother in Sedico, in the Belluno area. The Prosecutor's Office of Belluno has ordered an autopsy and opened an investigation into the vaccine, administered to the boy last June 17.
Davide Bistrot dead at 18 years old in his sleep
Tragedy in Sedico, in the province of Belluno. Found dead Davide Bristot, a young man of 18 years old who lived with his family. When his mother did not hear him get up, she went to look for him in his room and found him lifeless at the foot of the bed.
The cause of death is still unknown, but an investigation into the vaccine has been opened.
According to local newspapers, the 18 year old had gone to the hospital in Belluno the evening before his death because he was suffering from severe head pain and after a series of clinical examinations and the administration of an IV he was sent home.
Davide Bristot died, why is the vaccine being investigated?
The prosecutor of Belluno is investigating for manslaughter for the death of Davide Bristot, discharged from the emergency room after experiencing severe head pain the evening before his death.
The deputy prosecutor, Alberto Primavera, has ordered the autopsy to exclude any connection with the first dose of vaccine administered to the 18 year old last June 17.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Michigan State University Economics Professor Mark Skidmore is an expert in public finance and policy evaluation. About this time last year, Dr. Skidmore identified a public policy to withhold lifesaving CV19 drugs such as hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) that cost at least 100,000 needless deaths. Skidmore is out with a new report that says at least 1.4 million have been killed or seriously injured, so far, from the CV19 injections. Dr. Skidmore contends the FDA and CDC are covering up serious danger and harm being done to people. Dr. Skidmore explains, “We need actual scientific studies, but we are not getting them. . . . If the FDA and CDC are only claiming 9 fatalities from the (CV19) vaccine, then clearly that is not the truth. The Pfizer documents show that (1,200 vax deaths reported to Pfizer early on). The DOD data . . . shows that. The VAERS data shows that. Then I have my survey (with about 300,000 vax deaths) that adds to this growing evidence. Then you look at all the soccer players, and the rate of collapses and fatalities among professional soccer players is four times anything we have ever seen before. The Orange County, California, school district is now requiring a heart examination, including an EKG in order to participate in athletics. Why does a 17-year-old healthy person need an EKG?”
In memory of those who have "died suddenly" worldwide, March 8-14, 2022
Still more "unexpected deaths" in Canada, Australia, Nigeria, India, Ireland and (especially) the UK, among other places
Two UK Residents Died of Blood-Clotting Disorders Linked to AstraZeneca Vaccine, Coroners Confirm
UK coroners in two separate cases this week concluded individuals who received AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine died from blood-clotting disorders caused by the vaccine, which uses the same adenovirus technology as the Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine authorized for emergency use in the U.S.
The Philippines vaccine mandate for all workers went into effect on December 1. And since that time, we’re literally receiving 2-3 emails per day from Filipinos reporting deaths and maimings of friends and family members. And sadly, many of the victims are virtue signaling on social media before succumbing to the lethal injections.
Mr. Mikel Marusu received his first Pfizer mRNA injection on October 13, according to his Facebook page. Like millions of others, he posted a photo of himself holding his vaccine card.
In all, excess death among those who are traditionally the healthiest Americans is up by an astonishing 84%. ...
From Dowd:
“The money chart is really Chart 4, which shows that the Millennial age group, 25 to 44 experienced an 84% increase in excess mortality into the fall. It’s the worst-ever excess mortality, I think, in history.”
As you can see in Dowd’s chart below, excess deaths among millennials have skyrocketed ever since the rollout of the vaccine, peaking at the point when work-related vaccine mandates were put into effect by the federal government.
Coincidence? Likely not. ...
It takes time for Millennial-aged deaths to be reported, because they’re usually not hospital deaths so that data is going to be updated and it’s probably gonna show that continued disturbing trend.
I think this is the smoking gun: that the vaccines are causing excess mortality in all age groups and it’s no coincidence that Rochelle Walensky refuses to answer Senator Ron Johnson’s letters.They’re hiding. Fauci’s gone. She’s gone. They’re hiding.
So, I’m going to put a word out there. It’s an old word but it should be re-introduced into the conversation. It’s called democide: Death by government. So the government, through the mandates has killed people.”
Nadal had his own health issue.
The Australian Open champion came into the match bothered by painful breathing that he first experienced in a three-set semi-final win. He took two medical timeouts during the final. The first one came after he lost the first set. Nadal went inside with a trainer after tapping his upper left chest. He got treatment on court after falling behind 5-4 in the second set.
“When I try to breathe, it’s painful, and it’s very uncomfortable. It’s like a needle all the time inside. I get dizzy a little bit because it’s painful. It’s a kind of pain that limit me a lot,” said Nadal, who turns 36 in June.
“The thing that worries me now, it’s about what’s going on there, what I have to do now to recover and how long going to take.”
The Athletes Aren't Ok
This isn't normal
Etana Hecht
6 min ago
In Orange County, Florida there is a brand new policy for the current academic school year relating to student athletics. Starting from September 2021, all student-athletes are required to undergo an echocardiogram and be cleared by a cardiologist prior to playing on a sports team at any of the county’s schools.
Ms. Gotze received her first Pfizer mRNA injection on or around September 7, according to her mother, Mrs. Raelene Gotze (aka Raelene Kennedy). Raelene said Caitlin fell “really ill” after the shot, to the point that she was bedridden for a week. Caitlin returned to work the following week, putting in 60 hours to make up for the lost time. Despite what sounds like a severe adverse reaction to the first shot, Caitlin received the second Pfizer injection on September 28.
She either fought through subsequent adverse effects for several weeks, or experienced none. Ms. Gotze seems to really love her job and horses, so it’s likely she went to work at far less than 100% during that time.
Tragic turn of events
Ms. Gotze was out with her friends on Saturday, November 13. She suffered a “severe asthma attack” that day. Ms. Gotze drove herself to the hospital. Doctors prescribed antibiotics, steroids and more/different inhalers. Ms. Gotze went to her regular doctor the following Monday, November 15. He told her to simply continue the protocols prescribed by the hospital doctor. There’s no indication that her regular doctor performed any further tests.
After another day of rest, Ms. Gotze returned to work on Tuesday, November 16. She apparently got through the day without issue. But on Wednesday, November 17, she had another alleged asthma attack while at work. Ms. Gotze went to her car to retrieve her inhalers. Her co-workers got worried when she didn’t return to the stables after several minutes. They went to check on Ms. Gotze and found her unresponsive in her car. Co-workers performed CPR until paramedics arrived. But it was too late. Ms. Gotze passed away that day.
Raelene is not fully convinced that an asthma attack killed her daughter. “I am seriously wondering if the Pfizer vaccine stopped her heart,” she wrote. Mrs. Gotze also said that preliminary findings indicated “no typical asthma presentation.” She once again said, “Pfizer is the suspicion but will have results next week.”
She also pointed out that the consent forms for the mRNA injections mention nothing about potential death.
Mrs. Gotze is now wondering how Pfizer gets away with calling these injections “safe and effective.” She is also pointing fingers at the doctors who failed to run any additional tests.
I don't know of anyone dying from the vax. Or even being hurt by the vax. I know of 1 person dying from the virus.
Now reported as a stress crack on his rib.
Patrick saysThat that vaxx is dangerous and ineffective.
How dangerous?
The sars-cov2-19 virus will become (and probably has become) nearly harmless except for the very elderly.
We can't evaluate how exactly they are, but the vaccine companies through their actions are showing they believe they are detrimental. If you can't see that and want to get a 3rd booster or something, well, I hope I'm wrong.
richwicks saysWe can't evaluate how exactly they are, but the vaccine companies through their actions are showing they believe they are detrimental. If you can't see that and want to get a 3rd booster or something, well, I hope I'm wrong.
I'm not jabbed. I've started questioning how dangerous they are though. I don't know a single jab injured person. I've also been told billions will die from the jab.
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