Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   911,208 views  8,529 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

Let's start with this one:


‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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1462   Patrick   2022 Mar 22, 10:30am  


Nadal had his own health issue.

The Australian Open champion came into the match bothered by painful breathing that he first experienced in a three-set semi-final win. He took two medical timeouts during the final. The first one came after he lost the first set. Nadal went inside with a trainer after tapping his upper left chest. He got treatment on court after falling behind 5-4 in the second set.

“When I try to breathe, it’s painful, and it’s very uncomfortable. It’s like a needle all the time inside. I get dizzy a little bit because it’s painful. It’s a kind of pain that limit me a lot,” said Nadal, who turns 36 in June.

“The thing that worries me now, it’s about what’s going on there, what I have to do now to recover and how long going to take.”
1463   charlie303   2022 Mar 22, 10:33am  


Another person who does not understand that you breathe air in through your nose and so a cloth mask worn as shown would have no effect whatsoever.

Better these people inflict harm upon themselves rather than consent to harm being inflicted upon me.

1464   charlie303   2022 Mar 22, 10:36am  

Edit: maybe a cloth mask worn as shown would have a placebo effect.

But if the corona virus was as truly as deadly as claimed then not enough.

1465   Patrick   2022 Mar 22, 3:20pm  


The Athletes Aren't Ok
This isn't normal

Etana Hecht
6 min ago
In Orange County, Florida there is a brand new policy for the current academic school year relating to student athletics. Starting from September 2021, all student-athletes are required to undergo an echocardiogram and be cleared by a cardiologist prior to playing on a sports team at any of the county’s schools.
1468   Patrick   2022 Mar 23, 9:58am  


Ms. Gotze received her first Pfizer mRNA injection on or around September 7, according to her mother, Mrs. Raelene Gotze (aka Raelene Kennedy). Raelene said Caitlin fell “really ill” after the shot, to the point that she was bedridden for a week. Caitlin returned to work the following week, putting in 60 hours to make up for the lost time. Despite what sounds like a severe adverse reaction to the first shot, Caitlin received the second Pfizer injection on September 28.

She either fought through subsequent adverse effects for several weeks, or experienced none. Ms. Gotze seems to really love her job and horses, so it’s likely she went to work at far less than 100% during that time.

Tragic turn of events
Ms. Gotze was out with her friends on Saturday, November 13. She suffered a “severe asthma attack” that day. Ms. Gotze drove herself to the hospital. Doctors prescribed antibiotics, steroids and more/different inhalers. Ms. Gotze went to her regular doctor the following Monday, November 15. He told her to simply continue the protocols prescribed by the hospital doctor. There’s no indication that her regular doctor performed any further tests.

After another day of rest, Ms. Gotze returned to work on Tuesday, November 16. She apparently got through the day without issue. But on Wednesday, November 17, she had another alleged asthma attack while at work. Ms. Gotze went to her car to retrieve her inhalers. Her co-workers got worried when she didn’t return to the stables after several minutes. They went to check on Ms. Gotze and found her unresponsive in her car. Co-workers performed CPR until paramedics arrived. But it was too late. Ms. Gotze passed away that day.

Raelene is not fully convinced that an asthma attack killed her daughter. “I am seriously wondering if the Pfizer vaccine stopped her heart,” she wrote. Mrs. Gotze also said that preliminary findings indicated “no typical asthma presentation.” She once again said, “Pfizer is the suspicion but will have results next week.”

She also pointed out that the consent forms for the mRNA injections mention nothing about potential death.

Mrs. Gotze is now wondering how Pfizer gets away with calling these injections “safe and effective.” She is also pointing fingers at the doctors who failed to run any additional tests.
1469   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2022 Mar 23, 10:08am  

WineHorror1 says
I don't know of anyone dying from the vax. Or even being hurt by the vax. I know of 1 person dying from the virus.

I knew people who died from a virus during the original strain days. All were very old people in the 80's and 90's.

I also knew several people (in their 50's) who had terrible side effects from vaccines, never recovered, died from blood clots several weeks later. Their death was not listed as vaccine, but we all suspected it since it's kind of like cause and effect.

Those are real people we knew, not internet people. For what it's worth. Which is why I don't have vaccine yet, I'm not old enough to have covid kill me, but young enough to have issues from vaccines.
1471   Booger   2022 Mar 23, 4:36pm  

Article claims that companies are saving money on pensions.. I could see government saving money on pensions, but not private industry.
1474   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Mar 24, 5:01am  

Nadal concerned by chest pain: It's like a needle is inside there

Felt pain during his first loss of 2022

Rafael Nadal has revealed he struggled to breath throughout his straight sets defeat to Taylor Fritz in the Indian Wells final.

The Australian Open champion was 4-0 down in the first set, at which point he left the court for medical treatment. He improved when returning to the court, but lost 6-3, 7-6 (7-5) to Fritz, who became the first American to win Indian Wells since Andre Agassi in 2001.

"It's tough for me to breathe," Nadal told the press afterwards.

"When I try to breathe, it's painful and it's very uncomfortable.

"I don't know if it's something in the ribs. When I'm breathing, when I'm moving it's like a needle all the time inside here.

"I get dizzy a little bit because it's painful. It's a kind of pain that limits me a lot. It's not only about pain, I don't feel very well because it affects my breathing."

Fritz wins his first Masters 1000 title

Nadal's 20-match unbeaten run came to an end on Sunday and he was gracious in defeat, despite not being able to play at his best.

"This is not the time to talk about this, even if it's obvious that I could not do normal things today," added Nadal.

"It's a final. I tried. I lost to a great player. It's not the day to talk about what's going on with me. It's his [Fritz's] day."

Will Nadal be ready for the French Open?

Nadal is expected to prepare for French Open, as he looks to win a record-extending 14th title at Roland Garros.

The world number three lost in the semi-finals to Novak Djokovic in Paris last year, but admits he is more worried about his body after being pushed for an answer about his breathing issues.

Honestly, I am sad because of the way I was not able to compete," said Nadal.

"The thing that worries me now, it's about what's going on there, what I have to do now to recover and how long it's going to take."


1475   ElYorsh   2022 Mar 24, 10:08am  

I am antivax for COVID. But they way Nadal explained his discomfort and his doctor's diagnosis make sense. I had the same injury years ago and thought I was having heart problems... it was a small lesion in my ribs.
1476   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Mar 24, 10:12am  

ElYorsh says
I am antivax for COVID.
Now reported as a stress crack on his rib.
1478   Ceffer   2022 Mar 24, 10:17pm  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says
Now reported as a stress crack on his rib.

I broke a rib or two a few years ago paddle boarding (wave pushed board into my ribs) which I guess is not uncommon injury for surfers. It's extremely painful, I slept for a couple of weeks sitting up in a chair. The only time I was pain free was holding my breath and sitting perfectly still. Pleurisy is also very painful (rubbing of the pleura due to infection or loss of pleural lubrication).
1481   GNL   2022 Mar 25, 5:07pm  

Patrick says

What truth are we waiting to come out?
1482   Patrick   2022 Mar 25, 5:48pm  

That that vaxx is dangerous and ineffective.
1483   GNL   2022 Mar 25, 7:03pm  

Patrick says
That that vaxx is dangerous and ineffective.

How dangerous?
1484   richwicks   2022 Mar 25, 7:32pm  

WineHorror1 says
Patrick says
That that vaxx is dangerous and ineffective.

How dangerous?

How can this be determined when the manufacturers are with-holding information? They wanted 75 years to reveal the data.

Doesn't tell you how dangerous the vaccines are, it does tell you they're not safe. It tells you the manufacturers are nervous about revealing data. Their immunity from side effects tells you that they don't need to care about how dangerous or effective the vaccine is.

Every disease attenuates. A disease that kills their host is like an animal that destroys their food supply. It's not to the advantage of the virus to kill the host. The sars-cov2-19 virus will become (and probably has become) nearly harmless except for the very elderly.

We can't evaluate how exactly they are, but the vaccine companies through their actions are showing they believe they are detrimental. If you can't see that and want to get a 3rd booster or something, well, I hope I'm wrong.
1485   Onvacation   2022 Mar 26, 7:13am  

richwicks says
The sars-cov2-19 virus will become (and probably has become) nearly harmless except for the very elderly.

The data shows that the Wuhan was never dangerous to the young and healthy. The only healthy person that I know who died "from Covid" was double vaxxed, boosted, and very healthy.
1486   GNL   2022 Mar 26, 10:15am  

richwicks says
We can't evaluate how exactly they are, but the vaccine companies through their actions are showing they believe they are detrimental. If you can't see that and want to get a 3rd booster or something, well, I hope I'm wrong.

I'm not jabbed. I've started questioning how dangerous they are though. I don't know a single jab injured person. I've also been told billions will die from the jab.
1487   mell   2022 Mar 26, 12:14pm  

WineHorror1 says
richwicks says
We can't evaluate how exactly they are, but the vaccine companies through their actions are showing they believe they are detrimental. If you can't see that and want to get a 3rd booster or something, well, I hope I'm wrong.

I'm not jabbed. I've started questioning how dangerous they are though. I don't know a single jab injured person. I've also been told billions will die from the jab.

Humans are far more resistant and resilient than many believe. Also it depends on a lot of randomization whether the spike protein is produced in masses and if so when and where. I'd go with tens of thousands at the minimum, hundreds of thousands as the mean and millions at the high end of sudden deaths or shortened life spans. And that doesnt include infertility and more chronic lifelong effects. Still brutal if you think about that they pulled the swine flu vax after a handful of deaths and that really hardly anybody who wasn't severely compromised w/ comorbodities died of the wu-flu. My guess is true covid deaths among healthy jabbed/unjabbed (we all know now the current jabs do not protect you) are within single digit thousands in the US. If at all. Considering 100MM got infected at the minimum this would make a fatality rate less than 0.01, closer to 0.001%.
1490   Patrick   2022 Mar 26, 1:14pm  


You know the reason why this is happening. You’re just not allowed to say it.

You’re also not allowed to report about it if you’re a journalist. That’s because nearly the entire corporate media took money from the Biden Administration to push the vaccines to their audiences without disclosing it. Years from now, this will be remembered as the unforgivable sin of America’s corporate media. This is why you lived through a vaccine telethon every day for almost two years in America. This is why journalists and TV anchors and TV executives sold their souls to Big Pharma and turned into drug pimps demanding that you get jabbed.

Kudos to the journalist Chris Pandolfo at Blaze Media for discovering this unprecedented breach of media ethics and reporting it ...

You don’t have to wonder why you don’t see any American media outlets reporting on vaccine injuries, on heart inflammation in young kids, on athletes suddenly dying on the field, or the 55,000 pages of clinical date the FDA was forced to release on the Pfizer vaccine recently. They all just got caught taking $1 billion dollars of taxpayer money from the Biden regime to lie about the efficacy and safety of experimental DNA-altering drugs. Trust me: they are not going to do any “investigate journalism” on themselves. Journalism is dead in America — and it’s the corporate journalists who killed it. ...

Let us hope and pray that it’s true. Let’s hope that we live to see Fauci and Collins and Birx arrested. Let’s hope that we live to see Gates and Schwab and Bourla and Bancel brought to justice. Millions of people around the world are going to get sick and die early deaths in the coming years — and there’s absolutely no doubt who’s responsible.
1491   Patrick   2022 Mar 26, 5:09pm  


The Bogota municipal government issued a statement Saturday that the city's emergency center had received a report of a patient with “chest pain” and sent an ambulance, though a private ambulance had already arrived at the hotel in northern Bogota.

Health workers tried to revive him, but were unable to do so.

original link

Foo Fighters promoted the jabbs and banned anyone not vaccinated from their gigs.
1493   Ceffer   2022 Mar 26, 7:42pm  

I assume the 'v' refers to the vax:
1494   mell   2022 Mar 26, 8:53pm  

Ceffer says
I assume the 'v' refers to the vax:

Wow and so it begins..
1495   WookieMan   2022 Mar 27, 1:31am  

WineHorror1 says
I'm not jabbed. I've started questioning how dangerous they are though. I don't know a single jab injured person. I've also been told billions will die from the jab.

There's hype. I think the death thing is a bit over exaggerated, but I do think it has killed people. That said my own wife has not been the same. She's constantly sick and would never get sick before. Had lady issues for 4-5 months after vax.

Fortunately we're done with kids, but I have a feeling where the death is coming from is women. My SIL has had 2 miscarriages since getting vaccinated. I'm aging out of knowing people having kids unless they rob the cradle woman wise, but I've heard of a lot of women miscarrying recently. We're talking 20-30's. Anecdotal. I just don't trust media or stats much anymore on stuff like this.
1496   Patrick   2022 Mar 27, 2:17am  

WookieMan says
I just don't trust media or stats much anymore on stuff like this.

Exactly. The media and the medical establishment has burned their credibility to the ground.
1497   richwicks   2022 Mar 27, 2:28am  

Patrick says
WookieMan says
I just don't trust media or stats much anymore on stuff like this.

Exactly. The media and the medical establishment has burned their credibility to the ground.

They never deserved credibility within my adult lifetime anyhow.

I'm glad it's finally gone.
1498   Blue   2022 Mar 27, 3:27am  

I was able to save wife and children from jab. In my case employer got me with fake Biden mandate, got JJ (non mRNA). When I went to jab place, I literally pleaded that I was there only to get stamped paper and not interested to get liquid think like i am your brother or family member and have lot of medical issues. He looked around and said he would loose his job and I whispered to him try to do acting and dump the rest. Later he did quickly and not sure how much he injected.

Last week, after a long talk with a woman in the neighborhood who does not seem normal, she says is suffering from constant leg pain after her second jab. Now she concludes that it was the jab and really regretted getting one and its too late now. Never fully trust medical establishment again.
1499   Onvacation   2022 Mar 27, 9:29am  

Vaxx Zombie

original link

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