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One way to get a bit of privacy is to add these lines to the /etc/hosts file on your Mac or Linux computer (probably there is some similar file on Windows):
## CUSTOM BLOCKING google.com www.google.com ssl.google-analytics.com google-analytics.com www.google-analytics.com maps.google.com images.google.com facebook.com www.facebook.com staticxx.facebook.com
I agree, google could modify their code to harvest said information, but they currently don't.
Newspeak being promulgated:
I'm not drunk, but I am about to submit a tip that Biden stole the election. I have all the videos from the trials saved, that's my evidence.
That is some strange reasoning they use here. They are essentially saying "Illegals are not a burden on SS, as illegals are effectively slaves."
Snitches deserve stitches
Even Google agrees
Summary: our government agencies at both the state and federal level are irresponsibly giving Google access to what should be citizens' private information.
Investors raise alarm on Google project whose data collection could help Saudi Arabia assassins
“The Saudi Arabian government will stop at no end to snuff out anyone who dares challenge their autocratic rule and human rights abuses,” said SumOfUs campaign director Rewan Al-Haddad.
“Google is sidestepping its own human rights standards in favor of growth and profits, and while that’s not necessarily shocking, it puts the lives of activists and dissidents in the region at serious risk,” Al-Haddad added. “A Google cloud center under Saudi’s jurisdiction would basically serve our sensitive data on a silver platter to Saudi’s top hitmen.”
Meta has been sued over allegations that sensitive medical data is shared secretly with Facebook when patients access the portals of some health-care centers.
The basis of the lawsuit is Pixel, a tracking tool owned by Facebook. The tool redirects patients’ private data without consent, which is a violation of state and federal laws, according to the lawsuit filed in a San Francisco federal court. The unidentified complainant is proposing a class action on behalf of millions.
Italian regulator rules Google Analytics use illegal
Not compatible with data protection laws.
Garante Privacy made this decision after examining the case involving a web publisher, Caffeina Media, who uses Google Analytics. The data in question reveals IP address, type of OS, browser details, language, and data and time of visit to the site.
The FBI has a form for reporting tips, here:
Unfortunately, that FBI form includes a recaptcha from Google, which is used to prove you are a human being and not a robot. It looks like this:
You can verify that the FBI tip site is loading the recaptcha script from Google and not from its own servers by doing a "view source" in your browser on the tips.fbi.gov page and seeing this:
Including that script gives Google the easy ability to capture all the tip data that anyone submits to the FBI. In addition to the tip itself, the leaked data includes:
Your First Name
Your Last Name
Your Middle Name
Your Phone
Your Email
Your Street 1
Your Street 2
Your Suite/Apt/Mail Stop
Your City
Your State
Even if you lie on the form about those things, it's not hard for Google to know who you really are from your IP address and your browser's make and model. Google most likely has an extensive profile of you already from your phone usage (if you have an Android phone) and from your searching and surfing habits online.
This is extremely bad for the privacy of people submitting tips to the FBI and could put their lives in danger.
To illustrate the danger, I wrote this little script:
Then I included it on this very page (do a 'view source' and look for spy_on_fbi.js) in just the same way that the FBI includes Google's recapta. My little script will spy on every comment entered on this page, and copy it over to a page on a different website of mine, at http://sftech.fun/post/1275699 It won't even wait until you submit a comment, but will copy over what you're writing in the comment box at the bottom of this page every time you hit the enter key.
(Note added Tue 20 Mar 2018: disabled the spying for now, since I took down sftech.fun to save money - still happy to illustrate the principle to interested reporters though. Write p@patrick.net )
Please tell reporters about this. Other government agencies are also unwittingly offering great quantities of personal information about you to Google by including Google scripts, such as:
https://www.ice.gov/webform/hsi-tip-form (leaking via Google analytics script)
(let me know about others you find)